Laporan Unit 3 Ayang

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Compiled By:
Class : ICP Physics Education
Group : 7 (Seven)
Name : Nurafni Hamdika Putri
Member Name : 1) Hamdayani
2) Jeni jumadil
3) Jumiati
4) Melani
5) Rufina Taruk Rante


A. Background
The photoelectric effect refers to the occurrence where light radiation
interacts with metal surfaces, resulting in specific effects on electricity. The
influence of light on material's electrical properties stems not only from its
wave characteristics but also from its energy-carrying nature, often referred to
as a particle. While the wave nature of light was successfully utilized in the
late 19th century, several experiments involving light and electricity posed
challenges for explanation solely based on light's wave properties. In 1888,
Hallwachs made notable observations: an initially positive plate retained its
charge when exposed to light, while a neutral chip acquired a positive charge
upon irradiation. These observations led to the conclusion that ultraviolet
light displaces negative electric charges from the surface of a neutral metal
plate. This phenomenon is commonly known as the photoelectric effect.
The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon where the exposure of light to
metal surfaces leads to the release of electrons. Historically, the discovery of
the photoelectric effect marked a significant milestone in the development of
quantum physics. It presented a challenge to the prevailing classical view,
which had long been considered the correct understanding. This classical
view regarded light as an undeniably continuous wave, making it inadequate
for explaining the photoelectric effect. A new understanding emerged,
proposing that light behaves as a particle, which offered a theoretical
explanation for the phenomenon. However, this new understanding sparked a
new debate. The reason is that the wave perspective of light had proven its
reliability in explaining various phenomena such as diffraction, interference,
and polarization, which the particle view struggled to account for. As a
resolution, experts reached a consensus that light possesses a dual nature,
being both a wave and a particle.
Subsequently, this experiment was conducted to examine the particle-like
behavior of light in accordance with quantum theory and to ascertain the
value of Planck's constant. The experiment comprised two main activities. In
the first activity, the impact of varying light intensity on the measured current
in the photoelectric effect apparatus was observed. The second activity
involved studying the influence of frequency on the stopping potential.
B. Problem Statement
1. How does light behave as a particle according to quantum theory?
2. How to determine Planck's constant?
C. Practicum Purposes
1. Observing the behavior of light as a particle according to quantum
2. Determine Planck's constant.
D. Benefits of Practicum
The photoelectric effect experiment is an experiment that aims to prove
the dualism of wave particles from light, with this experiment it can make
students understand the use of the photoelectric effect better, examples of the
use of the photoelectric effect in everyday life are in electronic equipment
such as photocopiers, CCD cameras, and even on photo diodes or photo
transistors as high-speed light sensors, besides that there are also solar
modules and film dubbing.
Literature Review

A. History of Phothoelectric Effect

As noted earlier, Hertz first established that clean metal surfaces emit
charges when exposed to ultraviolet light. In 1888 Hallwachs discovered that
the emitted charges were negative, and in 1899 J. J. Thomson showed that the
emitted charges were electrons, now called photoelectrons. He did this by
measuring the charge-to-mass ratio of the particles produced by ultraviolet
light and even succeeded in measuring e separately by a cloud chamber
technique. The last crucial discovery before Einstein's explanation was made
in 1902 by Philip Lenard, who was studying the photoelectric effect with
intense carbon are light sources. He found that electrons are emitted from the
metal with a range of velocities and that the maximum kinetic energy of
photoelectrons, Kmax, does not depend on the intensity of the exciting light.
Although he was unable to establish the precise relationship, Lenard also
indicated that Kmax increases with light frequency. A typical apparatus used
to measure the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons. Kmax is casily
measured by applying a retarding voltage and gradually increasing it until the
most energetic electrons are stopped and the photocurrent becomes zero. At
this point,
1 2
K max = me v max =eV s (2.1)
where me is the mass of the electron, Vmax is the maximum electron speed, e is
the electronic charge, and Vs is the stopping voltage. A plot of the type found
by Lenard it illustrates that Kmax or Vs is independent of light intensity I. The
increase in current (onumber of electrons per second) with increasing light
intensity was expected and could be explained classically, the result that Kmax
doesn’t depend on the intensity completely unexpected (Serway, 2005: 81-
In 1887, Heinrich Hertz conducted experiments on electromagnetic
waves to investigate Maxwell's theory, a decade prior to the discovery of the
electron. Hertz's objective was to determine whether an electric discharge
could occur between two resonant systems. Initially, he generated
electromagnetic waves by discharging the first system. Interestingly, when
the light from the discharge in the first system reached the poles of the second
system, which was in resonance with the first, an electric discharge was easily
triggered. However, for the resonance discharge to happen when the light
from the first system was blocked, the second system had to be brought closer
to the first system. Hertz himself wasn't particularly interested in this
phenomenon, but it captured the attention of other scientists. One of those
researchers, Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard, managed to deflect a particle
beam emerging from a surface by employing a magnetic field in 1900.
Through this experiment, he obtained a charge-to-mass ratio for the particle
that matched Thomson's findings in an experiment measuring the e/m
(charge-to-mass) ratio of electrons. Lenard proposed that the maximum
current is directly proportional to the intensity of light. If the light's intensity
or energy per unit time arriving at the cathode is doubled, it is expected that
the maximum current will also double. When the potential, denoted as V, is
negative, the negatively charged electrons are repelled by the anode. Only
electrons with an initial kinetic energy greater than eV can reach the anode. If
V is less than a certain value, Vo, no electrons will be able to reach the anode.
This specific potential, Vo, is referred to as the "Stopping Potential.". Thus
there is a relationship (Nurlina, 2020: 25-27).
(1/2 mv2)max = eV0 (2.2)
In 1905. Albert Einstein experimented with the photoelectric effect, in
which light shining on atoms excites electrons to jump out of their orbits. In
1924 experiments by Louis de Broglie showed that electrons have the
property of particle-wave duality. until the theory of particle-wave duality
was born. Albert Einstein later in 1926 made a postulate based on the
photoelectric effect, that light is composed of quanta called photons which
have the same dual nature. The work of Albert Einstein and Max Planck won
the Nobel Prizes in 1921 and 1918 respectively and became the basis for the
theory of quantum mechanics developed by many scientists, including
Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Max Born, John von
Neumann, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli, David Hilbert, Roy J. Glauber and
other (Nugraha, 2020: 92).
The photoelectric phenomenon is the emergence of an electric current
due to the irradiated surface of a metal material. The electric current that
appears is a negatively charged electron current. Light incident on the surface
of the material causes electrons to be excited. Symptoms of the photoelectric
effect have been known for a long time. In 1887 Hallwach observed that a
negatively charged zinc plate loses its charge when exposed to ultraviolet
light. The theory of classical physics tries to provide an explanation for this
fact. According to the theory of electromagnetic waves, intensity is the
density of the rate of light energy. If the intensity of light incident on the
surface of the material is greater, then the rate of energy (energy per second
incident on the surface of the material) is also greater, thus the number of
electrons emitted should be greater. In addition, electrons will be excited from
the plate if the light intensity is sufficient, regardless of the frequency of light
used. The next photoelectric phenomenon was observed by Lenard in 1902.
Lenard found that if the plate (zinc) was irradiated with ultraviolet light, the
electrons would escape and leave the plate with the facts: the speed of
electrons released from the zinc does not depend on the intensity of light, but
only depends at the frequency (or wavelength) of the light used, in certain
metals, there is no electron emission if the frequency of the light used is
smaller than a certain frequency. Based on the experimental results it is also
known that electrons cannot be emitted at any wavelength (frequency), even
though the intensity is made large. The phenomena observed by Lenard
contradicted the theories of classical physics. The observed facts are
completely different from the explanations of classical physics. The
quantization theory of energy put forward by Planck was later interpreted
more physically by Einstein and used to explain the experimental results of
the photoelectric phenomenon. In 1905 Einstein began to introduce the
quantum theory of light. According to Einstein, light with frequency v
contains wave packets or energy packets. The energy carried by each wave
packet is hv. Light consists of energy packets called photons. The number of
photons per unit cross-sectional area per unit time is proportional to the
intensity of the light, but the energy of the photons is independent of the
intensity of the light. The energy of a photon depends only on the frequency
of the light wave. The validity of Einstein's interpretation of photoelectricity
was strengthened by the discovery of thermionic emission towards the 19th
century, namely the emission of electrons from hot bodies. Thermionic
emission allows devices such as television tubes to work, in which there are
metal filaments which at high temperatures are capable of producing a current
of electrons. It is clear that the emitted electrons obtain their energy from
thermal agitation in the filament. The electron gains a certain minimum
energy so that it can be excited. In the case of photoelectric emission, photons
of light provide the energy needed for electrons to escape, whereas in
thermionic emission heat provides it. In both cases, the physical processes
associated with the excitation of electrons from the metal surface are the same
(Sutarno, 2017: 56).
Einstein's explanation of the puzzling photoelectric effect was as brilliant
for what it focused on as for what it omitted. For example, he stressed that
Maxwell's classical theory had been immensely successful in describing the
progress of light through space over long time intervals but that a different
theory might be needed to describe momentary interactions of light and
matter, as in light emission by oscillators or the transformation of light energy
to kinetic energy of the electron in the photoelectric effect. He also focused
only on the energy aspect of the light and avoided models or mechanisms
concerning the conversion of the quantum of light energy to kinetic energy.
Figure 2.1 (a) A classical view of a traveling light wave. (b) Einstein's
photon picture of "a traveling light wave.
(Source: Serway, 2005: 83-84)
of the electron. In short, he introduced only those ideas necessary to explain
the photoelectric effect. He maintained that the energy of light is not
distributed evenly over the classical wavefront, but is concen- trated in
discrete regions (or in "bundles"), called quanta, each con- taining energy, hf.
A suggestive image, not to be taken too literally, is shown in Figure 2.1b.
Einstein's picture was that a light quantum was so localized that it gave all its
energy, hf, directly to a single electron in the metal. Therefore, according to
Einstein, the maximum kinetic energy for emitted electrons is
Kmax = hf – Φ (2.3)
where Φ the work function of the metal, which corresponds to the minimum
energy with which an electron is bound in the metal (Serway, 2005: 83-84).
The photoelectric effect is a symptom of the release of electrons in
metals due to exposure to light, or electromagnetic waves in general. The
electrons released in the photoelectric effect are called photoelectrons. This
phenomenon was first observed by Heinrich Hertz (1886/1887) through
discharge tube experiments. Hertz saw that electric discharge would become
easier if ultraviolet light was dropped on the electrode of the discharge tube
(sodium metal was used as the electrode material). This suggests that
ultraviolet light can strip electrons from the metal surface, or at least make it
easier for electrons to escape from the metal. Hertz's observations were
further investigated by P. Lenard. About eighteen years later (1905),
theoretically, Einstein managed to explain this phenomenon (Sutopo, 2005:
B. Definition Photoelectric Effect
One of the other experimental evidences showing that light acts as a
particle is the photoelectric effect experiment conducted by Albert Einstein.
When a metal surface is irradiated with monochromatic electromagnetic
waves with a short enough wavelength (or equivalent to the metal's threshold
frequency), the incident radiation will be absorbed by the metal and the metal
surface exposed to radiation will emit electrons. This phenomenon is known
as the photoelectric effect and the electrons emitted in this process are called
photoelectrons. The experimental setup used to study the photoelectric effect
is shown in Figure 2.2 (Khumaeni, 2022: 84-85).

Figure 2.2 Experimental setup in experimental setup experiment.

(Source: Khumaeni, 2022: 84-85)
In the photoelectric effect, the surface of a metal is irradiated with a
beam of light, and a number of electrons are emitted from the surface. In the
experimental, we measure how the speed and kinetic energy of an ejected
electron depend on the intensity and wavelength of the light source. This
experiment must be carried out in a vacuum, so that the electrons do not lose
their energy due to collisions with air molecules (Krane, 2008: 97).
C. Photon Energy
The photoelectric effect was described in detail in 1905 by A. Einstein.
Einstein reasoned that if Planck's hypothesis of energy quanta was correct to
describe the exchange of energy between electromagnetic radiation and the
cavity walls, then it should also hold true to describe the absorption of energy
from electromagnetic radiation by the surface of a photo-electrode. Einstein
explained that electromagnetic waves carry their energy in discrete packages.
Einstein's postulates surpassed Planck's hypothesis in that light itself is
composed of quanta of energy. In other words, Einstein stated that
electromagnetic waves are quantized. According to Einstein, a beam of
monochromatic light with frequency f consists of photons. Photons are
particles of light. Each photon travels at the speed of light and carries a
quantum energy of energy Ef. The photon energy depends only on the
frequency f. Explicitly, the photon energy is
Ef = hf (2.4)
where h is Planck's constant. In the photoelectric effect, photons strike a
metal surface and each photon gives all of its energy to only one electron on
the metal surface. There are two types of energy transfer from photons to
electrons, namely all or nothing transfer, and no fractional transfer where the
photon will only lose part of its energy (Khumaeni, 2022: 90).
If the light beam that recognizes the metal surface of the cathode has a
photon energy of hf and the threshold energy of the cathode material is hfo,
then the electrons will be released from the metal surface with a kinetic
energy of
Ek = hf - hfo (2.5)
Ek : the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons
hf: photon energy of light beam from outside
hfo : threshold energy of metal (cathode) (Anwar, 2018: 12).
D. Kinetic Energy and Treshold Frequency
The number of photo-electrons released by the K plate depends on the
light intensity. There is no way to determine what the speed of each electron
is. Thus, it must be considered that each photo-electron has a different kinetic
energy. To stop the movement of the fastest photo-electron (indicated by the
absence of a photoelectric current through G), a certain barrier potential V is
required. The potential difference that is able to stop the movement of the
fastest photo electrons is called the stopping potential, denoted Vs. If the
fastest photo electrons can be stopped by the stopping potential, the other
photo electrons will also be stopped automatically. The fastest photo-electron
kinetic energy can be known from the value of Vs. Based on the principle of
conservation of energy, it can be concluded that the kinetic energy of the
fastest photo-electrons is equal to eVs, with e denoting the electron charge,
which is 1,6 × 10-19C. If the kinetic energy of the fastest electron is denoted as
Kmax. so
Kmax = eVs (2.6)
Figure 2.3 presents experimental data on the dependence of the stopping
potential on the frequency of light used for several metals, namely potassium
(potassium K), cesium (Cs) and copper (copper Cu). The graph shows that,
for certain metals, if the light frequency used is less than Vs then no stopping
potential is needed. The absence of a stopping potential means that no photo-
electrons are lost. Thus it can be concluded that to produce the photoelectric
effect, light with a frequency of more than V0 is required. This frequency is
hereinafter referred to as the threshold frequency.

Figure 2.3. Dependence of the stopping potential Vs on the frequency of light

v for Potassium, Cesium, and Copper metals.
(Source: Sutopo, 2005: 34-35)
The graph also shows that different metals have different threshold
frequencies V0. To obtain photo-electrons from each metal, light must be used
whose frequency is greater than the threshold frequency for that metal. In
most metals, this threshold frequency lies in the ultraviolet region (Sutopo,
2005: 34-35).
E. Photoelectric Effect Facts
The important experimental facts of the photoelectric effect to be
discussed here include: (1) the need for a threshold frequency to produce the
photoelectric effect, (2) the independence of the kinetic energy of the
photoelectron from the light intensity, (3) the absence of a delay between the
first irradiation and the occurrence of a photoelectronic current, and (4) the
dependence of photoelectric current on light intensity (Nurlina, 2020: 28).
From experiments like these, we learn the following detailed facts of the
photoelectric effect:
1. The rate of electron emission depends on the intensity of the light.
2. The rate of electron emission does not depend on the wavelength of light
below a certain wavelength, above that value the current gradually
decreases to zero at a cutoff wavelength λc This wavelength λc is usually
found in the spectral region blue and ultraviolet.
3. The value of λc does not depend on the intensity of the light source, but
only depends on the type of metal used as the photosensitive surface.
Below λc any light source, no matter how weak, will cause photo-
electron emission, above λc no light, no matter how strong, can cause
photo-electron emission.
4. The maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons does not depend on
the intensity of the light, but only depends on the wavelength, this kinetic
energy is found to increase linearly with the frequency, of the light
5. When the light source is turned on, current will flow immediately (within
10-9 s interval) (Krane, 2008: 97-98).
F. The Photoelectric Effect According to The Classical View
The explanation according to classical physics, of course, is based on the
notion that light is a wave. According to this understanding, it is actually not
surprising that light is able to remove electrons from metals. Because, as a
wave, light carries energy that can be given to electrons so that electrons are
able to break away from their bonds and move with a certain kinetic energy.
The greater the intensity of the light, the greater the energy that can be given
to the electrons. Whether or not the electrons are released due to this
irradiation depends on whether or not enough energy has been collected by
the electrons to break free from their bonds. However, there are some
experimental facts that classical physics cannot explain.
This brief description at the same time shows the failure of classical physics
in providing a complete and satisfactory explanation.
 Required Threshold Frequency to Generate Photoelectric Effect
 Photo-electron kinetic energy does not depend on light intensity
 There is no time delay between irradiation and the occurrence of
photoelectric currents (Sutopo, 2005: 38-39).
G. Hypothesis Formulation
1. The photoelectric effect was described in detail in 1905 by A. Einstein.
Einstein reasoned that if Planck's hypothesis of energy quanta was
correct to describe the exchange of energy between electromagnetic
radiation and the cavity walls, then it should also hold true to describe the
absorption of energy from electromagnetic radiation by the surface of a
photo-electrode. Einstein explained that electromagnetic waves carry
their energy in discrete packages. Einstein's postulates surpassed Planck's
hypothesis in that light itself is composed of quanta of energy. In other
words, Einstein stated that electromagnetic waves are quantized.
According to Einstein, a beam of monochromatic light with frequency f
consists of photons. Photons are particles of light. Each photon travels at
the speed of light and carries a quantum energy of energy E f. The photon
energy depends only on the frequency f. Explicitly, the photon energy is
Ef = hf (2.7)
where h is Planck's constant.
2. Planck’s constant could be determined by knowing the potential stopping
of the instrument (circuit).
Experimental Methods

A. Tools and Materials

1. Planck’s Constant Measuring Instrument, PC-101 1 set
2. Filters (Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) 5 pcs
3. Lux Meter 1 pcs
B. Work Procedure
Activity 1
1. Planck’s constant measuring instrument turned on and lens cover
2. Blue filter putted to lens, so that only bluelight will radiate trough the
circuit inside. Then, the intensity was set to 460 lux.
3. The light source putted 5 cm away from lens, and noted the displayed
current on current display.
4. The light source distance from lens was set to 21, then current value and
intensity noted
5. Repeat step 4, for light source distance = 40 cm.
Activity 1.2
1. The planck’s constant measuring instrument turned on and lens cover
2. The light source putted 30 cm away from lens. Then the intensity was set
to 200 lux.
3. Then red fiter putted. Then note the displayed current.
4. Repeat step 3 for orange, yellow, green, and blue filter.
5. Frequency of light for every filter determined by the formula (f = c/ λ)
6. Then potential stopping determined by substitute Einstein’s equation for
photoelectric effect.
Activity 2
1. Base on obtained data, value of V0 determined with used metal is Cesium.
2. Frequency and V0 plotted into graph.
3. The different percentage calculated by compare h practicum with h
C. Working Principle
When light with a certain frequency hits a charged metal plate (cathode),
electrons on the metal surface will be emitted because they are hit by photons.
The difference between the photon energy and the metal work function is the
kinetic energy of the electrons to get to the anode so that the current in the
ammeter will be read as an indication of the photoelectric effect. To calculate
the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons, a stopping potential is needed in
the circuit so that the electrons run out of energy and do not reach the anode.
So, the minimum potential when the current is zero is the maximum kinetic
energy value multiplied by the electron charge. the magnitude of the current
depends on the intensity of the light, but the photoelectric effect does not
depend on the intensity.
D. Variable Identification
Activity 1
1. Control Variable : Wavelength (m)
2. Manipulation Variable : Distance (cm)
3. Respon Variable : Intensity (lux), Current (μA)
Activity 1.2
1. Control Variable : Intensity (lux), Distance (cm)
2. Manipulation Variable : Wavelenght (nm)
3. Respon Variable : Current (μA)
Activity 2
1. Calculated Variable : V0 (V), Planck’s constant (Js)
2. Measurable Variable : Frequency (Hz), Metal Work
………………………………………Function (J)
E. Variable Operational Definition
1. Wavelength (nm), wavelength is value of filters. For every color have
different wavelength. When light pass through the filter, light with
certain wavelength will pass and other wavelength filtered (blocked).
2. Distance (cm), distance variable is gap between light receiver and source
of light on planck’s constant measuring instrument.
3. Intensity (lux), intensity is power of the radiation.
4. Current (μA) is amount of charge (electron) over a second.
5. Potential Stopping (V0) is voltage where no electrons reach the collector
so the current stops or current = 0.
6. Planck’s constant (Js) is physical constants to describe the size of quanta.
7. Metal work function (J) is minimum amount of energy to remove
electrons from a metal.
F. Data Analysis Techniques
To determine Planck’s constant in practicum,
1. Determine the frequency for every wavelength
f= (3.1)
2. Calculate the W0 value, if metal is cesium (W=1,9 eV)
W o= (3.2)
3. Calculate Stopping potential by substitute Einstein’s equation
E = EKmax + W0 (3.3)
EKmax = E – W0 (3.4)
EKmax = h . f – W0 (3.5)
e . V0 = h . f – W 0 (3.6)
h . f −W 0
V 0=
EK max
V 0= (3.8)
4. Plot graphic frequency and V0.
5. Calculate h practicum

h practicum = e (3.9)
6. Calculate the different percentage between h theory and h practicum

| |
htheory −h practicum
%diff = ×100 %
htheory + h practicum (3.10)
Results and Discussion

A. Observations
Table 4.1. Observasion Result Characteristic Light Based Quantum Theory
Distance (cm) Intensity (Lux) Current ( μA ¿
21 460 |0,48 ± 0,05|
26 160 |0,30 ± 0,05|
31 140 |0,20 ± 0,05|
36 80 |0,14 ± 0,05|
40 40 |0,12 ± 0,05|

Table 4.2. Observasion Result Characteristic Light Based Quantum Theory

Distance = 30 cm
Intensity = 200 Lux
Filter Color Filter length (nm) Current (μA)
Red 635 |0,03 ± 0,05|
Orange 570 |0,16 ± 0,05|
Yellow 540 |0,21 ± 0,05|
Green 500 |0,20 ± 0,05|
Blue 460 |0,17 ± 0,05|

Table 4.3. Effect of wavelength to Potential Stopping

Distance = 30 cm
Intensity = 200 Lux
Filter Color Wavelength (nm) stoppers
V0 (Volt)
Red 635 4,724 0,056
Orange 570 5,263 0,279
Yellow 540 5,555 0,399
Green 500 6,000 0,584
Blue 460 6,521 0,799
B. Data Analysis
Activity 1.
1. The intensity of light has a significant impact on the current produced
by the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect refers to the emission
of electrons from a metal surface when exposed to light, and the resulting
current is known as the photoelectric current. When the intensity of light
increases, more photons reach the metal surface. If these photons possess
sufficient energy, they can transfer energy to the electrons in the metal. If
the energy received by the electrons exceeds the work function of the
metal (the minimum energy required to remove electrons from the metal
surface), the electrons are released and generate an electric current.
Therefore, a higher intensity of light hitting the metal surface leads to
a greater number of photons energizing the electrons and more electrons
being released. As a result, the photoelectric current increases
proportionally with the intensity of the incident light. However, it is
important to note that the intensity of light only affects the quantity of
released electrons, not their speed after being released.
The velocity of the ejected electrons depends on the kinetic energy
provided by the impacting photons, rather than the intensity of the light
itself. Additionally, besides light intensity, other factors such as the
frequency of light and the type of metal material used can also influence
the photoelectric current. The frequency of light determines the energy of
the photons, while the choice of metal material determines the work
function of the metal.
2. The frequency of light also has a significant effect on the photoelectric
current. Photoelectric current is affected by a law of physics known as
Einstein's Law of the Photoelectric Effect.
When the frequency of light is increased, the photon energy increases
according to the formula E = hf. As the photon energy increases, it is
possible for the photon energy to reach or exceed the work energy of the
metal. Consequently, the number of electrons released will increase, and
the photoelectric current will also increase.
Thus, the higher the frequency of the light used, the higher the energy
of the photons hitting the metal surface, and the more likely they are to
release electrons, thereby increasing the photoelectric current.
However, it is important to note that there is a certain frequency
threshold referred to as the threshold frequency (f 0) where electrons will
only be released if the photon energy exceeds the energy threshold. The
frequency threshold depends on the metal material used and can be
different for each material.
3. The intensity of light does not directly affect the kinetic energy of the
photoelectrons. The photoelectron kinetic energy, which is the energy
possessed by electrons released from the metal surface due to the
photoelectric effect, is determined by the energy of the photons hitting the
metal surface and the work energy of the metal.
The intensity of the light only affects the number of electrons released,
not their kinetic energy. When the light intensity increases, the number of
photons reaching the metal surface will increase, so the number of
electrons released will increase.
However, the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is determined by
the difference between the energy of the received photons and the work
energy of the metal. If the photon energy received by the electron is
greater than the work energy of the metal, then the electron will have
positive kinetic energy after being released. Conversely, if the energy of
the photons is less than the work energy of the metal, the electrons that are
released will have negative kinetic energy and will then be grounded.
4. In classical physics, light is considered as an electromagnetic wave
that can propagate and has a continuously distributed energy. In the
context of photoelectric effect experiments, as the intensity of light
increases, it should be expected that the energy emitted by light particles
(photons) also increases. Therefore, according to classical physics, when
the light intensity is increased, there must be an increase in the
photoelectric current and the kinetic energy of the released photoelectrons.
However, real experiments show that this is not the case.
However, interpretation of the experiment from the point of view of the
quantum model provides a more precise explanation. The quantum model
assumes that light and matter have dualistic properties, that is, they can act
as both particles (photons) and waves. In the photoelectric effect
experiment, light intensity actually affects the number of photons that
reach the surface of the metal, not the energy of each photon.
According to the quantum model, photons have discrete energies
depending on the frequency of the light. To produce the photoelectric
effect, the photon energy must be at least equal to or greater than the work
energy of the metal. When photons of sufficiently high energy strike a
metal surface, electrons are released. However, the kinetic energy of the
photoelectron depends only on the energy of the photon hitting the
electron, not the intensity of the light itself.
Overall, classical physics failed to properly explain the phenomenon of
the photoelectric effect, whereas the quantum model provides a consistent
explanation that agrees with the observed experimental results.
Activity 2.
Metal = Cesium (Cs)
W0 = 1,9 eV
W0 = (1,9) (1,602 × 10-19)
W0 = 3,04 × 10-19 J
E = EKmax + W0
EKmax = E – W0
EKmax = h . f – W0
e . V0 = h . f – W0
h . f −W 0
V 0=
EK max
V 0=
 For red filter
3 × 108
635 ×10−9
f = 4,274 × 1014 Hz
EKmax = E – W0
EKmax = h . f – W0
EKmax = (6,626 × 10-34) (4,724 × 1014) – (3,04 × 10-19)
EKmax = (3,1301 × 10-19) – (3,04 × 10-19)
EKmax = 9,012 × 10-21 J
EK max
V 0=
9,012 ×10
V 0=
1,602 ×10−19
V 0=0,056 V
Based on the same analysis, it is obtained :
Table 4.4. Effect of wavelength to Potential Stopping
Filter Color Frequency (×1014Hz) V0 (Volt)
Red 4,724 0,056
Orange 5,263 0,279
Yellow 5,555 0,399
Green 6,000 0,584
Blue 6,521 0,799
Graph 4.1 Relation Between Frequency of Light Waves and Potential
EKmax = E – W0
EKmax = h . f – W0
e . V0 = h . f – W0
h . f −W 0
V 0=
EK max
V 0=
Based on the Graphic 4.1 :
y = mx + c
y = 0,4135x – 1,8977
m= f
h= .e
0,4135 −19
h= 14
(1,602 ×10 )
h=6,624 ×10−34
Percentage different of planck’s constant theory and practicum

| |
htheory −h practicum
%diff = x 100 %
htheory + h practicum

| |
−34 −34
6.626 ×10 −6.624 ×10
%diff = x
6.626 ×10 +6.624 ×10
%diff = 0,03%
C. Discussion
The effect of light intensity on photoelectric current according to
classical theory is that the higher the light intensity, the more energy
released/handed over by electrons on the metal surface. This is in accordance
with the experimental results that have been carried out (shown in table 4.1),
light intensity and current strength are directly proportional. The greater the
intensity of the light given, the greater the current flowing. When distance
greater from 21 cm, 26 cm, 31 cm, 36 cm, and 40 cm; the intensity will
increase from 460 lux, 160 lux, 140 lux, 80 lux, and 40 lux. But, the current
decrease from 0,48 µA; 0,30 µA; 0,20 µA; and 0,12 µA. But this is not
relevant because there are mistakes when taking data and also the planck’s
constant measuring instrument not work properly.
According to the classical theory, the energy carried by electromagnetic
waves corresponds to their intensity. If the intensity is higher, then the energy
of the electromagnetic waves will increase. The kinetic energy of the
electrons is directly proportional to the frequency of the light waves. When
the frequency of light falling on the anode is changed, the photoelectric effect
can only occur when the light frequency is greater than the threshold
frequency. The threshold frequency is the smallest frequency limit that can
cause the photoelectric effect. The threshold frequency does not change even
if the light intensity is changed.
To determine the value of Planck's constant, the stopping potential value
needs to be calculated based on Einstein's equation regarding the
photoelectric effect (Eq 3.7). then the stopping frequency and voltage values
are then plotted to determine the slope of the line (y = mx + c). based on the
results of data analysis, the size of m = 0,4135. Thus, the value of the Planck
constant in practicum can be determined using equation (3.9), in practicum
the value of the Planck constant is 6,624 × 10 -34. By using the percent
formula, the percentage difference between h practicum and h theory is
0,03%. Small %diff value show that, the calculation and observation data met
minimum mistakes.

A. Conclusion
Based on the experiments that have been carried out, it can be concluded that:
1. When a metal is irradiated by light, electrons will be released from the
wave and produce an electric current only if the frequency of the wave
used exceeds the threshold frequency of the metal used. In the
photoelectric effect, light acts as a particle, this is proven by the
experimental results that the intensity affects the magnitude of the current
that arises. The greater the intensity given, the greater the current strength
that arises. For kinetic energy has a relationship with the stopping
potential, where the two are directly proportional to each other. The
greater the kinetic energy, the greater the stopping potential.
2. Based on the experiment results, the Planck constant = 6,624 ×10 -34 Js.
The percentage difference between the constants obtained based on this
experiment and the theoretical Planck constant (h = 6,6261 × 10-34 Js)
that is equal to 0,03%.
B. Suggestion
1. For Practitioners, in order to understand the basic concepts related to the
unit to be practicumed so that in conducting experiments, the Practitioner
does not make mistakes which will later affect the data produced.
2. For Assistants, to maintain their performance and ability to guide them
well so far.
3. For laboratory assistants, to pay attention to the feasibility and
availability of tools and materials and to maintain and maintain tools and
materials properly in order to support the experimental activities carried

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