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Meaning Formative Assessment Summative Assessment is

refers to a variety of defined as a standard for
assessment procedures that evaluating learning of
provides the required students.
information, to adjust
teaching, during the learning

Nature Diagnostic Evaluative

Frequency Monthly or quarterly Term end

Aims at Enhancing learning Measuring student's


Goal Monitor student learning. Evaluate student learning.

"The difference between formative and summative assessment:

_ Formative Assessment refers to a variety of assessment procedures that provides the
required information, to adjust teaching, during the learning process. Summative
Assessment is defined as a standard for evaluating learning of students.
_ Formative Assessment is diagnostic in nature while Summative Assessment is evaluative.
_ Formative Assessment occurs on an on-going basis, either monthly or quarterly. On the
other hand, Summative Assessment occurs only at specific intervals which are normally end
of the course.
_ Formative Assessment is conducted to enhance the learning of the students. Conversely,
Summative Assessment is conducted to judge student’s performance.
_ Formative Assessment is undertaken to monitor student’s learning. As opposed to
Summative Assessment, aims at evaluating student’s learning."

What is an assessment?
Assessment is the systematic process of documenting and using empirical data
on the knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs. By taking the assessment,
teachers try to improve student learning.

What is testing?
A test is used to examine someone’s knowledge of something to determine what
that person knows or has learned. It measures the level of skill or knowledge
that has been reached.
Assessment Testing
Assessment is seen as a procedure instead of A test is a “product” that measures a
a product. particular behavior or set of objectives
Assessment is used during and after the Tests are done after the instruction has taken
instruction has taken place place, it’s a way to complete the instruction
and get the results.

You can interpret the results and in case The results of the tests don’t have to be
needed alter the instruction interpreted

Assessment is a more general term than Tests are understood to make up a relatively
testing small set of controlled procedures among a
Taking in many different methods of much broader range of options
obtaning and evaluating language data
 Fewer control and restriction than

Assessment may involve such activities Whereas testing include

such as: - Deciding on the content of the test
- Informal questioning in class by - Scoring the performance
teachers - Deciding on the meaning of the
- Semi-formal exercises and quizzes scores obtained
carried out in class - Decisions that the scores are used to
- Leaners reflecting on their own use justify (such as choosing which
of language – self-assessment students to admit onto a course or
- Learners judging each oher’s deciding whether to award
performance – peer assessment certificates)
- The collection of samples of
language that have not been elicited
according to any fixed or formal
plan. Ex: observation and some
forms of portfolio assessment

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