Pressure Relief Valve: Special Features and Advantages

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Pressure Relief Valve


The device will start to open as soon as the set pressure is
reached and only requires 10% overpressure to full lift. Con-
tinuous investments into research and development have al-
lowed PROTEGO® to develop a low pressure valve which has
the same opening characteristic as a high pressure safety relief
valve. This “full lift type” technology allows the valve to be set
just 10% below the maximum allowable working pressure of the
tank and still safely vent the required mass flow.
Due to the highly developed manufacturing technology, the tank
pressure is maintained up to the set pressure, with a tightness
that is far superior to the conventional standard. This feature
is achieved by valve seats made of high-grade steel with an

inserted O-ring seal, a precisely lapped valve pallet, as well as a

reinforced housing design. After the excess pressure is relieved,
the valve reseats and provides a tight seal again.
Special Features and Advantages
• “full lift type” technology valve utilizes only 10% overpressure
to reach full lift
• excellent tightness and hence least possible product losses
and reduced environmental pollution
• the set pressure is close to the opening pressure which
results in best possible pressure management of the system
• high flow capacity
Pressure settings:
• the valve pallet is guided within the housing to protect
>+60 mbar up to +500 mbar against harsh weather conditions
>+24 inch W.C. up to +200 inch W.C.
Higher pressure settings, upon request. • can be used in areas subject to explosion hazards
Lower pressure settings, see types ER-V-LP, ER/V and ER/VH. • reinforced housing design
• spring-loading for high set pressures
Function and Description
• best technology for API-tanks
The ER/V-F type PROTEGO® valve is a highly developed emer-
gency pressure relief valve with high flow capacity. It is primarily
Design Types and Specifications
used as a safety device for emergency pressure relief for storage
tanks, containers, silos, and process engineering equipment; it The valve pallet is spring-loaded. Lower pressures are
offers reliable protection against overpressure and prevents im- achieved with the ER-V-LP, ER/V and ER/VH designs.
permissible product vapor loss close to the set pressure. It is Pressure valve in basic design ER/V-F
designed to discharge particularly large amounts to prevent the
vessel from rupturing in a emergency case. The spring-loading Additional special devices available upon request
allows for higher set pressures than those with the ER-V-LP,
ER/V or ER/VH.

All rights and alterations reserved acc. ISO 16016 - Active data sheet at
188 KA / 5 / 0318 / GB
Vents - 10% Technology
(Flyer pdf)

Table 1: Dimensions Dimensions in mm / inches

To select the nominal size (DN), use the flow capacity chart on the following page
DN 200 / 8" 250 / 10" 300 / 12" 350 / 14" 400 / 16" 450 / 18" 500 / 20" 600 / 24" 700 / 28"
a 465 / 18.31 550 / 21.65 650 / 25.59 650 / 25.59 800 / 31.50 800 / 31.50 1000 / 39.37 1000 / 39.37 1200 / 47.24
860 / 33.86 860 / 33.86 1170 / 46.06 1170 / 46.06 1150 / 45.28 1175 / 46.26 1430 / 56.30 1425 / 56.10 1690 / 66.54
b (≤370 mbar (≤240 mbar (≤240 mbar (≤270 mbar (≤220 mbar (≤170 mbar (≤130 mbar (≤140 mbar (≤140 mbar
≤148 inchW.C.) ≤96 inchW.C.) ≤96 inchW.C.) ≤108 inchW.C.) ≤88 inchW.C.) ≤68 inchW.C.) ≤52 inchW.C.) ≤56 inchW.C.) ≤56 inchW.C.)

980 / 38.58 980 / 38.58 1490 / 58.66 1490 / 58.66 1490 / 58.66 1515 / 59.65 1660 / 65.35 1655 / 65.16 1910 / 75.20
b (>370 mbar (>240 mbar (>240 mbar (>270 mbar (>220 mbar (>170 mbar (>130 mbar (>140 mbar (>140 mbar
>148 inchW.C.) >96 inchW.C.) >96 inchW.C.) ≤108 inchW.C.) ≤88 inchW.C.) >68 inchW.C.) >52 inchW.C.) >56 inchW.C.) >56 inchW.C.)

Table 2: Material selection Table 3: Flange connection type

Design A B EN 1092-1; Form B1
other types upon request
Housing Steel Stainless Steel ASME B16.5; 150 lbs RFSF
Valve seat Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Valve pallet Stainless Steel or Stainless Steel
Steel-Stainless Steel
Sealing FPM FPM
Pressure spring Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Weather hood Steel Stainless Steel
Special materials upon request

Flow Capacity Chart

airflow in thousands of CFH

pressure - inch W.C.
pressure (mbar)

flow rate V (m³/h) Leistung-000121-en

The flow capacity chart has been determined with a calibrated and TÜV certified flow capacity test rig.
Volume flow V in (m³/h) and CFH refer to the standard reference conditions of air ISO 6358 (20°C, 1bar).
Conversion to other densities and temperatures refer to Vol. 1: “Technical Fundamentals”.

for safety and environment

KA / 5 / 0318 / GB 189

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