Erd 2 F 005

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) S.S.



I, __________________________ ______ of legal age, _________________ with postal

(Name) (Citizenship)
address at __________________________________________after having been duly sworn to in
accordance with law, hereby depose and say:

1. That I am the__________________________________________________ of
a PEZA-registered enterprise operating at the __________________________________
(PEZA Zone/Address)
with Certificate of Registration No. _____________ dated ______________.

2. That __________________________________________________has already secured: a)

Occupancy Permit under the National Building Code of the Philippines (NBC), issued by the
PEZA Building Official; and, b) Environmental Compliance Certificate* (ECC) from the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), as attached.

3. That the Start of Commercial Operations of the

at the ______________________________________________ (approved under PEZA Board
(Zone Location/IT Bldg. and floor)
Resolution No. _________ and covered by Registration/Supplemental Agreement dated
_______________) is on ________________, as evidenced by the company’s first issuance of
(Date of SCO)
commercial sales invoice and as verified from the PEZA approved Export Declaration/Export
Tally/single Administrative Documents (Direct Export), or PEZA Form 8106/8112
(Constructive/Indirect Export) or company’s submission of first Economic Zone Monthly
Performance Report (EZMPR) particularly for IT Export Sales.

That this certification is being issued for the determination of the company’s official SCO and to
serve as the starting date for the availment of the Income Tax Holiday or the 5% Gross Income Tax
(GIT) incentive.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______ day of _____________
at _______________ .

(Signature of Affiant)
Attested by:

PEZA Zone Administrator/Zone Manager/OIC Date

*as applicable

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______________________, by the affiant

exhibited to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. __________________ issued on __________
at ______________________.

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