SWM 1st Module
SWM 1st Module
SWM 1st Module
1 Source-based classification
() Residential: This refers to wastes fiom dwellings, apartments, ete., and consists of leftover
food, vegetable peels, plastic, clothes, ashes, etc.
(i)Commercial: This refers to wastes consisting of leftover. food, glasses,.metals, ashes, etc.
generatedfrom stores, restaurants, markets, hotels, motels, auto-repair shops, medical
facilities, etc.
(ii)Institutional: This mainly consists of paper, plastic, glasses, etc. generated from
educational, administrative and public buildings such as schools, colleges, offices, prisons,
(iv)Municipal: This includes dust, leafy matter, building debris, treatment plant residual
sludge, etc., generated from various municipal activities like construction and demolition,
street cleaning, landscaping, ete.
(v) Industrial: This mainly consists of process wastes, ashes, demolition and construction
wastes, hazardous wastes, etc., due to industrial activities.
(vi) Agricultural: This mainly consists of spoiled food grains and vegetables, agricultural
remains, litter, etc., generated from fields, orchards, vineyards, farms, etc.
(vii) Open areas: this includes wastes from areas such as Streets, alleys, parks, vacant lots,
playgrounds, beaches, highways, recreational areas, etc.
2 Type-based classification
chemical, and biological
types, i.e.. physical,
of wastes based
resulting from the handling,
is as follows.
ofwastes refers to animal and
vegetable wastes
Garbage: This comprising these
(i) and serving of food. Garbage
cooking odour and attracts
and storage. preparation, an obnoxious
which produces
putreseible (rotting) organic
contains attention in storage, handling
therefore. requires special
rats and other vermin. It.
wood, coal,
disposal remain ing from the burning of
These are substances institutions
(i) Ashes and residues: in houses,
combustible materials for cooking and heating
charcoal, coke and other quantities, in power-
establishments. When produced in large
and small industrial wastes. Ashes consist of fine
classified as industrial
factories, these are Since
generation plants and small pieces of metal
and glass.
clinker often mixed with
powdery residue. cinders and
valuable in landfills.
entirely inorganic, they
ashes and residues are
non-combustible wastes: These consist of wastes generated
wastes and other highly
(ii) etc., excluding food
commercial activities,
households. institutions, of paper, cardboard,
putrescible material. Typically, while combustible material consists of such items as
non-combustible material
textile, rubber, garden trimmings, etc.,
material and dirt.
and non-ferrous
and aluminiüm cans, ferrous
glass, crockery, tin
specialcollection mechanism.
walkways, alleys,
collected from streets,
Street wastes: These refer to wastes that are
(v) leaves and other vegetable
include paper, cardboard, plastics, dirt,
parks and vacant plots, and in many countries
matter. Littering in public places
is indeed a widespread and acute problem
must address this menace
India, and a solid waste management system
that are
y ADandoned vehicles: This category includes automobiles, trucks
and trailers
bxndoned on streets and other public places. However, abandoned vehicles have signiticant
highly variable.
Serap value for their metal, and their valuc to collectors is
as a resun
(1X) Construction and demolition wastes: These are wastes generated and
houses, commercial buildingS
Or construction, refirbishment, repair and demolition of and
stones, concrete,
bricks, lumber, roofing
other structures. They consist mainly of carth,
of the general municipal
wires and parts
pumbing materials, heating systems and electrical
waste stream.
to human beings and the environment. This is due to their physical, and
period of time like ignitability,corrosivity,
radioactive characteristics
and biological or
be' liquid or gaseous
Note that in some cases, the active agents may confined in so lid
toxicity. solid wastes as they are
These are, nevertheless, classified as paints
containers of solvents,
hazardous wastes are empty
containers. Typical examples of wastes and become part of the
and pesticides, which frequently mixed with municipal
in incinerators and fires
wastes may cause explosions
urban waste stream. Certain hazardous
radioactive wastes also
wastes from hospitals and
at landfill sites. Others such as pattho logical that
Effective management practices should ensure
require special handling.
are stored, collected, transported
and disposed of separately, preferably
hazardous wastes
treatment to render them harmless.
after suitable
Waste characterisation
different waste streame
composition of
M W x 100
where M = moisture content, wet basis, %
w = initial (wet) weight of sample
d final (dry) weight of sample
the heat
Heat value in resource recovery. Commonly,
refuse are of some importance device
The heat values of with a calorimeter, a
materials are measured
other heterogeneous the mass of
values of refuse and
temperature rise is recorded. Knowing
in which a sample is combusted
and the (recognizing, of
the combustion, the kJ/kg is calculated
heat generated by
the sample and the 1°c).
raise the temperature of Ikg of water
that 1 kilo Joule is the heat necessary to
Treatment techniques (such as composting) must take into account that a
large fraction of
MSW is not biodegradable and that this material must be
disposed of by means other than
producing use ful products using biodegradat ion.
House- Disposal
The phases of solid waste collections are:
Start Srart
In many large cities and counties, some form of a geographic information system
(GIS) is now used to identify each customer's location. In addition. a variety of other
complimentary programs have been coupled to the GIS to both optimize the collection
process and to improve the service provided. As noted previously. many ofthe newer
collection vehicles contain on-board scales to optimize the payload.
It should be noted that the balanced routes prepared in the office are then given to the
colector-drivers who implement them in the field. Based on the field experience ofthe
colector- driver, each route is modified to account for specific local conditions, and
information on the new route is entered into a database. In large municipalities, route
supervisors are responsible for the preparation of collection routes. In most cases, the routes
are based on the operating experience ofthe route supervisor. gained over a period of years
working in the same section of the city.
Transfer stations
When the waste disposal unit is remote to the collection area, a transfer station is employed
At a transfer station, waste is transferred from smaller collection vehicles to larger transter
vehicles, such as a tractor and trailer, a barge, or a railroad car. Transfer stations can be qute
on its intended
Simple, or they be complex facilities. The design of the facility is based
collection vehiCies
use with small transfer stations typically relying on a tipping floor where
wheeled loader.
be loaded into open-top trailers using
arop their loads. Waste then can
into. Transfèr vehicles then
More complex facilit ies might employ pits for vehicles to dump
have tunnel for the transfer
compacting unit. A facility also might
can be loaded by using a to be loaded
allow these units
vehicle to drive into. Chutes or an opening in the floor would
transfer stations are shown in
Dy having waste pushed over the edge into them. Some typical
Hoist-Truck Systems. In the past, hoist trucks were used widely at military
installations(see Fig. 7,12). With the advent of self loading collection vehicles,
limited number of cases, the
however, this system appears to be applicable in only a
most important of which follows:
and collects
.For the collection of wastes by a collector who has a small operation
amount of wastes are
from only a few pickup points at which a considerable
for such operations the purchase of newer and more efficient
generated. Generally,
collection equipment cannot be justified economically.
For the collection of bulky items and industrial rubbish not suitable for collection
with compaction vehicles.
Tilt-Frame Container Systems.
Systems that use tit-frame-loaded vehicles (see Fig. 7.13) and large containers, often called
drop boxes or roll-off containers, are ideally suited for the collection of all types of solid
waste and rubbish from locations where the generation rate warrants the use of large
Tt rame
Tit cylindar
Contai SAabi?zing
FIGURE 7.13 Truck with tilt-frame loading mechanism used with large debris boxes,
sometimes called roll-off containers. Contents of debris box are being unloaded at a
160RE 7.14 Contentsof trash trailor used demoluwn watcs being unloaded al anutr.
driver and helper are used. The helner
safety reasons, both
containers. In some cases, for
chains or cables used in loading and
and detaching any
usually is responsible for attaching the driver is responsible for the
containers on and off the collection vehicle;
unloading be used where hazardous wastes
of the vehicle. A driver and helper should always
are to be handled.
2. Systems in which manually loaded collection vehicles are used
The major application of manual loading methods is in the collection of residential
is used in
Source-separated and commingled wastes and litter. Manual loading
residential areas where the quantity picked up at each location is small and the loading
time is short. In addition, manual methods are used for resident ial collection because
mechanically loaded
many individual pickup points are inaccessible to mechanized
of the collection
Collection vehicles. Special attention must be given to the design
it appears that a side-
vehicle intended for use with a single collector. At present,
curb and
with stand-up right hand drive, is best suited for
loaded compactor, equipped
alley collection.
alley service, and a multi-person crew is used for backyard carry service.