Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Type Spring/Fall 20/21/22
1. Problem Statement:
In the race of technological world, sight impaired people
are lacking behind a lot. The advent of home broadband, smartphones and other
internet enabled devices, there has been a drastic shift in communication. The internet
has certainly made life easier, but for those with disability, digital exclusion is still a real
problem. So keeping in mind this ‘Real’ problem our aim is to play our part and
contribute in making the intensity of this issue less.
Our project (smart glasses) is a user friendly application enabling a blind person to not only
detect an obstacle but also allowing face recognition. Facial recognition is one of the most
promising applications of smart glasses and can help many organizations become more
efficient. It is the process of capturing an image, analyzing it, and identifying someone based
on that still, video, or live image of their face. A step beyond simple facial recognition would
be facial recognition combined with smart glasses technology. Law enforcement can benefit
from this combination because it can help them determine if someone is a person of
interest even if they are hidden in a crowd.
In addition to this obstacle detection helps blind people in moving and allowing them to
perform their work easily and comfortably. The presence of any hurdle will be
communicated to the user through headphones. Instead of using a stick or something like
that we would be using glasses as they are more convenient for usage. Our project will
immensely help a blind person; who is actually unaware of the world outside in doing
normal routine activities.
3. Literature Review and References:
This paper tells significance of such device for sight impaired people it may not entirely
cover all aspects but its just an effort of making things easier. Smart obstacles detector’s
output comes in sound as well as vibration. Object is detected by video processing
method with the help of camera. Matlab program has been used in order to convert
video processing output into sound.
In last semester our seniors did a project “blind see” which was actually a smart stick
designed for detection of hurdles and also for reading some texts. The purpose of this
project was to assist visually impaired people to guide them in routine tasks. In Pakistan
there are literally no such devices designed for blind people which makes them totally
dependent on others. However our project as a further implementation of this idea with a
better and easy usage.
This paper tells that this system basically acts as a third eye for a blind person presenting a
real time system designed for visually impaired to aid them in social interactions . This facial
recognition algorithm is embedded in a wearable device and this is the actual concept we
would be implementing in our project. Real World Examples include Facial Recognition
software on its own is available through multiple companies. Amazon developed their own
facial recognition Application Programming Interface (API) known as Recognition that can
recognize faces and objects. Microsoft also offers their own facial recognition API called
Face, however, depending on the number of facial recognition transactions you want to
perform, you also have to pay a fee for it.
4. Block Diagram of Main Modules:
Meeting for searching for a project
Requirement and Specification
Learning about Python
Initial Design
Deciding what component are needed
Start to Work on the Documentation
Search and learn about methodology
Collecting equipment
Set up raspberry pi and operating System
Installing Python
Installing GPIO
Installing Matlab
Implementing Ultrasonic Sensor
Setup the buttons
Installing RFID
Combine all codes together
8.Simulation/Testing Tools:
Atmel Studio
9.Project Plan: