Lecture Scap Malaga 2

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scapula: its place in clinical reasoning in

pa2ents with shoulder pain
Filip Struyf, PhD, PT

Scapular assessment and its place in clinical
reasoning in pa2ents with shoulder pain
Why should we adress the scapular?
How can we assess scapular movement?
When should we assess scapular movement?
How does this fit within clinical reasoning?
Why did hominins evolve the ability to throw at high speed?

+/ 2 million years ago in Homo erectus: adapta2ons in features that
enable energy storage and release at the shoulder ?

Hun2ng ac2vi2es intensified around this 2me

Evolu2on of the human shoulder
is the reason why human kind survived

Or is it the brain?
A brief introduc2on...

Proper2es of an outcome measure

  Consensus on terminology
Proper2es of a outcome measures

Reliable, valid & responsive

Some say…

(Ludewig et al., 2009)
What is scapular dyskinesis?
  “The scapula demonstrates premature or excessive
eleva2on or protrac2on, nonsmooth or stuPering
mo2on during arm eleva2on or lowering, or rapid
downward rota2on during arm
lowering” (Dysrhythmia)
  “The medial border and/or inferior angle of the
scapula are posteriorly displaced away from the
posterior thorax.” (Winging)

(McClure et al. 2009)

Scapular assessment and its place in clinical
reasoning in pa2ents with shoulder pain
Why should we adress the scapula?
How can we assess scapular movement?
When should we assess scapular movement?
How does this fit within clinical reasoning?
Is scapular dyskinesis the cause or effect of
shoulder disorders?
Does scapular positioning
predict shoulder pain? (Struyf et al.
IJSM 2013)

Obvious scapular dyskinesis =>

higher probability of shoulder
porblems in elite handball
players (Clarsen et al. BJSM 2014)
Is scapular dyskinesis the cause or effect of
shoulder disorders?

inhibitory input

(both ipsilateral and contralateral)

Hodges et al. 2013; Hodges and Tucker

2011a; Nijs et al. 2012b; Farina et al. 2001;
La Pera 2001; Valeriani et al. 1999
Is scapular dyskinesis the cause or effect of
shoulder disorders?

Risk of transi2on to chronic?

Assessment &

Assessment &
Studies that differen2ate have larger
succes rates!
  “scapular muscle rehabilita2on improves pain
and func2on (SPADI) in pa2ents with mild
impingement symptoms” (6 weeks training)”
De Mey et al. Am J Sports Med 2012
  “A large clinically important treatment effect
in favor of scapular motor control training was
found in self-reported disability”
Struyf et al. Clin Rheum 2013

Clinical outcomes of a scapular-focused treatment in par2cipants with shoulder injury:
a systema2c review
(BJSM in review)
Elja AE Reijneveld1, Suzie Noten2, Lori A Michener3, Ann Cools4, Filip Struyf2

  6 studies included (>6/10 PEDRO score)

scapular-focused exercise therapy
scapular mobiliza2on
scapular taping
  Moderate evidence = scapular-focused treatment
compared to other physiotherapeu2c treatment is
effec2ve to improve scapular muscle strength in
par2cipants with subacromial impingement
  Conflic2ng evidence was found for improvements in
pain, func2on and clinical measures of scapular
  No evidence was found for improvements in shoulder
range of mo2on, rotator cuff muscle strength and
quality of life.
Scapular assessment and its place in clinical
reasoning in pa2ents with shoulder pain
Why should we assess scapular movement?
How can we assess scapular movement?
When should we assess scapular movement?
How does this fit within clinical reasoning?
How can we assess scapular movement?

Factors that influence scapular posi2oning
Visual observaFon of scapular posiFoning

McClure et al., 2009; Tate et al. 2009; Struyf, et al., 2009; Huang et al. 2015
Ra2ng scale of Mclure et al. JAT 2009

a) Normal moFon: no evidence of abnormality

b) Subtle abnormality: mild or ques2onable evidence of
abnormality, not consistently present
c) Obvious abnormality: striking, clearly apparent abnormality,
evident on at least 3/5 trials
Loading depends on bodyweight:
<68 kg => 1.4 kg load
>68 kg => 2.3 kg

Tate et al. 2009

Clinical measurements
  Shoulder protrac2on (Baylor square/acromion-table
  Pectoralis minor muscle length
  Scapular upward rota2on
  Scapular asymmetry
Acromion – table distance

(Acromion-table distance
(cm)/ BL (cm))*100

Reliable ! (ICC’s > 0.88)

(Nijs et al., 2005; Struyf et al. 2009)

AlternaFve method in standing?

  Baylor square method

  Proc. spinosa C7 =>
Anterior corner acromion
  Reliable & valid

(Peterson et al.,1997)
Pectoralis minor muscle length

Inferomedial aspect of
proc. corracoid
è inferolateral aspect of
costosternal junc2on of the
4th rib

Struyf et al., 2014

Pectoralis minor index

Pectoralis Minor length (cm) /BL (cm)) x 100

Reliable (intrarater)
Valid? (Yes to cadaveric studies)


Struyf et al., 2014

Scapular upward rotaFon

Gravity or digital inclinometers

At rest, 45°, 90°, 135° & endrange

Reliable (intra)

Valid (digital)

(Watson et al., 2005; Johnson et al. 2001)

Scapular asymmetry
Distance medial border scapula => proc. Spin. Th4
or Th3

Reliable & Valid

(Peterson et al. 1997, Nijs et al. 2005)

Scapular asymmetry
  “ scapular distance”
  Distance angulus acromialis to

  Divided by the length of the spina

Scapular asymmetry
Lateral scapular slide test

(Koslow et al. 2003; Nijs et al. 2005)

In summary
Observa2onal evalua2on systems and
assessment of scapular upward rota2on seem
suitably evidence-based for clinical use.

Do not use it as a physical examina2on test for
diagnosing pathologies of the shoulder.

Asymmetry is ok!

Larsen et al. 2015; Wright et al. 2013; Morais et al. 2013

When should we assess scapular movement?

Is the scapula related to the paFents’
shoulder pain?
Is the scapula related to the paFents’
shoulder pain?

Scapular Assistance Test (SAT)

Modified Scapular Assistance Test (mSAT)
Scapular Retrac2on Test (SRT)
Scapular Reposi2oning Test (SRT)

Scapular Assistance Test

Scapular Assistance Test



(Seitz et al. 2012; Rabin et al., 2006)

Scapular reposiFoning test

  reposi2oning test

Reduces pain and increase strength

(Tate et al., 2008)

How does this fit within clinical reasoning?

At this point…
  Clinicians can use reliable (and valid) clinical
tests for the assessment of both sta2c and
dynamic scapular posi2oning in pa2ents with
shoulder pain.
  No causal associa2on with shoulder pain

  Benefit of symptom altera2on tests
Scapular dyskinesis ≠ diagnosis
  is a clear example of an assessment strategy
that emphasizes the search for dysfunc2ons
Scapular dyskinesis
  prognoses of shoulder pain is nega2vely
altered by more then movement impairment
or pain severity alone.
Clinical reasoning: factor analysis

Movement related impairments


What about the SICK scapula syndrome?

Scapular malposi2on
Inferior medial border prominence
Coracoid pain
Kinesis abnormaili2es of the scapula
Should we use an algorithm?
  easy to follow
  and have the inten2on to eliminate

unconscious mistakes
  excellent way to structure and visualize clinical

reasoning processes
Should we use an algorithm?
  “easy to follow” = rela2vely simple
  A shoulder pain pa2ents ≠ simple

  it would be easier to use reason to solve the

Should we use an algorithm?
What if the pa2ent’s shoulder problem falls
outside of the reasoning of the algorithm?

= > it will not be fixed

Should we use an algorithm?
In summary
  use a pa2ent-centered approach, profiling the
pa2ents’ psychosocial-, neurophysiological-,
and lifestyle factors and movement
impairments that inform our clinical decision-

Stop pathologizing, start profiling!

[email protected]


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