May 18 2018 Hill Complaint
May 18 2018 Hill Complaint
May 18 2018 Hill Complaint
1. Plaintiff Roger Hill is a 76-year-old fly fisherman who enjoys fishing on the Arkansas
River. One spot he particularly enjoys is just upstream from where Texas Creek enters the
Arkansas. Defendants own a home adjacent to the River at that fishing spot. Over the years,
Defendants have repeatedly asserted that the bed of the River at this fishing spot is their private
property. Plaintiff Hill has had rocks thrown at him, been threatened with the Sheriff, and one of
Plaintiffs fishing buddies was shot at by one of the Defendants while fishing there.
2. By virtue of the doctrine of navigability for title and for the reasons detailed below,
Plaintiff Hill asserts that the bed of the Arkansas River adjacent to Defendants' property is public
land owned by the State of Colorado and that he is within his rights to fish there. Here, Plaintiff
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Hill asks that the Court declare that Defendants have no right to exclude him from his favorite
fishing spot, to decree that the Arkansas River in this location is owned by the State of Colorado
in trust for the publ ic, and enjoin Defendants from future attempts to exclude Plaintiff.
3. Jurisdiction is conferred upon this Court by Article VI, Section 9 of the Constitution of
4. At all times material to the allegations of this Complaint, Plaintiff Hi II and Defendants
Defendants reside in that County and the real property at issue is located in that County.
6. Plaintiff alleges that the real property that is the subject of this suit is owned by the State
of Colorado in trust for the public and therefore the State is named as an interested party.
7. Defendants Warsewa and Joseph jointly own real property in Fremont County, Colorado
8. According to Defendants' deed, the legal description of this real property is as follows:
9. Defendants deed is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit I and the plat described in the
10. This real property is adjacent to the Arkansas River near and just upstream from the
1J. This real property will hereinafter be referred to as the Warsewa Parcel.
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12. The chain of title for Ihe Warsewa parcel started with a Federal patent 10 a private party
that was issued after Colorado became a state. Since the issuance of the patent, the chain of title
13. Plai ntiff claims that the bed of the Arkansas River adjacent to the Warsewa parcel is
public land owned by the state of Co lorado in trust for the public, whi le Defendants have
repeated ly asserted that the bed of the River is part of the Warsewa parcel and their private
B. Defend a nts' Assertions of Ownership over the Bed of the Arkansas River
14. Through a series of events, Defendants have asserted that the bed of the Arkansas River
adjacen t to thei r property is their private property and that Pla intiff Hi ll is trespassin g when he
fi shes there.
15. As a result, Plaintiff Hill fears phys ical vio lence, arrest, and claims of trespass if he
returns to this fishing spot. This prevents him from fishing there cu rrently ,
16. In the summer of20 12, the year of Plaint iff Hill' s 71 st birt hday, Plaintiff Hi ll went ny
fishing with a friend , Joseph SzeJes.
17. Whi le fishing, Pla intiff Hill was wading near or adjacent to the Warsewa Pa rcel.
~ 8. From about 50 feet above, a woman yelled that PlaintifT H ill was wading on private
! 9. Plaintiff Hilf believes the woman was Defendant Joseph, as she was standing near what
he knows to be Defendant Warsewa ' s house. Defendant Joseph also occupies and owns that
20. Plaintiff Hill told the woman that he had a right to be there and tried to ignore the
continlled yelling.
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21. The woman then started throwing rocks at Plaintiff Hi II from above, including rocks the
size of baseballs.
22. Plaintiff Hill was particularly concerned because he was on blood thinning medication in
preparation for an upcoming heart procedure and could potentially suffer from excessive
23. To avoid being struck, he fled to the far side of the River where the rocks could not reach
24. Plaintiff Hill continued fishing for a short period of time and then left.
25. About two weeks later, Plaintiff Hill returned to fish in the same place on the River with
26. While fishing he heard someone announce "this is your official request to leave."
27. That person was Defendant Warsewa, who was stand ing on the bank of the ri ver, about
28. Plaintiff Hill asked to talk with Defendant Warsewa about the issue. Defendant Warsewa
was adamant that Plaintiff Hill had no right to be in the River because he owned the River bed.
29. Defendant Warsewa told Plaintiff Hill the idea of the state owning the River or the public
30. At that point, Defendant Warsewa walked back to his truck, which was 50 yards from
Mr. Curry's car. Plaintiff Hill and Mr. Curry then followed him back to the parking area.
31. When Plaintiff Hill and Mr. Curry reached Mr. Curry's car, Defendant Warsewa yelled
32. Defendant Warsewa also left a note under Mr. Curry's windshield wiper. A copy of that
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ii. Defendant Warsewa Shoots at Plaintiff Hill's Friend, Charles Pugsley, While He
is Fishing
33. On or about May 2015, Charles Pugsley (a friend of Plaintiff Hill) and Mr. Pugsley's
friend Gary Jordan camped on Bureau of Land Management public land on the north side of the
34. The next morning, Mr. Pugsley and Mr. Jordan set out fishing.
35. They waded into the Arkansas River from the public land where they camped and began
36. At about noon, Mr. Jordan was separated from Mr. Pugsley.
37. After that, Mr. Pugsley heard a man on shore yelling "that's private land."
39. Mr. Pugsley, believing the bed of the Arkansas River in that location to be public, yelled
41. A little while later that same day, Mr. Pugsley looked up from fishing and saw Defendant
43. Thankfully, the shot missed and hit the water near where Mr. Pugsley stood fishing.
44. Defendant Warsewa pointed the gun at Mr. Pugsley again, but the gun appeared tojam.
46. The two left the river to call the County authorities to report the crime.
47. Defendant Warsewa was prosecuted for the shooting in the Fremont County Court.
48. On August 25, 2015, Defendant Warsewa pleaded guilty to menacing pursuant to Colo.
C. The Arkansas River Was Used, and Was Susceptible to Being Used for Commerce
When Colorado Became a State
50. The bed of all lakes and streams determined to be navigable at the time of statehood
51. Substantial evidence supports a finding that the Arkansas River at and around Texas
Creek-including the bed of the Arkansas adjacent to the Warsewa parcel-was navigable at the
time of statehood because it was regularly used and was susceptible to being used in its ordinary
condition at the time of statehood as a highway for commerce, over which trade and travel are or
may be conducted.
52. In March 1813, after wintering in an Arapaho village on the upper reaches of the
Arkansas River (above Texas Creek), Ezekiel Williams made a canoe, "determined to descend
that river." He trapped beaver while floating approximately four hundred miles downstream. At
some point along the River, well past Texas Creek, and beyond present-day Pueblo, Colorado,
Williams stopped because of low water. Around June) st, with the "June rise" beginning, the
Arkansas River flows were sufficient to allow him to float his canoe laden with beaver pelts.
53. On May 16, 1814, Ezekiel Williams set out with two companions, Braxton Cooper and
Morris May, from Boon's Lick, Missouri, to retrieve the furs he cached at the site of the Arapaho
village on the upper reaches of the Arkansas River. In July 1814, after meeting the Arapahos on
the upper reaches of the Arkansas River (well above Texas Creek), Williams, two companions,
and 17 or 18 "Frenchmen" called "Phillebert's Company," set off down the river in their canoes
loaded with furs. According to Braxton Cooper, "Sometime in July we left that [unknown word]
and set down the Arkansas four or [five] hundred miles where we were compelled to leave our
canoes and loading." Their float down the river would have taken them well past Texas Creek.
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54. In addition to the canoes that carried William's cargo of commercially valuable furs, river
drift boats were constructed that in 1876 could have easily carried furs down the Arkansas River.
One such boat, modified Whitehall rowboats, were built by Thomas Bagley, a master boat
builder with his shop in Chicago . Bagley built the boats that carried John Wesley Powell's
expeditions of 1869, and 1871. The river flows of the Green and Colorado are much rougher and
more dangerous than those of the Arkansas River between Browns Canyon and Royal Gorge.
Boats of this design could have easi Iy navigated the Arkansas River in its natural condition at the
time of statehood .
55. Numerous contemporaneous reports from local newspapers describe the commercial use
of the Arkansas River to float logs and railroad ties from the mountains to the plains in 1872,
1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, and 1877. These floats started well above Texas Creek.
56. For example, in 1870, Charles and Robert May guided 60,000 railroad ties down the
Arkansas to Pueblo from the headwaters area, well above Texas Creek. They used a boat to
follow the ties down river to dislodge them when they became stuck. They traveled downstream
57. In 1873 some 80,000-[ 00,000 railroad ties were driven down the Arkansas through Texas
Creek and past Pueblo for use in the construction of the Arkansas Valley Railroad by the
58. In 1875, another drive of 50,000 ties floated down the Arkansas past Texas Creek.
59. Tn 1876,200,000 ties were cut in Lake County and floated down the Arkansas past Texas
Creek to Canon City and beyond, for use in railroad expansions south and east of Pueblo. Lake
60. Defendants have repeatedly asserted that the bed orthe portion of the Arkansas River that
is adjacent to the Warsewa Parcel is pan of th e Warsewa pa rce l, that it is their private property,
and that they have a righ t to excl ude persons from it, including Plaintiff.
61 . Plaintiff asserts tha t the disputed portion of the bed of the Arkansas River is public land
owned by the State of Colorado and he ld in trust fo r the people of Co lorado by virtue of it be in g
navigab le for title when Co lorado became a state. Accordingly, he is not trespassing by wading
62. The Arkansas River is navigable for title at this location because, for the reasons detailed
supra, il was " used o r ... susceptible ofbci ng used in [its] ord in ary conditio n as raj hi ghway fo r
co mmerce over which trade and tra ve l are or may be conducted in the customary modes of trade
and travel o n water" on August I, 1876. the date Colorado became a state .
63. The bed of the Arkansas River at this location is therefore public land owned by the state
of Colorado in trust fo r the public and Plaintiff is not trespassing by wading on the bed of the
Rive r.
64. Plaintiff requests a dec larati on fro m the Court that Defendants have no right to exclude
Plaintiff Hill from wading in the Arkansas River at the subject location.
65. Pla in tiff further requests injunctive rcJiefbarring Defendants fro m threatening,
assau lting, o r battering Plaintiff and enjoini ng Defendants fro m excludi ng Plaintiff from the
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66. Ownership over the real property constituting the bed of the Arkansas River adjacent to
67. Defendants are withholding possession of the subject real property from the state of
Colorado, and denying Plaintiff access to the subject real property, by claiming the subject real
property is part of the Warsewa Parcel and thus that they ho Id title to the property.
68. [n fact , for the reasons described supra, the subject real property is not part of the
Warsewa Parcel.
69. Rather, the state of Colorado holds title to the subject real property in trust for the publ ic
70 . The Arkansas River is navigable for title at this location because, for the reasons detailed
supra, it was "used or .. . susceptible of being used in [its] ordinary condition as [a] highway for
commerce over which trade and travel are or may be conducted in the customary modes of trade
and travel on water" on August I, 1876, the date Colorado became a state.
71. Plainti ff claims he has a right of publ ic access to the subject real property by virtue of the
State's title.
72 . Based on Plaintiffs title search, no other parties have an interest in the subject real
73 . Plaintiff therefore requests a complete adjudication of rights of all parties to the subject
real property and a decree from the Court that the subject real property is owned exclusively by
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74. Plaintiff further requests injunctive relief barring Defendants from threatening,
assaulting, or battering Plaintiff, and enjoining Defendants from excluding Plaintiff from the
b. Declaring that Defendants Warsewa and Joseph have no right to exclude Plaintiff
c. Quieting title and decreeing that title to the disputed real property is held
Plaintiff, and enjoining Defendants from excluding Plaintiff from the River at the
subject location.
Plaintiff, and enjoining Defendants from excluding Plaintiff from the River at the
subject location.
f. Any other rei ief that the Court deems just and proper.
Respectfully submitted,
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Plaintiffs' Address:
C/O Attorney Alexander Hood
1410 High St., Suite 300
Denver, CO 80218
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RECEPTION#: 829070, 11/08/2006 at 02:15:21 PM, 1 OF 2, R $11.00 D $16.60
Ralum 10:'
WlTNESS. <hal me gnnlOr. for and in ooruoo.lion o( lIIe IUm uf Tan dollars and other !lood and
valuable consideration DOLLARS. tile receiplltld sutlicloncy a(whlch il hereby
acknowledged, has granted. beri1ined, sllld and conveyed , .nd by lhese prosont6 dD" granr, b&1Kain. sell, convey and confp'm. UntO !he
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if .ny. sial,«. lying ,0<1 being in lhe laid County of rRlIMON'I' and Sla .. nfColando descr ibed as follows:
also known by .lfeel and number II: 493 SHANNON ROAD, COTOPAXI, CO al223
TOGETHER wilh.U and .100ulll !he heredltlJ1l<nt:l.nd appurlWllnco.lh,roto bCl""IIin& . • r in an)""i.. apportlinin,. and Ihe I",mien
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the anntcc. his heirs Uld auigI1l. thlt at rh.e. time of UJ~ ,nseal iog and delivery of lhe«e pre.sent!, he i. w~Jr t:1Ciud of the premixa above
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lawtulautharlty lu granl. bargain. Jell and convey the SBJT'JO in manner and form U UOI"caaid, aDd thl' the ta.zne are (ree and cleat fram aU
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1006 taxa. and all subsequent years, restrictions, reaerv.tioDS, cov~t8,
e •• aments and rights-ot-way of record, if any.
Tho ElInlar .hall.nd will WARRANT AND FOREVIlR DIlPEND iIle ftboYC-bari,ined premises In Ihe quiel and peaceable pOSles,ion
or the r:nnlee. rus heirs.nd 4.uigns, against.U and overy pilno" or pCTionllawfuJly claiming the whole or any pari thereof. The singUlar
number ,haJl include the plur1al. the plural lhe iingular. and me use of Ill.y gendar shall be applicable tc:l all genders.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe g/onlOt h.. execul<d Ch .. deed on lhe dlle ... forCh .bove,
The (oreao;", iNIIU""",,1 was Icknowledsed before me Ihi. J-ttl! day of OC--1o ~ Il • by
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Case No. 1:18-cv-01710-KMT Document 4 filed 07/06/18 USDC Colorado pg 14 of 19
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Case No. 1:18-cv-01710-KMT Document 4 filed 07/06/18 USDC Colorado pg 15 of 19
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