Are Your Needs Met - Here's Your Guide

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How To Make Sure

Your Needs Are Met

Insight Quality Services


Introduction 3

How Needs Are Changing & Growing 4

What Are your Needs? 5

What Could Go Wrong? 6

How To Make Sure Your Needs Are Met

Today, many quality control companies provide on-site
inspections. When deciding which company you should work with,
the question to consider is: Which company will be able to meet
ALL of your needs? Furthermore, are your products going to serve
your customers exactly the way you intend them to?

These are important questions to ask yourself because your products represent
your brand and your company. If your products are shipped incorrectly or damaged,
for example, that reflects negatively upon your business.

Another big question to

consider: Is your product
really as good as you
advertise it to be? Utilizing
during production inspections
and post-production inspections
ensures the quality of your
company’s products. Rather
than merely crossing your
fingers and hoping for the best,
you need to monitor that
everything is under perfect

That’s exactly where third party quality assurance services come into play.
Inspections are crucial to your company's success – as are Lab Testing Services,
where it is determined whether or not the product meets international standards, to
ensuring that your vendor follows requirements, to training and consulting services.
Executing these quality assurance services on a regular basis is a key component of
any successful company.
How To Make Sure Your Needs Are Met
How Needs Are
 In 2004 the Global Gross
Domestic Product was 43
Changing & Growing
billion dollars.
 In 2014, the Global Gross Are you happy with how your needs are being met by

Domestic Product is
your current provider but not sure if their services are
robust enough to support your growth? As your
almost 78 billion dollars.
company grows, your service needs may expand as
 In October of 2014 the
Consumer Confidence
Index in China ranged at
In the early stages of a company, an inspector may
103.4 points.
only be needed once or twice every month. Additional
 In October of 2014, the
services can become necessary when your company
American spent an gains traction in it’s specified field. Have you found that
average of 89 US Dollars a your company needs full time inspection resources? If
day. this is true, you might consider training an internal
employee full time on quality inspection services. You
will find that hiring a full time inspector will help you
achieve efficiency, timeliness, and better quality
products within your expanding company.

How To Make Sure Your Needs Are Met

What Are Your Needs?
Third party companies offer a variety of services. That being said, you should focus
on the specific services that best apply to your business. How do you know if you
need pre-shipment inspections or assistance with C-TPAT? Are there environmental
factors that need to be taken into account? There are many important details to keep
in mind.

Key Considerations for Inspection Before Delivery:

1. It is crucial that you know what is being shipped from your suppliers. Testing your products
before the inspection process will help minimize the risk of importing unsuitable merchandise.
2. Do you need Social Accountability Audits, Security/C-TPAT Assessments, Factory Quality, or
Capability and Capacity Assessments? If you want to minimize product recalls, ensure quality
production, and a stable workforce, the answer is yes.
3. If your company has safety requirements for its products, there is increased risk. You need to
make sure these requirements are met before the products are shipped.
4. Knowing that your products are shipped exactly the way they were intended is the last step in
guaranteeing a successful product shipment.

Not every third party service provider assists

companies with everything from A to Z. Some
ONLY perform product inspections, some
ONLY assist with logistics. You may need the
full package as opposed to specific services.
Truly understanding your company's needs is key
to choosing a service provider that meets your

The safety of a customer who is receiving products is always on the minds of suppliers, manufacturers
and producers. Within the last couple of years, safety regulations were put in place not to just reduce
the potential for injury to consumers, but also to protect retailers. Does your product have a liability
associated with it? If so, you need to take precautions to minimize those potential liabilities. Not just
safety requirements. Training and consulting your own staff may also help address potential problems.

5 5
How To Make Sure Your Needs Are Met
What Could Go Wrong?
A Lot.
If your products fail to meet
federal labeling
requirements, they are
required to be permanently
labeled with a safety
statement. Also, if death or
harm occurs to your
consumer, lawsuits can

Studies across all industries have In today’s marketplace it is

demonstrated that there is a cost and time vital to consider social and
ratio for development: production: delivery of
1:10:100. ethical compliance. It’s all
about the people who
That means each error will cost 10 times contribute to your company’s
more in dollars and in time to fix in
success. That is why it is
production than it would to fix in
development, and 100 times more if the error necessary to inspect
actually reaches the customer. workplace health and safety,
wages, working hours, and
possible discrimination.
Needs are growing and changing every day. This Corporate social
requires businesses to maintain flexibility and adapt responsibility is increasingly
to these changes as well. playing a role in consumer

Quality Fade: When companies start out

supplying high quality products, but start
cutting corners in alarming ways.

How To Make Sure Your Needs Are Met

Insight Quality Services is an
independent third-party quality control
services company providing on-site
Product Inspections, Factory Audits, and
Consulting Services throughout Asia. We
exist to provide you unbiased information
to ensure your products meet your
specifications and quality standards
before they leave the factory.

Building 3, 400 E Royal Lane,

469-586-5328 Suite 290
Irving, TX 75039

How To Make Sure Your Needs Are Met

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