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V. The Lord be with you. R. And with your spir-‐‑it.
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V. Lift up your hearts. R. We lift them up to the Lord.
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V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. R. It is right and just.
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It is truly right and just, our duty and our sal-‐‑va-‐‑tion, al-‐‑ways and
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everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and e-‐‑
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-‐‑ter-‐‑nal God, through Christ our Lord. Hav-‐‑ing become both the
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true Priest and the true ob -‐‑ la-‐‑tion, he has taught us to celebrate for
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ever the memorial of the Sac -‐‑ ri-‐‑fice that he himself of-‐‑fered to you
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on the al-‐‑tar of the Cross. There-‐‑fore, Lord, your people have
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raised this al -‐‑ tar, which we dedicate to you with joy-‐‑ful praise.
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Tru-‐‑ly this is an ex -‐‑ alt-‐‑ed place, where the Sacrifice of Christ is ever
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of-‐‑fered in mys-‐‑ter-‐‑y, where perfect praise is ren-‐‑dered to you
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and redemption flows forth for us. Here is prepared the table of
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the Lord, where your children, fed by the Bod-‐‑y of Christ, are gath-‐‑
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-‐‑ered into the one, the ho -‐‑ ly Church.
Here the faithful drink of
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your Spirit from the streams that flow from Christ, the spir-‐‑it-‐‑ual
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rock, through whom they, too, become a ho-‐‑ly ob-‐‑la-‐‑tion, a
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liv-‐‑ing al -‐‑ tar.
And so, Lord, with all the An-‐‑gels and Saints,
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we, too, give you thanks, as in exul -‐‑ ta-‐‑tion we ac-‐‑claim: