FAR.3401 The Environment of FAR
FAR.3401 The Environment of FAR
FAR.3401 The Environment of FAR
Since 1977
FAR.3401 - The Environment of Financial Accounting and Reporting MAY 2023
1. An act regulating the practice of accountancy in the • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) - 1
Philippines, also known as the Philippine Accountancy • Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) - 1
Act of 2004, is • Commission on Audit (COA) - 1
a. RA No. 9298 c. RA No. 5166 • Bureau of Internal revenue (BIR) – 1
b. PD No. 692 d. Act No. 3105 • Insurance Commission (IC) - 1
• A major organization composed of preparers and users
Note: Copy of the Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004 can of financial statements - 1
be downloaded at https://www.prc.gov.ph/accountancy. • Accredited national professional organization (APO) of
2. Which statement is incorrect regarding the Professional Public Practice - 2
Regulatory Board of Accountancy (BOA)? Commerce and Industry - 2
a. It is under the supervision and administrative Academe or Education - 2
control of the Professional Regulation Commission. Government - 2
b. It is composed of a chairman and six (6) members
appointed by the President of the Philippines. More information about the FSRSC can be found at
c. The Chairman and members of the BOA shall hold https://www.pfrsc.org/.
office for a term of three (3) years.
d. No person shall serve in the BOA for more than six 6. The FSRSC has a chairman who had been or presently
years. a senior practitioner in
a. Public accountancy
3. A member of BOA must be a duly registered Certified b. Commerce and industry
Public Accountant with at least ten (10) years of work c. Academe
experience in d. Any scope of accounting practice
a. Public accountancy
b. Commerce and industry 7. Which of the following government agency is not
c. Academe represented in FSRSC?
d. Any scope of practice of accountancy a. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
b. Bureau of Internal Revenue
Note: Refer to the Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004 Sec. c. Insurance Commission
5 to Sec. 12 for more information about the BOA. d. Bureau of Customs
4. The Financial and Sustainability Reporting Standards 8. Which of the following is represented in FSRSC?
Council (FSRSC) was created by the BOA to assist the a. Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines
BOA in carrying out its power and function to b. Association CPAs in Public Practice
a. Promulgate accounting standards in the c. Association of CPAs in Commerce and Industry
Philippines. d. Association of CPAs in Education
b. Promulgate auditing standards in the Philippines.
c. Ensure that all higher educational instruction and 9. The Auditing and Assurance Standards Council (AASC)
offering of accountancy comply with the policies, has a chairman who had been or presently a senior
standards and requirements of the course practitioner in
prescribed by CHED. a. Public accountancy
d. Implement the CPE program. b. Commerce and industry
c. Academe
5. Which statement is incorrect regarding the FSRSC? d. Any scope of accounting practice
a. Is the successor of the Accounting Standards
Council (ASC), which was created in November LECTURE NOTES:
1981 by the Philippine Institute of Certified Public
Composition of AASC (per BOA Reso No. 22 series of 2020)
Accountants (PICPA).
b. The Chairman and members of the FSRSC are • Chairman - 1
appointed by the PRC upon the recommendation of • Board of Accountancy (BOA) - 1
the BOA in coordination with the accredited • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) - 1
professional organization (APO) of CPAs. • Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) - 1
c. Composed of sixteen (16) members with a • Commission on Audit (COA) – 1
chairman. • Insurance Commission (IC) - 1
d. Has the authority to establish the accounting • An association or organization of CPAs in active public
framework to be used by companies under its practice of accountancy - 1
jurisdiction. • Accredited national professional organization (APO) of
LECTURE NOTES: Public Practice – 9
Commerce and Industry - 1
Composition of FSRSC (per BOA Reso No. 29 series of
Academe or Education - 1
• Chairman - 1 More information about the AASC can be found at
• Board of Accountancy (BOA) - 1 https://aasc.org.ph/.
10. Which of the following is not represented both to the 15. Which statement is incorrect regarding the Philippine
FSRSC and the AASC? Interpretations Committee (PIC)?
a. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas a. The principal objective of the PIC is to issue
b. Bureau of Internal Revenue implementation guidance on PFRSs.
c. Insurance Commission b. The PIC shall deal with accounting issues of
d. None of these reasonably widespread importance and not issues
of concern only to a single entity or small group of
11. Which statement is incorrect regarding PFRSs? entities.
a. PFRSs set out recognition, measurement, c. The PIC shall have a Chairman who shall be
presentation and disclosure requirements dealing selected and approved by the PRC from the regular
with transactions and events that are important in members of the PIC at the time of selection.
general purpose financial statements. d. Each member shall serve for a three-year term and
b. PFRSs may set out such requirements for may be re-appointed.
transactions and events that arise mainly in
specific industries. LECTURE NOTES:
c. PFRSs are based on the Framework, which
The PIC Composition
addresses the concepts underlying the information
presented in general purpose financial statements. The PIC shall consist of 15 representatives from the
d. PFRSs are designed to apply to not-for-profit following:
activities in the private sector. • Accounting firms (Isla Lipana & Co., SGV & Co.,
Punongbayan & Araullo, R. G. Manabat & Co., Navarro
12. Standards approved by the FSRSC include paragraphs Amper & Co, Roxas Cruz Tagle & Co., Villaruz, Villaruz
in bold type and plain type, which have equal & Co., R. S. Bernaldo & Associates, Constantino &
authority. Paragraphs in bold type indicate the main Partners) - 9
principles. • FINEX – 1
• Academe (with a designated alternate) - 1
Any limitation of the scope of a PFRS is made clear in
• BOA - 1
the standard.
• SEC - 1
a. True, True c. False, False
• BSP - 1
b. False, True d. True, False
• IC - 1
13. The FSRSC employs a "due process" system which
More information about the PIC can be found at
enables interested parties to express their views on
issues under consideration. Arrange in proper order
the due process for projects of FSRSC:
I. Issuing for comment an exposure draft approved
16. Which of the following is represented in PIC?
by a majority of the FSRSC members; comment
a. Bureau of Internal Revenue
period will be at least 60 days, unless a shorter
b. Commission on Audit
period (not less than 30 days) is considered
c. Insurance Commission
appropriate by the FSRSC.
d. None of these
II. Consideration of pronouncements of the IASB.
III. Formation of a task force, when deemed
17. Which statement is incorrect regarding the
necessary, to give advice to the FSRSC.
implementation guidance issued by the PIC?
IV. Approval of a standard or an interpretation by a
a. The PIC implementation guidance may be in the
majority of the FSRSC members.
format of Questions and Answers (Q&As).
V. Consideration of all comments received within the
b. The PIC may consult with experts to obtain
comment period and, when appropriate,
information that can be used to facilitate
preparing a comment letter to the IASB.
understanding of the issues under consideration, to
VI. Submission by the FSRSC of the new/amended
seek assistance in the preparation of the draft
PFRS to the Professional Regulation Commission
guidance, or seek comments on proposed PIC
(PRC) through the BOA for approval.
VII. Approval by BOA/PRC.
c. Implementation guidance approved by the PIC
VIII. Publication of the new pronouncement.
shall be forwarded to the FSRSC for approval
a. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII and VII before issuance to the public as final guidance.
b. II, III, I, V, IV, VI, VII and VIII d. Implementation guidance released by the PIC and
c. II, III, V, I, IV, VI, VII and VIII approved by the FSRSC is less authoritative than
d. III, II, I, V, IV, VI, VIII and VII the PFRS to which it relates.
14. Which statement is incorrect regarding the timing of 18. Since the PIC does not establish new accounting
application of PFRSs? standards, as a general rule, there is no need to
a. PFRSs apply from a date specified in the expose proposed PIC implementation guidance for
document. comment. However, depending on the complexity of
b. New or revised PFRSs set out transitional the issue, the PIC may decide to circulate the draft to
provisions to be applied on their initial application. the public for comment, in which case the exposure
c. Until the effective date of a PFRS, the period shall be
requirements of any PFRS that would be affected a. Not more than 30 days.
by proposals in an exposure draft remain in force. b. Not less than 30 days.
d. The FSRSC has a general policy of exempting c. Less than 30 days
transactions occurring before a specific date from d. More than 30 days but not to exceed 59 days
the requirements of new PFRSs.
19. Which statement is incorrect regarding the IFRS a. III, II, V, VI, IV and I
Foundation? b. III, II, VI, V, IV and I
a. It is a not-for-profit, public interest organization c. II, III, V, VI, IV and I
established to develop a single set of high-quality, d. II, III, VI, V and I
understandable, enforceable and globally accepted
accounting and sustainability disclosure 24. Which statement is incorrect regarding the IFRS
standards—IFRS Standards—and to promote and Interpretations Committee (IC) and its Interpretations?
facilitate adoption of the standards. a. The IFRS IC is responsible for developing
b. Its mission is to develop IFRS Standards that bring Interpretations of IFRSs.
transparency, accountability and efficiency to b. If the IFRS IC decides that an IFRS is not clear and
financial markets around the world. that it should provide an interpretation of the
c. It has a three-tier governance structure, based on requirements it either develops an Interpretation
two independent standard-setting boards of or, in consultation with the IASB, develops a
experts, governed and overseen by Trustees from narrow scope amendment to the IFRS.
around the world who in turn are accountable to a c. The IFRS IC publishes an agenda decision to
monitoring board of public authorities. explain why a standard-setting project has not
d. None, all the statements are correct. been added to the work plan to address a question
Note: More information about the IFRS Foundation can be d. The IFRS IC members are appointed by the IASB.
found at https://www.ifrs.org/about-us/who-we-are/.
25. Which statement is incorrect regarding the
20. How IFRS Standards bring transparency? International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)?
a. By enhancing the international comparability and a. Created by the IFRS Foundation to help meet the
quality of financial information, enabling investors demand of international investors with global
and other market participants to make informed investment portfolios for high quality, transparent,
economic decisions. reliable and comparable reporting by companies on
b. By reducing the information gap between the climate and other environmental, social and
providers of capital and the people to whom they governance (ESG) matters.
have entrusted their money. b. The ISSB sets IFRS Sustainability Disclosure
c. By helping investors to identify opportunities and Standards.
risks across the world, thus improving capital c. The Sustainability Disclosure Standards will require
allocation. disclosure of information about the sustainability-
d. All of the above. related risks and opportunities that affect the
company’s future cashflows and business model
21. Use of a single, trusted accounting language and, thus, its enterprise value—matters that affect
a. Lowers the cost of capital. future financial statements.
b. Reduces international reporting costs for d. The ISSB is intended to replace the IASB.
c. Both a and b. 26. Which of these statements regarding the IFRS and
d. Neither a nor b. U.S. GAAP is correct?
a. U.S. GAAP is considered to be "principles-based"
22. Which statement is incorrect regarding the and more detailed than IFRS.
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)? b. U.S. GAAP is considered to be "rules-based" and
a. Normally has 14 members, of whom one is less detailed than IFRS.
appointed as Chair and up to two members as c. Both U.S. GAAP and IFRS are considered to be
Vice-Chair. "rules-based", but U.S. GAAP tends to be more
b. Most of the members are full-time, so that they complex.
commit all of their time to paid employment as an d. IFRS is considered to be "principles-based" and
IASB member. less detailed than U.S. GAAP
c. Members of the IASB shall be appointed initially for
a term of five years, may be renewed for a further 27. Which of the following formalized the FASB and IASB’s
term of three years (with the possibility of renewal commitment to convergence of U.S. GAAP and IFRS?
up to a maximum of five years). The term of an a. The Norwalk Agreement
individual member of the IASB may not exceed 10 b. The Bologna Accord
years in total. c. The Mutual Recognition Agreement
d. Majority of the members are should come from d. The Treaty of Paris
28. Which statement is correct regarding the Philippine
23. The IASB due process comprises six stages, with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA)?
Trustees of the IFRS Foundation having the a. The PICPA is the accounting standard setting body
opportunity to ensure compliance at various points in the Philippines.
throughout. Arrange in proper order the IASB’s due b. PICPA is a registered stock corporation with
process. Geographical divisions, regions and chapters all
I. Procedures after a Standard is issued over the country.
II. Planning the project c. Geographical Areas, Regions and Chapters have
III. Setting the agenda juridical personality separate and distinct from
IV. Developing and publishing the Standard each other or from the national office.
V. Developing and publishing the Discussion Paper, d. Each region, sector and chapter has its own
including public consultation respective governing council.
VI. Developing and publishing the Exposure Draft,
including public consultation Note: More information about the PICPA can be found at
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