Concept of Health and Disease NEW

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Concept of Health and


Mr. Kailash Nagar

Assistant Professor
Dept. Of Community Health
Concept of Health
 Biomedical concept
 Ecological concept
 Psychosocial concept
 Holistic concept
Biomedical concept
 Health is “absence of disease” ie if one is
free from disease than he is considered
 Based on germ theory of disease.
 Question – malnutrition, chronic disease,
accidents, drug abuse, mental illness ,
environmental pollution etc which lead to
ecological concept
Ecological concept
 Ecologists – health is dynamic equilibrium
between man and his environment, and disease is
maladjustment of the human organism to his

 “Health implies the relative absence of pain and

discomfort and a continuous adaptation and
adjustment to the environment to ensure optimal
Ecological concept
 Raised two questions
– Imperfect man
– Imperfect environment
 History shows that improvement in human
adaptation to natural environment can lead
to longer and better quality of life- even
with the absence of modern health delivery
Psychosocial concept
 Development in social science – Health is not only
a biomedical phenomenon, but it is influenced by
 social,
 psychological,
 cultural,
 economic and
 political factors of the people concerned,
 “Health is both a biological and social
Holistic concept
 Synthesis of all the above concepts,
 It recognizes the strength of social,
economic, political and environmental
influences on health

 Then came a many definitions of health

Definitions of Health
 “the condition of being sound in body, mind or
spirit, especially freedom from physical disease
or pain” (webster)
 “soundness of body or mind; that condition in
which its functions are duly and efficiently
discharged” ( oxford)
 “ a condition or quality of the human organism
expressing the adequate functioning of the
organism in given conditions, genetic and
environmental” ( operational def by WHO)
Health Definition
WHO define health
“Health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not
merely an absence of disease or infirmity”
Dimension of Health
 Health is Multidimensional.

 WHO definition envisages

Physical Mental Social

dimension Dimension Dimension

 The state of physical health implies the

notion of “perfect functioning” of the
body. It conceptualizes health biologically
as a state in which every cell and every
organ is functioning at optimum capacity
and in perfect harmony with the rest of the

 Mental health is not mere absence of

mental illness.
 Good mental health is ability to respond to
the many varied experience of life with
flexibility and sense of purpose.
 “A state of balance between the individual
and the surrounding world, a state of
harmony between oneself and others, a
coexistence between the realities of the self
and that of other people and that of the
Social dimension
 Social well-being implies harmony and
integration within the individual, between
each individual and other members of
society and between individuals and the
world in which they live.
 “quantity and quality of an individual’s
interpersonal ties and the extent of
involvement with the community.”
Spectrum of Health
Health and disease lie along a continum, and there
is no single cut-off point.

Positive health
Better Health
Freedom from sickness
Unrecognized sickness
Mild sickness
Severe sickness
The Health sickness spectrum
Spectrum concept of health
 Emphasizes that the health of an individual
is not static.
 It is a dynamic phenomenon and a process
of continuous change.
Determinants of Health
 Health is multifactorial.
 The factors which influence health lie both
within the individual and externally in the
society in which he or she lives.
 The factors interact and these interactions
may be health- promoting or deleterious.

How is
health in a
Indicators of Health
 Required to measure the health status of a
 Compare health status of one country with
 For assessment of health care needs
 For allocation of resource
 Monitoring and evaluation of health
 Mortality indicators
 Morbidity indicators
 Disability rates
 Nutritional status indicators
 Health care delivery indicators
 Utilization rates
 Indicators of social and mental health
 Environmental indicators
 Socio-economic indicators
 Health policy indicators
 Indicators of quality of life
 others
Concept of disease
 Webster defines disease as “ a condition in
which body health is impaired, a departure
from a state of health, an alteration of
human body interrupting the performance
of vital functions.”
 Ecological point=“a maladjustment of the
human organism to the environment.”
WHO definition
 WHO defined health but not disease
 Sprectrum of disease ( many stages)
 Some acute, some insidious
 Carrier state, infect.
 Some are related to organisms, some other
Concept of Causation

 Up to the time Louis

Pasteur (1922-1985),
 Super natural theory
 Theory of Humors
 Contagion
 Miasmatic
 Micro organisms.
 Germ Theory
Epidemiological Triad
 Germ theory has Environment

 Not everyone exposed
to TB develops

Agent Host
The Agent
 “an organism, a substance or a force, the
presence or lack of which may initiate a
disease process or may cause it to
 May be single or multiple.
 Living or biological agests
 Nonliving or inanimate, ( nutrients,
chemical or physical agent)
Biological agents

Arthropods- Scabies Bacteria- Vibrio Cholerae

Fungi, Virus etc
Chemical Agents

External Internal

Alcohol Endocrine glands

Physical Agents
 Atmospheric pressure,
 Temperature
 Humidity
 Friction
 Radiation
 Sound
The Host
 Man him self
 Demographic characterisitics
 Genetic factors
 Socio economic factors
 Life style.
 Internal

 External
Multifactorial causation
 Not a new concept
 Pettenkofer of Munich (1819-1901) was
the early proponent of this concept.
 Germ theory overshadowed this concept
 Now back to multifactorial causation.
( Aetiology- Social, economic, cultural,
genetic and psychological ect.)
Web of Causation
 Suggested by MacMahon and Pugh in their
book “Epidemiologic Principles and
 Concept ideally suits in the study of
chronic disease.
 Where the disease agent is not known.
 Web of Causation considers all the
predisposing factors of any typeand their
complex interrelationship with each other.
Web of Causation
Change in life style Stress

Abundance of Smoking
food Lack of physical Emotional Aging and other factors
exercise disturbances

Obesity Hyper Tension

Increased catacholamines
Hyperlipidaemia Thrombotic tendency

Coronary Changes in walls of arteries

Coronary occlusion

Myocardial ischaemia

Myocardial infarction

Web of causation for myocardial infarction

Natural History of Disease
 Disease results from a complex interaction
between man, an agent and the
 Natural history of disease signifies the way
in which a disease evolves over time from
the earliest stage of its prepathogenesis
phase to its termination as recovery,
disability or death, in the absence of
treatment or prevention.
Natural history of disease
Period of pre-pathogenesis Period of Pathogenesis

Agent Host Chronic state
ea Defect

se Environment

Pr Illness
Signs & symptoms
ss Recovery

Levels of Primary Secondary Tertiary Prevention

prevention prevention Prevention
Modes of Health Early Disability Rehabilitation
Intervention Promotion Diagnosis limitation
Iceberg of disease
Concept of Control
 Disease control describes operations aimed at
1. The incidence of disease
2. The duration of disease, and consequently the
risk of transmission
3. The effects of infection, including both the
physical and psychosocial complications
4. The financial burden to the community.
Disease elimination
 Between control and eradication, an
intermediate goal = elimination.
 Elimination is used to describe interruption
of transmission of disease
 Eg: elimination of measles, polio.
Disease eradication
 Literally means to “tear out by roots”
 Implies termination of all transmission of
infection by extermination of the infectious
 Till now small pox has been eradicated.
Concept of prevention
Prevention depends on
 Knowledge of causation,
 Dynamics of transmission
 Identification of risk factors and risk
 Availability of prophylactic or early
detection and
 Treatment measures.
Level of Prevention
 Primordial prevention
 Primary prevention
 Secondary prevention
 Tertiary prevention
Primordial prevention
 Prevention of the emergence or
development of risk factors in countries or
population groups in which they have not
yet appeared.
 Eg; obesity, hypertension- prevented by
avoiding smoking, physical exercise.
Primary prevention
 Action taken prior to the onset of disease,
which removes the possibility that a
disease will ever occur.
 Eg reduction in BP. For CVD.
Secondary prevention
 Action which halts the progress of a
disease at its incipient stage and prevents

 Early diagnosis– through- screening tests

Tertiary prevention
 When the disease process has advanced beyond
its early stages.
 All measures available to reduce or limit
impairments and disabilities, minimise suffering
caused by existing departure from good health
and to promote the patients adjustment to
irremediable conditions
 Disability-- leprosy

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