Corporate Law Module
Corporate Law Module
Corporate Law Module
SYLLABI – PART C Subject type: Core for the Zimbabwe Division’s Normal Qualifying Scheme
(Weighting: 15%)
Aim Learning Syllabus topics Syllabus detailed content
The aim of this subject is to Learning ► Nature and Types of corporate entities recognised by a jurisdiction,
provide a thorough Outcome 2 structure of a including unincorporated bodies (associations and not-for-profit
understanding of the sources corporate body, charities)
contrasting with Partnerships, joint-ventures, sole traders etc.
of legal frameworks relevant On successful
other business
to corporate law and the key completion of this Promoters and pre-incorporation contracts
entities and
specific provisions (sections) subject, you will be establishment of
of corporate law, across the able to: business entities.
various structures, Give a reasoned
management and opinion on the
performance of business legal structures
entities. available to a
variety of types of
organisations and
(Weighting: 15%)
Aim Learning Syllabus topics Syllabus detailed content
The aim of this subject is to Learning ► Nature and Formation and registration of companies:
provide a thorough Outcome 3 structure of a Procedures/documents
corporate body,
understanding of the Role of the registrar
contrasting with
sources of legal frameworks On successful
other business Certificate of incorporation
relevant to corporate law completion of this entities and Choice of the company name
and the key specific subject, you will establishment of
provisions (sections) of be able to: business entities.
corporate law, across the Critically appraise
various structures, the legal and
management and other issues
performance of business arising in complex
entities. scenarios and
apply relevant law
such as under the
legislation in
(Weighting: 15%)
Aim Learning Syllabus topics Syllabus detailed content
The aim of this subject is to Learning ► Nature and Separate legal personality
provide a thorough Outcome 4 structure of a The veil of incorporation
understanding of the sources On successful corporate body, Lifting the veil of incorporation
contrasting with
of legal frameworks relevant completion of this
other business
to corporate law and the key subject, you will be entities and
specific provisions (sections) able to: Critically establishment of
of corporate law, across the examine the business entities.
various structures, impact of the
management and external regulatory
performance of business environment on
entities. the structure of
(Weighting: 10%)
Aim Learning Syllabus topics Syllabus detailed content
The aim of this subject is to Learning ► Consequences of The criminal and civil liability of a company,
provide a thorough Outcome 5 incorporation Shareholder liability and company liability, corporate groups
understanding of the On successful
sources of legal frameworks completion of this
relevant to corporate law subject, you will be Corporate constitution under statute, including the
► The constitution of
and the key specific able to: a company memorandum and the articles of association, content, model
provisions (sections) of Demonstrate articles, the statutory contract, alteration of the constitution,
corporate law, across the appropriate shareholder agreements, class rights in the articles
various structures, judgement on Powers and mission statements
management and presenting advice
performance of business on structural and
entities. legal issues in a
relevant form. ► Company contracts Executing company contracts, company capacity, common
(Weighting: 20%)
law and statutory assumptions for the authority of agents to
bind the company
Aim Learning outcomes Syllabus topics Syllabus detailed content
The aim of this subject Learning Outcome ► Decision making by The board of directors requirements with respect to
is to provide a 6 boards, management appointment, duties, management
thorough On successful and shareholders Decision-making via general meetings, board meetings and the
understanding of the completion of this basic conduct of meetings
sources of legal subject, you will be Role of the company secretary
Officers and directors’ legal duties and liabilities
frameworks relevant to able to: Exercise
corporate law and the appropriate
key specific provisions judgement on Raising capital from the public:
(sections) of corporate presenting advice on ► Capital and Role of the prospectus and listing particulars, content and the
law, across the various structural and legal membership general duty of disclosure, misleading content and remedies
structures, issues in a relevant How to become a member, share certificates, the members’
management and form. register, transfer and transmission of shares etc.
performance of (Weighting: 15%) Protection of shareholders’ rights
business entities.
Types of shares
► Shares and class
rights Class rights
Variation of class rights
Alteration of share capital
Issue shares
Payment for shares
Premiums and discounts
Statutory pre-emption rights
► Loan/debt capital Types of debt capital, including debentures and other personal
property debt
Instruments and types of financial security, such as fixed and
floating charges or personal property
Aim Learning outcomes Syllabus topics Syllabus detailed content
The aim of this subject Learning Outcome ► The regulation of Insider dealing/trading and market manipulation
is to provide a 7 market abuse, Criminal offenses
thorough On successful takeovers/ mergers Inside information, insiders, defences and criminal penalties
understanding of the completion of this
and the role of The civil regulatory regime and civil penalties
sources of legal subject, you will be
Basic understanding of the rules of takeovers and
frameworks relevant to able to: Exercise
mergers/acquisitions on securities markets
corporate law and the appropriate
The most common regulators within the domestic
key specific provisions judgement on jurisdiction and the international environment a corporate
(sections) of corporate presenting advice on body is likely to encounter
law, across the various structural and legal
structures, issues on a relevant Overview of companies in financial trouble, administration,
► Insolvency and receivership and liquidations
management and form. liquidations
performance of
business entities. (Weighting: 10%)
Guide for developers, training providers and examiners
Final exam should have five problem questions to cover the field of content and combining at least two areas of content under each question.
Exam should require problem-solving, identification and application of legal principles (with some authority) and advice to relevant parties.
Recommended pre-requisites
There are no compulsory prerequisites, such as a requirement to have taken particular preparatory or degree programmes or other subjects. Nor
is there a required order in which subjects are taken. Each subject outline may give recommendations and Divisions may provide advice to
candidates. Relevant work experience is always recommended.
It is assumed that all candidates have a fundamental understanding of legal frameworks within their jurisdiction (legislation, case law, Roman-
Dutch law, civil codes, federal/state laws, court system, commercials laws – contracts-torts etc). This material is covered in all undergraduate
business degrees.
If a student has not undertaken an undergraduate business or similar degree, without any business law, the candidate should undertake a course
of study to cover the elements of basic content, to equip them with the concepts and terms of basic business law. Each jurisdiction would have a
series of alternative textbooks to cover such material.
Recommended Texts
-Corporate Law(2017), by Masinire, Richard, Published by ICSAZ
-A guide to the principle and procedure of the Companies registration offices in Zimbabwe.(1996), by ICSAZ, Published by ICSAZ
-Companies Act Chapter [24:03], by Government of Zimbabwe, Published by Government of Zimbabwe
-Private Business Corporations Act [24:11], by Government of Zimbabwe, Published by Government of Zimbabwe
Competency framework
The qualifying scheme overall through the subjects within it is designed to provide both knowledge and understanding and competence and skills
and relevant to the intended designation. The competency framework for ICSA professionals has three key competencies:
I behave professionally. Dimensions: personal presentation, good judgement, oral and written communication skills, analytical skills.
I behave with integrity. Dimensions: independence, ethical code, alertness to conflict of interest, assertiveness, conflict management.
I behave effectively with others. Dimensions: team-working, leadership, influencing skills, negotiating skills, diplomacy.
Competence is developed in the workplace through professional practice and through effective teaching, learning and assessment of the subjects
in the qualifying scheme.
The final section of the subject outline maps the learning outcomes of the subject to the competencies in the competency framework.
Mapping of learning outcomes to competencies
Corporate Law
Competence Dimension Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning
Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3 Outcome 4 Outcome 5 Outcome 6 Outcome 7
Professional Personal
Behaviour Presentation
Good Judgement
Oral and written
Analytical skills
Integrity Independence
Ethical code
Alertness to
conflict of interest
Effective Team-working
with others Leadership
Influencing skills
Negotiating skills