1414-Article Text-5618-1-10-20221202
1414-Article Text-5618-1-10-20221202
1414-Article Text-5618-1-10-20221202
This study focuses on the perception and service of Sharia Pawnshops on the level of satisfaction of Sharia
Pegadaian customers. Aims to find out how big the influence of perceptions and services on the level of
customer satisfaction.(1) In this study, researchers used a sample of 100 people in the city of Jambi.
Researchers with a questionnaire method filled out by each sample voluntarily. In this study, researchers
used quantitative methode with the SPSS version 16 application for windows 10. (2)The following
results were obtained. There is a significant influence between the perception factor (X1) on the level of
satisfaction (Y) of 18.5%. And the effect of service (X2) on the satisfaction level of 80.1%. The most
influential factor on satisfaction is service. (3) Five factors that affect customer satisfaction, namely,
product quality, service quality, emotional and price. Then it can be concluded that perceptions and
services affect the satisfaction level of pawn gold customers at the main branch office of the Handil Jaya
Pegadaian Syariah.
Keyword: Perception, Service and Level of Satisfaction
A. Background
Public attention to pawnshops is always great. Both when the economy is growing and
vice versa. This is because the pawnshop institution in the modern world is an institution that
is difficult to avoid, especially in financing activities related to money. According to (Rozalinda:
2014) The development of the Islamic finance industry in Indonesia after the financial
deregulation in 1988 resulted in the increasing role of banks as financial intermediary
institutions in financing external financing, especially for investment. The number of banks has
doubled, as well as sharia pawnshops
The issuance of PP/10 On April 1, 1990 can be said to be the initial milestone 10
affirming the mission that must be carried out by pawnshops for the revival of the revival of
pawnshops, one thing that needs to be observed is that PP prevents the practice of usury, this
mission does not change until the issuance of PP103/2000 which is used as the basis Perum
Pegadaian's business activities until now, many parties argue that the operationalization of the
MUI pre-fatwa pawnshop on December 16, 2003 concerning bank interest, has been in
Rohana, Ferawati, & Istiqomah (2022) 161
accordance with the concept of sharia, although it must be admitted later that there are several
aspects that reject this assumption. Thanks to the grace of Allah SWT and after going through
a long study, finally a concept was drawn up for the establishment of a Sharia Pawn Service
Unit as the first step in forming a special division that handles sharia business activities.
The concept of sharia pawnshop operations refers to a modern administrative system,
namely the principles of rationality, efficiency and effectiveness that are aligned with Islamic
values. The sharia pawnshop operation function itself is carried out by the Sharia Pawnshop
Branch offices / Sharia Pawn Service Unit (ULGS) as an organization under the guidance of the
Other Business Division of Perum Pegadaian. ULGS is an independent business unit which is
structurally separate from the conventional pawn business. Pegadain Syariah was first
established in Jakarta under the name Sharia Pawn Service Unit (ULGS) Dewi Sartika Branch
in January 2003, following later the establishment of ULGS in Surabaya, Makassar, Semaran,
Surakarta and Yogyakarta in the same year until September 2003. Still in the same year Also, 4
Pegadaian branch offices in Aceh were converted into Sharia Pawnshops.
The basis for establishing of sharia pawnshop comes from the letter al-Baqarah verse 283.
ََ ُ ۡ َّ َ ۡ َ ٗ ُ ُ َ ۡ َ ٞ َ ۡ َ َ َ ْ َ ۡ َ َ َ َ َٰ َ ۡ ُ ُ
ِ ِفإِن أم َِن َب ۡعضكم َب ۡعضا فل ُيؤدٞۖ ن َّمق ُبوضةٞ َٰت ُدوا َكت ِٗبا ف ِره
ٱَّلي ٱؤت ِم َن أم ٰ َن َت ُهۥ ِ ۞ِإَون كنتم لَع سف ٖر ولم
َ ُ َ ۡ َ َ ُ َّ َ ُ ُ ۡ َ ٞ َ ٓ ُ َّ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ َ َ َ ٰ َ َّ ْ ُ ُ ۡ َ َ َ ُ َّ َ َ َّ َّ َ ۡ َ
ٞ ون َعل
ِيم وۡلت ِق ٱَّلل ربه ۗۥ وَل تكتموا ٱلشهدة َۚ ومن يكتمها فإِنهۥ ءاث ِم قلبه ۗۥ وٱَّلل بِما تعمل
Which means: "If you are on a journey (and do mu'amalah not in cash) while you do not find a
writer, then let there be collateral held (by the debtor). But if some of you believe in others, then let the
one who is trusted fulfill his mandate (debt) and let him fear his Lord; and do not hide the witnesses. And
whoever hides it, then indeed he is a sinner in his heart; and Allah knows best what you do.
In Indonesia's economic downturn, there is still a drop of hope and a bright light with the
existence of Islamic banking that uses the profit-sharing principle contained in Islamic law. It is
proven that Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) as the first Islamic bank in Indonesia was not
exposed to negative spreads during the crisis. This is because BMI does not include interest or
usury variables which are prohibited by Islam, but rather applies the principle of profit sharing
in the transaction system. As emphasized by Allah SWT in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 275:
Meaning: "Those who eat (take usury) cannot stand but are like the standing of a person
who is possessed by Satan because of (pressure) madness. Their condition is like that, is because
they say (opinion), in fact buying and selling is the same as usury, even though Allah has
justified buying and selling and forbidden usury. Those who have reached the prohibition from
their Lord, then continue to stop (from taking usury). So for him what he took before (before
there was a prohibition) and his business (up to) with Allah, the person who repeats (takes
usury), then that person is the inhabitants of hell: they will abide therein". (Q.S al-Baqarah: 275)
According to (Perwataatmadja: 2011) Riba is an excess or addition. according to the syara'
additional to the money capital that is lent and must be received by the debtor in accordance
with the loan period and a set percentage. Arabs know usury through the Jews who live in
Medina, before Islam came, the Jews used to do usury with interest ranging from 40-100%.
This verse warns people about the lawfulness of buying and selling and the prohibition
of usury which has bad consequences for humans in this world or in the hereafter. In these
verses there is information that is forbid usury absolutely, clearly and unequivocally there is no
doubt, even Allah commands humans to leave the remainder of usury that has multiplied
which has not been collected.
According to the commentators of usury there are two kinds: nasiah and fadhl. Riba
Nasiah (Lubis, Suhrawady: 2014) is an extra payment that is required by the person who lent.
Riba fadhl is the exchange of an item with similar goods, but more in number, because the
person who exchanges it requires this, such as exchanging gold for gold, rice for rice and so on.
Rohana, Ferawati, & Istiqomah (2022) 162
Based on table 1.1 above, we can see that the Sharia Pawnshop operational office fluctuates
every year. 02% and 2015 to 2016 of 16, 63%. We can see that the increase in the number of
customers every year tends to be slow, only ranging from 1.32% - 24.02% during the period
Rohana, Ferawati, & Istiqomah (2022) 163
2012 - 2016. Then we can see that the operational office of Sharia Pawnshops fluctuates every
year. This is certainly a special concern of researchers. Why can fluctuations occur? Do
perceptions and services affect these fluctuations.
This is certainly a special concern of researchers. Why can fluctuations occur? Do
perceptions and services affect these fluctuations. The following are some of the obstacles that
arise in connection with the development of Sharia Pawnshops:
1. Inadequate public understanding of the operational activities of Sharia Pawnshops
2. The applicable financial institution regulations have not fully accommodated the operations
of Sharia Pawnshops.
3. The network of Sharia Pawnshops is not so much.
4. Human resources who have expertise in Islamic Finance are still few.
The city of Jambi as the capital of the Jambi province with a fairly good economic growth
rate, because the rate of economic growth is supported by population growth, economic growth
is supported by the service and trade sectors and a small part of mining. Although the quality
of economic growth is not as fast as many big cities in Indonesia, the government's efforts to
develop industry, especially in the financial sector, are promising.
B. Problem Identification
Based on the above background, the problems in writing this research are:
1. The increase in loans granted by Sharia Pawnshops only grew below ten percent (10%)
2. Every year there are many reductions in unit offices
3. The annual increase in customers tends to be slow and fluctuates only in the range of sixteen
percent (16%) and some are even less than 16% as shown in table 1.1. Pegadaian Syariah 2012
to 2013 amounted to 3.26%, 2013 to 2014 amounted to 1.32%, 2014 to 2015 amounted to
24.02% and 2015 to 2016 amounted to 16.63%
1. Perception
In the Qur'an there are several verses that have meanings related to the five human
senses. In QS An Nahl verse 78 and Qs as Sajdah verse 9 gives an illustration that humans are
born in the world with no mastery of anything. Therefore, God equips him with the five senses
so that he can know his environment and can live in that environment. The process of
perception is passed by the five senses, which do not function immediately when he is born,
but this function follows his physical development. As for the interpretation of the two verses
above and other verses as follows: QS an Nahl verse 78
Which means: "And Allah brought you out of your mother's womb knowing nothing, and he
gave you hearing, sight and hearts so that you may be grateful".
This verse interprets that Allah gave tools to know in order to understand knowledge,
namely hearing, sight, and reason so that all the secrets around humans can be known. With
the makrifat given to humans and the signs of God's greatness that can be seen with the human
eye. While perception itself is the process of receiving a stimulus by the individual through the
senses (sensory process) which is then organized and interpreted so that the individual realizes
and understands the stimulus that is sensed.
Rohana, Ferawati, & Istiqomah (2022) 164
2. Service
Service is an aspect that cannot be underestimated in any business competition. Because
with customer service, they will judge and then weigh whether they will be loyal to the service
provider. It is not uncommon for business people to maximize their services to attract as many
consumers as possible. Therefore, if you want to attract as many consumers as possible, you
must know the meaning of the service itself. The definition of service or service in general,
according to purwadarminta is to provide everything that is needed by others.
According to Tjiptono quoting Kotler (2018), defines quality as all the characteristics and
properties of a product or service that affect the ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
According to Al Arif, it is divided into two first: the quality of internal services, which is related
to the interaction of employees with various available facilities. This is influenced by the
following factors:
1. The general management pattern of the company
2. Provision of supporting facilities
3. HR Development
4. Work climate and work relationship harmony, and
5. Incentive pattern
3. Satisfaction
Consumer satisfaction is the level of consumer feelings after comparing what he
received and his expectations. A customer if he is satisfied with the value provided by a product
or service is very likely to become a customer for a long time. According to (Philip Kotler and
Kevin Lane Kelleer: 2000) quoted from the book marketing management says that consumer
satisfaction is a person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment that arise after comparing the
performance (results) of the product thought to the expected performance.
According to Swan (1976), customer satisfaction is a conscious evaluation or cognitive
assessment regarding whether the performance of the product is relatively good or bad or
whether the product is suitable or not suitable for the purpose/user. According to Oliver,
customer satisfaction is an evaluation of the surprise that is inherent or attached to product
acquisition and/or consumer experience.
According to Churchil and Suprenant (1982), customer satisfaction is the result of a
purchase or use that is obtained from a comparison between the rewards and costs of the
purchase with the previously anticipated consequences. According to Westbrok and Reily
(1983), customer satisfaction is an emotional response to experiences related to certain
purchased products or services, retail outlets, or even behavioral patterns (such as shopping
behavior and buyer behavior), as well as the market as a whole.
Customer satisfaction according to Zhang Xin and Zheng Zhao Hong (2009) customer
satisfaction is a quantitative index, customer satisfaction describes the difference between
expectations and perceived quality, and measures the degree of satisfaction. Customer
satisfaction is a prelude to consumer repurchase, customer loyalty, and consumer retention
which ultimately benefits the company, customer satisfaction provides many advantages for
companies where one of the most important is enabling the achievement of customer loyalty.
There is a strategic relationship between the level of customer satisfaction with the company's
overall performance.
Satisfaction is a function of perceived expectations and performance. If the performance
of the product or service matches expectations, the consumer will feel satisfied (satisfied).
a. Satisfaction of the resulting product
The quality of the product, whether the product or service produced by the company, is very
important in determining whether or not the customer is satisfied. This is because customers
really want to get quality products according to their expectations. The better the quality of the
product, the more customer satisfaction will increase. This also applies to the opposite context.
Rohana, Ferawati, & Istiqomah (2022) 165
Previous Research
According to research conducted by Liliana Nora Siregar (2008). The results of the study
show that there are five attributes that fall into Quarant A, namely attributes that indicate that
their performance is lower than the interests of customers and their performance needs to be
improved because this quadrant is a top priority, Quarant B has 16 attributes that match the
expectations and performance of employees. Quarant C there are 3 attributes indicating that
this attribute has not become a customer priority or low priority and Quarant D has 1 attribute
which is considered not too important and not too expected by customers. The results showed
that the overall level of customer satisfaction (based on the CSI value) was 0.78 and was located
in the range of values 0.66 - 0.80 which indicates that the customer satisfaction index is the
"Satisfied" criterion.
According to research conducted by Meilinda Sari and Ilyda Sudrajat (2013) it was
found that based on the data obtained from the Syariah Pawnshop Setia Budi Medan Branch, it
can be seen that customers pawn their gold because of their needs. life or consumption is as
much as 72%. Customer understanding of the gold pawning process provided by Sharia
Pawnshops is 88%. And the reason customers choose Perum Pegadaian Syariah as a solution in
pawning gold as much as 72% is because the process of pawning gold with conditions that are
young, fast and safe even though there are those who choose it because all the costs there are a
small percentage (%) so it doesn't burden the borrower, which is equal to 18%. So the opinions
or perceptions of the public and pawnshop customers about the gold pawn are very diverse.
The research approach is quantitative while the method is descriptive analytical. Survey
method is a research method that takes a sample from a population and uses a questionnaire as
Rohana, Ferawati, & Istiqomah (2022) 166
a data collection tool. In this study, data and information were collected from respondents using
a questionnaire, after the data was obtained, the results would be presented descriptively.
Which is then managed using SPPS
a. Population
The sample was obtained using the Slovin formula where the people of the city of Jambi were
610,000 people
n = N / (1+(N X e2))
= 610,000 / (1+ (610,000 X 0.12))
= 99. 9836 samples rounded up to 100 samples
Based on table 2 where the data states which means that all factors are declared reliable
Total 3254.110 99
The data analysis method used in this study is a multiple linear regression model performed
using SPSS 16 For Windows 10
The formulation of the hypothesis is as follows
a. HI = there is an influence of perception (x1) on the level of satisfaction (Y)
b. H2 = there is an effect of service (X2) on the level of satisfaction (Y)
c. H3 = there is an effect of perception (X1) and service (X2) simultaneously on the level of
satisfaction (Y)
B. t test
Table 4. Result t test
Modle Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) .336 .641 .524 .601
Persepsi .157 .041 .185 3.79 .000
layanan .846 .051 .801 16.4 .000
C. F . test
Table 5. Anova
Modle Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regressio 2886.473 2 1443.237 380.795 .000a
Residual 367.637 97 3.790
Total 3254.110 99
determination R2 = 0.88.5 or 88.5%. This means that the ability of independent variables
consisting of perception variables and service variables on the satisfaction level of pawn gold
customers at the main branch office of Pegadaian Syariah Handi Jaya is 86.8% while the rest
(100% - 88.5% = 11.5% ) is influenced by other variables outside the model that were not
examined in this study.
Based on the above calculation, the t-test is declared valid. Meanwhile, for the F
(simultaneous) test, the results of the determination of the model f (TEST F) are obtained. Table
1.3 shows that the calculated f value is 380,795>3.09 so it can be concluded that perception and
service simultaneously or simultaneously the value of the F table is declared valid.
4. Perception
The process of perception is passed by the five senses, which do not function
immediately when he is born, but this function follows his physical development. The
interpretation of the two verses above as well as other verses are as follows:
5. Service
1. Service
Service is an aspect that cannot be underestimated in any business competition. Because
with customer service, they will judge and then weigh whether they will be loyal to the service
provider. It is not uncommon for business people to maximize their services to attract as many
consumers as possible.
Rohana, Ferawati, & Istiqomah (2022) 170
Therefore, if you want to attract as many consumers as possible, you must know the
meaning of the service itself. The definition of service or service in general, according to
purwadarminta is to provide everything that is needed by others. According to Tjiptono
quoting Kotler, defines quality as all the characteristics and properties of a product or service
that affect the ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
According to Al Arif, it is divided into two first: the quality of internal services, which
is related to the interaction of employees with various available facilities. This is influenced by
the following factors:
1. The general management pattern of the company
2. Provision of supporting facilities
3. HR Development
4. Work climate and harmony of work relations, and
5. Incentive pattern
Second, the quality of external services is determined by several factors, 1) the provision
of services 2) the provision of goods.
According to Buchori and Djaslim (2014), there are at least five main criteria for service
quality as follows:
1. Responsiveness, namely the desire of staff and employees to help consumers provide
responsive services
2. Reliability, namely the ability to provide the promised service immediately, accurately and
3. Assurance includes the knowledge, ability, courtesy, and trustworthiness of the staff, free
from danger, risk and doubt
4. Empathy, which includes ease in making relationships, good communication, personal
attention and understanding the needs of consumers
5. Physical Evidence (Tangible), namely the appearance of supporting facilities, officers or
means of communication that accompanies the product
On that basis, the quality of work is a mindset that can translate the demands and needs
of the consumer market in a process of producing goods and services continuously without
stopping so as to meet the quality perception of consumers. Perception of quality is defined as
the approach used to realize the quality of a product or service. Tjiptono cites David's opinion
who identifies five quality alternatives that are commonly used, namely: a) the transcendental
approach, an approach that views quality as Innate Excellence, which can be felt but cannot be
defined and operationalized. b) product based approach, an approach that views quality as a
characteristic or attribute that can be measured. c) user-based approach, based on the idea that
quality depends on and on the person who sees it, so this approach is subjective. d)
Manufacturing based approach, an approach that is supply based and especially pays attention
to engineering and manufacturing practices and defines quality in accordance with
requirements in the service sector, so that quality is operation-driven and e) value based
approach views quality in terms of value and price
According to Hasan, the quality of banking service products can affect the perception
and satisfaction of donors through the timeliness of delivery services, the availability of
products and services when needed, the truth of promotional promises for products and
services. Order compliance, security and safety, payment flexibility and so on.
Service is an appearance performance, does not materialize and quickly disappears, is
more felt than owned, and customers are more likely to actively participate in the process of
consuming the service. The definition of services in the marketing strategy must be observed
carefully because the meaning is very different from products in the form of goods, the
conditions and the speed of growth of services will depend on the assessment of the
performance offered by producers. According to Kotler in Tjiptono (2018), service is any action
Rohana, Ferawati, & Istiqomah (2022) 171
or deed that can be offered by one party to another which is essentially intangible and does not
result in the ownership of anything. Service products can be related to physical products or not.
Consumers or customers are one of the economic actors who are always faced with
various alternative choices, both when they are in the output market and in the input market.
From the results of the research on perception and service on the level of satisfaction of
pawning gold customers at the main branch of Pegadaian Syariah, it can be seen that the effect
of perception is 18.5% lower than the service which is 80.1%.
And when viewed from the side of maximum satisfaction in the theory of consumer
behavior is said to be in equilibrium if the consumer obtains maximum satisfaction. Maximum
satisfaction occurs when: the amount of sacrifice made is equal to the benefit or use value
So here customers are satisfied with the services provided by the Handil Jaya Syariah
Pegadaian Main Branch Office. And when viewed from the customer's equilibrium, the
customer is satisfied with the percentage of services offered by Handil Jaya Syariah Pawnshop.
According to the author's opinion, that is why the satisfaction level factor is more
dominant in influencing service than other factors.
1. Socialization is the first step to attract customers to pawn their gold
2. The customer is satisfied with the gold pawn product after using and benefiting from the
product, in this case the gold pawn
3. The customer will return to using the product/service after getting the desired profit/benefit
4. Perception of the branding of the gold pawn product is also very important to increase
customer satisfaction
5. Good service is very important to increase customer satisfaction
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