Principiantes 6-10
Principiantes 6-10
Principiantes 6-10
1) Teniendo en cuenta el video de la lección 6, utiliza la forma corta del verbo to be, sea afirmativa o
negativa, para los siguientes enunciados. Mira el ejemplo para que puedas desarrollarlo correctamente.
Forma larga Forma corta
· Leo is in the house · Leo´s in the house.
· Leo is not in the house · Leo isn´t in the house
They are eating apples
I am working today
2) Lee el siguiente texto y responde TRUE OR FALSE – T PARA VERDADERO Y F PARA FALSO.
Hello. My name’s John. I’m with my family today. We’re at home, and every member of my family’s
in different parts of the house doing different things. My mother Ana’s in the kitchen preparing
breakfast. She’s not watching TV. My father Mario’s in the garage with my grandfather Manuel.
They’re fixing the car, they’re not painting the garage. My sisters Amanda and Luisa are in the attic.
Amanda’s reading a book. Luisa isn’t reading a book because she’s playing cards with a friend. My
grandmother Dora’s in the garden, she’s watering the plants and planting flowers. She’s not playing
with the dog, because the dog’s playing with the cat in the backyard. I’m very happy today in my
house with my family. They’re doing different things and I’m studying English.
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1) Teniendo en cuenta el video de la lección 6, utiliza la forma corta del verbo to be, sea afirmativa o
negativa, para los siguientes enunciados. Mira el ejemplo para que puedas desarrollarlo correctamente.
Forma larga Forma corta
· Leo is in the house · Leo´s in the house.
· Leo is not in the house · Leo isn´t in the house
They are eating apples They’re eating apples
Luis is not at the beach with his family Luis isn’t at the beach with his family
Mayte is not sleeping, she is studying Mayte isn’t sleeping, she’s studying
We are reading a book on the bed We’re reading a book on the bed
You are not fixing the car, you are resting You’re not/ you aren’t fixing the car, you’re resting
Edwin is in the living room on the sofa Edwin’s in the living room on the sofa
They are not running, they are walking They’re not / they aren’t running, they’re walking
I am not sad, I am happy today I’m not sad, i’m happy today
2) Lee el siguiente texto y responde TRUE OR FALSE – T PARA VERDADERO Y F PARA FALSO.
Hello. My name’s John. I’m with my family today. We’re at home, and every member of my family’s
in different parts of the house doing different things. My mother Ana’s in the kitchen preparing
breakfast. She’s not watching TV. My father Mario’s in the garage with my grandfather Manuel.
They’re fixing the car, they’re not painting the garage. My sisters Amanda and Luisa are in the attic.
Amanda’s reading a book. Luisa isn’t reading a book because she’s playing cards with a friend. My
grandmother Dora’s in the garden, she’s watering the plants and planting flowers. She’s not playing
with the dog, because the dog’s playing with the cat in the backyard. I’m very happy today in my
house with my family. They’re doing different things and I’m studying English.
1) Lee el siguiente texto (texto de la lección anterior) y responde las preguntas. En esta práctica encontrarás
una combinación de preguntas de WH: WHAT – WHERE – WHO – WHY. Estarás en capacidad de responder
cada una de ellas sin dificultades mayores. Muchos éxitos
Hello. My name’s John. I’m with my family today. We’re at home, and every member of my family’s
in different parts of the house doing different things. My mother Ana’s in the kitchen preparing
breakfast. She’s not watching TV. My father Mario’s in the garage with my randfather Manuel.
They’re fixing the car; they’re not painting the garage. My sisters Amanda and Luisa are in the attic.
Amanda’s reading a book. Luisa isn’t reading a book because she’s playing cards with a friend. My
grandmother Dora’s in the garden, she’s watering the plants and planting flowers. She’s not playing
with the dog, because the dog’s playing with the cat in the backyard. I’m very happy today in my
house with my family. They’re doing different things and I’m studying English.
2) Responde las siguientes preguntas del texto. Utiliza BECAUSE cuando sea posible.
Who’s in the kitchen?
Who’s Manuel?
1) Lee el siguiente texto (texto de la lección anterior) y responde las preguntas. En esta práctica encontrarás
una combinación de preguntas de WH: WHAT – WHERE – WHO – WHY. Estarás en capacidad de responder
cada una de ellas sin dificultades mayores. Muchos éxitos
Hello. My name’s John. I’m with my family today. We’re at home, and every member of my family’s
in different parts of the house doing different things. My mother Ana’s in the kitchen preparing
breakfast. She’s not watching TV. My father Mario’s in the garage with my randfather Manuel.
They’re fixing the car; they’re not painting the garage. My sisters Amanda and Luisa are in the attic.
Amanda’s reading a book. Luisa isn’t reading a book because she’s playing cards with a friend. My
grandmother Dora’s in the garden, she’s watering the plants and planting flowers. She’s not playing
with the dog, because the dog’s playing with the cat in the backyard. I’m very happy today in my
house with my family. They’re doing different things and I’m studying English.
2) Responde las siguientes preguntas del texto. Utiliza BECAUSE cuando sea posible.
Who’s in the kitchen?
Ana is in the kitchen – His mother Ana is in the kitchen – John’s mother is in the kitchen.
Who’s Manuel?
Manuel is the grandfather of John – He is John’s grandfather – The grandfather.
She’s watering the plants and planting flowers – The granmother is watering the plants and planting flowers.
1) Escribe en inglés el siguiente texto guía. Vamos a sobre-utilizar el uso de "HAY" para la práctica.
Responde las preguntas propuestas. Utiliza "because" para las respuestas negativas.
En mi casa, en la sala hay muchas cosas. Hay un reloj en la pared. Hay una silla al lado de la mesa,
sobre la mesa hay un libro, hay una lámpara y hay un florero. En el florero hay 5 flores. En la sala hay
un sofá, sobre el sofá hay 2 cojines y al lado del sofá hay un gato. En el piso hay una pelota y hay una
In my house, in the living room there are many things. There’s a clock on the wall. There’s a chair
at the table, on the table there’s a book, there’s a lamp and there’s a vase. In the vase there are
five / 5 flowers. In the living room there’s a sofa, on the sofa there are two / 2 cushions and at the
sofa there’s a cat. On the floor there’s a ball and there’s a carpet.
Are there 2 cats in the house?
Cosas: Things Reloj: Clock Pared: Wall Silla:Chair Lámpara: Lamp Florero:Vase
Pelota: Ball Alfombra: Carpet Piso: Floor Libro: Book Flores: Flowers Muchas: Many
Cojines: Cushions Gato: Cat
1) Escribe en inglés el siguiente texto guía. Vamos a sobre-utilizar el uso de "HAY" para la práctica.
Responde las preguntas propuestas. Utiliza "because" para las respuestas negativas.
En mi casa, en la sala hay muchas cosas. Hay un reloj en la pared. Hay una silla al lado de la mesa,
sobre la mesa hay un libro, hay una lámpara y hay un florero. En el florero hay 5 flores. En la sala hay
un sofá, sobre el sofá hay 2 cojines y al lado del sofá hay un gato. En el piso hay una pelota y hay una
In my house, in the living room there are many things. There’s a clock on the wall. There’s a chair at the
table, on the table there’s a book, there’s a lamp and there’s a vase. In the vase there are five / 5
flowers. In the living room there’s a sofa, on the sofa there are two / 2 cushions and at the sofa there’s
a cat. On the floor there’s a ball and there’s a carpet.
Are there 2 cats in the house? No, because there is one cat.
Are there 4 flowers in the vase? No, because there are five flowers.
Is there a cat at the sofa? Yes, there's one cat at the sofa.
Are there 2 clocks on the wall? No, because there is one clock.
Cosas: Things Reloj: Clock Pared: Wall Silla:Chair Lámpara: Lamp Florero:Vase
Pelota: Ball Alfombra: Carpet Piso: Floor Libro: Book Flores: Flowers Muchas: Many
Cojines: Cushions Gato: Cat
En el comedor hay una silla plateada. Hay una mesa vieja. Sobre la mesa hay 3 objetos. Hay un
libro azul, hay una lámpara amarilla y hay un florero nuevo. Dentro del florero hay 3 hermosas
flores. En el piso hay una pelota roja y sobre la pared hay un reloj blanco.
En la sala hay un sofá viejo. Sobre el sofá hay dos cojines, hay uno cojín amarillo y hay un cojín
blanco. Mi gato Tom está al lado del sofá. Mi gato es negro. En el piso hay una alfombra
In the dining room there’s a silver chair. There’s an old table. On the table there are 3 objects. There’s a
blue book, there’s a yellow lamp, and there’s a new vase. In the vase there are three beautiful flowers.
On the floor there’s a red ball and on the wall there’s a white clock. In the living room there’s an old
1. There’s a white cat in the living room.
Plateada: Silver Viejo: Old Objetos: Objects Azul: Blue Amarilla: Yellow Nuevo: New
Rojo: Red Blanco: White Negro: Black Dusty: Empolvada / Polvorienta
En el comedor hay una silla plateada. Hay una mesa vieja. Sobre la mesa hay 3 objetos. Hay un
libro azul, hay una lámpara amarilla y hay un florero nuevo. Dentro del florero hay 3 hermosas
flores. En el piso hay una pelota roja y sobre la pared hay un reloj blanco.
En la sala hay un sofá viejo. Sobre el sofá hay dos cojines, hay uno cojín amarillo y hay un cojín
blanco. Mi gato Tom está al lado del sofá. Mi gato es negro. En el piso hay una alfombra
In the dining room there’s a silver chair. There’s an old table. On the table there are 3 objects. There’s a
blue book, there’s a yellow lamp, and there’s a new vase. In the vase there are three beautiful flowers.
On the floor there’s a red ball and on the wall there’s a white clock. In the living room there’s an old
Plateada: Silver Viejo: Old Objetos: Objects Azul: Blue Amarilla: Yellow Nuevo: New
Rojo: Red Blanco: White Negro: Black Dusty: Empolvada / Polvorienta