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1:44 PM. Sat 16 Oct oo Fe KE) < 80 @©eoeog - cng 2- Meiosis Whlifee G ag bat joni oe Gvetes i py ee od RE Oy Oe Cell 2) 8) Lee) uae + We taser Pepe Pe hae v ES NE ine “Bote 1% ~s9pt , ope 2) Sy Or AXl, “ag Mayan PU 1 Sites _eredthevy Renits 31 06) be ayn bo 1 ha By Ting ys ycleehar us Fro ane Sptcis fo aw tier cin, Oey — rd! yee WEEE Fe EY gee GL)» aon Ge 61 jdm » p6 C9 Ost Mie Rly GEL GH Ay Geos ng reaMeler og, Ce ~' vas BAe Dar ijn Gee) sly Pf arleles te CS Fe ee ed Ca Ve gon Ce We COC) get Jie OSES EL Bficke Site ges Spree 2 Fc ee OL etal ieee ne oye i hey Cy Fo miner Variatsa 1x the same oe ue de ews, Rel panal 2 S86 Os'y primer 6x01 Ge gy, St eben | be tah ye Hips $9) CS oy Ge 9 Glin 1 Ge Bp We 2 Aint GRIEG Ube dis Usp GY aiete ot bys Homa legos iyo Fenster 31 24 SS) Sth Chaweromer oy UE © Kf bg Ge HY FOS. ce Hetrolegeus Gis ater 31 ne all 23 prirs Chremosouss in the human are Homplagous ole, True te (Plage (Deel 1 OS> thane J woe a ofr ye 8) AlOsomes Gt) eX orer ss ge ofr chroma Jreke athe Totes! = hotesonts + SOx chromo mes- ve _ _. M6 cheneserrer 7. “OrcaQs\ “ately “Sid QM on oe ee \OUs 4 specer vp. WO 22 chernwosewes r Arar 46 Greys —Mipleth AX! wr, am ae Man cr QUst ot focal 17 Ors HARIOID — eens 1 _JI> ~ Metosts PAN De pes yw bn LO AUP Gee A La Glee, pot co bee b yoy Mederir at plopleve 1 + eaten fleet + Aca pheveT » tele @lase Toe eos Gn Gg. mitesce a) easy Lp trihesie 41 4\_ue@ Cet poe eneinnse 1 GEE Ge (ay Fak Cale QS CE» Seite Melb sie pee Big wala ele ys Metosie ores pte plove Z > taeder plore Z , fom Phouett , tule flere Bt pria Ba 16 pe gat pe oder Sy an jas UD ere ty Sphere Ji Gg heublicnnvn Qe Wats to ae opis 46 cromotiai yee oly 02 42. cota PD bore up OS p Geis Mheios's mitosis ane? 2 oh dovblianses Meiosic Ji 8 Mikesie se Ca GG out ore Sgyanpsis - . enn tore oP Cale qpet bees ip dE BG ore cay Sate ta) eA Ee be Se Ge 5S eR ge thew y yo are - - rl be COP steusy Yr oe pws ce + qnikens arb eG teteris YD vp een Ruey dS Ciijeasmrns gt tieiasin or 9 yori, “Ga » Achy’ Holod CY Casper + oO Prophase | e Metaphase | 9 Anaphase | ° Telophase | (a> ; (ap SJ, i oo 7 CN SY & 8 Prophase II ° Metaphase I! Qo Anaphase II O Telophase I! aa Y C SS « >) ‘hy ‘ tp) a) = OO we \ S | |\© |@6@ Meiosis and Mitosis WUT ale ES al iee)ar-t 5) i DNA Rep. Ne) No. Divisions Prophase | Does not occur Ss) ik Four UVM ome eae ks (CFT (9 CL) A= (Ul-| | Role eae ee as a result of chromosomes replication during Prophase | some chromosomes. become physically Ea (synaptonemal complex): Rearrangement in the genetic between nonsister ~ chromatides known as crossing over, Connection in region with) X shaped (chiasma), — TER-13- Meiosis _ Genes are the hereditary units (carry the genetic information ortraitS) for any species). enetic information _’ Transmission of hereditary traits carried by genes in the form of DNA molecules. er ee BEES BE _ Cell of reproductive system responsible of delivering these genes from parents to their offspring (GAMETES)?,* *” . Asexual reproduction DOES NOT involves GAMETES.: | 3 . Offspring resulted as an asexual Rep. is GENETICALLY °*<< IDENTICAL TO THEIR MOTHER CELL (CLONE). - Sexual Rep. (two parents) resulting in an offspring with genetic variation compared with the two parents. - Inhuman all somatic cells has 46 chromosomes. Meiosis _ The 46 chromosomes found in 23 pairs forms, each pair of chromosomes are the same in shape, length, colour and position of centromere. . During cell division (mitosis) the lining of each chromosome - .« 5 Aes volar’ v with its like chromosome is called KARYOTYPE.““?.00 So 7 _ Every two like chromosomes called HOMOLOGOUS oA es CHROMOSOMES (with variation in genes alleles). — wt _ SEX chromosomes are NOT HOMOLOGOUS (yes in all chamesors in keqales ave Homalogeut — Yes yh Ge females). pe - Other chromosomes called AUT! ‘OSOMES. > - Human somatic cells with 46 chromosomes is a results of combination between two sets of 23 chromosomes. Meiosis Bip FTO Wetteted eerie ns Cera cere Coe Tua Imes BTCA Bed combined sets Pa Cells with N number of chromosomes called HAPLOID. Gells with 2 number of chromosomes called DIPLOID. Fertilization (Sperm plus Egg) form ZYGOTE. - Gametes produced by MEIOSIS not mitosis from germ cells in the gonads and there is a REDUCE in the number of chromosomes (diploid) to haploid) Meiosis always followed! by mitosis in the gonads to give the gametes, WV FeTe sty sje ie lutte [, Metaphase I, |, Velonnase I Cytokinssis. ( Poth WEI, ASI ane TU) Anaphase | © Telophase | @ Prophase | t2|@ Metaphase | a on a6 Dig Prophase | (synapsis) Tetrad Metaphase ‘four chromosomes, ist Metaphase each consisting of a pair of (two tetrads) sister chromatids) Reductional division v7 Dyads Equationa Daughter cell Daughter cell Meiosis It division Gn) any /Monads Meiosis and Mitosis s Meiosis Mitosis Interphase Interphas' DNA Rep. Two Oni No. Divisions Prophase | Does not occu Synapsis Four Two| No. daughter cells Gametes Growth, asexual Role -Synapsis and crossing over: as a result of chromosomes replication during Prophase | some chromosomes become physically connected (synaptonemal complex). Rearrangement in the genetic between nonsister - chromatides known as crossing over. Connection in region with X shaped (chiasma). - Synapsis: Pairing of homologous chromosomes Fa ae hh ‘ Crossing ayer“ 1 AK Synapsis and Crossing Over in Action ‘TWSTPM Sat 16 Oct <0 = © sere @©oeoog Meiosis - chapter 12- Me Nol CHAPTER-13- Meiosis Meiosis and Mitosis Meiosis Mitosis i Interphase Interphase DNA Rep. Synapsis Two ‘One No. Divisions sont NYE acne eid Prophase || Does not occu pais is how ‘Two\No. daughter cells 1 Crossing 3 ametes | Growth, asexu Over in -Synapsis and crossing over: as a result of chromosomes replication during Prophase | some chromosomes become physically connected (syneptonemal complex) Rearrangement in the genetic between nonsister "Srromatides known as crossing over. Connection in region with X shaped (chiasma). - Action ong gH OVE BELL \ Ray Gy Urb ony Gis! Pp y a 16 Ge Grin ao! bg —99S ea Mitosis We &) © + bes ges _M'osis Ae \ eens 12 - eG Jost pn) = Cre Sl ty asst ecient we A Se 998 Tous ends Prods’ tab ww Blog st

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