Genius or Hard Work
Genius or Hard Work
Genius or Hard Work
Have you ever wondered why some people can show the best results in a certain field without even trying
to consciously study? Why one person have to expend much more effort than the others? And is everything
already decided from birth? These questions have been on my mind for a long time. And I was trying to
understand what is more important talent or hard work? Talent can give you a head start, and it’s certainly
easier achieve success when you are naturally good at something. On the other hand, talent requires fuel,
which is hard work, so that we could use it effectively. There is an ever-continuing debate between talent
and hard work. But personally I think that geniuses are made, not born.
First of all, natural talent tends to be just wasted. If someone has a talent, that person will lose it because
of proudness. Let’s face it, there is a lot of people with talent who just wasted their gifts and did not work
hard to support themselves. Even those who are already well-known or famous have faded into the
background when really hard-working and skillful individuals come into the scene. Albert Einstein, Charles
Darwin, Thomas Edison and other famous people did not become geniues in a day. They work really hard,
made mistakes, but still tried to not waste their talents. Some people has a talent, and they feel like they
are the best person at it, so instead of working hard, they just sit on the couch, and rest, just being useless.
Until one day, he tries the talent again and finds out that he has lost it. The abilities can fade as naturally
as they came if you don’t use it.
Furthermore, hard work can develop new talents. Many of us think that talent is some magical ability and if
you don’t have it you can’t do succeed. That is not true. For example, let’s take a look at Kobe Bryant. He
scored 0 points over the Summer Basketball League when he was 12 years old. Not quite the kid you expect
to become a basketball star. And Kobe Bryant became one of the greats. He is in the top 5 of the NBA’s all-
time scoring list, passing the great Michael Jordan. So how did he do it? When he scored 0 points in the
summer league, Kobe felt that he embarrassed his dad. But while most people would give up, Kobe turned
his emotion into his biggest driver. Kobe became obsessed with hard work. So, what I’m trying to say by
that if you use hard work, it creates talent! It all depends on our attitude. If we say that ,,only talented
people can become famous” or ,,some people just aren’t cut out for some things”, we will never reach our
goals. Just remember that people who work hard without the talent can succeed more than talented
people who just waste their gift.
However, we can’t deny the fact that intelligence is inherited to some degree. talent plays a very important
role in achieving success fast. And if you want to become the best in your field, talent gives you a head start
for sure. This is ability which you cannot be taught. Some people have a gift for music or for languages.
Take a look at Wolfgang Mozart. He composed his first musical masterpiece at the age of 5. And at the age
of 7, he went on his first tours to perform his abilities for the world. Clearly, talent plays a very important
role here. But we cannot forget that Mozart’s parents were musicians. So, he inherited these abilities from
them. As we know if someone for example has tall parents it is likely that a child will be tall as well, so
someone with smart parents is also likely to be more intelligence. That is why certain things come easy to
them which makes them better at a skill than someone else who has to work super hard at a skill. We can
see even from our school that some students need to spend hours preparing for the test and others only
need to hear it once and they will immediately understand the new topic. This is because of genetics which
play a big role in intelligence
To sum up, I think that talent without hard work is useless. You can become super successful without
talent. If you feel that you should quit because you will never be as good as the person with natural talent,
that’s logical that you will never succeed. You just have to change your mindset, work hard and realize that
we can all achieve amazing results. As Albert Einstein said: ,,Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work”.
Solve this problem and we will find out if you are genius or not.