Lea Chapter 1 2 Esma Wieser

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Wieser C.





Crisis management is the process of developing and putting into action a strategic plan that can be
promptly adopted in the event of a crisis, as defined by law. By foreseeing possible issues, such as
natural disasters or product safety concerns, crisis management seeks to lower the likelihood that a
crisis would occur in the first place. Additionally, it establishes protocols for your response in case
something goes wrong. Teams can identify potential dangers by creating a crisis management scenario
plan and then planning and playing out the tasks, communications, and information required to cope
with those threats. Thus, I draw the conclusion that crisis management is crucial because it focuses on
preventing possible harm and allows the organization to restart implementing its strategy..

2.What are the differences between Crisis, Emergency and disaster?

Crisis, emergency and disaster are three words that are commonly used to describe critical, unstable, or
dangerous situations. A crisis is simply a decisive and unstable situation, whereas an emergency is one
that poses an immediate threat to life and property. The primary distinction between a crisis and an
emergency is that an emergency necessitates immediate intervention and assistance, whereas a crisis
may or may not necessitate intervention. On the other hand disaster defined as a sudden accident or a
natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life.

3.What is the relationship between Risk management and Crisis management?

Well to be perfectly honest and based on my humble understand, the relationship between risk and
crisis management. Responding to, overseeing, and recovering from an unexpected incident are all part
of crisis management. Identification, evaluation, and mitigation of any activity or occurrence that could
negatively impact the business are the goals of risk management. On the other hand, Both crisis
management and risk management support better governance within a business entity ensuring the
stability of the business in a competitive environment. Both are essential factors of a sound corporate
governance structure.
4.What are the ten essential elements of Crisis management?

The ten essentials elements of Crisis management are,

1.Risk analysis - it pertains to the study of potential crisis that might rise.

2.An Activation Protocol- This serves as the trigger for the crisis management plan, with the sense of
urgency; this defines the circumstances that activate a particular crisis response

3. A Chain of Command- This refers to the succession of

leadership from superior to a subordinate through which
the command is exercised, this is also known as Command

4. A Command Center Plan- This refers to the location or place

that will serve as the base of operations for the team during
a crisis.

5. Response Action Plans- This refers to the detailed planning

on how the organization will respond to various crises

6. Internal Communication Programs- This pertains to the

systems and backup methods for members of the crisis.
management team to communicate with each 8. Resources-This pertains to everything the crisis
team might need, from hardhats to credit cards and a standby
public relations advisor.

7. External Communication Programs- This refers to

the plans for communicating with the public and key
external stakeholders. This includes the appointment of
a spokesperson.

8. Resources-This pertains to everything the crisis management

team might need, from hardhats to credit cards and a standby
public relations advisor.

9. Training this aims to enhance specific agencies tasked

for Crisis Response; composed of individual and collective
training, where individuals must be prepared to be part of
an integrated, inter-agency operations; should also address
the operational and strategic needs of the stakeholders
10. A Review- This refers to the procedures for updating the plan
and analyzing Crisis response. After an actual crisis, the team
should analyze what went well and what did not. Identify
important lessons, and implement any necessary changes

5.What are the objectives and purpose of crisis management?

The objectives of crisis management is to mitigate potential harm and allow the organization to resume
strategy execution. The purpose of a crisis management team, on the other hand, is to protect an
organization and its stakeholders from threats and/or to mitigate the impact of threats. Crisis
management is a process that aims to prevent or mitigate the harm that a crisis can cause to an
organization and its stakeholders.

6. What are the theories relating to crisis management?

• Attribution Theory - states that companies suffer reputation and business harm when the public
blames them for a crisis

• Situational Crisis communication theory - it states that businesses tailor crisis communications to the
crisis' potential to hurt the company's reputation.

• Diffusion of innovation theory - it provides a framework in exploring how innovations are

communicated within organizations. It clarifies the process and factors influencing the adoption of new

• Unequal human capital theory - it states that inequality amongst employees leads to crisis at the
workplace, the cause of a crisis is a failure to consider all aspects that need to be a part of a dynamic

• Chaos theory and butterfly effect theory - it suggests that the crisis managers should anticipate and
prepare to respond to small and low probability events that have potential harm

• image restoration or repair theory - shares a focus on rebuilding an organizations reputation

• structural functional theory - relies on structure made up of networks for information to flow and a
hierarchy of people who manage the process

7. What are the models of crisis management ?

• Three stage model

• Fink's four phases model of crisis

• Mitroff's Five stage crisis management model

8.What are the principles of proper crisis management?

whole of nation approach

- strengthened inter agency collaboration
- Efficient situation awareness
- tiered response to incidents
- adaptable operational capabilities
- unity of effort through unity of command
- readiness to act
- intensified public information campaign

Chapter 2

1.What are the three phases of Crisis Management?

The Proactive phase - this phase is designed to predict or prevent the probability of occurrence at the
same time prepare to handle them when they occur at this stage of crisis managers are looking for risks
an managing issues that may snowball into a crisis incident.

The Reactive Phase- This phase is the actual execution

or implementation of any contingency plan when a crisis
situation occurs despite the proactive measures . the objectives in this stage are:

a. to ensure a high probability of success in

neutralizing the perpetrator

b. to minimize, or cushion the adverse effects of the

crisis incident; and,

c. to ensure a smooth and speedy rehabilitation or

return to normalcy.
2.what is the difference between Manmade and natural occurring ideas?

Natural disasters and man-made disasters are the two main categories. Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms,
floods, and fires are a few examples of natural disasters. War, pollution, nuclear explosions, fires,
hazardous substance exposures, explosions, and transportation mishaps are a few examples of man-
made disasters. Further more, natural crisis is a sudden and terrible event in nature that usually results in
serious damage and many deaths while man made have an element of human intent, negligence, or error
involving a failure of a man-made system/

3.what are some of manmade crisis?

A. Civil disturbance

-labor strikes/demonstration strike



-Welga ng Bayan




-coup e etat


-border incident


-coventional war

-Biochemical war

- nuclear war



-Hostage taking

-Terrorists activities

4.What are some naturally occurring crises?

The examples of occurring crises is Heat waves, droughts, fires, floods, tropical storms, and other natural
disasters pose long-term health consequences. On the otherhand the Philippines is prone to earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions. Flooding due to heavy rains brought by the southwest monsoon and low-pressure
area also affects the region, resulting in damage to many livelihoods

5.what are the p’s of Crisis management?

The National Crisis Management Framework provides a comprehensive approach to understanding the

components of a crisis or the 5Ps of crisis management: Predict, Prevent, Prepare, Perform and Post-
Action and Assessment.

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