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CH 3iii

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– Bond Stress

– Development length

– Bar cutoff

Bond stress
In a reinforced concrete beam the flexural compressive force and
flexural tensile stress are resisted by the concrete and the
reinforcement, respectively. The bond between the steel and the
concrete is very important and essential so that they can act
together without any slip in a loaded structure.

There should be force transfer among the concrete and the steel
in order to have this combined effect.
“Bond stress” is the name assigned to the shear stress at the
concrete-bar interface.
Bond stress (Cont . . . )
In R.C.C. beam were constructed using plain round reinforcing bars,
and, furthermore, if those bars were to be greased or otherwise
lubricated before the concrete were poured, the beam would be very
little stronger than if it were built of plain concrete, without

Bond resistance in reinforced concrete is achieved through the

following mechanisms:
• Chemical adhesion
• Frictional resistance
• Mechanical interlock
Bond stress (Cont . . . )
Two types of bond:
There are two types of loading situations which induce bond
stresses, and accordingly ‘bond’ is characterized as:
1. Flexural bond;
2. Anchorage bond or development bond.

Flexural bond stress is high at locations of high shear, and that

this bond stress can be effectively reduced by providing an
increased number of bars of smaller diameter bars (to give the
same equivalent Ast).
Bond stress (Cont . . . )
It may be noted that the actual bond stress will be influenced by
flexural cracking, local slip, splitting and other secondary effects.

Flexural cracks are generally not present in the compression zone.

For this reason, flexural bond is less critical in a compression bar,
compared to a tension bar with an identical axial force.

Anchorage bond or development bond is the bond developed

near the extreme end (or cut-off point) of a bar subjected to
tension (or compression).

Bond stress (Cont . . . )
Bond Failure Mechanisms
The mechanisms that initiate bond failure may be any one or
combination of the following:
• break-up of adhesion between the bar and the concrete;
• longitudinal splitting of the concrete around the bar;
• crushing of the concrete in front of the bar ribs (in deformed
bars); and
• shearing of the concrete keyed between the ribs along a
cylindrical surface surrounding the ribs (in deformed bars).

Bond stress (Cont . . . )
Factors Influencing Bond Strength
Bond strength is influenced by several factors, some of which
have already been mentioned. In general, bond strength is
enhanced when the following measures are adopted:
• deformed (ribbed) bars are used instead of plain bars;
• smaller bar diameters are used;
• higher grade of concrete (improved tensile strength) is used;
• increased cover is provided around each bar;

Bond stress (Cont . . . )
• increased length of embedment, bends and /or hooks are
• mechanical anchorages are employed;
• stirrups with increased area, reduced spacing and/or higher
grade of steel are used;
• termination of longitudinal reinforcement in tension zones is
• any measure that will increase the confinement of the
concrete around the bar is employed.

Bond stress (Cont . . . )
Splices are required when bars placed short of their required length
(due to non-availability of longer bars) need to be extended. Splices
are also required when the bar diameter has to be changed along
the length (as is sometimes done in columns).

The purpose of ‘splicing’ is to transfer effectively the axial force

from the terminating bar to the connecting (continuing) bar with
the same line of action at the junction. This invariably introduces
stress concentrations in the surrounding concrete.

Bond stress (Cont . . . )
These effects should be minimized by:

• using proper splicing techniques;

• keeping the splice locations away from sections with high
flexural/shear stresses; and
• Staggering the locations of splicing in the individual bars of a
group (as, typically in a column).

Bond stress (Cont . . . )

Splicing is generally done in one of the following three ways:

1. Lapping of bars (lap splice)
2. Welding of bars (welded splice)
3. Mechanical connections.

Assignment #1
Determine the design anchorage length of a simply supported
beam that has to resist an ultimate moment of 250kNm. The X-
section of the beam is b = 200mm and d = 400mm. Assume high
bond and straight bars.
(C-20/25, S-300)

Assignment #2
A 3m cantilever beam was subjected to live load of 10 kN/m and
a dead load of 15 kN/m in addition to its own weight. Due to
architectural reason, the total depth of the beam cannot exceed
450mm and the width of the beam is desired to be 200mm.
If C-20/25 concrete and S-400 steel is to be used, determine:
a. The required reinforcement at the support.
b. The location where the compression reinforcement is no
longer necessary.

Assignment #2 (Cont . . .)


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