Duke of Ed Bronze Adventurous Journey Report Template
Duke of Ed Bronze Adventurous Journey Report Template
Duke of Ed Bronze Adventurous Journey Report Template
Pre-Journey Information
Suggested inclusions:
• A general description of the National Park/Forest & its location
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• Outline the skills you acquired during your Preparation and Training and your Practice
• Outline the physical fitness preparation for the Qualifying Journey
• Weather / environmental / timing notes prior to departure (see table below)
Day 1
Sunny, little clouds, no Uphill and downhill 15km 8hr
precipitation terrain, mainly rocks
Day 2
Sunny, some clouds, no Uphill and downhill 8km 6hr
precipitation, terrain, mainly rocks,
some mud and grass
*An average of at least 6 hours of purposeful effort per day is required for Bronze. Purposeful effort
means time spent towards accomplishing the purpose of the journey. Time associated with
sleeping, cooking and eating is in addition to this time.
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Map/Route Plan
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Equipment List
Clothing List
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Food List
• Stove
• Gas
Menu Plan
Also include a Menu Plan. Such a Menu Plan could be set out as below, or you can insert an
image/photo of the Plan you may have used for your Journey.
Protein bar
Ice tea
Emergency Food Cold tuna salad
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Chips Lollies
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Description of Journey
Note – a minimum ½ page description is expected for each day
Day 1
Suggested inclusions:
The first day we started our journey from Hornsby station, where we all gathered, checked the
weights of our bags and started the great north walk. Some key observations were the forestry
and nature of the area, filled with local flora and fauna, such as a variety of flowers and trees as
well as birds and lizards.
The geography of the region was mountainous and filled with water features, such as small
ponds, creeks and waterfalls. The weather was slightly cloudy during day but but luckily it did not
During the walk we came across many ponds and saw many beautiful flowers and mountains
These were all highlights of my day, as well as skipping rocks in one of the ponds with my friends.
There were no new tracks from the map, however there were some issues. The most major of
these was the weight of the water in my bag, which was causing strain on my shoulders. But as
the day went on and I depleted my water my water supplies the pain alleviated.
The campsite had great facilities including a water supply and clean bathrooms.
To summarise, the first day of the journey was filled with scenic views, gruelling terrain, which
together made an exciting and challenging journey. We finished the day with dinner, for which I
had a tuna sandwich and then fell asleep in the tent I made with my partner,
Timing notes
Expected time Actual time taken 8hrs longer than anticipated
(hr/min) 8hrs (hr/min) 30mins due to rests and slow
group members
Day 2
Suggested inclusions:
The second day started at our base camp, where we all woke up by 7pm, and slowly unpacked.
our tents. We then got up and ate breakfast, ready to start walking for another day. The
beginning of the day saw the group walking over scenic bridges over large water passages. The
nature of this area was similar to the first day, however there were some new flora and fauna
that thrived in waters which we hadn't seen prior. The geography of the region was steeper
opposed to the first day, however the trail seemed.
more fitting for casual hikers, as the trails were more well-defined and flatter. The weather on
the second day was sunnier than the first, however the few clouds in the sky prevented them
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from becoming too humid and warm.
As mentioned previously, the second day's scenery was most definitely better than the first, as
it had several waters displays such as a small water-fountain and multiple ponds. There was.
also this one field of tall grass, that was cut with a single trail.
Again, there were no new tracks from the map, however some problems that were.
encountered personally was another fall into the water, which forced me to walk the rest of
the trail in soggy boots. Thankfully the water I initially prepared and had been enough to last
At the end of the second day's walk, our group played some games and took a final break.
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Supporting Evidence
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Evidence may include: (scans/photos are acceptable)
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A Bronze Qualifying Journey is a memorable experience and a major achievement.
Please record some of your thoughts and reflections of the trip below.
Some questions to help you:
I felt very excited about the trip as it was very fun and enjoyable, and I got to spend lots of fun
experiences with my friends. Some highs during the trip were making dinner and skipping rocks,
while some lows were the hills and steep sections of the walk. We worked together to make our
tents and speed up the process. We also worked together as one of our group members were
struggling and we carried some of his load to help him. We learnt that the journey was not a race
but a marathon. My proudest achievement during the journey was when I completed the
journey. The most challenging during this journey was the section with the stairs. If I were to do
this again, I would pack less as I overpacked slightly. Some advice I would give to someone else
would be not to bring a stove as it is extra weight and space and too much hassle.
Save your completed Report as a PDF, then upload it to your Online Record Book (ORB) with the
following naming convention: Participant’s Name – Qualifying AJ Report. Files need to be less than
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