ICS Are Composed of Hardware
ICS Are Composed of Hardware
ICS Are Composed of Hardware
together to control various industrial processes, including production lines, turbines, and
chemical processes.
Opera&onal technology (OT) refers to the hardware and so7ware technologies used to monitor
and control physical processes and devices in industrial and infrastructure environments, such
as manufacturing plants, power plants, oil and gas facili&es, transporta&on systems, and water
treatment facili&es. OT systems are designed to interact with the physical world, o7en in real-
&me, and are responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient opera&on of cri&cal infrastructure
OT, on the other hand, is a broader term that encompasses not just the technology used
to control industrial processes, but also the people, processes, and procedures that are
used to manage and maintain that technology. OT includes everything from the physical
devices used to control industrial processes to the policies and procedures used to
ensure the safe and reliable operation of those devices.
Industrial cyber security refers to the protec&on of industrial control systems (ICS) and other
cri&cal infrastructure from cyber threats, aDacks, and unauthorized access.
The goal of industrial cyber security is to prevent unauthorized access to industrial systems,
protect against cyber aDacks that could disrupt or damage cri&cal infrastructure, and ensure the
availability, integrity, and confiden&ality of industrial data.
This includes measures such as network segmenta&on, access controls, data encryp&on,
intrusion detec&on and preven&on, threat intelligence, and incident response planning.
Intrusion Detec&on Systems (IDS) are security tools designed to detect and respond to
unauthorized or malicious ac&vi&es within a computer network or system. The primary purpose
of an IDS is to iden&fy poten&al security breaches and alert the system administrator or security
team, enabling them to take appropriate ac&on to mi&gate the threat.
I have a degree in computer science and experience in the areas of industrial networks
and cybersecurity. I have worked on developing and improving industrial network
security measures to ensure that the plants are protected against cyber attacks.
2. How would you approach developing and improving our global Industrial Cyber
Security concept?
I would first conduct a comprehensive review of the current security measures in place
and identify any gaps or areas that need improvement. I would then work with the team
to create a roadmap for improving the existing security measures and implementing
new ones to enhance the overall security posture of the organization.
3. Can you explain the purpose and use of the terms IDMZ, firewall, VLAN, CVE, and
RDP in relation to industrial networks and cybersecurity?
IDMZ stands for Industrial Demilitarized Zone and is a network security concept that
separates industrial networks from corporate networks. A firewall is a security system
designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a network. VLAN stands for Virtual
Local Area Network, a technology used to create logical subnetworks within a larger
physical network. CVE stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, a publicly
disclosed cybersecurity vulnerability that needs to be addressed. RDP stands for Remote
Desktop Protocol, a technology that allows remote access to a computer or server.
I would follow the organization's incident response plan and take immediate action to
contain the incident, assess the damage, and restore the affected systems. I would also
work with the team to investigate the incident and identify the root cause to prevent
similar incidents from occurring in the future.
5. Have you conducted cybersecurity audits before? Can you give an example of
one that you have done?
7. How would you monitor global production networks for anomalies, and what
actions would you take if you detected one?
I would use a combination of monitoring tools and techniques, such as network traffic
analysis and intrusion detection systems, to identify any anomalous activity on the
network. If I detected an anomaly, I would investigate further to determine the cause
and take appropriate action to mitigate any potential security risks.
8. Have you worked with any specific cybersecurity tools or technologies? Can you
give an example of how you have used them?
Some common tools and technologies in the field include firewalls, intrusion
detection/prevention systems, antivirus software, vulnerability scanners, and security
information and event management (SIEM) systems.
9. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest developments in industrial networks
and cybersecurity?