Cost Performance For Building Construction Projects

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Journal of Building Performance ISSN: 2180-2106 Volume 1 Issue 1 2010



A.S. Ali*, S.N. Kamaruzzaman

University of Malaya, Faculty of Built Environment
Building Performance and Diagnostic Group
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603-7967 4494 Fax: 603-7967 5713
Corresponding Author: [email protected]


Since seventies, the economic of Malaysia has undergone rapid growth. Construction
industry constitutes an important element of Malaysian economy. It shows how important
to control and manage the projects in good quality and efficiently. There are four
fundamental constraints needed to be considered when managing the construction
projects, which are scope, cost, time, and quality. In order to manage the projects
successfully, it is necessary to consider whether the project is within those four
constraints. However, it found that there were many problems on cost performance in
many countries. One of the major problems was cost overrun in construction projects. In
Malaysia, the problem of cost overrun considered significance in construction industry.
There were many factors that contribute to cost overrun in Malaysian construction
projects. The factors might become risks and lead to negative effect to the projects.
Hence, this research is to identify factors that contribute to cost overrun and potential
measures to overcome the problem with the focus given to construction projects within
Klang Valley. The method used in this research is quantitative based. A questionnaire
survey conducted to collect data from the respondents that consisted of project manager,
quantity surveyor, M & E Engineer, C & S Engineer, and other related respondents.
Questionnaires were distributed to 30 respondents from construction firms in Klang Valley.
Data collected form a database for analysis using Statistic Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 17.0. Descriptive statistics and ranking analysis were used in data
analysis. The result shown that the most serious factor contributes to cost overrun was
inaccurate or poor estimation of original cost and the factor do not affect most was
mistake in design. The most important method to control construction cost is proper
project costing and financing. On the other hand, the least important approach was
establishing a system in design. In conclusion, the problem of cost overrun is not a small
issue but could cause serious problems to the construction industry in Malaysia.

Keywords: Construction projects, Cost overruns, Cost performance, Malaysia


Malaysia is in the process of rapidly developing. Intan Rohani et al. (2009) reported that
since seventies, the economic in Malaysia has undergone rapid growth. It found that
construction industry constitutes an important element of Malaysian economy. According
to Chan (2001: 10), “the construction sector achieved a more moderate growth of 11.8%
in 1996 after recording a high growth of 15.2% in 1995”. Its constribution to GDP (Gross
Domestic Product) is estimated to be stabilised at 4.5%.

In construction industry, it is important to have control on cost performance of projects to

ensure the construction cost is within the budget. So, project cost management is needed
to keep the project within its defined budget. Project Management Institute (2004: 14)
defines project management as “application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to
project activities to meet project requirements”. A project gets more scientific and
systematic when the project gets larger and more complex. This is because the project
becomes necessary to integrate and coordinate human inputs and some of physical
components within the four fundamental constraints which are scope, cost, time and

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According to Ramli (2003), cost management in construction industry is less effective

compared to time management. Categories of project cost management include project
resource planning, cost budgeting, cost control and cost estimating. Two important
components of cost control are cash flow management and project accounting. It should
determine the projected final cost and consider the projections of future cost where it
involving scope, time and quality.

Cost overrun is a major problem in project development and is a regular feature in

construction industry. The situation of a construction project in which budgetary estimate
exceeds estimation, budget exceeds budgetary estimate, and settlement exceeds budget
is a universal phenomenon. Construction cost which is out of control adds to investment
pressure, increases construction cost, affects investment decision-making and wastes the
national finance might result in corruption or offence. Hence, it is important to identify the
factors that contribute to cost overrun to avoid and reduce the problems.

Cost Performance

“Cost is among the major consideration throughout the project management life cycle and
can be regarded as one of the most important parameters of a project and the driving
force of project success” (Azhar et al., 2008: : 7). Gido and Clements (2003) mentioned
that cost performance is an effective technique in project management effort expended
and it is widely accepted in the literature and industry. Earned Value Analysis (EVA) is
used to evaluate cost performance of different types of projects. Cost control, cost
estimating, and cost budgeting are three cost related processes that interact among each
other and with other scopes of construction projects.

Besides that, Gido and Clements (2003) stated that there are four cost-related measures
in cost performance analysis which are used to analyze cost performance of a project.
The measure is used to evaluate the project whether the project is being performed within
the budgeted cost or whether it is in line with the actual cost. The four cost-related
measures are TBC (total budgeted cost), CBC (cumulative budgeted cost), CAC
(cumulative actual cost), and CEV (cumulative earned value).

Normally, cost estimation will be made before start a project so that it can be controlled
within cost budget. A project may require more than one person and may occur more
than once during the life of a project which depending on the complexity of the project. It
may be very simple or extremely complex when managing the cost of project. In project
management, it should also consider the needs of project stakeholders in the project cost
(Gido antd Clements, 2003).

It found that it is important to studies more detail on costs of building and it is agreed by
Ashworth (1994: 6) found that “cost studies of buildings consist of the application of the
techniques and expertise of economics to construction projects”. Also, it is to ensure
available resources are used efficiently and to increase the rate of growth of construction
work in the most efficient manner.

Cost Overrun

Cost overrun is a very common phenomenon and majority projects in construction

industry facing this problem. Cost overrun occurs when the final cost or expenditure of the
project exceeds the original estimation cost, Avots (1983). Angelo and Reina (2002)
pointed out that cost overrun is one of the main problems in construction industry. The
problem may found in both developing and developed countries. This problem is quite
serious and futher study on this issue is needed to reduce the problems. There are some
factors contribute to cost overrun in construction industry which are found from the
researchers’ study. The factors are as follow:

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Inaccurate or Poor Estimation of Original Cost

Peeters and Madauss (2008) stated that the biggest factor that contributes to overruns of
budget is inaccurate estimation of original or initial cost of a project. It is because of
technical problem on how to estimate project costs and also not enough project
information in the early stage of project.

Inflation of Project Costs

Harrison (1981) stated that inflation of project costs cause increasing of costs. Inflation of
materials, equipments, and labours costs may vary geographically within a country, from
country to country, and contracts of subcontractors with suppliers may involve different
inflation protection terms that agreed with a client. As inflation goes up, interest rates will
go up and the costs will increase too.

Improper Planning

According to Frimpong (2003), improper planning and management experience limitation

caused failures of using technical. The processes to produce a product become slower
and take longer period to complete the project.

Fluctuation in Price of Raw Materials

Price fluctuation causes cost overruns in most cases where it is hard to estimate the cost
accurately because it is objective. This happen caused by high inflation of price in
developing countries or the speculation of suppliers (Long et al., 2008).

Poor Project Management

Poor of site supervison and management and poor project management assistance
contribute to problem of cost overrun in construction projects. Poor of site management
reflected the weakness and incompetency of contractors. Skilful and experience human
resource is insufficient in site management (Long et al., 2008).

Lack of Experience

Chan and Park (2005) found that most of the contractors are lack of experience
especially in financial management. The distributon of the costs do not plan well in the
projects. It might cause over of costs budgeted.

Obsolete or Unsuitable Construction Equipments and Methods

Obsolete and unsuitable equipments and methods cause the progress of construction
works become slower. Some countries try to import or transfer the modern technology
into their countries. However, the method is unsuccessful because lack of skilful human
to operate the technology (Long et al., 2004a).

Unforeseen Site Conditions

Nega (2008) found that actual site conditions of a project are not usually determined until
excavation is completed. It is sometimes possible that site conditions are overlooked by
the initial review or conditions have changed due to change of weather conditions or sub-
soil conditions. The unexpected conditions on sub surface sometimes require
fundamental redesign of projects with high expense. Changes of site conditions become
a problem for machinery and supplies to move in and out of the site. This also increase
costs required.

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Mistake in Design

According to Long et al. (2008), mistakes in design or poor design are caused by the low-
competence designer. The approval design or drawing process becomes low quality and
ineffective especially for those with government-funded projects. The unrealistic design
which found after the start the construction projects has to change and it could lead to
cost overrun.

Insufficient Fund

Long et al. (2008) noted that delay of the projects followed by cost increasing to cover all
the expenses during construction. Owners are not preparing sufficient fund for project and
pay on time as shown in contract agreement to contractor.

Poor Contract Management

Ogunlana and Olomolaiye (1989) mentioned that many contractors in developing

countries have organizes their own commercial undertaking. They are good in managing
expense because they are familiar with the business of making money. They pay low
wages, submit low bids and low ability to plan and coordinate contracts. They do not
follow the agreement that stated in contract.

High Cost of Machineries

Chan and Park (2005) found that high cost of machineries is one of the market related
problems. Construction industry is mainly market driven where it is influenced by curent
market style. For example, when the oil needed to run machineries increasing, the rental
cost of machineries also inceasing.

Construction Cost Underestimation

In order to get project approval for the project, some parties have deliberated
underestimating of costs for their project. It is quite serious situation that occurred on
some project (Nega, 2008).

Measures to Control Construction Cost

There are some measures which are found from the researchers’ study to control the
construction costs or to overcome the problems of cost overruns. The researchers have
their own opinion on how to solve the problems. The measures are as below:

Proper Project Costing and Financing

Kaliba et al. (2009) stated that delays of schedule may occur caused of delayed in
payments due to complex financial processes in client organisations. Delay in payment
would cause financial difficulties to contractors and subsequently delay the schedule to
complete the activities on site. Interest could be charged on delayed payments hence
inducing cost overruns in the project.

Competent Personnel

Kaliba et al. (2009) mentioned that contractors, consultants, and clients should ensure
that they have the right personnel with appropriate qualifications to manage their projects
efficiently. It is better if construction manager have experience and qualifications in
project or construction management.

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Appropriate Scope Definition

Nega (2008) agreed that only concern on the works required to complete the project
successfully. Guard against incomplete identification of scope is important to avoid
frequent changes. Also, do not incorporate the works out of scope to avoid unnecessary

Proper Cost Control

Ashworth (1994) mentioned that one of the client’s requirements in respect of

construction project is assessment of its expected cost. Proper cost control is important
as it is the general trend towards greater cost-effectiveness and ensures construction
costs not solely in the context of initial costs, but in terms of life-cyccle costs or total cost

Risk Management during Project Execution

Peeters and Madauss (2008) found out some approach to avoid cost overruns. In any
development project, there must be contain certain amount of risks. Therefore, a risk
management function needed to be performed by project manger to determine and
reduce the risks of the particular project. The aim of risk management is to minimise any
risk that might result failure to meet the project requirements.

Appropriate Contractual Framework

Peeters and Madauss (2008) has supported that once the objective of cost has been
estimated, it is followed by choosing an appropriate contract model where there are
techniques to make a relationship between the initial estimate and final price.

Increase Supply of Materials

Frimpong et al. (2003) found that there should prepare adequate allowance for any
emergency case in order to cover increasing in material cost due to inflation.

Realistic Cost Estimation

The initial cost estimates should be as accurate as possible. Accuracy of cost estimation
allows clients to check and determine the required funds for executing the project are
made available when required (Kaliba et al., 2009).

Efficient Management

Gould (2002) stated that efficient management is important to produce a productive and
cost efficient site. Scope may changes due to inadequate planning and feasibility studies.
In order to control the project effectively, the project manager must follow up the schedule
to avoid additional costs and ensure the building can be occupied on time as planned.

The techniques to overcome the problems of cost overrun are found by literature study.
From the literature study, it found that there are eleven variables that are suggested by
the researchers to overcome or reduce the problems of cost overrun in construction
projects. An appropriate technique should be considered and used in construction
projects in Malaysia to reduce the problems of cost overruns.

Research Methodology

There are four main stages involved in this study. They are:

Stage 1: Preliminary Study

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The problem area of research is identified at the first stage. Some considerations needed
are level of expertise, interest, magnitude, measurement of concepts, availability of data,
relevance, and ethical issues.

Stage 2: Research proposal

A research proposal includes the overall plan, structure, scheme, and designed method
to get answers for the existing problems that constitute to the research project. Besides, a
research proposal should outline the various tasks that have planned to undertake to fulfil
the research objectives or obtain answers of the research questions.

Stage 3: Data Collection and Processing Data

After have determined the research problem, formation a study design, constructed a
research instrument and selected a sample, data will be collected from where it will draw
inferens and conclusion for the study. The method used to collect data in this study is
questionnaire survey. The questionnaire is designed based on the objectives of the study.
The questionnaires were distributed to 30 respondents of different projects. Then, it is
followed by processing data. The data collected from the respondents will be analysed.
Due to limitation of time and cost, the following limitations were used during the data
collection process.
• The project was completed projects in Klang Valley.
• The project was completed in between years 2000-2009.
• The project size in contract value is at least RM 5,000,000.

Stage 4: Conclusion and Recommendations

At this stage, all of the relevant data were written up in a report. This included conclusion
and recommendation for the research. The conclusion will be tied up with the objectives
to ensure the objectives have been achieved.

Data Analysis and Discussion

The data collected by using questionnaire survey method will be analyzed by using
Statistics Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0. The data were collected
from 30 respondents of construction consultancy firm in Klang Valley. The questionnaires
were distributed to the relevant respondents which include project manager, quantity
surveyor, M & E Engineer, C & S Engineer, and others repondents who have knowledge
on cost overrun in their projects. The respondents need to answer the questions based
on their projects selected which include types of project and total cost for the projects. It is
also to identify the cost performance in their project.

The method used in the data collection is descriptve statistics. Purpose of descriptive
analysis is to summarize the data collected from the respondents. In this study, decriptive
analysis is applied in discussing the respondents’ profile, projects’ profile and
respondents’ opinion on the relevant projects. Two types of question are used in the
questionnaire which is multiple choice questions and Likert scale. Table 1,2 and 3 shows
the result collected from the 30 respondents:

There are many factors that contribute to cost overrun in construction projects. From
literature review, it was found that there were thirteen main factors that contribute to cost
overruns. The factors contribute to cost overrun includes inaccurate or poor estimation of
original cost, inflation of project costs, improper planning, fluctuation in price of raw
materials, poor project management, lack of experience, obsolete or unsuitable
construction equipements and methods, unforeseen site conditions, mistake in design,
insufficient fund, poor contract management, high cost of machineries, and construction
cost underestimation.

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Since cost overrun is a quite serious problem, so it is necessary to identify the measure
can be implemented by contractors to control their construction cost. There are eleven
measures have been identified which include proper project costing and financing, proper
cost control, competent personnel, efficient management, risk management during project
execution, realistic cost estimation, appropriate scope definition, appropriate contractual
framework, establish training programs, increase supply of materials,and establish a
system in design. The ranking of variables were identified based on the mean.

Table 3 shows ranking for measures used to control cost overrun in construction projects.
From the result, it found that poor estimation in project costs is the main factor contributes
to cost overrun in the projects of Klang Valley area. In respondents’ opinion, mistake in
design is not a serious problem if compare with other factors. Since poor estimation is the
main problem, so the respondents consider that the main measure to overcome cost
overrun is by controlling project costing and financing properly. Besides that, it found that
the mistake in design is not a serious problem, so the respondents consider that establish
a system in design is not very important for them to overcome cost overrun.


Cost performance in contruction projects is a critical issue in Malaysia. It was found that
most of construction projects in Malaysia are affected by cost overrun. Finding of the
research shows that construction industry suffered for the problem of cost overrun in
projects. Two main variables that contributed to the cost overrun in Malaysian
construction projects are poor estimation of original project cost and underestimate the
construction cost by quantity surveyors.


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Azhar, N., Rizwan U. Farooqui & Ahmed, S.M. (2008). Cost overrun factors in construction industry of Pakistan.
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Chan A.P.C..(2001). Time-cost relationship of public sector projects in Malaysia. International Journal of Project
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Chan, S. and Park, M. (2005). Project cost estimation using principal component regression. Construction
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Nega, F. (2008). Causes and effects of cost overrun on public building construction projects in Ethiopia. Phd
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Table 1: Result Obtained from Multiple Choice Questions

Questions Major answer from respondents
Position of respondents Project manager 44
Frequency of Respondents’
5-10 times 47
involvement in cost overruns
Types of project selected Residential 60

Total cost for project selected More than RM 20,000,000 37

Ratio for actual project cost to target
0 to 8, 0.81 to 0.90, 0.91 to 1.00 23.3
project cost

Table 2: Ranking on Factors Contribute to Cost Overrun

Mean Standard
Variables Ranking
(n=30) Deviation
Inaccurate / poor estimation of original cost 4.30 0.794 1
Construction cost underestimation 4.30 0.837 1
Improper planning 4.27 0.828 3
Poor project management 4.20 0.847 4
Lack of experience 3.90 0.803 5
Poor contract management 3.83 0.950 6
Inflation of project costs 3.80 1.031 7
High cost of machineries 3.67 0.884 8
Fluctuation in price of raw materials 3.47 1.167 9
Unforeseen site conditions 3.47 0.776 9
Insufficient fund 3.33 0.959 11
Obsolete / unsuitable construction equipments and
3.27 0.828 12
Mistake in design 3.17 0.986 13

Table 3: Ranking on Measures to Control Construction Cost

Variables Mean (n=30) Ranking
Proper project costing and financing 4.70 0.466 1
Proper cost control 4.50 0.682 2
Competent personnel 4.47 0.681 3
Efficient management 4.43 0.728 4
Risk management during project execution 4.33 0.711 5
Realistic cost estimation 4.13 0.629 6
Appropriate scope definition 3.97 0.718 7
Appropriate contractual framework 3.80 0.714 8

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Establish training programs 3.67 0.758 9

Increase supply of materials 3.53 1.074 10
Establish a system in design 3.50 0.820 11

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