Activity 1
Activity 1
Activity 1
container or to hold liquid or solid commonly used to dispense and instrument used to measure the
samples. They are also used to catch measure variable amounts of liquid mass of various objects. It consists of
liquids from titrations and filtrates or sometimes gas within chemical three beams, each of which is
from filtering operations. and industrial testing specially for provided with a single sliding weight
the titration process in volumetric that has a size corresponding to the
analysis. gradations of the notched scale on
each beam.
Wash bottle used to rinse various Reagent bottles are used to store Graduated cylinders is a piece of
pieces of laboratory glassware, such chemicals in liquid or powder form. laboratory apparatus used to
as test tubes and round bottom They are generally made up of glass measure the volume of a liquids,
flasks. To clean laboratory glassware or plastic. chemicals or solutions and are more
and other equipment. They are filled accurate and precise than laboratory
with appropriate cleaning liquids, flasks and beakers.
and poured over the tool that needs
to be cleaned.
Burette clamp used specifically to Iron clamp is used to secure an Evaporating Dish are used for the
hold and secure a burette on a extension-type utility clamp to a evaporation of liquids and solutions
stand, so that a burette is fixed and support stand or ring stand. It is also to produce a solid substance or
more convenient for the experiment. used in some instances to clamp a concentrated solutions.
couple of support rods together, or
to clamp an iron ring or other
attachment to a metal bar.
Crucible and cover is used to melt Glass funnel are for funneling liquids Erlenmeyer Flask are used to contain
materials such as glass and metal. from one container to another or for liquids and for mixing, heating,
The cover may also be used to filtering when equipped with filter cooling, incubation, filtration,
contain chemicals while they are paper. storage, and other liquid-handling
being heated in a laboratory setting processes. Their slanted sides and
narrow necks allow the contents to
be mixed by swirling without the risk
of spills, which is useful for titrations
and for boiling liquids.
Florence flask is characterized by a Volumetric flask is used to make up a Round bottom flask is most often
long neck and rounded bottom with solution to a known volume. used when heating solutions,
a flat base. It is useful as a reaction Volumetric flasks are used to particularly for distillation.
vessel as well as for heating measure volumes much more
solutions. precisely than beakers or Erlenmeyer
Dessicator is used both for the Mortar and pestle is sets to crush up Pipette used to measure out or
cooling of heated objects and for the solid chemicals into smaller pieces, transfer small quantities of liquid, in
storage of dry objects that must not or to grind solids into fine powder. volumes of milliliters (mL),
be exposed to the moisture normally This makes it easier to dissolve solids microliters (μL).
present in the atmosphere. into solvents (when making
Iron ring is used to support flasks or Iron stand supports the iron ring Stirring rod is used to stir or mix
funnels upright in a stand. This is to when heating substances or mixtures solutions. One of their main uses is
enable the stability of the flask or in a flask or beaker (using a Bunsen to “scratch” the side of glassware
funnel while testing is being burner) clamps can also be used to (such as an Erlenmeyer Flask) to start
performed. hold glasswares on the iron ring. the crystallization process in many
Rubber stopper are ideal for plugging Spatula are utensils that help with Test tube are the perfect shape and
joints or holes in laboratory mixing, scraping, and other tasks size to hold small amounts of
glassware and creating a liquid-tight related to transferring materials and substances, usually liquid, which are
seal. Rubber bungs are often used samples from one place to another. then manipulated in some way, such
with glass containers such as test Are also used to transfer samples or as being placed over the flame of a
tubes, flasks, jugs, and many other chemicals from their original Bunsen burner.
pieces of standard lab equipment. containers to weighing paper,
weighing boats, weighing bottles,
weighing funnels, or other vessels or
containers for weighing.
Test tube brush used for cleaning Test tube holder is used to hold test Test tube rack used to hold multiple
test tubes and narrow mouth tubes. It is used for holding a test test tubes upright at the same time.
laboratory glassware, such as tube in place when the tube is hot or They are especially useful for
graduated cylinders, burettes, and should not be touched. organizing test tubes when different
Erlenmeyer flasks. solutions are being worked on or
collected at once.
Thermometer is used to measure the Triangular file is used in the Crucible tong handle a hot crucible,
boiling point and freezing point chemistry lab to score glass tubing to evaporating dishes, flasks, small
during science experiments. It is also create clean breaks in the glass. beakers or other items which have a
used to measure the temperature of high temperature or contain
substances. potentially dangerous materials
which cannot be touched with bare
Condensers are often used in reflux, Watch Glass are used by chemists to Wing top is for producing a broad,
where hot solvent vapors of a liquid evaporate liquids and cover beakers flat, fan-shaped flame such as
being heated are cooled and allowed during sample preparation. They are required for bending glass tubing.
to drip back hence reducing the loss also used to hold solids during
of solvent extending the period of weighing.
time it can be heated.