DLL-Q2-lesson 6
DLL-Q2-lesson 6
DLL-Q2-lesson 6
Wednesday(November 9, 2022)
Monday (November 7, 2022) Monday (November 8, 2022) Thursday(November 10, 2022)
Mapagmahal - Friday (November 11, 2022)
Makabansa :00 - Makabansa6 :00 - Makatao - 6:00 - 7:00
8:00 - 9:40 Makatao - 6:00 - 7:40
7:40 Maka-Dios - 8:00 - 9:40 7:40 Maka-Dios - 8:00 - 9:40 Mapagmahal- 8:00 -9:40 Matapat
Matulungin - 9:40 - 11:20 Matulungin - 9:40 - 11:20
Matapat - 9:40 - 11:20 Matapat - 9:40 - 11:20 10:30-11:20
1. Define and explain mirror Construct ray diagram to determine 1. Define and explain mirror 1. Define and explain mirror Construct ray diagram to determine
I. OBJECTIVES refection. the location, orientation, size and refection. refection. the location, orientation, size and
2. Apply ray diagramming tech- type of images formed by convex 2. Apply ray diagramming tech- 2. Apply ray diagramming tech- type of images formed by convex
niques in describing the charac- and oncave mirrors. niques in describing the ccharac- niques in describing the ccharac- and oncave mirrors.
teristis and position of images teristis and position of images teristis and position of images
formed by mirrors formed by mirrors formed by mirrors
C. Learning Competencies
(Write the LC Code for each) Predict the qualitative characteristics (orientation, type, magnification) of images formed by plain and curved mirrors and lenses. (s10-fe-Iig-50)
1. Teacher's Guide pages TG P (source: downloaded video TG P (source: downloaded vi TG P (source: downloaded videoTG P (source: downloaded videTG P (source: downloaded video
A. ENGAGE A picture will be shown to the learner The teacher will show pictures of A picture will be shown to the learner A picture will be shown to the learner The teacher will show pictures of
Proccess questions. images formed in convex lenses. Proccess questions. Proccess questions. images formed in convex lenses.
1. Have you seen your image on the 1. Have you seen your image on the 1. Have you seen your image on the
two sides of a spoon? two sides of a spoon? two sides of a spoon?
2. What do you noticed about your 2. What do you noticed about your 2. What do you noticed about your
image on eah of the two sides of the image on eah of the two sides of the image on eah of the two sides of the
spoon? spoon? spoon?
. How will you compare your image . How will you compare your image . How will you compare your image
from the two sides of the spoon? from the two sides of the spoon? from the two sides of the spoon?
B. EXPLORE 1. Learners will identifiy the types The teacher will present a video that 1. Learners will identifiy the types 1. Learners will identifiy the types The teacher will present a video that
of principal rays. explains how images are being of principal rays. of principal rays. explains how images are being
2. Learners will describe the steps formed in a covex mirror. And student 2. Learners will describe the steps 2. Learners will describe the steps formed in a covex mirror. And student
in locating an image. are to ask some applications of in locating an image. in locating an image. are to ask some applications of
3. Learners will identify the location convex mirrors. 3. Learners will identify the location 3. Learners will identify the location convex mirrors.
of the object through ray diagram- of the object through ray diagram- of the object through ray diagram-
E. EVALUATE Activity sheets are provided. Part 2 of the activity. Activity sheets are provided. Activity sheets are provided. Part 2 of the activity.
V. REFLECTION My teaching strategies works to most My teaching strategies works to most My teaching strategies works to most My teaching strategies works to most My teaching strategies works to most
I understand that of my learners of my learners of my learners of my learners of my learners
I realize Innovating ang localizing materials Innovating ang localizing materials Innovating ang localizing materials Innovating ang localizing materials Innovating ang localizing materials
used are benificial to students used are benificial to students used are benificial to students used are benificial to students used are benificial to students
learnings. learnings. learnings. learnings. learnings.
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:
Subject Teacher Head Teacher I, Science Dept. Principal II