1 - Introduction To Law On Tourism and Hospitality
1 - Introduction To Law On Tourism and Hospitality
1 - Introduction To Law On Tourism and Hospitality
Prepared by:
Ø A rule of conduct, just, obligatory, promulgated by legitimate
authority, and of common observance and benefit.
Ø It is a rule of action or any system of uniformity
➢ It determines not only the activities of men as rational beings
but also the movements or motions of all objects of creation.
➢ It is a system of rules that govern a society with the intention
of maintaining social order, upholding justice and preventing harm
to individuals and property.
Characteristics of Law
1. Rule of human conduct
2. Just and obligatory
3. Promulgated by competent authority
4. It must be observed by all.
Tourism Law
• It is defined as a body of rules or principles of action which deals with
the regulation, authority, relations and obedience and manners of a
society involved in tourist travel and accomodation. It includes
persons travelling from place to place for pleasure and business
establishments or persons engaged in the occupation of providing
various services for tourist.
Tourism Laws
A combination of state, local, and international laws that control the
different facets and functions of the travel industry.
The United Nations World Tourism Organization has maintained that
tourism laws are necessary to provide a regulatory framework for the
proper development and management of tourism activities to aid in
the conservation of natural resources and the preservation of cultural
A social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the
movement of people to countries or places outside their usual
environment for personal or business/professional purposes. These
people are called visitors (which may be either tourists or excursionists;
residents or non-residents) and tourism has to do with their activities,
some of which imply tourism expenditure. (United Nations World
Tourism Organization (UNWTO) )
• Tourism is the activities of people traveling to and staying in places
outside their usual environment for leisure, business or other
purposes for not more than one consecutive year.
Hospitality Laws
Hospitality laws deal with food service, travel, and lodging industries.
Kinds of Laws
According to purpose:
According to scope:
1. Public Law- This law applies to all of the state or to particular class of
persons in the state, with equal force and obligation. (Examples:
Political Law, Criminal Law, International Law)
The Constitution is the basic and paramount law to which all other laws
must conform and to which all persons, including the highest officials
of the land, must defer.
These are formal written enactment of a legislative authority that
governs a city, state, or country. It typically commands or prohibits
something, or declare a policy. These are rules made by legislative
A compact made between two or more independent nations with a
view to the public welfare. ( Adolfo v. CFI, 34 SCRA 169)
It includes the right of The right to exist and Anything that can come
an individual to use his the right to be free under the right of
o her body in its from arbitrary personal ownership and be the
completeness, free from restraint or servitude. subject of contract.
dismemberment, and
extends to the use of
God-given faculties
which make life
Due Process of Law
• “A law which hears before it condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry
and renders judgment only after trial.”