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Case Report
Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that occurs mainly on the lower lip in the
susceptible individuals.[1] It is usually caused by chronic and excessive exposure of the lips to solar
ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The lesion is potentially malignant and may transform into squamous cell
carcinoma (SCC).[2] Clinical features include diffuse and poorly demarcated atrophic, erosive or
keratotic plaques that may affect some parts of, or the entire vermilion border. People with fair
complexion, engaged in more amount of outdoor activities and with eversion of lips are more
commonly affected by Actinic cheilitis.[3] Prophylactic measures against Actinic cheilitis must include
limitation of prolonged exposure to sunlight, the use of appropriate protective clothing, and the use of
a sunscreen cream. This is a case report of actinic cheilitis, its clinical features and treatment options.
Keywords: Actinic cheilitis, UVB, Squamous cell carcinoma.
out, floor of the ulcer is covered with found in dark-skinned people of India.[7] In
granulation tissue with erythematous a study conducted by Cavalcante et al, in
borders, surrounding mucosa was 2008 he stated that Actinic cheilitis is not
pigmented, crusted along the periphery. On exclusive to fair-skinned individuals. There
palpation the lesion is tender with no is a high incidence of actinic cheilitis in
bleeding on application of pressure, attached Somalia, where most of the inhabitants of
to the deeper structures, rolled out margins the country were black. He also inferred that
present. men and women are equally effected by
Based on the history and clinical Actinic cheilitis as they both share similar
findings it has been provisionally diagnosed working environment.[1,8] Risk factors for
as actinic cheilitis. A differential diagnosis Actinic cheilitis include outdoor activity and
of traumatic ulcer, cheilitis glandularis, skin type. Other factors such as smoking
erythema multiforme was also included. The and dietary habits, genetic predisposition are
patient was then subjected to hematological believed to be associated with carcinoma of
investigations like complete blood picture, lip. Exposure to sunlight associated with
HIV, HbsAg, HCV. other factors such as smoking and dietary
habits might produce a synergistic effect.
DISCUSSION Actinic cheilitis initially occurs as an
Skin is the organ most exposed to asymptomatic dry lip affecting the lower lip
environmental sunlight. Sunlight consists of vermilion. Advanced lesions may manifest
radiation that varies in wavelength from 200 as parallel folds or fissures, a loss of
to 1800 nm. Ultraviolet (UV) B rays which normally distinct cutaneous vermilion
range from 290 to 320 in wavelength, cause border, mottling, keratotic plaques, and
the superficial burning of the skin that leads erosions. The attack frequently begins with
to sunburn.[4] Lauren Marot et al, in 2008 a group of vesicles on the vermillion surface
has stated that The role of UVB in tumor of the lower lip, which soon becomes
induction has been accepted for decades and confluent, crusted, and scaling inflammation
the contribution of UVA has been ignored sometimes with swelling. In a study
for a long time. UV B rays are primarily conducted by Markopoulos et al, He found
responsible for sun-induced changes in the that Actinic cheilitis manifested clinically in
lip. Several studies have now provided three forms; white non ulcerated lesions,
substantial evidence of UVA involvement in erosions of ulcers of lip, mixed white non
the development of tumours and in the erosive.[9] Kaugars et al. found that on
depression of immune functions.[5] In a palpation, these lesions give the sense of
study conducted by Agar s et al, in 2006 gloved sliding finger on fine sand paper. [10]
stated that the predominance of UVA Actinic cheilitis may appear clinically with
mutations in the basal cell layer reinforces localized or diffused lesions. Markopoulos
the pivotal role UVA may play in the et al, in his study inferred that patients with
malignant transformation of human skin. lip cancer have lesions >1.0cm in diameter
Hence it is important to protect the at the time of their initial diagnosis. [9] Hence
population not just from UVB but also from the early diagnosis of actinic cheilitis is very
UVA irradiation, as it has profound crucial.
implications on public health.[6] Actinic Martinez et al found that epithelial
cheilitis affects the lower lip exclusively expression of P53 and murine double
because of its anatomic orientation that minute (mdm2) gene was significantly
exposes it to sunlight. It occurs in people increased in Actinic cheilitis.[10] Freitas et al,
who are habitually associated to sunlight in his study concluded that the expression of
such as farmers, peddlers, golfers. It was P53 and MDM2 proteins in Actinic cheilitis
believed that Actinic cheilitis most can be an important indicator in lip
commonly in fair-skinned people, it is also carcinogenesis, regardless of the degree of
epithelial dysplasia.[12] Yanamoto et al, injection of alpha interferon are also being
studied in his study in 2002 confirmed a tested for its efficacy in treating Actinic
correlation between the super expression of cheilitis.
the MDM2 protein and an unfavourable
prognosis for the disease.[13] Actinic cheilitis CONCLUSION
is a potentially malignant lesion that affects Actinic cheilitis deserves a special
the lower lip and is caused by excessive attention because of its malignant potential.
exposure to solar radiation. The malignant The intimate association of the disorder with
transformation rate of actinic cheilitis into exposure to sunlight is an important factor
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lip to be noted in the history. Careful clinical
ranges from 10% to 30%.SCC of the lip is examination and recording the occupation is
common form of oral cancer corresponding the key to diagnose actinic cheilitis. Early
to 95% of all oral malignant lesions. Actinic diagnosis is of paramount importance as
cheilitis is thus a primarily UVB induced actinic cheilitis has the susceptibility to
intra epithelial neoplasm. And the mutations convert into squamous cell carcinoma and
induced by UVB can cause squamous cell therefore may deteriorate the prognosis of
carcinoma. the treatment outcome. Preventive measures
Diagnosis of the case is by clinical should always be followed when exposure
examination and history of exposure to sun. to sun cannot be avoided. Chemical and
In this case the patient was a shepherd physical sunscreens will help to lower the
which causes prolonged exposure to risk of damage caused by radiation to the
sunlight. As there was no deleterious habit skin. In this case the patient had everted
reported and trauma from the opposing lower lip due to which the there was direct
tooth was also ruled out, a diagnosis of exposure of sunlight making it more
actinic cheilitis was made. susceptible to hazardous effects of radiation.
Treatment options for actinic Moreover her occupational history revealed
cheilitis include prophylactic measures like prolonged outdoor activity. This case gives
avoiding exposure to sun , covering the skin us an insight into the importance of clinical
surfaces from sun light using a cap , and examination combined with occupational
applying sunscreen lotions with relevant sun history, the synergistic combination of
protection factors .treatment should be which helps us to arrive to the diagnosis.
aimed not only for discomfort and Hence early intervention can be done so as
disfigurement but also for potential to prevent harmful outcomes like squamous
malignancy. The treatment options available cell carcinoma that may cause unfavorable
for actinic cheilitis can be broadly divided prognosis to the patient.
into surgical and non surgical methods.
Surgical treatment includes
electrodessication, cryosurgery, and laser
treatment. Non surgical treatment includes
topical chemotherapy with antineoplastic
agent 5-fluorouracil or the
immunomodulator imiquimod chemo
exfoliation and dermabrasion. It has recently
been reported that photodynamic therapy
using the methyl-ester of aminolevulinic
acid as a photosensitizing agent is a very
effective treatment modality for actinic
cheilitis. It is well tolerated by patients and
provides excellent cosmetic outcomes.[14] Figure 1. Showing profile of the patient.
Topical / systemic retinoids, intra lesional
How to cite this article: Chandrasekhar. M, Charitha. M, Thabassum. A. et al. Actinic cheilitis: a
case report with review of literature. Int J Health Sci Res. 2019; 9(6):402-405.