Ethics I Unit
Ethics I Unit
Ethics I Unit
ETHICS- Definition
It is defined as what is morally right and morally wrong.
The ethics involves in organization level is called professional ethics. They
involve relation between two organizations or group of individuals or between
corporation and govt.
It deals with how we treat others in day by day life.
It is to study the related problems about moral ideas, character, policies and the
relationship of people and corporation involved in technical activities.
Some universally accepted human values are,
Love, concern others, care, honesty, truthfulness, integrity, trustworthiness,
humility, self respect, courage, characters, spirituality etc.
Morals, Values and Ethics that from vital constituents of human values enable to
the professional engineers to differentiate right things from wrong things.
It is philosophical studies which focus on right and wrong behavior.
The moral philosophy provides to engineer, his capability to deal with financial,
industrial and technical formalities.
The moral issues enable to the professionally committed engineer to develop
perfect familiarity with industrial environment.
Types of Moral issues:
1. Organization related type
2. Environmental related type
3. Society related type
4. Product related type
5. Finance/cost related type
6. Customer related type
7. Supplier related type
8. Competitor related type
9. Employee related type
10. Government related type.
Values which constitutes an important component of behavioral and intellectual
status of people, contribute to the stable and justified character.
The term values refer to the strong believes that influences the persons to take
suitable remedies as a guiding force to any critical problem.
Types of values:
Terminal values
Instrumental values
Theoretical type
Aesthetic type
Social type
Political type
Source of values:
Family factors
Social factors
Personal factors
“Ethics generally refers to the study of morals and values. Ethics is a matter of
action or behavior. It is an activity and also an area of inquiry”
Ethics list the following Character which emphasizes ethical values.
Good citizenship
It means that consistency in attitude, emotion and conduct in relation to justified
moral issues.
It represents unity of character based on concern of honesty.
Honesty is an integral part of integrity. Without integrity there is no honesty.
Types of integrity:
1. Academic integrity:
Sabotage and theft
2. Research integrity:
Resorting to dishonesty in the field of scientific research forms the
important aspect of this research integrity.
This includes the leakage of vital information’s and resource data of any
scientific or technical research studies.
Work Ethics means that, the moral values in association with the specific
accountability of an individual towards the responsible discharging of his duties.
Service learning provides better opportunity to understand the practical problem
faced by the common public.
Service learning is also mean learning from the past.
It refers to the moral behavior through good habits for better society interactions.
It enables to have the justified morality that greatly influences the human behavior
Self respect and respect for others that are basic constituents of typical moral
conduct and discipline, are important factors in the behavioral pattern life style of an
Characteristic of respect:
Self respect
Altruism (selflessness)
Calm composure
Daring act
Good humor
The concept of wisdom & trust worthiness
Types of Respect:
Recognition self respect
Evaluation self respect
For healthy and comfortable life the peaceful mind is essential several medical report
and psychotherapist have suggested various procedures and methods to reduce tension for
restoring the peaceful life.
Development of disciplined orderliness
Reorientation of the personal commitment
Conducting physical and mental programmes
Development of self reliance and self control
Roll of counseling
Caring is one of important aspect of human life. It is a relationship with relatives,
neighbors, friends and co-workers.
Caring means to understanding and sharing the feeling of others.
The caring includes personal family and community caring.
The caring promotes and strengthens the bond of love, and affinity.
Sharing means, sharing of feelings, ideas, thoughts, resources and benefits.
It refers to the personal tendency for the mutual interdependence on various aspects.
It is mutual communication between the individuals for a free and frank inter exchange of
views, opinions and personal matters.
Honesty is important of human value. The moral standard by which certain virtues
such as truthfulness and trust worthiness are maintained in the behavioral act of an
individual is called honesty.
The term courage refers the tendency of an individual for the bold and upright
expression of views acts without any fear and submission.
Valuing time means to the judicious planning of utilizing the time for a fruitful
Co- operation means extending help to others that means the voluntary interest of
an individual’s to help or assist other persons for achieving a specific goal and objective.
Co- operation which is true symbol of the human values, promotes the successful
completion of any task with a sense of satisfaction.
The term commitment refers to the voluntary instinct and readiness to take up any
kind of work.
The tendency of commitment is much required for the perfect completion of
execution of any personal or professional affair.
Types of commitment:
1. Any commitment to work
2. Professional commitment
3. Customer commitment
4. Any commitment to a friend
5. Any commitment of a nation.
It refers to the basic attitude of a person to feel and share the problems of others.
The term self confidence refers to the positive attitude to face and execute
anything with capability.
Self confidence is identified as an important moral virtue that strengthens the
mental stability and will power for successful achievement of any task.
One the popular proverb is
“When character is lost, everything of an individual is lost“
The character refers to the total presence of all good values and virtues of an individual
The term spirituality refers to the internal instinct (character) and conscious soul
that are directed towards the attainment of eternal (endless) peace.
In general spirituality refers to “Divine approach “to realize god. Spirituality
may also include certain beliefs in supernatural powers as referred to in
religions. It is important to understand the meaning of religion and spirituality
and their difference.
In work place spirituality is not the same as religion. Religion is something
which we can select as a choice or in other words we can change religion later
on in future.
Spirituality actually comes into play when we decide to do what we feel is right.
Therefore spirituality in the work place is a feeling at home and similar to the
works that what we have to do as a daily job with a great level of comfort.
Spirituality is something that we carry within us or sense for self-respect.