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Total No. of Questions: 05] [Total No.

of Printed Pages: 02

BE Second Year/ Fourth Semester Examination June 2022

Power System-I
Time: Two Hours Max Marks: 50
1. Answer all the five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
2. In each question part A, B, are compulsory and part C has internal choice, out of which part A and B carries 2 marks
and part C carries 6 marks.
3. All parts of each question must be attempted at one place.
4. Assume suitable value for missing data if any and write your assumption clearly.
Q.1 (A) Explain conventional, non-conventional, renewable, non renewable energy 2 1 1
resources with examples, advantages and disadvantages.
(B) Explain Global Warming and Greenhouse effects. 2 2 1,2
(C) A stem power plant spends Rs. 10.60 lakhs per annum for coal used in the plant. 6 1,2 3
The coal has a calorific value of 5,000 k.calories/kg and costs Rs. 50 per ton. If
the overall efficiency of the plant is 30%, find average load on the plant.
(D) Explain the criteria for site selection of Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear and Gas power 6 1,2 3
Q.2 (A) Write the formulas for calculating critical disruptive voltage, visual critical 2 3 1
disruptive voltage and corona loss with unit.
(B) Explain the basic difference between feeder and distributers. 2 3 1
(C) A DC two line distributor AB 600 meter long is fed at 440 V from substation A 6 3 1,2
and at 430 V from substation B, the loads are:
a. 100 A at C, 150 meters from A, 200 A at D, 150 meters from C, 250 A at
E, 50 meters from D
b. 300 A at F, 100 meters from E
If each line conductor has a resistance of 0.01  per 100 meters, calculate the
current supplied from substations A & B and the voltage across each load.
(D) Which insulator is used for string of insulators to meet desired transmission 6 4 3
voltage level? What do you understand by string efficiency? What are the ways
to improve string efficiency?
Q.3 (A) Differentiate between skin effect and proximity effect? 2 5 1
(B) Explain transposition of conductors? Why it is necessary to transpose the 3- 2 5 2
phase line with unsymmetrical spacing?
(C) Drive expression for capacitance of three phase symmetrical spaced over head 6 5 1,2
(D) Determine the inductance of a 3-phase line in mH/km operating at 50 Hz and 6 5 1,2
conductors are arranged as shown in Fig. 3D. Conductor diameter is 0.8 cm.

Fig. 3 D
Q.4 (A) Why transmission lines are represented in A, B, C, D parameter of two port 2 5 1
network representation.
(B) What is the basis of classification of transmission line? For each line write 2 5 1
length, voltage and parameters which are considered while calculating
performance of transmission line.
(C) Derive the A, B, C, D constants for short transmission line. Also draw its phasor 6 5 1
(D) A three phase 132 kV transmission line is connected to a 50 MW load at a 6 5 3
power factor of 0.85 lagging. The line constants of the 80 km line are Z=96
780 Ω Y=0.001 900 S. Using the nominal T-circuit representation, calculate
A, B, C, D constants of the line, sending end voltage sending end current
sending end power factor and the efficiency of transmission.
Q.5 (A) What is diversity factor and how it influences the cost of generation? 2 6 1
(B) What are the causes of low power factor in power system? Name the different 2 6 1
methods of power factor improvement in a power system.
(C) The maximum demand of a power plant is 80 MW. The capacity factor is 0.5 6 6 1,2
and the utilization factor is 0.8 Find (i) load factor (ii) plant capacity (iii) reserve
capacity (iv) annual energy production.
(D) What do you understand by tariff? Explain each type of tariff in brief. 6 6 3

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