Engineering Mechanics R20 - Unit-3 (Mech) PDF

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Centroids and Centers of


Centre of Gravity

x It is defined as an imaginary point on which entire, length, area or volume of body is assumed to be
x It is defined as a geometrical centre of object.
x The weight of various parts of body, which
acts parallel to each other, can be replaced
Xn by an equivalent weight. This equivalent
Wn weight acts a point, known as centre of
C gravity of the body
X3 W3 x The resultant of the force system will
algebraic sum of all parallel forces, there
X1 force
R = W1+W2+………+Wn
X2 W2
x It is represented as weight of entire body.

W = R = ࢔࢏ൌ࢏ ‫ܑܟ‬
x The location of resultant with reference to any axis (say y – y axis) can be determined by taking
moment of all forces & by applying varignon’s theorem,
x Moment of resultant of force system about any axis = Moment of individual force about the same
R.࢞ഥ = W1x1+W2x2+………+Wnxm
we can write,
‫܅‬૚‫ܠ‬૚ ൅ ‫܅‬૛‫ܠ‬૛ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬ǥ ǥ ൅ ‫ܕܠܖ܅‬ ࢝࢏ ࢞ ࢏
‫ݔ‬ҧ ൌ ൌ
ࡺ ࢝࢏
‫࢝ࢊ࢞ ׬‬
‫ݔ‬ҧ ൌ
‫࢝ࢊ ׬‬

σ ࢝࢏ ࢟࢏
Similarly, ࢟=
σ ࢝࢏

Line Element Centroid – Basic Shape
Element name Geometrical Shape Length ഥ
࢞ ഥ

‫ܮ‬ ‫ܮ‬
Straight line L …‘• ߠ •‹ ߠ
ʹ ʹ

‫ܣ‬ ‫ܤ‬
Straight line ඥ‫ ʹܣ‬൅ ‫ʹ ܤ‬
ʹ ʹ

Circular wire ʹߨ‫ݎ‬ r r

Semi-circular ߨ‫ݎ‬ r

ߨ‫ݎ‬ ʹ‫ݎ‬ ʹ‫ݎ‬

Quarter circular
ʹ ߨ ߨ

ʹ‫ߙݎ‬ ‫ߙ ‹• ݎ‬ On Axis of

Circular arc
ሺߙ݅݊‫݊ܽ݅݀ܽݎ‬ሻ ߙ Symmetry


࢒૚ ࢞૚൅ ࢒૛ ࢞૛൅ ǥ ൅ ࢒݊ ࢞࢔ σ ࢒࢏ ࢞࢏
‫ݔ‬ҧ ൌ ൌ
࢒૚ ൅ ࢒૛ ൅ ࢒૜ ൅ ‫࢔࢒ ڮ‬ σ݈

σ ࢒࢏ ࢟࢏

Centroid of semi – circular arc




¾ A semi-circular arc be uniform thin wire or a thin road, place it in such a way that y – axis is the
axis of symmetry with this symmetry we have‫ݔ‬ҧ =0.
Here ൌ ‫ߠ݊݅ݏ‬

? Y = ‫ܴߠ݊݅ݏ‬
ൌ ݀ߠ
dl = R. dθ
¾ Consider length of element is dl at an angle of θ as shown in fig.

‫ࣂࢊࡾࣂ ܖܑܛ ࡾ ׬ ࢒ࢊ࢟ ׬‬

‫=ݕ‬ =
‫࢒ࢊ ׬‬ ‫ࣂࢊࡾ ׬‬

ࡾ ‫ࣂࢊࣂ ܖܑܛ ׬‬

= ࣊


࢟ =

Example: 1. Determine the centroid of bar bent in to a shape as shown in figure.

For finding out the centroid of given bar, let’s divide the bar in to 4 – element as AB, BC, CD, DEF
Member Length ࢞‫ܕܕ‬ Y mm ࢒࢞(mm2) l࢟(mm2)
AB ࢒૚
y1 = (50/2)
ൌ ඥͷͲʹ ൅ ͷͲʹ  x1 = (50/2) = 25 ࢒૚࢞૚= ͳʹͶͻǤͻͺ ࢒૚࢟૚ൌͳʹͶͻǤͻͺ
= 25
= 70.71
BC x2 = (100/2) + 50
࢒૛ ൌ ͳͲͲ y2 = 50 ࢒૛ ࢞૛ ൌ ͳͲͲͲͲ ࢒૛ ࢟૛ ൌ ͷͲͲͲ
CD x3 = 50 +100 y3 = (50/2)
࢒૜ ൌ ͷͲ ࢒͵ ࢞૜ ൌ ͹ͷͲͲ ࢒૜ ࢟͵ ൌ ͵͹ͷͲ
= 150 + 50 = 75
DEF x4 = 50+100 +
࢒૝ ൌ ߨ‫ = ݎ‬157.08 (2r/π) y4 = r = 50 ࢒૝ ࢞Ͷ ൌ ʹͺͷ͸ͳǤͺͷ ࢒Ͷ ࢟Ͷ ൌ ͹ͺͷ͵Ǥͻͷ
= 181.83

࢒૚ ࢞૚൅ ࢒૛ ࢞૛൅ ǥ൅࢒݊ ࢞࢔ Ͷ͹͵ͳͳǤͺ

‫ݔ‬ҧ ൌ ൌ ൌͳʹͷǤʹ͵mm
࢒૚ ൅࢒૛ ൅࢒૜ ൅‫࢔࢒ڮ‬ ͵͹͹Ǥ͹ͻ

Ž ͳ › ͳ൅ Ž ʹ › ʹ൅ ǥ൅Ž  ›  ͳ͹ͺͷ͵Ǥͻ
›ത ൌ Ž ͳ ൅Ž ʹ ൅Ž ͵ ൅‫ Žڮ‬ ൌ ͵͹͹Ǥ͹ͻ

Example-2. Calculate length of part DE such that it remains horizontal when ABCDE is hanged
through as shown in figure.

2m B

G 1.5 m

X = 3.5 m

x here, we want to determine length of DC = l such that DC remains horizontal, for that centroidal
axisis passes through “A”.
x Reference axis is passing through c as shown in figure.

Part Shape Length ࢞ ࢒࢞(m2)

AB Straight line ࢒ͳ ൌ ʹ ࢞૚ ࢒૚ ࢞ ૚ ൌ ͷ
ൌ ͳǤͷ െ
BC Semi-circular ʹߨ‫ݎ‬ ࢞૛ ࢒૛ ࢞ ʹ
࢒૛ ൌ
arc Ͷ ʹ‫ݎ‬ ൌ ͳǤʹͺͶ
ൌ ͳǤͷ െ 
CD Straight line ࢒૜ ൌ ݈ ݈ ݈ʹ
࢞૜ ൌ ࢒૜ ࢞ ͵ ൌ
ʹ ʹ

σ ࢒࢞ ͲǤͷ݈ ʹ ൅͸ǤʹͺͶ
= = 3.5

... 15.246+3.5݈= 0.5݈ ʹ +6.284

... 0.5݈ ʹ –3.5݈-8.962=0
... ݈ =8.993m

Area(Lamina) Element Centroid– Basic Shape
Element name Geometrical Shape Area ഥ
࢞ ഥ

ܾ ݀
Rectangle bd
ʹ ʹ

ͳ ܾ ݄
Triangle ܾ݄
ʹ ͵ ͵

Circle ߨ‫ʹ ݎ‬ r r

ߨ‫ʹ ݎ‬ Ͷ‫ݎ‬
Semicircle r
ʹ ͵ߨ

ߨ‫ʹ ݎ‬ Ͷ‫ݎ‬ Ͷ‫ݎ‬

Quarter circle
Ͷ ͵ߨ ͵ߨ

ߙ‫ʹ ݎ‬ ʹ‫ߙ ‹• ݎ‬ On Axis of

Circular segment
ሺߙ݅݊‫݊ܽ݅݀ܽݎ‬ሻ ͵ߙ Symmetry

Centroid of a triangle area

dy h

B b C

x Place one side of the triangle on any axis, say ‫ ݔ‬െ ‫ ݔ‬axis as shown in fig.
x Consider a differential strip of width ‘dy’ at height y, by similar triangles ∆ABC & ∆CDB

‫ܧܦ‬ ݄െܻ
‫ܤܣ‬ ݄
. . . DE = (1- ሻb

= (b- b)

x Now, area of strip,

dA = (b- b) dy

x Now, we have

‫࡭ࢊ࢟ ׬ ࡭ࢊ࢟ ׬‬
‫=ݕ‬ =
ࢊ࡭ ࡭

... A‫ܣ݀ݕ Ͳ׬=ݕ‬
݄ ܾ
=‫ݕ Ͳ׬‬ሺܾ‫ ݕ‬െ ‫)ʹݕ‬dy
ͳ ܾ݄ʹ ܾ݄ʹ
ൈ ܾ ൈ ݄ ൈ  ‫= ݕ‬ െ
ʹ ʹ ͵

Example-3. Determine co-ordinates of centroid with respect to ‘o’ of the section as shown in figure.

Let divide the given section in to 4 (four) pare
(1): Rectangular (3 X 12)
(2): Triangle (6 x 9)
(3): Rectangular (3 x 1.5)
(4): Semi – circular (r = 1.5m)

Shape Area (m2) ࢞(m) Y(m) ࡭࢞(m3) ࡭࢟(m3)
࡭ͳ ൌ ͳʹܺ͵ ͵ ͳʹ ࡭ͳ ࢞ͳ ࡭ͳ ࢟ͳ ൌ ૛૚૟
࢞ͳ ൌ ࢟ͳ ൌ
1 Rectangle =36 ʹ ʹ ൌ ૞૝
ൌ ͳǤͷ ൌ ͸
ͳ ࢞ʹ ͻ ࡭ʹ ࢞ʹ ࡭ʹ ࢟ʹ ൌ ૡ૚
࡭ͳ ൌ ܺ͸ܺͻ ͸ ࢟ʹ ൌ
ʹ ͵ ൌ ૚૜૞
2 Triangle ൌ͵൅
=27 ͵ ൌ ͵
ൌ ͷ
࡭͵ ൌ െ͵ܺͳǤͷ ࢞͵ ͳǤͷ ࡭͵ ࢞͵ ࡭͵ ࢟͵
࢟͵ ൌ
3 Rectangle ൌ െͶǤͷ ൌ ͵ ൅ ͳǤͷ ʹ ൌ െ૛૙Ǥ ૛૞ ൌ െ૜Ǥ ૜ૠ૞
ൌ ͶǤͷ ൌ ‫݋‬Ǥ ͹ͷ
ߨ”ʹ ࢞Ͷ Ͷ” ࡭Ͷ ࢞Ͷ ࡭Ͷ ࢟Ͷ
࡭Ͷ ൌ െ ࢟Ͷ ൌ ͳǤͷ ൅
4 Semi-circle ʹ ൌ ͵ ൅ ͳǤͷ ͵ߨ ൌ െ૚૞Ǥ ૡૡ૞ ൌ െૠǤ ૞૜
=െ 3.53 ൌ ͶǤͷ ൌ ʹǤͳ͵Ͷ

σ ‫ݔܣ‬ ࡭૚ ࢞૚൅ ࡭૛ ࢞૛൅ ǥ൅࡭݊ ࢞࢔

‫ݔ‬ҧ ൌ σ‫ܣ‬
ൌ ൌ ʹǤ͹ͺmm
‫ܣ‬૚ ൅‫ܣ‬૛ ൅‫ܣ‬૜ ൅‫ڮ‬൅‫࢔ܣ‬

σ ‫ܻܣ‬ ࡭૚ ‫ ݕ‬૚൅ ࡭૛ ࢟૛൅ ǥ൅࡭݊ ‫࢔ ݕ‬

ܻത ൌ σ ൌ  ൌ ͷǤʹͲmm
‫ܣ‬ ‫ܣ‬૚ ൅‫ܣ‬૛ ൅‫ܣ‬૜ ൅‫ڮ‬൅‫࢔ܣ‬

Example 4 A lamina of uniform thickness is hung through a weight less hook at point B such that side
AB remains horizontal as shown in fig. determine the length AB of the lamina.

Let, length AB=L, for remains horizontal of given lamina moment of areas of lamina on either side of the
hook must be equal.
.. . ࡭ͳ ࢞ͳ ൌ ࡭ʹ ࢞ʹ
ͳ ͳ ͳͲ ʹ Ͷܺሺ‫ݎ‬ൌͳͲሻ
. . . ( ‫Ͳʹݔܮݔ‬ሻሺ ‫ܮݔ‬ሻ = ( ‫ߨݔ‬ሻ ( ሻ
ʹ ͵ ʹ ͵ߨ
ʹͲ݈ ʹ
... = 157.08 x 4.244

. . . L =14.14 cm

Pappus Guldinus first theorem


x x

¾ This theorem states that, “the area of surface of revolution is equal to the product of length of
generating curves & the distance travelled by the centroid of the generating curve while the surface
is being generated”.
¾ As shown in fig. consider small element having length dl & at ‘y’ distance from ‫ ݔ‬െ ‫ ݔ‬axis.
¾ Surface area dA by revolving this element dA= 2πy.dl (complete revolution)
¾ Now, total area,
. . A = ‫ =݈݀ݕߨʹ ׬= ܣ݀ ׬‬2π‫݈݀ݕ ׬‬

. . A = 2π‫݈ݕ‬

¾ When the curve rotate by an angle ‘Ʌ’

. Ʌ
. . A = 2π‫= ߨʹ ݈ݕ‬Ʌ‫݈ݕ‬

Pappus guldinus second theorem

¾ This the rem states that, “the volume of a body of revolution is equal to the product of the generating
area & distance travelled by the centroid of revolving area while rotating around its axis of rotation.
¾ Consider area ‘dA’ as shown in fig. the volume generated by revolution will be

dv= Q π Y .dA

¾ Now, the total volume generated by lamina,

V=‫݀ݕߨʹ ׬= ݒ݀ ׬‬A
= 2π‫ݕ‬A (completed revolution )
¾ When the area revolves about ‘ɅԢ angle volume will be

V=2π‫ = ߨʹ ܣݕ‬Ʌ‫ܣݕ‬

Example-5. Find surface area of the glass to manufacture an electric bulb shown in fig using first
theorem of Pappu’s Guldinus.

20 20





Line length ࢞‫ܕܕ‬ ࢒࢞(mm2)

AB L1=20 ࢞ͳ ൌ ൌ ͳͲ 200
BC L2=36 ࢞ͳ ൌ ʹͲ 720

L3=ξͶͲʹ ൅ ͻ͸ʹ 40
CD x3 20  = 40 4160
=104 2
L4= 2r
DE x4 = 38.20 36000
=94.25 S

σ ࡸ࢞
࢞ൌ = 34.14mm

Surface area = Lθ‫ = ݔ‬254.25 x 2ߨ x34.14
= 54510.99mm2

%&1"35.&/50'.&$)"/*$"-&/(*/&&3*/( 56

1. Locate the centroid of the wire bent as shown in figure

2. Find the Centroid for the shaded area about y – axis. As shown in the ĨŝŐ͘

3. State and prove Pappus theorem

4. Locate the centroid of the shaded area shown in figure

5. Find the centroid of Quarter circle having the radius R


ϭ.Determine the centre of gravity of solid cone of base Radius 'R' and height 'h'

Ϯ Locate the centroid of the shaded area and also find the moment of inertia about horizontal
.centroidal axis shown in figure. All dimensions in mm.

ϯ.Determine the centroid of the figure

ϰ.Determine the centroid of the shaded area as shown in figure

ϱ. Determine the centre of gravity of right solid circularcine of radius R and height h

Moment of Inertia
Mass Moment of Inertia



x The moment of force about any point is defined as product of force and perpendicular
distance between direction of force and point under consideration. It is also called as
first moment of force.
x In fact, moment does not necessary involve force term, a moment of any other
physical term can also be determined simply by multiplying magnitude of physical
quantity and perpendicular distance. Moment of areas about reference axis has been
taken to determine the location of centroid. Mathematically it was defined as,
Moment = area x perpendicular distance.

M = (A x y)

x If the moment of moment is taken about same reference axis, it is known as moment
of inertia in terms of area, which is defined as,
Moment of inertia = moment x perpendicular distance.
IA =(M x y) = A.y x y = A y2

x Where IA is area moment of inertia, A is area and ‘y’ is the distance been centroid of
area and reference axis. On similar notes, moment of inertia is also determined in
terms of mass, which is defined as,
Im = mr2

x Where ‘m’ is mass of body, ‘r’ is distance between center of mass of body and
reference axis and Im is mass of moment of inertia about reference axis. It must be
noted here that for same area or mass moment of inertia will be change with change
in location of reference axis.

%&1"35.&/50'.&$)"/*$"-&/(*/&&3*/( 60
¾ Theorem of parallel Axis: -
x It states, “If the moment of inertia of a plane area about an axis through its center of
gravity is denoted by IG, then moment of inertia of the area about any other axis AB
parallel to the first and at a distance ‘h’ from the center of gravity is given by,

IAB = IG + ah2

x Where IAB = moment of inertia of the area about AB axis

IG = Moment of inertia of the area about centroid
a = Area of section
h = Distance between center of gravity (centroid) of the section and axis AB.

Proof: -
x Consider a strip of a circle, whose moment of inertia is required to be found out a line
‘AB’ as shown in figure.

Let da = Area of the strip.

y = Distance of the strip from the C.G. of the Y
section C
h = Distance between center of gravity of h
the section and the ‘AB ‘axis.

x We know that moment of inertia of the whole section about an axis passing through
the center of gravity of the section.
= day2

x And M.I of the whole section about an axis passing through centroid.
IG= Σda y2

x Moment of inertia of the section about the AB axis

IAB = Σda(h+y)2
= Σda (h2 + 2hy +y2)
= ah2 + IG

x It may be noted that Σdah2 = ah and Σy2da = IG and Σday is the algebraic sum of
moments of all the areas, about an axis through center of gravity of the section and is
equal aȳ, where ȳ is the distance between the section and the axis passing through the
center of gravity which obviously is zero.

%&1"35.&/50'.&$)"/*$"- .3$&5
¾ Theorem of Perpendicular Axis: -
x It states, If IXX and IYY be the moment of inertia of a plane section about two
perpendicular axis meeting at ‘o’ the moment of inertia IZZ about the axis Z-Z,
perpendicular to the plane and passing through the intersection of X-X and Y-Y is
given by,
Proof: -
x consider a small lamina (P) of area ‘da’ having co-ordinates as ox and oy two
mutually perpendicular axes on a plane section as shown in figure.
x Now, consider a plane OZ perpendicular ox and oy. Let (r) bethe distance of the
lamina (p) from z-z axis such that op = r.

r y

x From the geometry of the figure,we find that,

r2 = x2 + y2
x We know that the moment of inertia of the lamina ‘p’ about x-x axis,
IXX = da . y2
Similarly, Iyy = da x2
and Izz = da r2
= da (x2 + y2)
= da x2 + da y2

¾ Moment of Inertia of a Rectangular Section: -


p q Y

Y b

x Consider a rectangular section ABCD as shown in fig. whose Y moment of inertia is

required to be found out.
x Let, b = width of the section
d = Depth of the section
x Now, consider a strip PQ of thickness dy parallel to x-x axis and at a distance y-from
it as shown in fig.
Area of strip = b.dy
x We know that moment of inertia of the strip about x-x axis,
= Area x y2

= (b.dy) y2
x Now, moment of inertia of the whole section may be found out by integrating the
about equation for the whole length of the lamina i.e. from –d/2 to +d/2
IXX =‫׬‬െ݀Ȁʹ ܾǤ ‫ݕ ݀ ʹ ݕ‬
IXX =ܾ െ݀Ȁʹ
Ǥ ‫ݕ ݀ ʹ ݕ‬

‫͵ݕ‬ ൅݀Ȁʹ
=ቂ ቃ Ǥെ݀Ȁʹ

ܾ݀ ͵
ܾ݀ ͵
Similarly, IYY =

If it is square section,
ܾͶ ݀Ͷ
Ixx = IYY = =
ͳʹ ͳʹ

%&1"35.&/50'.&$)"/*$"-&/(*/&&3*/( 63
A Let, b = Base of the triangular section.
h = height of the triangular section.
x Now, consider a small strip PQ of thickness ‘dx’ at a
P Q distance from the vertex A as shown in figure, we
dx find that the two triangle APQ and ABC are similar.
ܲܳ ‫ݔ‬ ‫ܥܤ‬Ǥ‫ݔ‬ ܾ‫ݔכ‬
= or PQ = =
‫ܥܤ‬ ݄ ݄ ݄
We know that area of the strip PQ = dx
And moment of inertia of the strip about the base BC
B C = Area x (Distance)2
b ܾǤ‫ݔ‬
= dx (h-x)2

x Now, moment of inertia of the whole triangular section may be found out by
integrating the above equation for the above equation for the whole height of the
triangle i.e. from 0 to h.
݄  ܾǤ‫ݔ‬
ሺŠ െ šሻʹ ݀‫ݔ‬
ܾ ݄ ʹ ʹ
= ሺ݄ ൅  ‫ ݔ‬൅ ʹ݄‫ݔ‬ሻ‫ݔ݀ݔ‬
݄ Ͳ
ܾ ‫ʹ ݕ ʹ ݔ‬ ‫ݔ‬Ͷ ʹ݄‫݄ ͵ ݔ‬
= ሾ ൅ ൅ ሿ
݄ ʹ Ͷ ͵ Ͳ
ܾ݄ ͵
x We know that the distance between center of gravity of the triangular section and
Base BC,

x so, Moment of the inertia of the triangular section about an axis through its center
through its center of gravity parallel to x-x axis,
IG = IBC – ad2
ܾ݄ ͵ ܾ݄ ݄
= െ ሺ ሻʹ
ͳʹ ͵ ͵

ܾ݄ ͵
IG =

Note: - The moment of inertia of section about an axis through its vertex and parallel to the
Itop = IG + ad2
ܾ݄ ͵ ܾ݄ ʹ݄
= ͵͸
൅ ሺ ሻሺ ሻʹ
ʹ ͵

ͻܾ݄ ͵

ܾ݄ ͵

%&1"35.&/50'.&$)"/*$"-&/(*/&&3*/( 64
Area (Lamina) Element – Moment of Inertia (Basic Shape)

Element name Geometrical Shape Area ࡵ࢞࢞ ࡵ࢟࢟

ܾ݀͵ ܾ݀ ͵
Rectangle bd
ͳʹ ͳʹ

ͳ ܾ݄͵ ݄ܾ ͵
Triangle ܾ݄
ʹ ͵͸ ͵͸

ߨ݀Ͷ ߨ݀Ͷ
Circle ߨ‫ʹ ݎ‬
͸Ͷ ͸Ͷ

ߨ‫ʹ ݎ‬ ߨ݀Ͷ
Semicircle ͲǤͳͳ‫ ݎ‬Ͷ
ʹ ͳʹͺ

ߨ‫ʹ ݎ‬
Quarter circle ͲǤͲͷͷ‫ ݎ‬Ͷ ͲǤͲͷͷ‫ ݎ‬Ͷ

d= diameter

Example – 1: Find out moment of inertia at horizontal and vertical centroid axes, top
and bottom edge of the given lamina.
220 mm

1 20 mm
20 mm
560 mm

3 20mm
600 mm

Answer: -
1) centroid of given lamina
Let’s divide the given lamina in to three Rectangle
(1) Top rectangle 200 x 20 mm2
(2) Middle rectangle 20 x 600 mm2
(3) Bottom rectangle 580 x 20 mm2

Shape Area (mm2) X ( mm ) Y (mm) AX (mm2) AY (mm2)
A1 = 200 x20 = ʹͲͲ Y1 = 20+560+ ʹ A1X1= A1Y1 =
1 1 X1 = 20+ = 120
4000 ʹ
ൌ ͷͻͲ 480,000 2,36,0000
A2 = 600 x 20 ʹͲ ͸ͲͲ A2X2 = A2Y2 =
2 2 X2 = = 10 Y2 = = 300
= 12000 ʹ ʹ 1,20,000 3,60,0000
A3 = 580 x 20 ͷͺͲ ʹͲ A3X3 =
3 3 X3 = ൅ ʹͲ ൌ ͵ͳͲ Y3 = = 10 A3Y3 = 116000
= 11600 ʹ ʹ 35,96,000
ΣA =27600
4196000 6076000

Ӯ= = = 220.15 mm
Σ ʹ͹͸ͲͲ
Ẍ= = = 152.03 mm
Σ ʹ͹͸ͲͲ
(2) Moment of inertia about centroid horizontal axis: -

Sr Area
h (mm) Ah2 (mm4) IG ( mm4 ) IXX = IG + Ah2
No (mm2)
1 A1 = h1 = yt - ݀ ͳ ൌ A1h12 = IG1 = b1h13/ 12 = 1.33334x105 I1 = 5.4729 x 108
4000 ʹ
5.4716 x 108
2 A2 = h2 = yt - ݀ ʹ ൌ ͹ͻǤͺͷ A2h22 = IG2 = b2h23/ 12 = 3.6 x 108 I2 = 4.3651 x 108
12000 ʹ
7.6512 x 107
3 A3 = h3= yb - ݀ ͵ ൌ A3h32 = IG3 = b3h33/ 12 = 3.8667 x 105 I3 = 5.1268 x 108
11600 ʹ
5.1229 x 108
Now, Moment of inertia at centroid horizontal axis
IXX = I1 + I2 + I3
= 1.4965 x 109 mm4

(3) Moment of inertia about centroid verticalaxis: -

Shape Area h (mm) Ah2 (mm4) IG ( mm4 ) Iyy = IG + Ah2

No (mm2)
1 A1 = h1 = Xl – X1 A1h12 = 4.1036 x 106 IG1 = d1b13/12 I1 = 1.7437 x 107
4000 = 32.03 = 1.33334 x 107
2 A2 = h1 = Xl – X2 A2h22 = 2.4207 x 108 IG2 = d2b23/ 12 I2 = 2.4247 x 108
12000 = 142.03 = 4 x 105
3 A3 = h1 = X3 – Xl A3h32 = 1.1148 x 109 IG3 = d3b33/ 12 = I3 = 1.4399 x 109
11600 = 310 3.2519 x 108
Now, Moment of inertia at centroidal axis
Iyy = I1 + I2 + I3
= 1.6998 x 109 mm4
(4) Moment of inertia about top edge of horizontal axis: -

Shape Area
h (mm) Ah2 (mm4) IG ( mm4 ) Itt = IG + Ah2
no (mm2)
A1 = ݀ IG1 = b1d13/ 12 =
1 h1 = ʹͳ = 10 A1h12 = 4 x 105 I1 = 5.3334 x 105
4000 1.33334 x 105
A2 = ݀ IG2 = b2d23/ 12 =
2 h2 = ʹʹ = 300 A2h22 = 1.08 x 109 I2 = 1.44 x 109
12000 3.6 x 109
A3 = ݀ IG3 = b3d33/ 12 =
3 h3 = ʹ͵ = 590 A3h32 = 4.038 x 109 I3 = 4.0384 x 109
11600 3.8667 x 105
Now, Moment of inertia at top edge of horizontal axis
Itt = I1 + I2 + I3
= 5.4789 x 109 mm4

(5) Moment of inertia about bottom edge of horizontal axis: -

Shape Area
h (mm) Ah2 (mm4) IG ( mm4 ) Ibb = IG + Ah2
no (mm2)
1 A1 = 4000 h1 = ݀ʹ െ
݀ͳ A1h12 = 1.3924 x 109 IG1 = b1d13/12 = I1 = 1.3925 x 109
1.33334 x 105
= 590
2 A2 = 12000 ݀
h2 = ʹ A2h22 = 1.08 x 109 IG2 = b2d23/12 = I2 = 1.44 x 109
3.6 x 105
= 300
3 A3 = 11600 ݀
h3 = ͵ A3h32 = 1.16 x 106 IG3 = b3d33/ 12 = I3 = 1.5467 x 106
3.8667 x 105
= 10

Now, Moment of inertia at bottom edge of horizontal axis

Itt = I1 + I2 + I3
= 2.834 x 109 mm4

%&1"35.&/50'.&$)"/*$"-&/(*/&&3*/( 67
Example-2: Determine moment of inertia of a section shown in figure about horizontal
centroid axis.

60 cm
1 12 cm

10 cm
48 cm

5 cm

20 cm
20 cm
Answer: -
(1) Centroid of given lamina
Let’s divide the given lamina in to four part
(i) Top rectangular 60 x 12 cm2
(ii) Middle rectangular 10 x 48 cm2
(iii) Bottom square 20 x 20 cm2
(iv) Deduct circle of radius 5 cm from bottom square

Shape Area (cm2) Y (cm) AY (cm3)
A1 = 60 x 12 = Y1 = 20+48+ ൌ
1 1 ʹ A1Y1 = 34560
720 ͹Ͷ
A2 = 10 x 48 = Ͷͺ
2 2 Y2 = 20 + = 300 A2Y2 = 21120
480 ʹ
A3 = 20 x 20 = ʹͲ
3 3 Y3 = = 10 A3Y3 = 4000
400 ʹ
A4 = -πr2 ʹͲ
4 4 Y4 = = 10 A4Y4 = -785.4
= -78.54 ʹ
ΣA = 1521.46 ΣAY = 58894.6

Σ ͷͺͺͻͶ Ǥ͸
Ӯ= = = 38.70 cm
Σ ͳͷʹͳ ǤͶ͸

%&1"35.&/50'.&$)"/*$"-&/(*/&&3*/( 68
(2) Moment of inertia about centroid horizontal axis: -

Shape Area
h (cm) Ah2 (cm4) IG ( cm4 ) IXX = IG + Ah2
no (cm2)
݀ͳ IG1 = b1h13/ 12 =
1 A1 = 720 h1 = yt - ൌ ͵ͷǤ͵ A1h12 = 897.1 x 103 I1 = 905824.8
ʹ 8640
݀ʹ IG2 = b2h23/ 12 =
2 A2 = 480 h2 = yt - ൌ ͳ͹Ǥ͵ A2h22 = 143.65 x 103 I2 = 235819.2
ʹ 92160
݀͵ IG3 = b3h33/ 12 =
3 A3 = 400 h3= yb - ൌ ʹͺǤ͹ A3h32 = 329.4 x 103 I3 = 342809.34
ʹ 13333.34
A4h42 = IG3 = ߎd4/ 64 = -
4 A4 = 78.54 H4ൌ ʹͺǤ͹ I3 = -65183.48
-64.6 x 103 490.8
Now, Moment of inertia at centroid horizontal axis
IXX = I1 + I2 + I3
= 1.419 x 106 cm4
Example-3: - Find the moment of inertia about Y-axis and X-axis for the area shown in


6 CM 3 6 CM

O 9 CM A B O 9 CM A B

(1) Moment of inertia about x- axis (o-x line)

Area ( cm2) h (cm) Ah2 (cm4) IG ( cm4 ) IOX = IG + Ah2
1 A1 = ½ bh = 4000 h1 =
ൌʹ A1h12 = 108 IG1 = bh3/ 36 = 54 I1 = 162
2 A2 = d x d = 12000 h2 = ൌ ͵
݀ A2h22 = 324 IG2 = d4/ 12 = 108 I2 = 432
3 ߎ
A3 = ‫= ʹ ݎ‬11600 h3= ൌ ʹǤͷͷ
Ͷ‫ݎ‬ A3h32 = 183.35 IG3 = 0.055r4 = 71.28 I3 = 254.62
Ͷ ͵ߎ
Now, Moment of inertia at centroid horizontal axis
IXX = I1 + I2 + I3
= 339.37 cm4
(2) Moment of inertia about y- axis (OY - line)
Area (cm2) h (cm) Ah2 (cm4) IG ( cm4 ) IOY = IG + Ah2
1 A1 = 27 h1 ൌ ͸ A1h12 = 972 IG1 = b3h/ 36 = 121.5 I1 = 1093.5
2 A2 = 12 h2 = 12 A2h2 = 5184 IG2 = d4/ 12 = 108 I2 = 5292
3 A3 = 12.45 h3= 12.45 A3h32 = 4381.9 IG3 = 0.055r4 = 71.28 I3 = 4456.35
Now, Moment of inertia at centroid horizontal axis
IXX = I1 + I2 - I3
= 1929.15 cm4


1. From first principles deduce an expression to determine the Moment of Inertia of a triangle of
base ‘b’ and height ‘h’
2. Find the moment of inertia about the horizontal centroidal axis.

3.Determine the mass moment of inertia of sphere about its diametrical axis

4. Determine moment of inertia of a quarter circle having the radius 'r'

5. Locate the centroid and calculate moment of inertia about horizontal and vertical axis through the
centroid as shown in figure

%&1"35.&/50'.&$)"/*$"-&/(*/&&3*/( 70

 Find the ŵŽŵĞŶƚŽĨ/ŶĞƌƚŝĂŽĨƚŚĞŐŝǀĞŶĨŝŐƵƌĞ

Ϯ.Find the mass moment of inertia of a circular plate about centroidal axis

ϯ.Determine the Mass moment of inertia a solid sphere of Radius R about its diametrical axis

ϰ. Determine the mass moment of Inertia of Rod of Length L

ϱ. Find the Moment of inertia of the shaded area shown in figure about Centroidal X and Y axis. All
dimensions are in cm.

%&1"35.&/50'.&$)"/*$"-&/(*/&&3*/( 71

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