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of timber trees, such as odum (Chlorophora excelsa),

and other textiles, machinery, timber and coal. The value

and the clergy normally set themselves to the labour of

6th of May 1778 remained a prisoner at Falmouth, England, at

the Yukon and down its valley to Fort St Michael.

and partly in the exigencies of the site and the available

machine- shops, pickles, preserves and sauces, the products of

one of the principal officers in the war department, the head

musical accent. Modern Greek has changed from pitch to

of Afghan race; and if so, the first. But the historians

of two lions alive into the river. The result was a great

west; and he wrote, besides, biographies of Goldsmith and

group can only be justified on the ground of convenience.

is covered with almost eternal fog. Along the coast N. of

the gas be subjected to a pressure of 21.53 atmospheres at a

Such was Alexander's mood when the downfall of Napoleon left

can, therefore, be avoided by modifying external conditions.

gut is long; in the others the hind-gut is generally marked

containing 1 to 16 carbon atoms are liquids at the ordinary

are numerous. Montlucon and Commentry are ironworking

and method of writing. It is very unlikely that a people

whom a temple was built on the site of the Jewish temple.

he found reasons to change his mind concerning the wisdom

not dispense with his services. It is said that by the advice

red Nemalion with the brown Castagnea, and so on. But on

camp is now named Marlborough Lines, with a field artillery

become f, seeing that the sounds of th and f outside

and, the country being now bare of supplies, the Army of the

deposition of Demaratus, he visited the island a second

AUTHORITIES.--C. F. Adams, The Works of John Aadms, with

acknowledge the sovereignty of Menelek; but, on the latter

of their light infantry. Delaying until the 12th of October,

measures about 2 1/2 m. It is almost entirely an embanking

by evaporating a solution of the hydroxide in nitric acid.

a fining agent protected by a German patent, consisting of

the gospel alone. In consequence of the bitter controversy

necessity for war was greatly doubted, even in Holland. A

by itself; and we can thus recognize that it may behave very

it is in close contact with the pericardium, and, at the level

taken by means of affidavits in the Chancery Division of the

common. Toward the Arctic circle, the timber becomes, of

Great, and he named it almucabala, that is, the book of

Iannina and Kortcha; the Bulgarian exarchate maintains a

found. Rock-salt is obtained from the province of Tigre.

Moses. He circumcises the semi-Jew, Timothy; and he performs

ascent. It was 27 ft. in diameter, and the car was suspended

Constantinople. There are no genuine fragments extant.

account of its commanding position on the shore of the broad

history. There he remained till 1870, when considerations of

acute. The independence of the sultans of Zanzibar had

Monte Paralba (C). . . . . . . 8,829 Stou (K) . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,346

ornamental slips rising from the four corners of the top of the

strictly, for putting it into such a physical condition that

English headquarters, and the duke of Wellington, who regarded

limited, but definite. It is of undoubted value as a local

the Central Criminal Court Act 1834, Offences at Sea Act

N.W. and S.E. from 6 deg. N. to 3 deg. N. It overlooks the depression

BIBLIOGRPHY.--Arts. ``Amphitheatrum'' in Smith's Dictionary

a rich lady of Toulouse. In 1694 the Academie des Jeux

AMOS, SHELDON (1835-1886), English jurist, was educated

president. It is a military district, a customs district (since

is locally known as Arbenia; the Tosk form Arberia strictly

hands earlier than 1614, stretched from the crest of that

the nations of western Europe, through the medium of Latin

in this mountain region, until it reaches Kafiristan. From

uses of his genius; but many of the details are pleasing;

It has been a disputed question whether the prize jurisdiction

farmers' meetings by itinerant instructors. The Department

novocaine, cocaine, eucaine and alypin. All of these have

inhabitants or their land than to obtain at the easiest rate

except before r, as in hare (Sweet, op. cit. sec. 783).

or Circassian race. The total number of Abkhasians in the

the lessened cultivation of the cereal crops associated with

The distinguishing feature of the period 1870-1880 was

Returning to Boston, he devoted ten years to business and

which is already known.'' In Norman law an ``ampliation'' was a

Snell, Writing Master and Accountant in Foster Lane, London.

Manaos, is the only city and port of general commercial

eastern portion of central Albania belongs to the vilayet of

union, divide the cloaca into a ventral and a dorsal part,

Grodenerjoch (Groden Glen to Colfuschg), bridle path . . . . . . . .7,011

both of the German East African Company, to which Peters's

were applied to a variety of substances in common, and as

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