A Micro-Project Report: COURSE NAME-Management COURSE CODE - 22509
A Micro-Project Report: COURSE NAME-Management COURSE CODE - 22509
A Micro-Project Report: COURSE NAME-Management COURSE CODE - 22509
Title of Microproject: Impact of motivation on employee
*Aim of the Micro – Project
2. Introduction
3. Conclusion
4. Reference
Roll No. Student Name Marks out of for Marks out of 4for Total out
performance in performance in
Of 10
group activity oral
7. Shreya Shinde
8. Aniket Boke
Motivation plays a very significant role in any organisation. Motivation is the factor that
catalyzes the success of the association. Most employees need motivation to feel good about
their jobs and will perform effectively at workplace. Every organisation in this competitive
world have their unique kind of techniques, the company which gives more preference to
motivation will exactly leads to the higher productivity. Employees who are motivated about
their work carry the responsibility to the best and gets the increased productivity. Motivation is a
fundamental for organisation in making great use of facility in human works to achieve
motivation. In organisations, the managers need to know about their employees in better way by
which they use certain aspects and different levels to motivate them. Employee motivation in
organisation sometimes becomes a problem, because if an employee is not motivated in a right
way then it leads to negative impact on productivity. This study is ther8efore designed to find
out the link between the extent to which various motivation strategies encourage the works to
improve employees job commitment and increase their product capacity.
Keywords: Employees, Factors, Job Performance, Motivation, Productivity
Motivation may be defined as the process of stimulating people to action, to accomplish desired
goals. Motivation is the act or process of providing a motive that causes a person to take some
action. It can be Described as the driving force within individuals that propels them to action.
This driving force is produced by A state of tension, which exits as the result of an unfilled
need.Motivation results from the interface of both conscious and unconscious factors such as
passion of desires or Need, incentive or reward value of the goal, and expectations of the
individual and of his or her peers.Employee motivation is the core of management. Employee
motivation is an effective instrument in the hands Of the management in inspiring the workforce.
There has been a lot of research done on Motivation by many scholars. The following are only a
few of the Research topics that have been done on Motivation: Motivation theories, Ways to
encourage employee Motivation, Measures of Motivation, Principles of motivation, Wamaking
your firm more exciting, How To motivate your people problem, The missing link in Strategic
Performance, Salary is not a motivator Anymore, How to effectively reward employees, Turning
Motivation Theory into Practice, Measures of Motivation, Self Theories and Employee
Motivation. Of the many theories of work motivation, Herzberg’s (1966) motivator-hygiene
theory has been one of the Most influential
in recent decades. Basically, the theory divides motivating factors into two categories: Motivator
factors, which have something to do with the work itself, and Hygiene factors, which have
Something to do with the surrounding context. According to Maslow, most of what we know of
human Motivation comes not
from psychologists fom psychotherapists treating patients. He explains that these Patients are a
great source of error as well as of useful data, because they constitute a poor sample of the
Population. The motivational life of neurotic sufferers should be rejected as a paradigm for
healthy motivation.Any theory of motivation must deal with the highest capacities of the healthy
and strong man.Hackman and Oldham’s (1976) model of job enrichment propose that jobs can
be made more motivating by Increasing the following: skill variety (the number of different
skills required by the job), task identity (the Degree to which the job produces something
meaningful), task significance (the importance of the work), Autonomy (the degree to which the
individual has freedom in deciding how to perform the job), and feedback (the degree to which
the individual obtains ongoing. One psychological view suggests that very high levels of
Intrinsic motivation are marked by such strong interest and involvement in the work, and by
such a perfect match of task complexity with skill level, that people experience Of merging with
the activity they are doing (Csikszentmihalyi 1975).The major psychological view suggests That
extrinsic motivation works in opposition to intrinsic motivation (Deci 1975; Deci& Ryan 1985).
Extrinsic Motivation takes place when individuals feel driven by something outside of the work
itself such as promised Rewards or incentives. In general, these theorists suggest that, when
strong extrinsic motivators are put to Work, intrinsic motivation will decline.
There are many theories introduced. Among them some are considered as most important
theories. They are as Follows:
The hierarchy of needs theory was proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in his 1943
paper “A Theory Of Motivation”. Here, he proposed this theory in 5 levels which are as follows.
3. Social Needs:
Man is a social being. He is, therefore interested in conversation, sociability, exchange of feelings
and Grievance etc. non satisfaction of this level of needs may affect themental health of the
5. Self-Actualization Needs:
The final step under the need priority mode is the need for self-fulfillment or the need to fulfill
what a Person considers to be his mission in life. Every need of employee is satisfied.
The theory was develop by Frederick Irving Herzberg in 1950’s, known as motivation hygiene
theory or two Factor theory of motivation. For this purpose he conducted a study and
interviewed some 200 engineers by Knowing their
positives and negatives about their work. After knowing the opinion, he proposed two factors
Which are very much influenced in motivating the employees.
1. Motivational Factors:
In this theory, the employees are only motivated and given appreciation for their performance in
an Organization. Here employees are given a free environment so that employees are motivated
and shown Interest towards their work. The factors include recognition, responsibility and sense
of achievement.
2. Hygiene Factors:
Hygiene factors are those job factors which are essential for existence of motivation at workplace.
In this Factor employees are not given any kind of appreciation and motivation. Regarding their
compensation Andwork etc.
1. Intrinsic vs Extrinsic:
It is a kind of motivation that comes from within. It comes from personal enjoyment and
educational Achievement that we derive from doing that particular thing is an intrinsic
motivation. It is a kind of Motivation that comes from things or factors that are outside the
individual. Example, social recognition, Competition, money or fame are all the examples of
extrinsic motivation.
2. Cognition:
Cognition of motivation, on the other hand, suggest that our experiences generate internal
cognitions(such as Desires and beliefs). These cognitions, in turn, current performance.
However, the question arises: where do Cognitions comes from? They are the results of past
interactions with our environment. For these cognitions to Be useful, they must relateto the
persons environment.
Cognitions are nothing more than our ability to describe Particular reinforcement contingencies of
our own behavior based on our own past experiences.
3. Environment:
Recent models of work motivation are addressing the role of the environment as one determinant
of behavior. The environment provides the backdrop against which motivational mechanisms and
processes determine Appropriate courses of action. When behavior or performance does not need
societal or work standards, we Tend to assume that something is wrong with the person, rather
than looking for deficits in the persons Environment.
The factors that affect the workplace environment or enlarge the motivational levels of workers
1. Relationship between co-workers:
Workplace is all about people working together to achieve a standardizedgoal,soIt is important
that all the co-Workers respect each other and never show disrespect towads each other.
2. Leadership role at workplace:
Leader plays a key role in maintaining a favorable work environment. The leader should
understand how to Deal different emloyees.
4. Workplace culture:
The organizational culture dictate the norms and behaviours that people depict while at work.
5. Workplace education or learning:
Learning at business is valuable to both the person and the organization. It just that to motivate
the employee Businesses should provided enough opportunities where staff can learn more and
more about skills.
The managers duty in today’s corporate world multifaceted. A motivator is a person who
imples an individualTo act towards meeting a need. Motivation has a momentous effect on
employee performance. Managers must Know how the employees are working in the
organizations, also the reasons for behavior of employees. They Should motivate
employees in a proper manner as well as immediate steps should be taken by management
to Make workers reestablish their confidenceso as to restore or raise the morale of the
employee. The Productivity of an organization depends on employee performance.
Motivated employees not only influence Their work performance but also the whole
organization performance and business productivity. As per this Study motivation is very
important for every company to an employee performance and productivity of an
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