Suppp Project
Suppp Project
Suppp Project
Submitted to
Submitted by
Supriya Soni
Submitted to
HR & Operations
B M C O L L E G E O F T E C H N O L O G Y & MA N A G E M E N T , G U R G AO N
(Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India, affiliated to M.D.U., Rohtak)
(Batch 2020-2022)
The project of this nature is arduous task stretching over a period, completing a project like this one takes the
effort and cooperation of many people.
Although this project report is being brought in my name, it bears an imprint of guidance and cooperation of
many individuals. Several persons with whom I integrated have contributed significantly to the successful
completion of the project study. In the successful & trouble-free completion of my final term project titled
MANAGEMENT, GURGAON for helping us towards the completion of the project.
I extend my deepest and sincere thanks to my project guide, Mr. Ram Krishn, and other HR Executives
TrueBlue India LLP for the unflinching support and guidance throughout the project
I would also like to thank all the executives who shared their precious time and experience with me.
Last but not the least, I extend my sincere thanks to all the staff members of TrueBlue India LLP for their
I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the project report entitled
" WORK LIFE BALANCE AMONG EMPLOYEES " in partial fulfillment of requirements for the
award of degree of Master of Business Administrator submitted to the Maharishi Dayanand
University, Rohtak through the B.M. Group of Institutions, Farrukhnagar, Gurgram is an
authentic piece of work done by me.
The work has been carried out during a period from Jan 2023 to Apr 2023 under the guidance
of Ms. Alpna Yadav, Assistant professor, Department of Management and Humanities, B.M.
Group of Institutions, Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon. The matter presented in this thesis has not
been submitted by me in any other University/ Institute for the award of M.B.A Degree.
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my
and the necessary capital and technology but unless there are competent people
who can mobilize, organize and harness the resources for production of goods
and services, it cannot make rapid strides towards economic and social
the quality of its human resources, which play a vital role in using other
be fully utilized to generate income and wealth of a nation without the active
Ginzerberg points out that the key elements such as values, attitudes, general
orientation and the quality of the people of a country determine its economic
change. Human resource accounts for a large part of national output and there
exists a wide scope for increasing national wealth through their proper
Dynamic people can build dynamic organizations. Effective employees
motivated people can make things happen and enable an organization to achieve
its goals. Hence, organizations should continuously ensure that the dynamism,
Human resource is even the most critical factor for determining the
who will decide when and how to acquire and utilize various resources, including
human resources, in the best interest of the organization. The ultimate success
competence of its human resources. Of all the tasks of management, says Likert
"Managing the human component is the central and most important task,
has become the central concern of any organization either in public, private
It is therefore necessary for all managers to understand and give due
countries unless they have well educated and trained, highly achievement
work-team. Similarly, individuals cannot derive job satisfaction and lead a high
standard of living unless they are well trained and highly developed. It may be
noted that management of human resources can assist in the attainment of these
national, enterprise and individual goals through effective utilization and proper
and negative feeling which also damages the individual’s private life. Even the
working hours and schedule are the most crucial points of Work-Life Balance in
the organization point of view, as they affect the mental health, physical health
and well-being of employees. Long working hours and certain kind of shift
schedules might be the cause of elevated risk for a range of mental and physical
attitudes and behaviors, absenteeism, low motivation, lack of concern for the
of commitments, and even sabotage may result. These attitudes and behaviors
affect costs, productivity, profits and hence the market value of the firm stock.
The term work life balance (Work Life Balance) was coined in 1986 in
work can impinge upon the quality of family life and vice-versa, thus giving rise to
the concepts of “family- work conflict” (FWC) and “work-family conflict” (WFC).
The former is also referred to as work interferes with family” (WIF) while the latter
is also known as “family interferes with work”(FIW). In other words, from the
their jobs and at the same time provide flexibility to handle personal concerns or
problems at their family People entering the workforce today are more likely to
turn down to promotions if it is new job means, the employee is having to bring
In most developing countries, at least until recently, only men worked
outside of the home. The old, established joint Hindu family system facilitated a
clear division of responsibilities between the old and the young in terms of
decision making, the oldest male member in a patriarchal society is the head of
household and would make all the important decisions; male and female the men
would work outside the household, whereas the women are responsible for
More recently, the scarcity perspective has given way to the expansion-
enhancement approach that views that work can facilitate participation at home
and vice-versa. This has given rise to the concepts of “work-family facilitation”
can facilitate participation at home and vice-versa. These two notions have
contributed to the construct of work life balance where a balanced life consists of
work and family that are mutually reinforcing-the family experiences of workers
Work-family conflict. However, it can be argued that the latter is more limited in
scope than the former because the focus in work-family conflict is more on the
relations between work & family. It is also referred to as family friendly work
arrangements, (FFWA), and in international literature, as alternative work
arrangements (AWA).
Work-Life Balance is the relationship between time and space of work &
on time and energy saving the ability to make choices in the allocation of time
the term Work –Life Balance. As a term in its own right Work-Life Balance is
rarely defined for reasons that will become clearer as the discussion progresses.
in the literature in relation to definitional and conceptual issues. The first of these
themes concerns the contention area of family friendly versus Work-Life family in
order to reflect a broader and more inclusive way of conceptualizing the issue
and to enable men and those without children, for example to identify with them .
However the perception that Work-Life Balance policies are a family matter and
aimed solely at women with children is still held by many employees &
Despite the worldwide quest for Work-Life Balance very few have found
an acceptable definition of the concept: here are some proven definitions that will
positively impact one’s every day value & balance. Best individual Work-Life
Balance will vary overtime, often on a daily basis. The right balance today will
probably be different for tomorrow. The right balance when one is single will be
different when after marriage and having children; when one is on a start to new
career versus when one is nearing to retirement. There is no perfect, one size
fits all, as balance is different for each of us because we all have different
Balance definition are two key everyday concepts that are relevant, they are daily
a fuller meaning of these two concepts takes us to most of the ways a positive
successfully, especially after trying hard or receiving what one wants. Enjoyment
celebration, love a sense of wellbeing and all the joys of living. Achievement and
enjoyment are the two sides of the coin value in life. One can’t have one without
the other. Trying to live a one sided life is why so many “successful” people are
family is a husband who provides financial support, a wife who maintains the
household. Cultural differences influence family decisions, and more and more
way of corporate life is much more difficult. The change in workforce composition
has been gradual, but steady. More women are working and, thus, more
mothers are in the workforce. In 1996, women comprised46 per cent of the total
workforce, compared to 1986 when 44 per cent of the work force was women.
Women are less likely to drop-out of the labor force for significant periods of their
lives, and more and more women are responsible, alone or with a spouse, for the
economic security of their families. The Family and Medical Leave Act, signed
by President Clinton in 1993, allowed all US workers to take unpaid leave for up
to twelve weeks to care for a seriously ill or new member of the family without
putting their jobs at risk. This Act has made the employment picture even more
desirables for working mothers, single parents, future parents and two career
families. Those demanding balance, however, include not only parents with
children, but the rest of the employee population, as well. Older employees need
Managing a home while raising young children when both spouses are
employed outside the home is challenging and stressful .Balancing one’s work
responsibilities and desires with one’s responsibilities and interests outside work
is, at best, challenging. While balancing work commitments with life commitments
provides ongoing challenges for adults who remain single or do not have
Mid-life workers often deal with balance issues from two ends of the
spectrum: young children and ageing parents. This issue, however, includes
employees beyond those who have children. Many employees are choosing to
stay unmarried, but still have critical and valuable commitments outside work.
Individuals affected by trying to balance work and their lives outside work
represent nearly the entire working population. Organizations are indeed helping
their workforce achieve balance between work and the rest of their life. Work–life
balance programs are pervasive in organizations today i.e on-site day care,
summer camps, pet-care and even lawn care for employees who travel.
throughout corporations on the need for balancing work and life successfully and
recognizing and rewarding employees who are able to work hard and effectively
but still maintain a satisfying life outside work. Specific actions are articulated that
change. Human resource developers, who are charged with developing the
organizational effectiveness issue and HRD has the opportunity to play a key
record of delivering results. For years, HRD has been paramount in developing
or programs that were required by everyone to build a critical capability within the
training and career planning These programs are intended to address the
predominant issue at the workplace. The major factors such as the global
competition, the renewed interest in personal lives/ family values; and managing
the workforce etc. have made it more significant. Studies have revealed that
Many companies have responded to the evolving set of issues and with
the influencing elements related to work life balance by introducing a wide variety
both work and life equally where it supports the employer to increase the
retention of the employee. Some of the influencing factors include working hours
and flexibility, time bind, Job satisfaction, Job Autonomy and Organizational
issue for working mothers who struggled with the demands of their jobs and
raising children. During the 1980s, recognizing the value and needs of women
work, and child-care referral. During the 1980s men also began voicing work-life
concerns. The term ‘work life balance’ was first coined in 1986 in reaction to the
unhealthy choices that many Americans were making in favor of the work place
as they opted to neglect family, friends and leisure activities in the pursuit of
corporate goals. Articles of the time suggested a sharp increase in the working
hours of the Americans. This had started to affect their families and individual
health. Work life balance slowly was gaining grounds in the various
organizations. By the end of the decade, work life balance was seen as more
than just a women’s issue, affecting men, families, organizations and cultures.
everyone women, men, parents and non-parents, singles and couples. The
1990s saw a rise in the number of working women and dual-income families. A
second family configuration, the lone parent household also became prevalent in
during this decade. Numerous studies showed that the generations from baby
boomers to new college graduates were making job choices based on their own
Comparing with the past, today, one can see a noticeable difference in
balance has still not become a core strategic facet of people management
The concept of work life balance is gaining a great deal of attention in both the
academic and corporate worlds. The employees are often preoccupied with work
when not working, and when in the company of family and loved ones,
work has become more knowledge based, fluid, and intellectual; overworked
people think about work all of the time. For many people, work has become
been introduced that is "Cognitive Intrusion of Work”. In simple terms, this means
that work/life balance is not just about finding "physical time" to do all that needs
Total life planning is the latest and innovative approach to work life
professional life, personal lives and their relativity. Their goal is to encourage
and physical wellbeing, careers, spirituality, and their personal financial situation.
From these programs, employees can assess their available choices to improve
balance in their lives and develop an individualized life plan. The most successful
component for each individual. The concept of total life has the major benefits
such as renewed employee energy, enthusiasm and attachment for work, and
the market if it delivers quality goods and consistency in results. It is not just
enough for them for simply employing and paying the people. Working
environment will be effective when there is work life imbalance. The researcher
thrown light in these issues and made some attempts to understand what
The results revealed employees generally expect not only appropriate and
competitive pay for the work they perform but also hope to achieve a balance
between work and rest of their lives. After considering various views from the
collected literature reviews research design was formed. It includes the need for
the present study, specific objectives of the study, hypothesis of the study, scope
and variables of the study, methodology and sampling, statistical tools adopted in
the study and also the limitations and presentation of the study.
individuals call for better integration between work and non-work issues. Even
Jobs are no more cushy/easy going, they are demanding. Similarly, individual
cannot be effective at work if they are not able to manage their personal lives.
Finding time for socialization is no more a social obligation, but also a real stress
buster. There is evidence to show that the activities outside work positively
influence the productivity and creative potential of employees. Hence, it has been
found that work life balance (work life balance) is not only the source of care and
concern, but also that it was the major source of dissatisfaction for many
employees. The problem of work life balance is clearly linked with withdrawal
maintain specific standards and quality to attain reputation and recognition for
products, reasonable price and other offers etc. To achieve the targets and to
with stand in the global market the organisations were expecting and demanding
more work from their employees and also imposing to learn new skills and latest
technology. On the other hand employees are also demanding more from their
employers to improve their social life. They want more time, resources, and
support from their employers to enrich their life particularly other than at their
work spot. In the process of attaining preset targets, work schedules creates
more burden, stress and strain to the employees to imbalance their work and
one’s work and the life aspects seem equally critical at the same point in time.
But in a case, when either of these can be deprioritized (at least for some period)
finding the balance is not the real challenge. For example, take the initial years of
one’s work life. In most cases this is really in the 20’s when one’s family
commitments are not so pressing and one can afford to place work in overdrive if
one chooses to. However, many employees find this is a challenge after
marriage or more so the birth of a child. Both demands seem to be fair in their
perspective and hence it’s a challenge to balance at any time. A zero-one
solution (either work or home) though seemingly the simplest may not be the
best and this is where the need for life-balance comes in. Both Public and Private
Most of the studies have been carried out with a focus on various issues
strategies, HR Innovatives etc. But there are very few studies with regard to
Work life Balance. As against this backdrop, zeal to know the facts, which
insisted their employees for a better work-life apart from their productivity and
performance inspired the researcher to take up the study on “Work Life Balance
in Selected units”.
To study the nature and significance of human resources and the policies
To analyze the effectiveness of work life balance in Bharat Heavy
To asses and evaluate the impact of work life balance of employees and
Life Balance.
The study is based on both primary and secondary information and data.
The main sources of secondary data are the annual reports and bulletins of the
been used as the potential source of information relating to work life balance
the enterprises have been found useful to get the information and data for the
the primary data from the sample respondents of the two select organizations
namely BHEL and VIJAI ELECTRICALS. The questionnaire covered some broad
A pilot survey was conducted using the blue print of questionnaire and 10
questionnaire before circulating them to the target group. The primary data was
collected during March 2011 to July 2011. The questionnaire was administered
during the leisure time of the employees during their lunch hours and at the end
of their regular shifts. The respondents who are staying in townships were
contacted at homes on holidays and at leisure times. This helped to elicit a good
deal of information about each and every question and also some more
The interpretations of both primary and secondary data are made with the
help of simple and weighted averages. Wherever the sample respondents stated
of Work Life Balance were taken with various options like High- Moderate- Low,
Thus, the present study has covered a total sample of 550 employees
randomly, out of which 280 from Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, 270 from Vijai
Primary data were entered using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social
generated and F-tests and t-tests were carried out for testing the hypotheses.
The object of the F- test is to find out whether the two independent estimates of
regarded as drawn from the normal populations having the same variance.
study are employees of two organizations i.e. BHEL and VIJAI Electricals the
findings may not be generalized to other populations. The reason being no data
organizations to measure the work life balance with the family commitments, the
investigator has concluded with the available data. Similarly some employees
were not willing to disclose their personal or family matters which could not be
responses is another limitation. For cross check purposes certain items are
dynamics of Work-Life Balance in PSU has been discussed in the first chapter.
the study, Methodology and Sample respondents is covered in the same chapter.
The second chapter outlines the Review of Literature. Brief profiles of selected
units have been presented i.e. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, and Vijai Electricals
in the third chapter. The fourth chapter contains an over-view of work life
balance in selected Units. The Fifth and sixth chapter contains the respondents
profile, process, facilities, impact and influence of work life balance based on the
conditions, Job performance and commitment, Job Autonomy and Task Identity
in Select Private and Public sector undertakings. The final chapter gives an
their work in their organization on the other 22 percent of them are not
steps to overcome their inhibition and motivate them to enhance their
the travelling hours for them are less than one hour followed by 1-3 hours
(29 percent) are spending on their daily travelling, Due to some personal
reasons like employees are residing far from the company, inadequate
4. It is understood that out of the total sample, 148 respondents in BHEL, 115
family problems carried to the work spot. It is suggested that the employers
6. According to the statistical analysis there is a positive and significant
relation between the age and working hours at 0.001 level and the f-value
is 5.28. In age –wise analysis the working hours has more influence on the
age group 55-65 at 0.000 level and the f-value is 164.464.In organizational-
BHEL at 0.000 level compared to VE at 0.002 level and the f values for
BHEL is 23.349 and for VE is 4.959. As possible explanation for such could
be that the employees’ age groups of 55-65 are too sensitive to and
delicate while working in all situations. So they can’t take up any challenge
with ease, in turn they cannot be able to balance both work and life. So it is
provide them extra provisions like more rest time, maximum leisure time for
scores more significant influence on flexible starting time at 0.000 level and
the f-value is 79.715 than the married at 0.001 and the f-value is
categories has high significance influence on compulsory overtime. In
level at 0.000 level and the f-values are 181.319 and 565.521.In
and the f-value is 9.664.On the other hand in gender-wise analysis male
hours at 0.000 level and the f-value is 31.197. Reasons perhaps the BHEL
employees are more satisfied with their jobs and also in managing both
10. From the table 6.18a it is observed that there is positive relation between
earnings are high at 0.000 level and the f-value is 5.824.It is inferred from
the table that there is a high level of stress in BHEL in terms of amount of
wage earnings. And the employees are more satisfied with their earnings.
expressed their inability to balance their work and it is also proved that the
significant level in BHEL is high on some of the practices like working hours,
flexible stating time, present hours of work, amount of wage earned by the
Hence it is concluded that BHEL employees are more satisfied with all the above
providing stress reducing activities like rest rooms for relaxation, social meetings,
systematically and strategically in any public or private sector units have led to