Palliative Care 11918
Palliative Care 11918
Palliative Care 11918
Palliative Care
This ICSI Health Care Guideline should not be construed as medical advice or medical opinion related to any specific facts or circumstances. If you are not one of the expert audiences listed above you are urged to consult a health care professional regarding your own situation and any specific medical questions you may have. In addition, you should seek assistance from a health care professional in interpreting this ICSI Health Care Guideline and applying it in your individual case. This ICSI Health Care Guideline is designed to assist clinicians by providing an analytical framework for the evaluation and treatment of patients, and is not intended either to replace a clinician's judgment or to establish a protocol for all patients with a particular condition. An ICSI Health Care Guideline rarely will establish the only approach to a problem. Copies of this ICSI Health Care Guideline may be distributed by any organization to the organization's employees but, except as provided below, may not be distributed outside of the organization without the prior written consent of the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Inc. If the organization is a legally constituted medical group, the ICSI Health Care Guideline may be used by the medical group in any of the following ways: copies may be provided to anyone involved in the medical group's process for developing and implementing clinical guidelines; the ICSI Health Care Guideline may be adopted or adapted for use within the medical group only, provided that ICSI receives appropriate attribution on all written or electronic documents; and copies may be provided to patients and the clinicians who manage their care, if the ICSI Health Care Guideline is incorporated into the medical group's clinical guideline program.
All other copyright rights in this ICSI Health Care Guideline are reserved by the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement. The Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement assumes no liability for any adaptations or revisions or modifications made to this ICSI Health Care Guideline.
Palliative Care
Patient presents with new or established diagnosis of a progressive, debilitating and/or potentially life-limiting illness
All algorithm boxes with an "A" and those that refer to other algorithm boxes link to annotation content. Text in blue throughout the document also provides links.
Through periodic reassessment, is the care plan meeting the patient's needs?
Out of guideline
A = Annotation
Copyright 2009 by Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement 1
Palliative Care
Table of Contents
Work Group Leader
Martha McCusker, MD, FACP Internal Medicine/ Geriatrics, Hennepin County Medical Center
Family Medicine/Geriatrics Lyn Ceronsky, MS, GNP-BC Fairview Health Services Ken Kephart, MD Fairview Health Services Mabel Rohr, CNP HealthPartners Medical Group Family Medicine/Palliative Care Becky Nosan, NP Allina Medical Clinic Kristina Schlecht, MD Innovis Health Sara Shorter, MD Hutchinson Medical Center Internal Medicine/ Palliative Care Dean Fox, MD St. Mary's/Duluth Clinic Health System
Algorithm ........................................................................................................................... 1 Foreword Scope and Target Population......................................................................................... 3 Clinical Highlights and Recommendations .................................................................. 3 Priority Aims ................................................................................................................. 4 Key Implementation Recommendations ....................................................................... 4 Related ICSI Scientific Documents .............................................................................. 4 Disclosure of Potential Conflict of Interest................................................................... 5 Introduction to ICSI Document Development .............................................................. 5 Description of Evidence Grading.................................................................................. 6 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 7-9 Annotations ................................................................................................................. 10-43 Appendices .................................................................................................................. 44-48 Appendix A Myths About Palliative Care........................................................... 44-45 Appendix B Comparison Between Palliative Care and Hospice ..............................46 Appendix C Medicare Hospice Benefit: Eligibility and Treatment Plan ............ 47-48
Pharmacist Dianne Brundage, PharmD Park Nicollet-Methodist Social Worker Danielle TenCate, MSW HealthPartners Regions Hospital
Facilitators Kathy Cummings, RN, BSN, MA ICSI Linda Setterlund, MA, CPHQ ICSI
Palliative Care
Scope and Target Population
This guideline will assist primary and specialty care providers in identifying and caring for adult patients with a potentially life-limiting, life-threatening or chronic, progressive illness who may benefit from palliative care. This guideline may be appropriate for patients who still desire curative or life-prolonging treatments, or patients who are best served by active end-of-life management. It will outline key considerations for creating a plan of care to meet patient, family and other caregivers' needs throughout the continuum of care. This guideline will not assist providers in the identification or care for pediatric patients with life-threatening or chronic progressive illness. Within the guideline there is a brief overview of the Special Considerations for Pediatric Patients. (Annotation #4) Return to Table of Contents
Palliative care planning should begin early in the patient's journey of a progressive, debilitating illness. A key question for providers is "Would you be surprised if the patient died within two years?" Or for pediatric patients, "Would you be surprised if the patient didn't live into adulthood?" (Annotations #1, 3; Aim #1) Where palliative care consultation is available, referral to this service should be done early on in the patient's care. Where palliative care services are not available, primary care providers should begin palliative care planning early.
Health care providers should initiate palliative care conversations with their patients. (Annotation #3; Aim #2) Health care providers should complete a systematic review and document patients' goals for care and advance directives. (Annotations #4, 10; Aim #6) Suffering is common in this patient population. It commonly presents itself in physical symptoms, thus controlling symptoms to maximize patient comfort is a cornerstone function of palliative care. Also important are the recognition, assessment and management of non-physical areas of suffering that are important to the patient. These include cultural, psychological, social, spiritual, religious, existential, financial, ethical and legal issues. (Annotations #5-11; Aim #3) The ability to address these issues depends on the quality of communication with patients and families. Communication difficulties among health care providers, patients, and families can hamper quality of care and patient well-being. Setting realistic goals of care and providing realistic hope are essential. (Annotation #3; Aim #2) In the delivery of palliative care, aggressive interventions may continue with an increased focus on symptom management. (Introduction) Hospice is a form of palliative care. However, unlike hospice, palliative care is not limited by the clinical or reimbursement perspective. (Introduction, Annotation #13) Health care providers play an important role in the grief and bereavement processes by supporting the patient and family throughout the course of illness and following the patient's death. (Annotation #22)
Palliative Care
Priority Aims
1. Increase the identification of patients who are in the early stages of a progressive, debilitating disease who would benefit from palliative care services. (Annotations #1, 3)
2. Improve the effectiveness and comfort level of the primary care provider in communicating the necessity and benefits of palliative care with those patients with a progressive, debilitating illness. (Annotation #3) 3. Improve the assessment of the identified patient's palliative care needs utilizing the seven domains of palliative care. (Annotations #4, 5-11) 4. Increase palliative care planning with patients who have been identified in the early stages of a progressive debilitating disease. (Annotation #4) 5. Improve the continual reassessment and adjustment of the patient's palliative care plan as conditions warrant, utilizing the seven domains of care. (Annotations #4, 5-11) 6. Increase the completion, documentation and ongoing utilization of advance directives for patients with a progressive, debilitating illness. (Annotations #4, 10) Return to Table of Contents
The following system changes were identified by the guideline work group as key strategies for health care systems to incorporate in support of the implementation of this guideline.
1. Develop a process to provide education to clinicians, patients and families regarding the elements and appropriateness of palliative care. It is important to address the difference between palliative care and hospice. 2. Develop a process that will allow providers to identify and assess patients who would benefit from palliative care services. This process should include the use of a screening tool that utilize the seven domains. 3. Develop scripts for health care providers that will assist them in initiating and discussing palliative care services. 4. Develop a process for timely referral to palliative care consultation for patients with a progressive, debilitating disease. Return to Table of Contents
Palliative Care
ICSI has adopted a policy of transparency, disclosing potential conflict and competing interests of all individuals who participate in the development, revision and approval of ICSI documents (guidelines, order sets and protocols). This applies to all work groups (guidelines, order sets and protocols) and committees (Committee on Evidence-Based Practice, Cardiovascular Steering Committee, Women's Health Steering Committee, Preventive & Health Maintenance Steering Committee and Respiratory Steering Committee). Participants must disclose any potential conflict and competing interests they or their dependents (spouse, dependent children, or others claimed as dependents) may have with any organization with commercial, proprietary, or political interests relevant to the topics covered by ICSI documents. Such disclosures will be shared with all individuals who prepare, review and approve ICSI documents. Dianne Brundage's spouse owns stock in Glaxo-Smith-Kline and is a consultant for Abbott Laboratories and Novartis. Lyn Ceronsky received an honorarium from Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) for a presentation. No other work group members have potential conflicts of interest to disclose. Return to Table of Contents
This document was developed and/or revised by a multidisciplinary work group utilizing a defined process for literature search and review, document development and revision, as well as obtaining input from and responding to ICSI members. For a description of ICSI's development and revision process, please see the Development and Revision Process for Guidelines, Order Sets and Protocols at Return to Table of Contents
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Palliative Care
A. Primary Reports of New Data Collection: Randomized, controlled trial Non-randomized trial with concurrent or historical controls Case-control study Study of sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test Population-based descriptive study Cross-sectional study Case series Case report Meta-analysis Systematic review Decision analysis Cost-effectiveness analysis Consensus statement Consensus report Narrative review Medical opinion
Class D:
Class R: Class X:
Citations are listed in the guideline utilizing the format of (Author, YYYY [report class]). A full explanation of ICSI's Evidence Grading System can be found at Return to Table of Contents
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement 6
Palliative Care
The World Health Organization in 2002 stated that "palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life for patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual." The National Consensus Guidelines for Palliative Care initially released in 2004 state the goals of palliative care are to prevent and relieve suffering and to support the best possible quality of life for patients and their families, regardless of the stage of the disease or the need for other therapies. Palliative care is both a philosophy of care and an organized, highly structured system for delivering care. Palliative care expands the traditional disease-modifying medical treatments to include the goals of enhancing quality of life for patient and family, optimizing function, helping with the decision-making and providing opportunities for personal growth. Palliative care can be delivered concurrently with life-prolonging care or as the main focus of care. Palliative care is operationalized through effective management of pain and other distressing symptoms, while incorporating psychosocial and spiritual care according to patient and family needs, values, beliefs and culture(s) (Lorenz, 2008 [M]). Nearly all physicians and health care providers offer palliative care to their patients, much the same way they offer varying degrees of many different medical specialties. Indeed there is a presumption that providers will all be able to provide a primary level of palliation for symptoms commonly encountered in their respective practices. Depending on individual interest and prevalence of specific symptoms or situations in a given practice, many providers develop additional skills and provide a secondary level of palliative care. More challenging cases of distressing symptoms or complicated communication systems would be appropriate for referral to tertiary palliative care to a multidisciplinary team that includes board certified specialists when available. These specialists are also responsible for teaching other providers and building systems to guarantee the highest possible level of palliative care expertise for a population of patients. Palliative care may be provided simultaneously with other medical interventions that treat the underlying disease process, but the intensity of palliative care services provided accelerates as the illness progresses.
The word "palliate" is derived from the Latin word palliatus, which means to "cloak or cover." Thought of in this way, it is meant to convey care that wraps the patient with support to reduce the burden of illness. Broadly defined as the reduction of suffering, palliative care is part of everyday practice for health care professionals. By intervening with patients at the onset of progressive and debilitating disease, health care professionals can assure that appropriate interventions offered meet the goal of reducing the burden of disease. Examples of illnesses that meet this definition would include heart failure, chronic obstructive lung disease, chronic renal failure, metastatic cancer, dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, advanced HIV infection, and others. Sometimes these conditions and diseases are reversible, but most are progressive at different and occasionally unpredictable rates.
In America, "palliative care" and "hospice care" are terms often used interchangeably. That is not only incorrect, but it also limits access to appropriate services early in the course of illness and treatment. Hospice care is a philosophy of care with health care benefits under most insurance payers. It is designed for patients with a limited life expectancy of six months or less (according to Medicare hospice coverage criteria) if the disease runs its normal course and is chosen by patients who want comfort rather than life-prolonging care. Hospice is a defined CMS benefit with explicit enrollment criteria, interdisciplinary practice guidelines, and quality assurance and performance improvement requirements. The majority of the medical community is not well versed in this. HOSPICE: The patient has both a limited life expectancy (specifically six months or less) and the goals for care are exclusively to achieve and maintain comfort, regardless of the symptom burden
Algorithm Annotations PALLIATIVE CARE: The patient has either a limited life expectancy (regardless of symptom burden or goals for care)
Palliative Care
or a significant symptom burden (regardless of prognosis or goals for care) or goals for care exclusively to achieve and maintain comfort (regardless of prognosis or symptom burden)
By defining appropriate evaluations and outcomes, this guideline attempts to assist the health care provider with the appropriate discussions, clinical interventions, and utilization of palliative care and hospice expertise when necessary. Early recognition of life-limiting illness by providers and an understanding of disease progression by patients and families are both critical for appropriate interventions and use of this guideline. As illness progresses, and the need for interdisciplinary approaches to the relief of suffering increases, the intensity of palliative interventions will also increase. Due to escalating burden, ongoing communication and reassessment are critical to achieving satisfactory outcomes.
Palliative Care
"All hospice is palliative care, but not all palliative care is hospice" (
The National Quality Forum (2006) identified 38 preferred practices in palliative care. Quality measurement tools have been developed for symptom management, patient and family satisfaction and financial impact. There is a clear need for continuing research addressing outcomes of palliative care whether that care is delivered in hospitals or outpatient settings. Positive outcomes have been demonstrated by hospital-based programs in three areas: relief of physical and emotional suffering, improved patient and family satisfaction, and reduced costs (Campbell, 2006 [R]; Ciemins, 2007 [C]; Elsayem, 2004 [D]; Gade, 2008 [A]; Higginson, 2002 [M]; Morrison, 2008 [M]; Smith, 2003 [M]). Trajectories of late-life illness (see following graphs) The natural history of most cancers, without treatment, is generally marked by a period, which may be prolonged, where patients enjoy good functional status, and symptoms are readily treated. At some point, as the disease advances, function begins to decline, and from there the trajectory of the illness tracks steadily downward. It was this model that informed the inclusion of a limited life expectancy as a criterion for hospice services. Other chronic medical conditions, however, manifest different patterns. Patients with conditions Return to Table of Contents
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Palliative Care
such as congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have periodic exacerbations where they may become quite ill, and even pre-morbid. Medical treatment may successfully improve their status although functional recovery may not return quite to the pre-episode level. A graph would show a sawtooth pattern, with the sharp downward inflections marking the acute illnesses, during which death may occur, with an overall slow downward slope in the curve. Progressive neurologic illnesses, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, generally show a slow overall decline in slope, which may occur over years, with occasional downward spikes marking episodes of infection (e.g., pneumonia) during which a patient might die (Lorenz, 2008 [M ]). See Appendix B, "Comparison Between Palliative Care and Hospice," for disease-specific conditions and symptoms.
Used with permission 2009-2010. Annals of Internal Medicine, Jan. 2008. Return to Table of Contents
Algorithm Annotations
Palliative Care
Algorithm Annotations
1. Patient Presents with New or Established Diagnosis of a Progressive, Debilitating and/or Potentially Life-Limiting Illness
Key Points: Both providers and patients generally don't recognize early on those individuals who would benefit from palliative care planning. Early identification of patients with conditions that would benefit from palliative care planning can be accomplished by considering conditions and symptoms that are appropriate for palliative care services.
General considerations clinicians should use to identify patients who would benefit from palliative care planning include: Disease progression, especially with functional decline Pain and /or other symptoms not responding to optimal medical treatment Need for advance care planning Guideline met for hospice eligibility, but "not ready" Return to Table of Contents
Return to Algorithm
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement 10
Algorithm Annotations
Palliative Care
Conditions that may prompt palliative care planning include (this is not intended to be an all-inclusive list):
Debility/Failure to Thrive
Greater than three chronic conditions in patient over 75 years old Functional decline Weight loss Patient/family desire for low-yield therapy Increasing frequency of outpatient visits, emergency department visits, hospitalizations Uncontrolled symptoms due to cancer or treatment Introduced at time of diagnosis if disease likely incurable Introduced when disease progresses despite therapy Stage III or IV heart failure despite optimal medical management Angina refractory to medical or interventional management Frequent emergency department visits or hospital admissions Frequent discharges from implanted defibrillators despite optimal device and antiarrhythmic management Oxygen-dependent, O2 sats less than 88% on room air Unintentional weight loss Dyspnea with minimal to moderate exertion Other pulmonary diagnoses, e.g., pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension Refractory behavioral problems Feeding problems weight loss Caregiver stress support needed Frequency of emergency department visits Increased safety concerns Increased need for paracentesis for removal of ascitic fluid Increased confusion (hepatic encephalopathy) Increased safety concerns Symptomatic disease Dialysis Stage IV or Stage V kidney disease Stroke Parkinsons ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis MS multiple sclerosis
Heart Disease
Pulmonary Disease
Liver Disease
Many residents in long-term care facilities and patients with poor social support have these symptoms and should be assessed for palliative care. The work group offers a comparison of Conditions and Symptoms appropriate for Palliative Care and Hospice. See Appendix B. Unfortunately, accurately predicting death can only be identified by retrospective measures. Multiple studies have shown that physicians overestimate prognosis by a factor of two or more. The medical literature also shows that patients with terminal illness often don't recognize that they are dying, or are unable to acknowledge the fact even to themselves until very late. Life-limiting illness is usually defined as the question "Would you be surprised if your patient died within the next two years?" This definition significantly broadens the identified population associated with hospice care to those who would benefit from palliative care. Appropriate medical interventions need to address suffering that occurs due to pain, and other physical
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Palliative Care
symptoms, and psychological issues. Other domains that should be addressed by an interdisciplinary team include cultural, spiritual, ethical and social issues. The care plan created includes the caregivers and family (National Consensus Project, 2009 [R]; National Quality Forum, 2006 [R]). Palliative care can occur simultaneously with curative therapies, or may be the sole focus of care. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
Providers should recognize patients with signs of imminent death or those patients who are receiving futile care. Providers should discuss the likelihood of disease progression to death with patients and/or their families.
The point in time at which the death of a patient appears inevitable is often very difficult for health care providers, as the health education system is geared much more toward "cure" and the prolonging of life rather than "palliation" or "comfort care," with little training in communication among providers, patients and their families (Balaban, 2000 [R]). This may result in a continuation of invasive treatments that have only a small chance of effectiveness, yet may add significantly to patient discomfort, or result in provider withdrawal from the patients and family during the terminal phase of an illness (Balaban, 2000 [R]; Chochinov, 1989 [R]). The care of seriously ill patients is often fragmented, inconsistent, lacking needed coordination and communication among health care providers and patients, and providing inadequate emotional support (Morrison, 2004 [R]). Studies document deficiencies in the care of seriously ill patients in communication and treatment of pain and other symptoms (SUPPORT, 1995 [C]). Diagnosing dying is a complex process. Physicians are frequently inaccurate about the length of time left to a patient before he/she dies. Each individual patient is different. Physicians are trained to cure patients and will often continue aggressive, invasive procedures and treatments at the expense of making the patient comfortable. There is often a reluctance to make the diagnosis of dying if any hope of improvement exists and even more so if no definite diagnosis has been made. When recovery is uncertain, it is better to discuss this rather than giving false hope to the patient and family (Christakis, 2000 [D]; Lamont, 2001 [B]). This portion of the guideline is meant to aid providers in identifying those patients imminently dying or those to whom aggressive therapy is no longer the best option. These patients may not have been previously identified as palliative care patients. The following signs and symptoms may indicate that death is approaching. Not all individuals will show all of these signs. Delirium, often manifested by increased restlessness, confusion, agitation, inability to stay content in one position and insisting on changing positions frequently. Withdrawal from active participation in social activities. Increased periods of sleep, lethargy. Decreased intake of food and liquids. Periods of pausing in breathing (apnea) whether awake or sleeping. Very rapid breathing or cyclic changes in the patterns of breathing (Cheyne-Stokes respirations). Other abnormal breathing patterns. Return to Table of Contents
Return to Algorithm
Algorithm Annotations Patient reports seeing persons who have already died. Patient states that he or she is dying.
Palliative Care
Patient requests family visit to settle unfinished business and tie up loose ends. Inability to heal or recover from wounds or infections. Increased swelling (edema) of either the extremities or the entire body.
Inability to arouse patient at all (coma) or ability to arouse patient only with great effort, but patient quickly returns to severely unresponsive state (semicoma).
Severe agitation in patient, hallucinations, acting "crazy" and not in patient's normal manner or personality. Increased respiratory congestion or fluid buildup in the lungs. Shortness of breath. Inability to swallow any fluids at all. Not taking food by mouth. Vomiting. Urinary or bowel incontinence in a patient who was not incontinent before.
Patient breathing through wide open mouth continuously and no longer can speak even if awake. Marked decrease in urinary output and darkening color of urine or very abnormal color of urine, such as red or brown.
Blood pressure dropping dramatically from patient's normal blood pressure range (more than a 20-30 point drop). Systolic blood pressure below 70. Diastolic blood pressure below 50. Patient's extremities feel very cold to the touch. Fever.
Cyanosis, or a blue or purple coloring to the patient's arms and legs, especially the hands and feet (mottling). Patient's body is held in a rigid unchanging position. Return to Table of Contents
Patient complains that his or her legs/feet are numb and cannot be felt at all.
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Practice and experience with discussions about palliative care and complex medical decisions will improve providers' skill and comfort levels. There are several "scripts" that can be used both in practicing and in actual conversations. Consider palliative care referral (see Annotation #16)
Multiple studies and patient surveys have shown that most (though not all) patients generally desire frank but empathic disclosure of a terminal condition or other bad news, and thus delivering such news is a critical skill in the palliative care area (Vandekieft, 2001 [R]). Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
Algorithm Annotations
Palliative Care
Additionally, in situations where decisions are made to withdraw life support, findings suggest that family members feel more satisfied and supported during the decision-making process when there is communication during a family conference about the patient's end-of-life wishes, physician recommendations for withdrawing life support and attention to family's spiritual needs (Gries, 2008 [B]). Many providers feel they lack confidence and experience in discussing with patients the issues and decisions that come with having a progressive, debilitating illness specifically recommendations about palliative care and hospice services. This may involve delivering "bad news" as well as answering questions that may not have specific answers. A useful definition of "bad news" is information that "results in a cognitive, behavioral, or emotional deficit in the person receiving the news that persists for some time after the news is received" (Ptacek, 1996 [R]). Another definition of bad news is "any news that drastically and negatively alters the patient's view of her or his future" (Buckman, 1984 [X]). Implicit in these definitions is that a terminal diagnosis is not the only form of bad news; it may also refer to disclosing the diagnosis of a serious chronic condition such as multiple sclerosis, ultrasound-verified fetal demise to a pregnant woman, and other scenarios. In the absence of more formal education, the more a provider prepares for discussions surrounding palliative care and puts that preparation into practice, the more skilled and comfortable that provider can become in this aspect of medical care. There are several excellent mnemonics available to help providers increase their knowledge, practice examples of these discussions, and generally obtain a better understanding of the emotions, questions and problems that may arise with patients and families at this time in their lives. One mnemonic found useful for this guideline include: ABCDE (Advance preparation, Build a therapeutic environment/relationship, Communicate well, Deal with patient and family reactions, Encourage and validate emotions) (Vandekieft, 2001 [R])
Advance preparation: Obtain the patient's medical information and test results, if possible, so that you are fully aware of the situation. Mentally rehearsing the way you wish to present the information and options can give you a sense of how the conversation may go. Remember to individualize your approach for each given patient and family based on how much they know at that point and how they prefer to receive information. Make sure that you have an appropriately private location in which to have the discussion, and that the session will be free of interruptions, including setting the pager to silent or leaving it with a colleague.
Build a therapeutic environment/relationship: Try to find out how much the patient and family understands,
how they want to be told (bluntly, gently, etc.), and how much they want to know at that time. "If this condition turns out to be something serious, are you the kind of person who likes to know what is going on?" "Would you like me to tell you the full details of the diagnosis?" "If your condition is serious, how much would you like to know?" If the patient indicates that he/she does not want any information, it is important to "leave the door open." For example you may say, "That's OK. If you change your mind, at any time, please feel free to talk to me or one of my colleagues." Have family members or friends present as per the patient's preference, and take time to learn names and relationships of each support person present. Use touch and humor where appropriate, taking into consideration your relationship with the patient. Reassure the patient of your availability, set up follow-up appointments, and contact other providers about the situation where appropriate. Return to Table of Contents
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Palliative Care
Communicate well: Ask the patient for any questions. Speak truthfully but compassionately and avoid using
medical terms or euphemisms. Say the words "cancer," "dying," "death," etc. Although a care provider may be uncomfortable with these terms, they help with clarity of communication and accurate understanding by the patient and family of what is being said. Adapt the communication style to the education level and personal preference of the patient and family. For example, if the patient is a company executive who is used to calling the shots, this person may benefit more if provided with several different options to chose from rather than being told what to do (Block, 2006 [R]). If the education level and preferred style are unknown, a good rule of thumb is to present information at a sixth through eighth grade level (Balaban, 2000 [R]). Don't rush the process; allow time for silence, tears and questions. This allows the patient and family (if present) time to react to the news and to discuss concerns of the patient, and allows the patient to receive the news at his or her own pace (Ellis, 1999 [R]). Remember that the patient may not retain much of the information given beyond that of the diagnosis or prognosis, and may have to wait to "digest" what information can be absorbed. Strong emotions elicited in difficult conversations may distract the patient from hearing the full communication. Repeat important points and write things down and periodically assess the patient's understanding of the information and reactions to what was heard (Lee, 2002 [R]). Think out loud; help the patient and family feel they are part of the team. Visual aids, written question prompts (suggesting possible questions that a patient or family may want to ask), and the provision of audio tapes of the conversations may aid communication and recall of important points. Communicate any bad news to the patient and family. The care provider may want to deliver a "warning" statement prior to the bad news itself to prepare the patient (and family if present) for the communication that follows. For example, "I'm afraid I have (difficult/bad) news to share on (his/her) condition" (Lee, 2002 [R]). Additionally, it may be advisable to ask a few open-ended questions prior to delivering the actual bad news to assess what the patient and family already know and their readiness to hear the news (Baile, 2000 [R]).
Deal with patient and family reactions: Be sensitive to the emotional reactions of the patient and family.
Recognize that denial, blame, intellectualization, disbelief and acceptance may be present to varying degrees and time frames. Watch for signs of depression and suicidality in subsequent visits. Be empathetic. Crying may occur but make sure that your tears are empathic in nature and not reflective of personal issues on your part. There may be anger from the patient and family about care received from you or another colleague; resist becoming defensive or argumentative about these issues. Try to deal with that particular patient's and family's cultural and ethnic norms. "I was probably raised differently than you. Can you tell me how your family deals with these situations?"
Encourage and validate emotions: During the discussion, periodically ask the patient and family how and
what they are feeling and respond with empathy. If the patient (and family if present) is ready, discuss treatment options and arrange for follow-up to put those options into action. Talk with the patient about what this means for him/her, and what needs outside of the traditional medical scope he/she may have. It is important that the patient and family do not lose their sense of hope. Offer realistic hope. Communicating hope, even though a "cure" may not be possible, may be done by redirecting the focus of hope to keep the patient comfortable and as symptom-free as possible. Reassure the patient that every effort will be made to promote comfort, dignity and quality of life as defined by the patient. "I know this is not what you were hoping to hear." Don't say, "There is nothing more we can do;" instead say, "What we are going to focus on now is___(comfort, pain relief, etc.)" (Baile, 2000 [R]). Return to Table of Contents
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Palliative Care
Additional considerations pertaining to the initial discussion between provider, patient and family (based on expert consensus) include the following: Discussing prognosis is a difficult issue, and little attention is given to this issue in most training programs, leaving clinicians relatively unprepared to handle this task. The prognosis for a patient is based on multiple factors with complex interactions, including diagnoses, medications and therapeutics, social issues, functional status, patient preferences, and physician knowledge and experience (Sinclair, 2006 [R]). The communication of prognosis should be individualized to the needs and desires of the particular patient and family. As mentioned elsewhere, physicians tend to significantly overestimate prognosis, which may lead to delays in palliative treatments in favor of unnecessary curative or invasive treatments (Baile, 2000 [R]). Physicians may build additional trust by acknowledging limitations in providing a prognosis (Balaban, 2000 [R]). It may be best to provide a range of dates or times, or tie prognoses to hypothetical situations (Sinclair, 2006 [R]). Encourage continual communication for status updates, to assess comprehension of information, and to respond and empathize with new emotions as they come up. Coordination of communication is essential among providers, especially when there is a change in care setting or a transfer to another facility, as patient preferences may not be known to the providers in the new setting. This problem appears particularly common when patients are transferred from an acute care setting to a skilled nursing facility and back (Casarett, 2005 [NA]). Document details of all discussions in the medical record (Lee, 2002 [R]). Return to Table of Contents
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Palliative care planning should begin at the time of diagnosis of a life-threatening or debilitating condition and continue through cure, or until death and then into the family's bereavement period. Good palliative care, as part of any good health care provision, requires continual reappraisal of the benefits and burdens of therapies (Steinhauser, 2000 [D]). It is important, especially in the development of recommendations for care of patients' palliative care and end-of-life needs, that there is recognition of patient autonomy in choosing care (Kass-Bartelmes, 2003 [R]). Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
Algorithm Annotations
Palliative Care
One goal of this annotation is to discuss how clinicians can create an environment in which the needs of the patient, based on a comprehensive assessment, are fully considered. Only then can a reasonable determination be made of what services are required to meet the physical, psychological, social, practical and spiritual needs of patients and their families. Providers recognize that assessment of these domains of care is important to a patient's care but, in a busy practice, may find it difficult to address all domains. The work group recognizes this and suggests that clinicians could incorporate key aspects of palliative assessment with existing assessment processes. They also encourage using a team approach. Routine assessment has been shown to identify symptoms that may otherwise have been overlooked or unreported, facilitate treatment and treatment planning, and enhance patient and family satisfaction (Morrison, 2004 [R]). For patients to make informed choices regarding palliative care, it is important for both patient and providers to have a realistic understanding of the options available. The patient must have the capacity to understand the choices available, especially when some of the choices are not likely to benefit the patient to any great extent. Further, it should be recognized by providers and communicated to patients that the realistic choices available for care may change as the patient's medical condition changes. Accordingly, assessment of palliative care needs will necessarily be ongoing and may require at some point, if the patient's decision-making capacity is impaired, the assistance of family or other well-informed surrogates to provide the information needed to assess the patient's ever-changing palliative care needs. The role of surrogate for assessment of patient condition and expression of patient wishes should be anticipated at the time of initial assessment and care planning. Bringing together, as much as possible, those who may impact decision-making should be integral to the initial plan of care development. Careful clarification for all present at initial care planning will help anticipate and prevent discord as the patient and surrogate(s) make future care choices. The initial meeting for care planning is also useful for identifying availability and limitations of caregivers and other resources for meeting patient needs in implementing the plan of care. When discussing goals of care or a patient's end-of-life wishes, the "ask tell ask" model provides a useful and effective structure for such conversations. In this model, providers begin by asking patients and/or family members what they already know about the clinical situation (e.g., "What have the doctors told you about your illness?"). Providers can then add additional clinical information as needed or clarify any misconceptions, remembering to use plain, everyday language instead of "medicalese" (e.g., say "The cancer has spread" rather than "The cancer has metastasized"). Providers should always assume patients and family member have questions instead of asking whether they do (e.g., don't ask "Do you have any questions?" but rather ask "What questions do you have?") Finally, providers should ask the patient and/or family to restate the information discussed to assess their understanding. This can be normalized by saying "To make sure I did a good job explaining everything, can you tell me, in your own words, what we just talked about (or decided)?" (Smith, 2009 [R]). Patient and family expectations, goals for care and for living (quality of life), understanding of the disease and prognosis, as well as preferences for the type and site of care should be assessed and documented. This assessment needs to be reviewed on a regular basis, with consideration given to the patient's capacity to represent himself/herself.
At present, there is no gold standard for assessment of symptoms in the palliative care population (Dalal, 2006 [R]). Among the available assessment tools, it was the decision of this work group to recommend the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) because it is readily available via Internet, it is thorough yet simple in clinical application, and it has a robust evidence-based foundation for validation in various clinical settings (Chang, 2000 [D]; Moro, 2006 [D]; Phillip, 1998 [D]).
As patient and provider conditions change, there may be need for change of site or providers of care. It is helpful in care planning if the community has a uniform system to communicate patient wishes so that the continuity of care makes a smooth transition between providers in these circumstances. In this regard, communitywide agreement on recognition of particular advance directive forms and Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Therapy (POLST) enhances the quality of care available. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
Algorithm Annotations
Palliative Care
See the Support for Implementation, Resources Available section for the POLST and ESAS Web sites. Documentation of the advance directive in an electronic medical record promotes accessibility and portability across care settings. Providers should be aware of their individual state, provincial or national forms and requirements. For more information, see Annotation #10, "Ethical and Legal Aspects of Care." Care conferences Patient and family meetings or care conferences allow the treatment team an opportunity to meet with the patient and/or family to discuss the patient's diagnosis, condition, course of illness and treatment options and to answer questions and establish both the goals and plan of care. The level of formality of these conferences is likely to vary depending on the focus or goals. These conferences may involve the primary provider and part of the care team or the entire team. There is little empirical evidence and there are few descriptive studies about family care conferences or meetings. Most guidelines for care conferencing are based on expert recommendations. Family counseling literature and studies of giving bad news and end-of-life discussions form the basis for these expert recommendations (Curtis, 2001 [R]; McDonagh, 2004 [D]). A step-by-step model for care conferences (Moneymaker, 2005 [NA]) outlines four goals for a family meeting or conference. These goals focus on: Gaining knowledge of the person experiencing illness and understanding this person's goals. Promoting communication between the care team and patient/family. Decreasing stress and suffering by reviewing realistic goals and establishing a realistic plan that aligns with these goals. Establishing trust and support to work with the patient/family throughout the course of illness.
Incorporating time for this assessment can be done in either the inpatient, outpatient or home settings. In the inpatient setting, this assessment may be done by the palliative care team or by the physician during daily rounds. In the outpatient setting, this assessment can be accomplished over a series of visits or during an extended visit. In the home setting, this can be accomplished in one or more home visits.
Great strides are being made to improve care for adults with serious, advancing illness. Unfortunately, there is growing evidence that health care has failed to meet the specialized needs of children with lifelimiting and life-threatening conditions. Advances in pediatric programs, clinical education, and research have occurred in response to the Institute of Medicine's Report, "When Children Die: Improving Palliative Care for Children and their Families (2003)." The continuum of pediatric palliative care extends across settings, including perinatal and neonatal palliative care, as well as for children who are not expected to live to adulthood. Pediatric palliative care programs and organizations are available to provide additional resources. (See Resources Available at the end of this guideline.) Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
Algorithm Annotations
Palliative Care
Children and families are a special population that may also be confronted by a life-threatening illness. Many children undergo painful procedures and suffer from the symptoms of advancing disease without sufficient management of symptoms, despite the fact that modern medicine has the means to relieve their pain and discomfort, as well as improve most symptoms. Families may feel abandoned and overwhelmed, often suffering emotional as well as financial loss for years. Social supports to children and families before and after death are often inadequate, and health care professionals themselves are often left without emotional support for the difficult work they do. Many physicians and nurses have received virtually no training to practice the skills necessary for communicating effectively with dying children and their families. Practicing health care professionals often lack assistance on how to manage the goals and values that can be conflicting, as well as the broad cultural and religious diversity represented in the U.S. The Children's Institute for Palliative Care (CIPPC) provides training, continuing education, resources, consultation, and technical assistance to health care providers who are interested in developing more opportunities for pediatric palliative care in their communities. The Institute also develops and supports a network of providers in the Midwest region to ensure access to quality palliative care. The End of Life Nursing Education Consortium Pediatric Palliative Care (ELNEC-PPC), a curriculum developed for pediatric nurses and other clinicians, includes 10 modules on pediatric palliative care. In addition, two pediatric Palliative Care Leadership Centers offer operational training on pediatric palliative care ( The Initiative for Pediatric Palliative Care (IPPC) provides both an education and a quality improvement effort aimed at enhancing family-centered care for children living with life-threatening conditions. IPPC's comprehensive, interdisciplinary curriculum addresses knowledge, attitudes and skills that health care professionals need in order to better serve children and families. These include: Engaging with children and families enhancing the ability of health care professionals to understand, support and engage effectively with children with life-threatening conditions, their parents and loved ones, reflecting on core principles in pediatric palliative care and discovering what matters most to families, by incorporating the perspectives of children and families in treatment. Relieving pain and other symptoms by learning competent assessment, documentation, reassessment and the continuously monitoring of a pediatric patient's pain and other symptoms using developmentally appropriate pain assessment tools and strategies. Analyzing ethical challenges in pediatric end-of-life decision-making learning methods to support families as they confront an array of difficult choices often encountered when a child is gravely ill and unlikely to recover. This includes ethical recommendations for guiding decisions regarding withholding or withdrawing of life support to allow natural death, and strategies for handling circumstances in which parents and clinicians may disagree about goals of care. It includes the degree of benefit and burden associated with different treatment (and not treating) options, the importance of honoring parental discretion in decision-making, especially when there are uncertain benefits associated with the continuation of life-prolonging treatments, the legitimacy of quality-oflife considerations in goal setting, how to handle conflicts, and the extent to which mature minors should be able to guide their own decisions. Other topics include the use or foregoing of artificial nutrition and hydration, as well as ethical issues relevant to the treatment of pain and suffering, such as those related to palliative sedation (Diekema, 2009 [R]). Responding to suffering and bereavement enhances the ability of health care professionals to recognize, validate and respond to suffering in children, parents and family members by developing a perspective from which to understand and respond to the suffering and bereavement experience of children and families and how this interconnects with their own experience as professional caregivers. The potential contribution of palliative care to provide critical support to the dying child and grieving family members cannot be overstated.
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Improving communication and strengthening relationships enhances health care professionals' communication and relational skills, specifically pertaining to what is known about working with children and families, including a cross-cultural undertaking in which the challenge is to understand and respond to the practices of the family.
(Initiative for Pediatric Palliative Care, 2006 [R]) Also see Annotated Bibliography, Pediatric Palliative Care. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
See ICSI Palliative Care Order Set for specific medications and dosages.
Anticipate symptom progression, assessing needs and efficacy of interventions as disease progression occurs, and adjust interventions accordingly. Use a team approach to care when possible and appropriate. Symptom control is important, but suffering is much broader than just physical symptoms.
Control of pain in order to improve quality of life is an important aspect of palliative care. However, the approach toward pain management in palliative care is different from those of chronic pain and acute pain management. While cures of underlying disease may still be possible, they may no longer be the primary goal because of life-limiting illness. Disease progression may necessitate increased dosing of opioids to control pain; this should not be confused with "tolerance." In fact, when a patient with previously wellcontrolled pain develops the need for increasing opioid doses to achieve comfort, advancing illness is almost always the cause (Emanuel, 1999 [R]). Pain is a subjective symptom; there is no test to measure pain. Pain is what the patient says it is, and it needs to be addressed adequately in order to improve quality of life. The patient should be actively involved in establishing the goals of palliative pain management, along with family members. The clinician should frequently reassess the patient's desired level of comfort and response to interventions. Patients and family members should be educated about medication compliance, addiction, tolerance, side effects and appropriate dosing of analgesics. Many patients, as well as family members, believe the use of opioids will create "addicts" and so are reluctant to use opioids for analgesia. All opioids will result in physical dependence, and sudden discontinuation of the opioid may result in symptoms of withdrawal. Physical dependence is not addiction. Addiction, as defined by the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, is "a primary, chronic, neurobiologic diseasecharacterized by behaviors that include the following: impaired control over drug use, craving, compulsive use, and continued use despite harm." Pseudoaddiction may occur when analgesics are prescribed inadequately. When the interval between doses of opioids is too long, a patient's pain relief may wane, resulting in the need to ask for more medication. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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Palliative Care
This request, sometimes perceived as "drug-seeking behavior," is actually a consequence of poor prescribing habits. Barriers to good pain management in palliative care include discounting a patient's subjective measure of pain, difficulty in assessment of the cognitively impaired, myths believed by both practitioners and patients about opioid therapy, and fears of addiction and hastening death. A thorough assessment of the patient should distinguish whether the patient has visceral, somatic or neuropathic pain. Recommendations and options for treatment of each type of pain can be found in the Assessment and Management of Chronic Pain guideline from ICSI. Opioid therapy for palliative care may consist of oral, topical, rectal, intravenous or subcutaneous infusions. When changing routes of administration from intravenous to subcutaneous, the dose remains the same despite the change in route. However, subcutaneous injection sites should be in well-perfused areas to achieve complete absorption. The concentration of the opioid may need to be increased for a subcutaneous infusion because of the drug volume that can be comfortably absorbed through the skin at a subcutaneous injection site. Opioid rotation, especially for patients with cancer, should be considered when opioid side effects are difficult to manage or if inadequate analgesia is present. If symptoms of delirium and confusion are present and are attributable to opioids, a switch to hydromorphine, fentanyl or methadone may be appropriate. Methadone is experiencing a resurgence in the treatment of pain because of improved knowledge in equalanalgesic ratios when rotating from other opioids to methadone. Any prescriber can prescribe methadone for treatment of pain, which is usually dosed at two to four times daily. For methadone treatment of opioid addition, a special license is required to prescribe methadone, and the drug is given once daily. However, cautious dosing should be employed because the half-life of methadone is 24-plus hours. Providers unfamiliar with its use should consult palliative care or pain experts. Methadone has been associated with prolongation of the QT interval and Torsades de Pointes (Krantz, 2009 [R]; Pearson, 2008 [D]). The FDA has issued a "black box" warning for prescribers. The phenomenon occurs more frequently at higher daily doses (e.g., over 30 mg) and with intravenous administration. In palliative care, as with other treatments, the clinician needs to carefully review the potential risks and benefits when applying guideline recommendations. A baseline EKG is prudent for patients who have longer life expectancies and will use methadone on a more chronic basis. Methadone has complex pharmacokinetics and multiple drug-drug interactions including antifungal agents. For patients with intractable pain, especially neuropathic pain, ketamine and lidocaine may be beneficial. Pain or palliative care experts should be consulted when considering the use of these agents.
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Palliative Care
can exacerbate psychological distress. Some recent data suggest that depression is associated with a higher risk of death in cancer patients as well as decreased treatment adherence, longer hospital stays, reduced quality of life, and requests to hasten death (Block, 2006 [R]). Benzodiazepines are often helpful in the treatment of anxiety. Lorazepam and oxazepam are preferred since they do not have active metabolites. A significant minority of individuals manifest a paradoxical reaction to benzodiazepines, becoming more agitated. Chronic anxiety frequently responds to the use of serotoninspecific or serotonin-norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors. Diagnosing depression can be challenging because many of the typical somatic symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia and anorexia can be caused by the underlying medical illness or by normal grief. Psychological symptoms such as apathy, anhedonia and feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness may suggest the diagnosis. Although a variety of helpful depression assessment questionnaires and tools exist, the clinical interview is still the gold standard for diagnosis of depression (Block, 2000 [R]). It is important to differentiate grief from depression. Grieving can be an appropriate response to loss, but persistence of the above symptoms mandates consideration of depression. Simply asking a patient, "Are you depressed?" can be a useful screening tool and provides a reasonably sensitive and specific assessment of depression in patients with terminal illnesses (Block, 2000 [R]). This may be preceded by educating the patient about the difference between clinical depression and appropriate reactive feelings to the situation. The clinician must inquire if the patient is at risk for suicide. There is no evidence that asking the patient about suicide increases the risk that the patient will carry out his or her plan. In depression, serotonin-specific re-uptake inhibitors are drugs of first choice, including in older and frail patients. However, it may take weeks to fully respond. Psychostimulants such as methylphenidate can produce a more rapid response and are well tolerated in most patients. In patients with a life expectancy of more than a few weeks, a successful therapeutic trial of psychostimulants should be accompanied or followed by an antidepressant medication such as a serotonin-specific re-uptake inhibitor (Block, 2000 [R]). Because antidepressant drug treatment is usually well tolerated, some expert consensus statements recommend a low threshold for instituting treatment, although evidence from primary studies on the effectiveness of antidepressants at the end of life is poor. Evidence regarding the pharmacologic treatment of anxiety in the palliative care setting is similarly limited (Block, 2006 [R]). Non-pharmacologic measures for affective disorders are often beneficial and should not be overlooked. A combination of antidepressant medications, supportive psychotherapy, and patient and family education are considered the gold standard of treatment of depression in palliative care. Cognitive therapy may also be helpful in some circumstances. Studies in psychotherapy in depressed palliative care patients have shown equivocal results, but data are limited by small sample sizes, short follow-up periods, and high diversity of outcome measures used (Block, 2006 [R]).
Algorithm Annotations
Palliative Care
may be associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic events, peripheral edema, hyperglycemia, hypertension, hypogonadism, and adrenal suppression. In order to minimize these adverse effects, doses of megestrol acetate should start at 160 mg daily, and be increased every two weeks until benefit is seen, or until side effects limit further dose escalations (Salacz, 2003 [R]). For most conditions, there is scant information about improved quality of life, and no survival benefit has been shown. Corticosteroids may provide a temporary improvement in appetite and food intake. However, because of significant side effects, these drugs should probably be reserved for the terminally ill, and in those patients who may simultaneously benefit from the antiemetic and analgesic properties of the steroids. Other agents showing some positive effects on appetite and weight gain include mirtazapine in depression, thalidomide in advanced cancer and AIDS, dronabinol in AIDS and anabolic steroids in COPD and AIDS (Del Fabbro, 2006a [R]; Theobald, 2002 [C]; Wilner, 2008 [R]). Patients sometimes describe poor appetite when presented food that is unappealing in appearance, consistency or smell. Minimizing dietary and consistency restrictions may tempt the patient to improve his or her intake. Offering small quantities more frequently throughout the day may also promote better intake. In some cases the patient is less troubled than the family by poor nutritional intake. Clinicians should explore the meaning of feeding in the context of the family's cultural and religious background, and help identify other ways in which the family can participate in caring for the patient. The role of medical nutrition and hydration (also known as artificial nutrition and hydration ANH) is not clear cut. The patient's preferences, either declared at the time of treatment or previously documented in an advance directive, must be respected. In addition, patient's prognosis for the acute event, premorbid status, and religious and cultural factors warrant consideration (Lee, 2002 [R]). In the context of a potentially treatable condition, ANH may support an individual who otherwise cannot meet nutritional needs during therapy. A recent meta analysis of randomized clinical trials studying the effectiveness of nutritional supplementation (either oral, or via enteral or parenteral routes) identified no evidence for clinical benefit in a variety of clinical settings, including cancer, chronic lung or liver disease, and critical care settings (Koretz, 2007 [M]). There is no evidence that artificial nutrition and hydration improve outcomes in patients who have severe dementia. Most studies show that total parenteral nutrition in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy actually decreases survival and increases susceptibility to infection (Del Fabbro, 2006a [R]).
Constipation is a common and troublesome symptom for seriously ill patients. Immobility, decreased oral intake, and medications, as well as underlying medical conditions themselves, can contribute to decreased gastrointestinal motility. As many as 95% of patients treated with opioids will experience constipation, and all opioids are associated with constipation. While tolerance to other opioid side effects such as nausea and sedation develops quickly, no tolerance develops to constipation (Dalal, 2006 [R]). Fiber supplements are not helpful in these patients, because they cannot achieve adequate fluid intake for them to be effective. Stool softeners and stimulant laxatives, such as bisacodyl and senna, are almost always indicated, and patients on scheduled opioids should prophylactically and routinely receive them on a daily basis, unless contraindicated. Polyethylene glycol solutions have been shown to be effective and safe in the general population but have not been well studied in palliative care. Some patients, particularly those with neurogenic bowels, benefit from scheduled suppositories or enemas. Many commonly used agents lack high-quality evidence for effectiveness, but are widely used and generally have minimal toxicity (Ramkumar, 2005 [M]; Xing, 2001 [R]). Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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Palliative Care
Patients taking opioids may exhibit additional gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, nausea, vomiting, and gastroesophageal reflux, along with constipation. This may represent opiate-induced bowel dysfunction, or opioid-induced constipation. This is a constellation of symptoms mediated through peripheral mu receptors. Methylnaltrexone is an antagonist for peripheral mu receptors, which allows laxation usually within four hours if the cause of constipation is due to opioid therapy and after other methods have failed. Methylnaltrexone is administered as a subcutaneous injection that may be administered every other day but no more frequently than daily (Thomas, 2008 [B]).
See Annotated Bibliography.
Delirium is an acute confusional state characterized by disordered attention (arousal) and cognition. This is in contrast to dementia, which is mainly a disorder of cognition without significant deficits in arousal or attention (Del Fabbro, 2006b [R]). The incidence rises with age. While it occurs in other settings, including long-term care facilities and end-of-life settings, it is a common problem in hospitalized patients, with a prevalence of up to 24% upon admission and an overall incidence of up to 50% during the hospitalization. Some settings present an even greater risk: 15% to 50% of older patients may develop delirium postoperatively, as well as 70% to 87% of elders in the ICU setting (Inouye, 2006 [R]). Clinicians commonly fail to recognize delirium and may misdiagnose it as depression or dementia. In one palliative care unit where objective assessment of cognitive function was not performed, delirium episodes went undetected by clinicians (physicians and nurses) in 20% to 23% of cases (Del Fabbro, 2006b [R]). Delirium is a clinical syndrome, not a disease in itself. Its etiology is usually multifactorial and includes central nervous system lesions, drugs, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, hypoxia and other metabolic abnormalities. It is particularly prevalent in patients with preexisting dementia. Functional dependence, polypharmacy, sensory impairments and the existence of chronic health problems are factors increasing the risk for delirium. Acute changes in mental status, with disorientation and fluctuations of attentiveness, are hallmarks of delirium. Patients often present with hyperactivity, agitation and combativeness. However, hypoactive delirium marked by lethargy is equally serious. There are no specific tests, but evaluation should include review of all medications, especially psychoactive drugs; general physical evaluation, including vital signs, hydration status, and oxygenation; pain; and recent alcohol or drug use. Particularly in elders, delirium may be the only harbinger of serious illness or complications. A focused search for infection, metabolic abnormalities and other acute illness is necessary. Treatment of delirium requires correction of underlying abnormalities, as delirium may be reversible in up to 50% of cases in palliative care units. In some elderly patients, delirium may be a result of poorly managed pain (Del Fabbro, 2006b [R]). When behavioral symptoms threaten the safety of the patient or the ability to provide therapy, psychotropic medications may be used with caution. Haloperidol remains the first drug of choice, with the best evidence base supporting effectiveness. Lower doses are recommended in the elderly. There is little evidence supporting the use of other antipsychotic agents. Benzodiazepines are not recommended for monotherapy because of the risk of paradoxical stimulation, oversedation and prolongation of delirium, but they can be useful adjuncts if haloperidol alone is not effective. (NOTE: the U.S. Food and Drug Administration informed health care professionals that the warnings regarding the use of haloperidol have been updated stating that Torsades de Pointes and QT prolongation have been observed in patients receiving haloperidol, especially when the drug is administered intravenously or in higher doses than recommended.) Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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No good evidence exists for the use of other psychotropic drugs for delirium. Non-pharmacologic methods may also be beneficial, such as simple but firm communication, reassurance, reality orientation including an easily visible clock, and the presence of family members (Del Fabbro, 2006b [R]), although the effectiveness of these methods in the palliative care population has not been well studied. Delirium is a poor prognostic indicator. In-hospital mortality rates for patients with delirium range from 22% to 76%, and the one-year mortality rates approach 40% (Inouye, 2006 [R]). In one European study of 393 advanced cancer patients in palliative care programs, over 27% were noted to have delirium. There was a significantly lower survival rate over time with these patients the median survival time was 21 days for patients with delirium and 39 days for patients without this syndrome (Caraceni, 2000 [D]).
Diarrhea can be caused by the underlying illness, medications and infections. Diarrhea due to Clostridium difficile must be excluded. When present, this can be difficult to treat, and an individual may require retreatment if symptoms persist. The presence of diarrhea does not exclude the possibility of bowel impaction, as the effect of gut flora on fecal material can cause liquefaction and subsequent passage of loose stool.
Dyspnea can be defined as the subjective sensation of difficult breathing and is a common finding in patients with cancer, cardiac disease, advanced respiratory disease and AIDS. Neither the patient's respiratory rate nor the level of oxygenation consistently predicts the severity of dyspnea. A recent review found no wellvalidated measurement scales for this population (Dorman, 2007 [M]). The endpoint for managing dyspnea should be the patient's self-report of diminished breathlessness. Oximetry, pulmonary function tests, chest imaging and other diagnostic evaluations should be performed only if the results would change therapy. Treatment of dyspnea should be focused on treatment or amelioration of the underlying cause, when possible, and managing symptoms. Non-pharmacologic treatment may include repositioning, improving air circulation, maintaining cool room temperatures, psychological support and using relaxation techniques. Pharmacologic methods include oxygen, opioids and anxiolytics. Multiple published studies support the benefits of opioids for dyspnea. Opioids may decrease the ventilatory response to hypoxia and hypercapnia (in patients with these signs) and can decrease anxiety and the subjective sensation of shortness of breath without reducing oxygen saturation. Morphine is usually considered the opioid of choice for dyspnea in patients with cancer and may be administered by the oral, buccal, sublingual, subcutaneous or intravenous route. Limited information is available on nebulized morphine and its efficacy, and one must be cautious about possible bronchospasm with the first dose. Benzodiazepines, such as lorazepam, are useful when anxiety is a significant contributing factor. However, patients need to be monitored for sedation when combining benzodiazepines and opioids (Del Febbro, 2006b [R]). Inhaled corticosteroids may also be beneficial for patients who have an inflammatory component to their dyspnea (such as asthma or COPD) or have lung cancer.
Fatigue may be defined as decreased vitality in physical and/or mental functioning. Patients may identify increased tiredness, and state that rest fails to resolve the fatigue. Fatigue has a significant impact on quality of life and can be very distressing to the patient. Fatigue occurs in up to 75% of patients with cancer and AIDS (Strickland, 2004 [R]). Fatigue may be a consequence of the primary illness or of the treatments used (such as radiation and chemotherapy). There are assessment tools for fatigue; some examples include the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale, the Edmonton Functional Assessment Tool, the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory, and the Profile of Mood States. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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Palliative Care
Managing fatigue includes treating the underlying causes (such as anemia or hypoxia) if possible, as well as using non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic therapy directed toward the symptom itself. Non-pharmacologic treatment includes patient education about fatigue, modifying the activities of daily living, and scheduling rest periods during the day. Clinicians should counsel patients to prioritize activities and pace themselves accordingly. Mild exercise for brief periods may be beneficial in reducing the perception of fatigue for some patients. Pharmacologic treatment of fatigue includes erythropoietin, psychostimulants and corticosteroids. Erythropoietin should be reserved for those patients with anemia and erythropoietin deficiency due to the high cost of treatment and lack of evidence of benefit in other clinical situations. Psychostimulants such as methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and modafanil may be beneficial in managing fatigue and are the most commonly used pharmacotherapy for managing fatigue when no correctable underlying cause can be ascertained (Strickland, 2004 [R]). Due to significant side effects, corticosteroids should be reserved for terminally ill patients who may also have nausea and vomiting. Medications that may make the patient more tired should be administered at bedtime rather than in the morning. Conversely, stimulating agents should be administered in the morning.
Hypodermoclysis is a technique that allows subcutaneous administration of fluids and medications. For patients lacking vascular access, hypodermoclysis may be a reasonable option for delivery of medications and modest amounts of fluid (Kamal, 2009 [R]). A recent review of the English-language literature found that for treatment of mild to moderate dehydration, hypodermoclysis and intravenous administration were equally effective. Advantages of hypodermoclysis include simplicity, lower cost of equipment, less discomfort for the patient, and fewer complications (Remington, 2007 [M]). A detailed description of the technique can be found in the article, (Sasson, 2001 [R]).
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Palliative Care
P, while peripherally, mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors located in the gut, liver and viscera play an important role. Dopamine antagonists used to treat nausea and vomiting include phenothiazines (prochlorperazine, promethazine) and butyrophenones (droperidol, haloperidol), which block dopamine either peripherally or centrally. Metoclopramide may increase upper gastrointestinal motility in addition to being an antiemetic. Corticosteroids are effective as antiemetics themselves and may augment the effect of other antiemetics. Dronabinol appears to be better tolerated in younger patients. While serotonin receptor antagonists appear to be effective for acute nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, their indiscriminate overuse and increased cost is a significant issue. Suggested Medications Based on Cause of Nausea and Vomiting
Chemical Stimuli
Metoclopramide Corticosteroids Dopamine antagonist Olanzapine Histamine antagonist Serotonin antagonist
Vestibular Stimuli
Histamine antagonist
Stereotyping should be avoided, as generalizations about specific cultures are not always applicable to specific patients. Whenever possible, the provider should utilize professional medical interpreters.
The 2000 U.S. census indicates 65% of the population identify themselves as White, while 13% identify as Black or African American, 13% Hispanic, 4.5% Asian-Pacific, 1.5% American-Indian/Alaskan native and finally, 5% identify themselves as bi-ethnic. As the Upper Midwest becomes more culturally diverse, the likelihood of health care professionals providing end-of-life care for members of other cultures increases. According to the 2000 U.S. census, a list of most common languages spoken at home numbers at least 48 to 50 in each of the following states: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North and South Dakota. Minnesota has the highest percentage of speakers of Cushite (Somali, Amharic and Tigrinea), Finnish, Hmong, Ojibwa, Swedish and Tibetan in the United States. Minnesota ranks third in the percentage of Laotian, Mande and Swahili speakers (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 [R]). Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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Patient and family reactions to serious illness and decisions about end-of-life care are influenced by cultural factors. Cultural assessment should be an integral component of the palliative care plan. The assessment should include: Locus of decision-making Preferences regarding disclosure of information Truth telling and decision-making Dietary preferences Language, family communication Perspectives on death, suffering and grieving Physical care of the deceased, funeral and burial rituals
Specific cultural assessment promotes patient/family-centered decision-making and offers the opportunity to identify care preferences. With this in mind, providers should respect the important role culture plays in shaping the way people make meaning of illness, suffering, and dying and in guiding decisions people make about health care. But providers should avoid stereotyping and the assumption that we know what any one individual thinks or does because we assume we know what people of that group tend to think. There is, in fact, wide variation in beliefs, attitudes and behaviors within every cultural group (Kagawa-Singer, 2001 [D]). Several key clinical recommendations that providers should consider have been identified (Searight, 2005 [R]): Many ethnic groups prefer not to be directly informed of a life-threatening diagnosis. In cultural groups in which patients are not directly informed about a serious prognosis, family members may want the provider to discuss the patient's condition with family members only. When considering therapeutic options, providers should consider that members of many cultural groups prefer that family members, rather than patients, make treatment decisions. Direct discussions of advance directives and therapeutic support levels may be undesirable in situations in which they are viewed as potentially harmful to a patient's well-being. When provider-patient communication occurs through a translator, trained health care translators make fewer errors than untrained translators. Return to Table of Contents
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The ABCDE tool, described below, can help providers evaluate cultural issues and influences (KagawaSinger, 2001 [D]):
Relevant Information Attitudes of patients and families What attitudes do this ethnic group in general, and the patient and family in particular, have toward truth telling about diagnosis and prognosis? What is their general attitude toward discussions of death and dying? How reflective are their practices of traditional beliefs and practices? What are the patients and familys religious and spiritual beliefs, especially those relating to the meaning of death, the afterlife, the possibility of miracles? Questions and Strategies Educate yourself about attitudes common to the ethnic groups most frequently seen in your practice. Determine attitudes of your patient and their family. For example, what is the symbolic meaning of the particular disease? Ask questions such as: What is important for us to know about your faith or spiritual needs? How can we support your needs and practices? Where do you find the strength to deal with this experience?
Ask questions about the historical and Ascertain specific information by political context of their lives, asking the following: including place of birth, refugee or Where were you born and raised? immigration status, poverty, When did you emigrate to the experience with discrimination or lack United States, and what has been of access to care, languages spoken, your experience coming to a new and degree of integration within their country? How has your life ethnic community changed? What language would you feel most comfortable speaking to discuss your health concerns? Life history assessment: What were other important times in your life, and how might these experiences help us to understand your situation?
Decision-making style
What decision-making styles are held by the group in general and by the patient and family in particular? Is the emphasis on the individual patient making his or her own decisions, or is the approach family centered?
Learn about the dominant ethnic groups in your practice: How are decisions made in this cultural group? Who is the head of the household? Does this family adhere to traditional cultural guidelines or do they adhere more to the Western model? Identify religious and community organizations associated with the ethnic groups common in your practice (hospital, social worker and chaplains may be able to help you in this effort).
What resources are available to aid the effort to interpret the significance of cultural dimensions of a case, including translators, health care workers from the same community, community or religious leaders, and family members?
Used with permission. JAMA 2001;286:2999 Copyright 2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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Whenever possible the provider should utilize professional medical interpreters. If medical interpreters are not available, the provider may need to use bilingual health care workers or family members. This, however, is less desirable due to misinterpretation of medical phrases, censorship of sensitive or taboo topics, and the tendency to filter or summarize discussions rather than translate them directly. The following recommendations are suggested for providers utilizing interpreters (Norris, 2005 [D]): Meet briefly with interpreters prior to and after delivery of bad news or difficult discussions to help prepare the interpreter and to allow the interpreter to provide information about the patient, family and culture. Establish with the interpreter, patient and family members at the outset of a conversation or care conference that everything spoken will be translated word for word. After making a complete statement, providers should pause to allow for translation. Providers should speak to and look at the patient/family rather than the translator: "Where is your pain?" rather than "Can you ask him where he hurts?" (Searight, 2005 [R]) Consider meeting with the interpreter after the discussion to allow for any necessary debriefing. Use non-verbal forms of education such as drawing or showing pictures. Understand that not all tools (such as pain scales) are universal and providers need to use terms that are culturally relevant. Avoid using jokes or humor because they may be misunderstood or considered offensive.
A learning module on cultural and spiritual sensitivity and a quick guide to cultural and religious traditions can be found at this Web address: The University of Washington's "Culture Clues" tip sheets contain information for clinicians about the needs and preferences of patients from diverse cultures: Also see Annotated Biblography in this guideline. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
It may seem obvious to say psychological and emotional issues are present near the end of life, but too often these issues and their symptoms go undetected and untreated (Block, 2006 [R]). For example, anxiety disorders in terminally ill cancer patients range from 15% to 28%, and approximately 25% of all cancer patients will experience severe depressive symptoms, with increasing symptoms as the disease progresses (Chochinov, 2006 [R]; Werth, 2006 [R]). This further burdens patients and may prolong suffering and undermine their quality of life. Routine ongoing assessment of a patient's psychological status is critical to provide quality palliative care (Block, 2006 [R]). Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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Pain and other physical symptoms are commonly the initial focus of treatment. Psychosocial issues are more difficult to evaluate and address if the patient has distressing or poorly controlled physical symptoms (Strickland, 2004 [R]). Patients come to advanced illness with issues of worry, insomnia, panic, anxiety, nervousness, paranoia and lack of energy. (See Annotation #5, "Physical Aspects of Care.") Psychological symptoms may also present as physical symptoms such as pain, constipation, nausea and vertigo. Difficulty in improving physical symptoms should lead one to look at psychological or other causes. Practitioners must be aware of psychological symptoms of depression and anxiety. Use of standardized assessments to diagnose (e.g., PHQ-9) may be helpful; however, no screening tool for depression has been validated for palliative care. Questions like "How are you coping?" "What are you doing to cope?" "Are you having trouble thinking?" "Are you depressed?" "Do you think about ending your own life?" or "Do you feel your situation is hopeless?" are good questions. Refer to the ICSI Major Depression in Adults in Primary Care guideline for more information about depression and the depression assessment tool (PHQ-9). It is important to distinguish depressive disorders from normal grief. Neurovegetative signs such as somatic distress, sleep and appetite disturbances, and decreased concentration may occur as a result of the underlying illness, grief or depression. However, anhedonia, significant hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt and suicidal ideation strongly suggest depression (Periyakoil, 2005 [R]). Although some literature exists that discusses the psychological issues facing terminally ill cancer, AIDS and geriatric patients, less is known about patients with end-stage cardiac, pulmonary, renal and neurologic disease (Block, 2000 [R]). More information can be found in the following Fast Facts at the Web site #07 Depression in Advanced Cancer, #59 Dealing with the Angry Dying Patient, #145 Panic Disorders at the End of Life, and #186 Anxiety in Palliative Care Causes and Diagnosis provide up-to-date easy to access references for psychological aspects of palliative care. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
The impact of a chronic progressive disabling disease extends beyond the patient to the "family," defined in its broadest sense. Children, spouses, parents, co-workers, friends, neighbors, employers and even health care providers are all affected by an individual patient's condition. Financial concerns, caregiver coping, communication with family and friends and discussion/decision-making on advance treatment plans all fall under the domain of social aspects of care. Lack of knowledge about the social aspects of care influencing the patient can frustrate health care providers regarding decisions or lack thereof that the patient makes. Poor communication among patient, family and health care providers undermines effective decision-making (Curtis, 2001 [R]). Recommendations: The interdisciplinary team of professionals including social workers should have patient-population specific skills in assessment and development of a social care plan. Return to Table of Contents
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The comprehensive assessment should include family structure and geographic location; relationships and family dynamics; lines of communication and need for counseling for self and family; existing social and cultural network; perceived social support; medical decisionmaking/Advance Directives and quality of life; work and school settings; finances including filing for disability and ability to pay for medications and treatments; sexuality; intimacy; living arrangements; caregiver availability; access to transportation, medications, needed equipment and nutrition; community resources; and legal issues. The comprehensive social care plan should address the social, practical and legal needs of the patient and caregivers based on the results of the comprehensive assessment outlined above (National Consensus Project, 2009 [R]).
Conduct regular patient and family care conferences with the interdisciplinary team to develop and review the social care plan. Often the social worker is involved in coordinating this conference and its attendees. In situations where loved ones are making decisions regarding withdrawal of life support for patients, there are reports that suggest that family members feel more satisfied and supported in the decision-making process where there is a family conference exploring patient's wishes, physician recommendations for withdrawing life support, and assessment of the spiritual care needs of family members (Gries, 2008 [B]). Further information and documents of support can be found at Also see Annotation #4, "Assess Patient's Palliative Care Needs and Establish Goals of Care." Make referrals to meet identified social needs and to remove barriers to care. This includes but is not limited to transportation for treatment and appointments, caregiver service options to meet patient's needs at home, counseling, financial resources and community clubs/services for support. Understand that advance care planning is rarely fixed in time with specific treatment decisions but rather a dynamic process emerging from the clinical context of the disease and the social context of the patient (Pendergast, 2001 [R]). Clear and honest communication, trust over time, and working within the patients' most important relationships are needed to improve the quality and outcome of this process. Return to Table of Contents
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Spirituality involves our relationship to whatever or whoever gives meaning, purpose and direction to our lives (McCurdy, 1998 [X]). Given this definition, it can be said that everyone is spiritual in one form or another. A Gallop poll in 1999 found that some people's spirituality is theistic in nature, centering on a belief in God or a higher power. The spirituality of many such people is embodied in and through a particular religious faith or tradition. Other people's spirituality is humanistic in nature, focused on the strength of the human spirit or human relationships. And yet others' spirituality is a blend of the theistic and humanistic. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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Illness and the prospect of dying can impact the meaning and purpose of a person's life (Pulchaski, 2002 [R]). Thus illness and dying have a spiritual dimension and are often perceived by patients as spiritual experiences (Reed, 1987 [D]). As people face serious illness or death, they often ask questions of meaning, value and relationships such as: Meaning: Value: Do I still have value despite changes in my appearance, productivity, independence? Is there anything valuable about me that will persist beyond death? Do I need to forgive or be forgiven by anyone? Am I loved? By whom? Will I be remembered after I die? Will I be missed? (Sulmassy, 2006 [X]; Puchalski, 2002 [R]) Why is this happening to me? Why now? What is the meaning of my illness, my suffering, my death? What will happen to me after I die?
Other spiritual issues and concerns encountered in palliative care include: life review, assessment of hopes and fears, meaning, purpose, beliefs about afterlife, guilt, forgiveness, legacy, and life completion tasks (National Consensus Project, 2009 [R]). Spirituality has been shown to help people cope with illness and the experience of dying. For example: 93% of patients with gynecologic cancers said that their spiritual beliefs helped them cope with cancer (Roberts, 1996 [D]). A study with hospice patients found that those who drew comfort from their spiritual beliefs were happier, more satisfied with their lives and had diminished pain (Yates, 1981). On the other hand, spiritual beliefs can sometimes result in negative coping. For example, patients who understood their illness as a punishment from God, or who had excessive guilt or who prayed for a cure and were unable to resolve their anger when a cure didn't occur experienced more depression and poorer quality of life (Pargament, 1998 [D]). It is important for caregivers to attend to patient's spirituality, especially any spiritual concerns, questions or distress. A 1997 survey by the Gallup Institute found that people overwhelmingly want their spiritual needs addressed during their dying process. Spirituality is an important but often neglected component in holistic care of patients. Up to 77% of patients identify the need for spiritual issues to be considered as part of their medical care. But only 10%-20% of physicians discuss these issues with their patients (King, 1994 [D]). Attending to a patient's spirituality can deepen the relationship between patient and provider and build trust. In one survey, 65% of patients in an outpatient clinic reported that a physician's inquiry about spiritual beliefs would strengthen their trust in that physician (Ehman, 1999 [D]). Physicians and other care providers can attend to patient's spiritual needs and concerns in the following ways: (Puchalski, 2002 [R]) Offer compassionate presence strive to be present with and attentive to patients. Relate to patients not only as a professional expert but also as a fellow human being. Listen to patient's fears, hopes, pain and concerns listening is a powerful healing tool. Return to Table of Contents
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Assess spiritual needs and concerns asking patients about hope and peace (Steinhauser, 2006 [D]) is a simple, brief yet effective way to assess spiritual concerns. Do you have hope? Where does your hope come from? What are you hoping for now as you look ahead? Are you at peace with the care decisions you've made? Do you feel at peace in your heart, your spirit? Where does peace come from for you? Does that peace come from a spiritual or religious source? (Sulmassy, 2006 [X])
There are a number of spiritual assessment tools created for use by providers in the clinical setting. Some of these tools include: H: O: P: E: F: I: C: A: Sources of hope, meaning, comfort, strength, peace, love, connection Member of an organized religion? Personal spirituality, practices Effects of beliefs on medical care and end-of-life issues Do you have spiritual beliefs or Faith that have helped you cope with difficult times in the past? Are these beliefs important to you, and how do they Influence the way you care for yourself? Are you involved in a spiritual or religious Community or Church? How would you like your health care providers to help you Address spiritual issues and concerns? Spiritual belief system Personal spirituality Integration with a spiritual community Ritualized practices and restrictions Implications for medical care Terminal events planning
(Maugans, 1996 [R]) Utilize clinically trained chaplains as members of the interdisciplinary health care team chaplains are experts in spiritual care. They offer interfaith support to all who are in need and have specialized education to mobilize spiritual resources to help patients cope more effectively (VanderCreek, 2001 [R]). Working with and making referrals to these spiritual care providers is an important aspect of holistic care.
Physicians and other providers should always be respectful of a patient's spiritual beliefs, should keep spiritual discussions patient centered, and should never proselytize or impose beliefs onto a patient (Puchalski, 2002 [R]; Post, 2000 [X]). Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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The patient's goals, preferences and choices should form the basis for the plan of care. They should be respected within the limits of applicable state and federal laws. Informed consent for any treatment or plan of care requires a patient with decision-making capacity or an appropriate surrogate decision-maker. Informed consent is based on the principle that patients should be allowed to make decisions for themselves. When a patient lacks this ability, a surrogate is needed. Note: Competency is a legal term referring to a decision made by a judge, although a health care provider's (HCP) opinion carries a large amount of weight in a competency hearing. In contrast, decision-making capacity (aka decisional) refers to a HCP's determination, based on clinical examination, that a patient is able to make medical decisions relative to the discussion for themselves. Most state power of attorney for health care documents require a HCP to document that a patient has lost decision-making capacity for the surrogate to become the legal agent for medical decisions. To be deemed decisional, a HCP must be satisfied that a patient is able to: receive information (e.g., must be awake, but not necessarily oriented); evaluate, deliberate and mentally manipulate information; and communicate a treatment preference (i.e., the comatose patient by definition is not decisional). The following points expand on the concept of decisionality.
Decision-making capacity is: Understanding. Does the patient truly understand the information about the risks, benefits and alternatives of what is being proposed? The patient does not have to agree with your interpretation but should be able to repeat what you have said. Ask, "Can you repeat to me the options for treatment I have just discussed with you?" "Can you explain to me why you feel that way?" Task specific. Deciding if the patient is decisional means weighing the degree to which the patient has decision-making capacity against the objective risks and benefits to the patient. Some decisions are more complex than others, requiring a higher level of decision-making capacity. Thus a moderately demented patient may be able to make some decisions (e.g., antibiotics for pneumonia) but not others (e.g., chemotherapy for colon cancer). This sliding scale view of decisionality holds that it is proper to require a higher level of certainty when the decision poses greater risk. Logical. Is the logic the patient uses to arrive at the decision "not irrational"? One wants, as much as possible, to make sure the patient's values are speaking, rather than an underlying mental or physical illness. Note: Severe depression or hopelessness may make it difficult to interpret decisionality; consult psychiatry for assistance with this or other complex cases. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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Time specific. When encephalopathic, a patient may not be decisional, while after treatment, decisionality may be regained. Consistent. Is the patient able to make a decision with some consistency? This means not changing one's mind every time one is asked. Is the decision consistent with the patient's values? If there is a change in the patient values, can the patient explain the change? (Arnold, 2001 [R])
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advance care planning is on the discussion between the patient and health care agent regarding the patient's wishes. Written advance directives are legal in every state; however, laws and forms vary from state to state. See Resources Available for additional information regarding advance directives. It is important to remember that travelers should be aware of differing laws in whichever state they plan to travel, and bring a copy of their document with them so that you may present your health care directive to a facility where you intend to receive medical care. Advance care planning consists of: Designation of a health care power of attorney (aka durable power of attorney for health care, health care agent, etc.) The patient appoints someone to make decisions about his/her medical care if he/she cannot make those decisions. Ongoing communication between the patient and their health care power of attorney (POA) is imperative so that the POA can participate fully as an advocate when the patient is no longer able to communicate. Writing a formal health care directive a written document in which a patient's wishes regarding the type or extent of medical treatment to be administered or withheld are described. A DNR form is not a sufficient health care directive (Levy, 2008 [C]). A health care directive only goes into effect when the patient becomes unable to communicate their preferences.
There are programs designed to support and spread the use of advanced care planning (Schwartz, 2002 [A]). See Resources Available for more information. The POLST (Physician's Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment) is one form of a health care directive that was designed to help HCPs honor the treatment wishes of patients in the form of an actual HCP order. It is becoming more widespread in its acceptance in many parts of the country. POLST was developed as a onepage, advance care planning document, to be completed by health care providers, together with a patient or surrogate decision-maker. The actual form should consist of these sections: CPR decision Medical intervention decisions Antibiotics Medically administered nutrition Signatures from the health care provider and if possible, the patient/surrogate
(Dunn, 2007 [R]) The major advantages of the POLST form over standard advance directives is that, when adopted as the community standard, the information is clear, unambiguous, flexible, portable, available across all sites of care, and more likely to be honored by all health care providers when needed ( Minnesota is currently adopting a statewide version of POLST. A similar form is called Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST). Like POLST, it is an HCP's order sheet based on the patient's current medical condition and wishes. It is intended to summarize any advance directive. Both forms are based on communication between the patient and surrogate (the health care agent or other legally designated decision-maker) and health care providers. It facilitates informed medical decision-making by communicating an individual's wishes regarding care across health care settings. Barriers to completing advance directives: Many HCPs believe it is not appropriate to begin advance care directive planning on an outpatient basis. In reality, multiple studies have shown that patients want their HCPs to discuss advance Return to Table of Contents
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care planning with them before they become ill. Many others have shown a positive response from patients when advance directive discussions are held during outpatient visits. Overcoming this barrier: When beginning a discussion of advance care planning, simply ask, "Do you know what an advance directive is? Do you have one?" If you are afraid the patient may respond negatively, perhaps saying to you, "Is there something wrong with me? Am I sicker than you are letting on?" respond by saying, "I ask all of my patients this question, sick or well." The Patient Self-Determination Act of 1991 mandates that every person be asked about advance directives when first seen (inpatient and outpatient). Many people believe that if a loved one has financial power of attorney, he/she doesn't need a separate medical power of attorney. This is not true. Most often these are separate legal roles. Overcoming this barrier: When discussing power of attorney with your patient, assess his/her understanding. Have literature in your office to clear up discrepancies. Many HCPs and patients feel that having an advance directive means "Don't treat." Unfortunately, advance directives can be a trigger for disengagement by the medical staff. Overcoming this barrier: Make sure your patient and staff understand that advance directives don't mean "Don't treat me." They mean "Treat me the way I want to be treated." Patients often fear that once a person names a proxy in an advance directive he/she loses control of his/her own care. Overcoming this barrier: When explaining advance directives to your patients, make sure he/ she understand that as long as he/she retains decision-making capacity, he/she retains control of his/her medical destiny. Advance directives only become active when a person cannot speak for himself or herself. Many people believe that only old people need advance directives. Overcoming this barrier: The stakes may actually be higher for younger people if tragedy strikes. Use the example of the Terry Schiavo case as a trigger to enlighten the discussion. Ask, "What would you want if you were in a similar situation?" (Warm, 2005 [R])
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Care of the imminently dying patient is an intense interval for the patient, family and the health care team. Initiating discussion with the patient and family is the first step in establishing the individual plan of care for the dying patient (Ellershaw, 2003 [M]). This allows for clarification of prognosis, identification of end-of-life goals, and identification of care preferences (Balaban, 2000 [R]; Ngo-Metzger, 2008 [R]). The patient's transition to the dying phase should be consistently communicated by all members of the health care team. Mixed messages should be avoided as they can lead to loss of trust, miscommunication and poor care management (National Quality Forum, 2006 [R]). The National Consensus Project Clinical Practice Guidelines and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Advance Care and Palliative Care Treatment Guidelines for Patients both endorse open communication with the patient, family, and care team regarding the dying phase and plan of care (National Consensus Project, 2009 [R]; National Quality Forum, 2006 [R]; National Comprehensive Cancer Network and American Cancer Society, 2005 [R]). Care of the imminently dying patient requires an intensive plan of care. Essential to this plan is recognition of the dying patient. Recognizing the dying patient requires a set of clinical skills. There are key signs and symptoms that indicate that death will occur in hours to days. Patients and family members need clear information about the physical and psychological aspects of the dying process. Diagnosing dying is complex and at times uncertain. Agreement between care team members that the patient is dying, and communicating this to the patient and family improve satisfaction and foster trust (Balaban, 2000 [R]). Establishing a treatment plan takes into account individual and family goals and preferences. Despite barriers, it is important to have this treatment plan available at the point of care, regardless of the site of care (inpatient, long-term care, home care, assisted living, ED, etc.) (Solloway, 2005 [D]). The treatment plan should include education for the patient and family. This education should include the signs and symptoms of imminent death. Attention to developmental, cultural and religious needs is critical. Patient and family wishes regarding the site of death should be discussed. Studies show that from 70% to 90% of people indicate that they prefer to die at home; despite this, about 75% of all deaths in the United States occur in hospitals or nursing homes (Brody, 1997 [R]). Referral to a hospice program may be appropriate. The comprehensive treatment plan must be medically sound and concordant with the patient's wishes and values (Brody, 1997 [R]). Attention to adequate symptom management allays fears and allows comfort during the dying process. The treatment plan includes physical, psychological, social and spiritual care (Ellershaw, 2003 [M]). Ongoing communication remains central. A comfort care order set may be beneficial for practitioners to use for imminently dying patients. See ICSI Palliative Care Order Set. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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Use a "shared decision-making" model if appropriate. This model promotes collaboration between the physician and patient in making treatment decisions, where the physician shares information and knowledge about the treatment options and the patient uses his or her values to weigh the risks and benefits of the different care options. Note that this does not preclude the physician making a strong treatment recommendation based on clinical knowledge and experience. However, level of interest in medical information tends to be stronger with younger age and increased educational attainment; older patients may prefer less information and want to rely more on the physician's expertise alone. More acutely ill patients may have limited ability to successfully weigh risks and benefits of the different options and thus may rely more on family members or on the physician's recommendation. This underscores the need to individualize care option discussions to patient preferences and illness status (Lee, 2002 [R]). Discussions on treatment preferences should be periodically revisited to account for changes in patient preferences and course of illness, especially given that treatment strategies at one stage of the illness may be inappropriate for another stage (Dalal, 2006 [R]). Although patients and family members desire a say in treatment options, the physician should make a clear recommendation based on his or her expertise and experience (Curtis 2002 [D]; Lee, 2002 [R]). It is important that the patient does not feel rushed into deciding between treatment options, as he or she may need to digest the initial bad news first (Back, 2005 [R]). Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
Medicare patients certified by their physician as terminally ill with a life expectancy of six months or less if the disease runs its expected course may elect to receive hospice care. Most private insurances now have hospice benefits, although coverage may vary.
Discharge from hospice occurs if prognosis improves or if the patient wishes to seek curative treatment. A patient may be readmitted at any time, as long as the criteria for hospice are met.
See Appendix B, "Comparison Between Palliative Care and Hospice," for a table outlying symptoms and conditions relative to palliative and hospice care settings. See Appendix C, "Medicare Hospice Benefit: Eligibility and Treatment Plan." Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
Although the palliative care model encompasses hospice care (see diagram in Introduction of guideline), it is beyond the scope of this guideline to include all aspects of care once the patient is admitted to hospice. See Appendix B, "Comparison Between Palliative Care and Hospice," for a table outlying symptoms and conditions relative to palliative and hospice care settings. See Appendix C, "Medicare Hospice Benefit: Eligibility and Treatment Plan." Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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16. Make Palliative and/or Specialty Care Referrals and/or Consults as Needed
Key Points: Advanced care needs assessment and care planning place great demands on the primary provider. Referral to specialist(s) should include an outline of patient's condition, needs, values and goals. This avoids counterproductive recommendations. Community-based palliative care services promotes consistent communication and delivery of care.
When available in the community, it may be appropriate to refer to a palliative care service. In other communities, local hospice care team members may provide palliative care. The evidence-based support for the value of palliative care referral has been only marginally positive, in great measure due to ethical and logistical problems with recruitment of research subjects. What research does exist includes improved symptom control and quality of life (Finley, 2002 [M]; Franke, 2000 [M]; Jack, 2003 [C]); improved utilization of limited resources including decreased ICU/ER use; decreased LOS; increased acute care capacity (Bruera, 2000 [C]; Cowan, 2004 [C]; Davis, 2001 [D]; Elsayem, 2004 [D]; Meier, 2005 [R]); and improved satisfaction of patients, families and health care providers (Meier, 2005 [R]; Teno, 2002 [B]). Often the busy practitioner wants to "be there" for the patient but cannot "do it all." Referral to specialists for consultation may be quite helpful but may result in recommendations for diagnostic/therapeutic interventions that the patient finds more burdensome than beneficial if there is not an understanding of the patient's overall condition, needs and values and goals of care (Morrison, 2004 [R]). It is important to educate staff in all settings (i.e., ED, outpatient clinic and inpatient) regarding appropriateness of palliative care referrals. The services of a community-based palliative care and/or hospice service may be particularly valuable for assistance in assessment of needs, advance care planning, evaluation of hospice appropriateness, and multidisciplinary collaborative development of a palliative care plan. According to the primary and specialty physicians participating in the ICSI Palliative Care Team focus groups, this collaborative assistance with the patient's primary provider directing care is of particular value. To this end, a community-based palliative care group may be useful in delivering efficient, consistent assessment and communication of palliative care needs. Smaller communities may find combining hospice and palliative care to be the most efficient use of limited resources. Each community determines how responsibility for care is established and communicated, but models generally employ collaboration of the primary clinician directing the care plan with palliative care support. This support may well include grief counseling and bereavement for family and loved ones after the death of a patient. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
While palliative care is delivered across care settings and throughout the full course of illness, a patient may no longer require focused palliative care when: There is a remission of symptoms and the illness is no longer progressing The disease process is resolved (cured) Death occurs
If symptoms recur or the patient's condition deteriorates, a new evaluation of the patient's palliative care needs should be done; therefore, they would reenter the care process at box #4 of the algorithm. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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Grief is the normal, expected emotional suffering caused by a significant loss, such as the death of a loved one, that includes both physiologic and psychological reactions (McQuay, 1995 [D]). Grief can be anticipatory, such as that experienced by the patient or a loved one prior to the expected death of the patient (Hallenbeck, 2005 [R]). Grief can also be complicated, leading to maladaptive behaviors associated with a distorted or prolonged grief period (Ellifrit, 2003 [D]). Grief following a death is called bereavement. However, bereavement interventions can begin prior to and in anticipation of the actual loss (Chochinov, 1989 [R]). Health care providers play an important role in facilitating healthy grief and bereavement processes. Honesty at the end of life is essential (see Annotation #3, "Initiate Palliative Care Discussion"). By avoiding mixed messages, patients may review their lives and assist loved ones in future plans. At this time it may be possible to identify bereavement needs of patients and their loved ones. By assessing the grief response prior to death, it is possible to identify risk of complicated grieving and to provide early intervention (Ellifritt, 2003 [D]). Following the death of the patient, it is essential to allow the patient's loved ones to perform any customs or rituals that are important to them, within the policy guidelines of the facility. Failure to do so may lead to complicated grieving (Lebrocq, 2003 [M]). Providers should be available to answer questions and offer support. This may be done informally or through a formal debriefing. Provider contact after the death of a patient can be comforting for the patient's loved ones (Griffin, 2007 [M]). Providers may wish to offer emotional support by sending a card expressing their condolences. Providers should also offer practical support by completing death certificates in a timely manner, filling out necessary forms or writing letters for the family as needed. Several models defining grief are available, yet it is important to note that progress through grief is not predictable. Movement through grief varies from person to person, and the bereaved may vacillate between stages, or elements of stages may appear concurrently. Grief is not on a linear continuum and does not follow a specific time frame. In complicated grieving, the person may fail to progress through grief or may be "stuck" in one stage of the grief process. Several factors may predispose an individual to complicated grief. These include: Dependent or ambivalent relationship Multiple previous bereavements Previous psychiatric history, especially depression Sudden and unexpected death Death of a young person Stigmatized deaths such as suicide or AIDS Culpable deaths Inability to carry out valued religious rituals Return to Table of Contents
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Survivor under age 45 whose partner died suddenly, or over 65 whose partner had illness of five years or more Multiple life crises Gender of bereaved person e.g., elderly male widower
(Chochinov, 1989 [R]; Sheldon, 1998 [NA]) Others who are vulnerable to complicated grief include children, confused elders and those with learning disabilities. Many resources are available for children, including storybooks, workbooks and a regional camp for grieving children. For confused elders or survivors with learning disabilities, repeated explanations and participation in important events, such as the funeral, may decrease the repetitious questions about the deceased (Sheldon, 1998 [NA]). In order to provide support through the first anniversary of the death, it is suggested that the length of followup with the bereaved is a minimum of thirteen months (Buchanan, 1996 [D]; Moseley, 1989 [D]; National Quality Forum, 2006 [R]; Nesbit, 1997 [D]). Bereavement counseling is required by Medicare for hospice programs, yet two-thirds of patients die out of hospice services (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 418.88 [NA]; National Quality Forum, 2006 [R]). Although it is not realistic for health care providers to personally provide bereavement services for the grieving loved ones of a patient, it is imperative that each provider be aware of the needs of the bereaved, potential risk factors for complicated grieving and the services available within their area so that appropriate referrals can be made to promote healthy grieving. Possible community services include pastoral care, support groups, counseling services, grief groups, bereavement follow-up programs and communities of faith. A referral to social services or contacting a local hospice program may be appropriate for assistance in bereavement interventions. Return to Algorithm Return to Table of Contents
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Appendix A Myths About Palliative Care MYTH: Palliative sedation is considered euthanasia.
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FACT: Palliative sedation is administered with the intent of relieving suffering from refractory physical symptoms. The intent is neither to hasten nor prolong death. Its use as a medical therapy has been noted by the United States Supreme Court. Euthanasia is the act of delivering medical treatments with the intent of causing death. Careful documentation of prior unsuccessful treatments, the goal of relieving suffering, discussion of risks and benefits with the patient and/or surrogate decision-makers, and careful dosing and monitoring of pharmacologic agents are important points to document. MYTH: Once artificially administered nutrition and hydration therapy is initiated, it is illegal and/or immoral to discontinue it. FACT: There is no legal or ethical distinction between withholding a treatment and withdrawing it. In most states, artificial nutrition and hydration are considered medical therapy and no distinction is made between withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration and any other medical therapy that is either not providing the desired effect or is increasing the distress of the patient. MYTH: A formal legal opinion, or permission from a court of law, is required to withdraw treatment. FACT: When medical providers and patients and/or families are in agreement about the goals of care and plan for withdrawal of treatment, there is no legal risk and no need for involvement of the courts. (Meisel, 2000 [R]) Return to Table of Contents
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Documentation of clinical progression of disease ECOG three or more No desire for aggressive treatment Not a candidate for aggressive treatment Frequent emergency room visits/frequent hospitalizations Any patient with metastatic or inoperable cancer
Heart Disease
Heart failure symptoms at rest Ejection fraction less than 20% New dysrhythmia Cardiac arrest or syncope Frequent emergency room visits for symptoms
Pulmonary Disease
Dyspnea at rest Signs or symptoms of right heart failure O2 sat or O2 of less than 88% PCO2 greater than 50 Unintentional weight loss
Liver Disease
Renal Disease
Unable to walk, bathe or dress self without assistance Incontinence Less than six intelligible words Frequent ER visits INR greater than 5 Albumin less than 2.5 Refractory ascities SBP Jaundice Malnutrition and muscle wasting Not a candidate for dialysis Creatinine clearance of less than 15 mL/minute Serum creatinine greater than 6.0 Frequent emergency room visits Albumin less than 2.5 Unintentional weight loss Decubitus ulcers Homebound/bed confined
* Compiled from: National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization,; Bailey, Amos, The Palliative Response,
Palliative Care
Physician Role
At the time of enrollment, the patient indicates the primary physician who will direct care; the patient may select a hospice physician for this role or may select his/her usual primary doctor. The primary physician is responsible for working with the hospice team to determine appropriate care.
Places of Care
Home. The majority (95%) of hospice care takes place in the home. Hospice team members visit the patient and family on an intermittent basis, determined by the Plan of Care. Medicare rules do not require a primary caregiver in the home, but as death nears, it becomes increasingly difficult to provide care for a patient who does not have someone (family, friends, hired caregivers) who can be present 24 hours a day in the home. Long-term care facility. 25% of patients in the U.S. die in nursing homes. Medicare recognizes that this can be the resident's home and that the patient's family frequently includes the nursing home staff. Hospice care under the MHB can be provided to residents in addition to usual care provided by the facility. Individual hospice programs must establish a contract with the facility to provide hospice care. The MHB does not pay for nursing home room and board charges. Return to Table of Contents
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Hospice inpatient unit. Dedicated units, either freestanding or within other facilities, such as nursing homes or hospitals, are available in some areas. Permitted length of stay varies with the facility and its specific admission policies. General inpatient facility. When pain or other symptoms related to the terminal illness cannot be managed at home, the patient may be admitted to a hospital or inpatient facility for more intensive management, still under the MHB. The inpatient facility must have a contract with the hospice program for acute care.
At the time of enrollment, the patient indicates the primary physician who will direct care. The patient usually selects the primary specialty care physician who is currently directing his/her care but may elect to have the hospice medical director as the primary physician in certain cases. The hospice team works with the primary physician and patient and family to determine appropriate care. (See Annotation #13, "Does Patient Meet Hospice Criteria?" Discharge from hospice may occur for several reasons. These may include: an improved prognosis, the patient wishes to seek curative treatment, or an unrelated problem forces the patient to disenroll in hospice.
Patient may be readmitted to hospice at any time, as long as the criteria for admission are still met. (See Annotation #13, "Does Patient Meet Hospice Criteria?") To determine whether a Medicare-approved hospice program is available in your area, contact the nearest Social Security Administration office, your state or local health department, or your state hospice organization (in Minnesota, Hospice Minnesota 800-214-9597), or call the National Hospice Organization Hospice Help Line (800) 658-8898. Return to Table of Contents
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Supporting Evidence:
Palliative Care
Document Drafted March July 2006 Critical Review Aug Sept 2006 First Edition Feb 2007 Second Edition Jun 2008
Mark Leenay, MD Palliative Care Content Consultant Evercare Hospice and Pallitaive Care
Dianne Brundage, Pharm D Pharmacist Park Nicollet-Methodist Howard Epstein, MD Internal Medicine/Palliative Care, Work Group Leader HealthPartners-Regions Hospital Mohamoud Hamud, Chaplain Religious Counselor Mayo Clinic Nancy Joyner, ACHPN Family Medicine/Palliative Care Altru Health System Ken Kephart, MD Family Medicine/Geriatrics University of MN Physicians
Contact ICSI at: 8009 34th Avenue South, Suite 1200; Bloomington, MN 55425; (952) 814-7060; (952) 858-9675 (fax) Online at
Copyright 2009 by Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement 49
Released in November 2009 for Third Edition. The next scheduled revision will occur within 12 months.
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Annotated Bibliography
Mitchell SL, Teno JM, Kiely DK, et al. The clinical course of advanced dementia. N Engl J Med 2009;361:1529-38. (Class B)
This study, funded by the National Institute on Aging, uses data obtained from the Choices, Attitudes, and Strategies for Care of Advanced Dementia at the End-of-Life (CASCADE) project, a prospective observational study, to obtain information on prognosis and clinical complications for patients with advanced dementia. Over 50% of the subjects died within the 18-month study period. Six-month mortality was particularly significant for those individuals who had pneumonia (46.7%), a febrile illness other than pneumonia (44.5%), and feeding disability (38.6%). The authors noted that 40% of residents had at least one intervention defined as burdensome within the last three months of life, even though 96% of proxies described comfort as the primary goal of care. The proxy decision-makers underestimated life expectancies, and reported lack of discussion with the individual's physician regarding end-of-life issues. Most acute status changes in residents did not occur within the last three months of life. The authors conclude that the clinical course of dementia is consistent with that of a chronic, life-limiting illness, with life expectancies similar to those resulting from metastatic breast cancer and stage 4 CHF, and that improved care of distressing symptoms and education of proxies may lead to clinical management more in keeping with stated goals of care.
Volicer L. End-of-life care for people with dementia in residential care settings. Alzheimer's Association. 2005. (Class R)
This report, commissioned by the Alzheimer's Association, is a review of the literature from 1994 to 2004. Most of the studies included for review used experimental or quasi-experimental methods. It cites evidence describing poor outcomes from aggressive medical treatment, supporting palliative care as an appropriate alternative to care, and describing barriers to implementing high-quality end-of-life care in these settings. The Web site is an excellent resource for palliative care and dementia.
This supportive care paper from Argentina, compared the use of morphine clorhydrate 2 mg/ml solution 15 ml every three hours six times a day versus a control solution of magnesium aluminum hydroxide, viscous lidocaine and diphenhydramine administered at the same frequency in 26 patients with head and neck cancer undergoing cisplatin 100 mg/m2, fluorouracil 1,000 mg/m2/day for five days as a continuous infusion and radiation therapy. All patients were instructed to swish the solution for 2 minutes and then spit, with no swallowing of the study solutions. Patients in the morphine solution arm had a shorter duration of severe functional impairment (1.85 days vs. 7.67 days), and fewer days of severe pain (5.07 vs 8.58) than the control arm. Rescue analgesic medications were made available; no statistical difference between the groups was found. However, the study was not powered to answer this question. While this morphine salt is not available as a commercial product in the United States, morphine sulfate is available in the U.S. and has a buccal absorption of 24% to 37% depending on the pH of the mouth. Clinicians may want to consider using a lower initial dose of morphine sulfate liquid, and then adjusting the doses as tolerated. Return to Table of Contents
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Annoted Bibliography
Palliative Care
Goodlin SJ. Palliative care in congestive heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;5:386-96. (Class R)
This state-of-the-art paper on palliative care in heart failure is an excellent summary of the systemic considerations in this population. Currently there are data in support of an ARB other than valsartan for LV systolic dysfunction (i.e., Candesartan). An emphasis on use of proven beta-blockers would be indicated (carvedilol, metoprolol succinate and bisoprolol). In the RALES trial, spironolactone was associated with a 30% reduction in mortality (not mentioned in the paper). In the A-HEFT study, African Americans with heart failure on standard therapy exhibited nitric oxide deficiency that was successfully corrected with isosorbide ditrate in combination with hydralazine, resulting in marked symptom reduction, less hospitalizations and a 43% in mortality. The primary endpoint was a complex symptom scoring system. With regards to biventricular pacing, the CARE CHF trial showed a 36% reduction in mortality, 46% decrease in the combined endpoint of mortality plus hospitalizations. This study documented significant improvement in quality-of-life assessment and in NYHA class.
A very helpful article both as it relates to the specific cultural issues of Latinos at end-of-life and general issues such as working with interpreters and asking questions to improve cultural understanding. Box 2 from this article, "Questions to Improve Cultural Understanding of Illness" provides examples of scripting. Box 1 "Universal Strategies for Clear Health Communication" is very useful when talking with patients and their families.
Pediatric palliative care provides physical and psychosocial care to children with life-limiting illnesses and their families. Services are provided by physicians, nurses, volunteers and other providers in a myriad of settings. Over the past 30 years, a portfolio of research has amassed on palliative care. Yet, much remains unknown, particularly about pediatric palliative care. This article is the first in a series, and it provides a general overview of what is known and unknown about the provision and need for pediatric palliative care. Subsequent articles will focus on specific topics such as decision-making and support care. The purpose of this series is to inform and promote discussion about research in pediatric palliative care. Return to Table of Contents
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Links are provided for those new references added to this edition (author name is highlighted in blue).
Anandarajah G, Hight E. Spirituality and medical practice: using the HOPE questions as a practical tool for spiritual assessment. Am Fam Physicians 2001;63:81-89. (Class R) Arnold R. Fast fact and concept #055: decision making capacity. Available at: http://www.eperc.mcw. edu/FFforPDA/273.htm. Accessed on July 24, 2006. (Class R) Back AL, Arnold RM, Baile WF, et al. Approaching difficult communication tasks in oncology. CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:164-77. (Class R) Baile WF, Buckman R, Lenzi R, et al. SPIKES a six-step protocol for delivering bad news: application to the patient with cancer. The Oncologist 2000;5:302-11. (Class R) Bailey A. Palliative response. Available at: Accessed July 24, 2006. (Class R) Balaban RB. A physician's guide to talking about end-of-life care. J Gen Intern Med 2000;15:195-200. (Class R) Balboni TA, Vanderwerker LC, Block SD, et al. Religiousness and spiritual support among advanced cancer patients and associations with end-of-life treatment preferences and quality of life. J Clin Oncol 2007;25:555-60. (Class D) Block SD. Assessing and managing depression in the terminally ill patient. Ann Intern Med 2000;132:209-18. (Class R) Block SD. Psychological issues in end-of-life care. J Palliat Med 2006;9:751-72. (Class R) Bossola M, Tazza L, Guingi S, Luciani G. Anorexia in hemodialysis patients: an update. Kidney International 2006;70:417-22. (Class R) Brody H, Campbell ML, Faber-Langendoen K, Ogle KS. Withdrawing intensive life-sustaining treatment recommendations for compassionate clinical management. N Engl J Med 1997;336:652-57. (Class R) Bruera E, Neumann CM, Gagnon B, et al. The impact of a regional palliative care program on the cost of palliative care delivery. J Palliat Med 2000;3:181-86. (Class C) Buchanan HLK, Geubtner MD, Snyder CK. Trauma bereavement program: review of development and implementation. Crit Care Nurs Q 1996;19:35-45. (Class D) Buckman R. Breaking bad news: why is it still so difficult? Brit Med J 1984;288:1597-99. (Class X) Campbell ML. Palliative care consultation in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med 2006;34:S355S358. (Class R) Caraceni A, Nanni O, Maltoni M, et al. Impact of delirium on the short term prognosis of advanced cancer patients. Cancer 2000;89:1145-49. (Class D) Casarett D, Kapo J, Caplan A. Appropriate use of artificial nutrition and hydration fundamental principles and recommendations. N Engl J Med 2005;353:2607-12. (Class Not Assignable) Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC). Available at: 2006. (Class Not Assignable) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Available at: som107ap_m_hospice.pdf. Accessed July 2006. (Class Not Assignable)
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Cerchiette LCA, Navigante AH, Bonomi MR, et al. Effect of topical morphine for mucositis-associated pain following concomitant chemoradiotherapy for head and neck carcinoma. Cancer 2002;95:223036. (Class B) Chang VT, Hwang SS, Feuerman M. Validation of the Edmonton symptom assessment scale. Cancer 2000;88:2164-71. (Class D) Chocinov HM. Bereavement: a review for oncology health professionals. Cancer Investigation 1989;7:593-600. (Class R) Chochinov HM. Dying, dignity, and new horizons in palliative end-of-life care. CA Cancer J Clin 2006;56:84-103. (Class R) Christakis NA, Lamont EB, Johnson RW. Extent and determinants of error in physicians' prognoses in terminally ill patients: prospective cohort study. WJM 2000;172:310-13. (Class R) Ciemins EL, Blum L, Nunley M, et al. The economic and clinical impact of an inpatient palliative care consultation service: a multifaceted approach. J of Palliative Med 2007;10:1347-55. (Class C) Cowan JD. Hospital charges for a community inpatient palliative care program. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2004;21:177-90. (Class C) Cuezze JE, Sinclair CT. Fast fact and concept #136: medical futility. Available at: http://www.eperc. Accessed on July 24, 2006. (Class R) Curtis JR, Patrick DL, Shannon SE, et al. The family conference as a focus to improve communication about end-of-life care in the intensive care unit: opportunities for improvement. Crit Care Med 2001;29: N26-N33. (Class R) Curtis JR, Engelberg RA, Wenrich MD, et al. Studying communication about end-of-life care during the ICU family conference: development of a framework. J of Crit Care 2002;17:147-60. (Class D) Dalal S, Del Fabbro E, Bruera E. Symptom control in palliative care part I: oncology as a paradigmatic example. J Palliat Med 2006;9:391-408. (Class R) Davis MP, Walsh D, Nelson K, et al. The business of palliative medicine: management metrics for an acute-care inpatient unit. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2001;18:26-29. (Class D) Del Fabbro E, Dalal S, Bruera E. Symptom control in palliative care Part II: cachexia/anorexia and fatigue. J Palliat Med 2006a;9:409-21. (Class R) Del Fabbro E, Dalal S, Bruera E. Symptom control in palliative care Part III: dyspnea and delirium. J Palliat Med 2006b;9:422-36. (Class R) Diekema DS, Botkin JR. Clinical report forgoing medically provided nutrition and hydration in children. Pediatrics 2009;124:813-22. (Class R) Dorman S, Byrne A, Edwards A. Which measurement scales should we use to measure breathlessness in palliative care? A systematic review. Palliative Med 2007;21:177-91. (Class M) Dunn P, Moss AH, Tolle S. Fast fact and concept #178: the national POLST paradigm initiative. Available at: http://www.eperc.mcw.fastFact/ff_178.htm. Accessed April 23, 2007. (Class R) Easton J. Study shows most terminally ill patients receive inaccurate survival estimates. Available at: 2001;20. (Class R) Ehman JW, Ott BB, Short TH, et al. Do patients want physicians to inquire about their spiritual or religious beliefs if they become gravely ill? Arch Intern Med 1999;159:1803-06. (Class D) Ellershaw J, Ward C. Care of the dying patient: the last hours or days of life. BMJ 2003;326:30-34. (Class M)
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Ellifritt J, Nelson KA, Walsh D. Complicated bereavement: a national survey of potential risk factors. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2003;20:114-20. (Class D) Ellis PM, Tattersall MH. How should doctors communicate the diagnosis of cancer to patients? Ann Med 1999;31:336-41. (Class R) Elsayem A, Swint K, Fisch MJ, et al. Palliative care inpatient service in a comprehensive cancer center: clinical and financial outcomes. J Clin Oncol 2004;22:2008-14. (Class D) Emanuel LL, von Gunten CF, Ferris FD. In The Education for Physicians on End-of-Life Care (EPEC) Curriculum. EPEC Project, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1999. (Class R) Evans WJ. Editorial: megestrol acetate use for weight gain should be carefully considered. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:420-21. (Class R) Finlay IG, Higginson IJ, Goodwin DM, et al. Palliative care in hospital, hospice, at home: results from a systematic review. Ann Oncol 2002;13:257-64. (Class M) Fleming ND, Alvarez-Secord A, Von Gruenigen V, et al. Indwelling catheters for the management of refractory malignant ascites: a systematic literature overview and retrospective chart review. J Pain Symptom Manage 2009;38:341-49. (Class D) Fletcher JC, Lombardo PA, Marshall MF, Miller FG. In Introduction to Clinical Ethics. 2nd ed. (Class R) Francke AL. Evaluative research on palliative support teams: a literature review. Patient Educ Couns 2000;41:83-91. (Class R) Gade G, Venohr I, Conner D, et al. Impact of an inpatient palliative care team: a randomized controlled trial. J Palliative Med 2008;11:180-88. (Class A) Goodlin SJ. Palliative care in congestive heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;5:386-96. (Class R) Gries CJ, Curtis JR, Wall RJ, Engelberg RA. Family member satisfaction with end-of-life decision making in the ICU. CHEST 2008;133:704-12. (Class B) Griffin JP, Koch KA, Nelson JE, Colley ME. Palliative care consultation, quality-of-life measurements, and bereavement for end-of-life care in patients with lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). CHEST 2007;132:404S-22S. (Class M) Hallenbeck J. Fast fact and concept #032: grief and bereavement (part 1). Available at: http://www. September 19, 2005. (Class R) Higginson IJ, Finlay I, Goodwin DM, et al. Do hospital-based palliative teams improve care for patients or families at the end of life? J Pain Symptom Manage 2002;23:96-106. (Class M) Initiative for Pediatric Palliative Care, The. Improving communication and strengthening relationships. Available at: Accessed July 13, 2006. (Class R) Inouye SK. Delirium in older persons. N Engl J Med 2006;354:1157-65. (Class R) Jack B, Hillier V, Williams A, Oldham J. Hospital based palliative care teams improve the symptoms of cancer patients. Palliative Med 2003;17:498-502. (Class C) Kagawa-Singer M, Blackhall LJ. Negotiating cross-cultural issues at the end of life: "you got to go where he lives." JAMA 2001;286:2993-3001. (Class D) Kamal AH, Bruera E. Fast facts and concepts #220: hypodermoclysis. Available at: http://www.eperc. (Class R)
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Kass-Bartelmes BL, Hughes R. Advance care planning: preferences for care at the end of life. J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother 2004;18:87-109. (Class R) King DE, Bushwick B. Beliefs and attitudes of hospital inpatients about faith healing and prayer. J Fam Pract 1994;39:349-52. (Class D) Knapp CA. Research in pediatric palliative care: closing the gap between what is and is not known. Amer J Hospice and Palliative Care 2009;26:392-98. (Class R) Koretz RL, Avenell A, Lipman TO, et al. Does enteral nutrition affect clinical outcome? A systematic review of the randomized trials. Am J Gastroenterol 2007;102:412-29. (Class M) Krantz MJ, Martin J, Stimmel B, et al. QTc interval screening in methadone treatment. Ann Intern Med 2009;150:387-95. (Class R) Lamont EB, Christakis NA. Prognostic disclosure to patients with cancer near the end of life. Ann Intern Med 2001;134:1096-1105. (Class B) LeBrocq P, Charles A, Chan T, Buchanan M. Establishing a bereavement program: caring for bereaved families and staff in the emergency department. Accid Emerg Nurs 2003;11:85-90. (Class D) Lee SJ, Back AL, Block SD, Stewart SK. Enhancing physician-patient communication. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 2002;464-83. (Class R) Levy C, Morris M, Kramer A. Improving end-of-life outcomes in nursing homes by targeting residents at high-risk of mortality for palliative care: program description and evaluation. J Pall Med 2008;11:217-25. (Class C) Loprinzi CL, Michalak JC, Schaid DJ, et al. Phase III evaluation of four doses of megestrol acetate as therapy for patients with cancer anorexia and/or cachexia. J Clin Oncol 1993;11:762-67. (Class A) Lorenz KA, Lynn J, Dy SM, et al. Evidence for improving palliative care at the end of life: a systematic review. Ann Intern Med 2008;148:147-59. (Class M) Maltoni M, Pittureri C, Scarpi E, et al. Palliative sedation therapy does not hasten death: results from a prospective multicenter study. Ann Oncol 2009;20:1163-69. (Class B) Maugans TA. The SPIRITual history. Arch Fam Med 1996;5:11-16. (Class R) McCurdy DB. Personhood, spirituality, and hope in the care of human beings with dementia. J Clin Ethics 1998;9:81-91. (Class X) McDonagh JR, Elliott TB, Engelberg RA, et al. Family satisfaction with family conferences about endof-life care in the intensive care unit: increased proportion of family speech is associated with increased satisfaction. Crit Care Med 2004;32:1484-88. (Class D) McQuay JE, Schwartz R, Goldblatt PC, Giangrasso VM. Death-telling research project. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am 1995;7:549-55. (Class D) Meier D. Palliative care as a quality improvement strategy for advanced, chronic illness. J Healthc Qual 2005;27:33-39. (Class R) Meisel A, Snyder L, Quill T. Seven legal barriers to end-of-life care: myths, realities, and grains of truth. JAMA 2000;19:2495-2501. (Class R) Mitchell SL, Teno JM, Kiely DK, et al. The clinical course of advanced dementia. N Engl J Med 2009;361:1529-38. (Class B) Moneymaker K. The family conference. J Palliative Med 2005;8:157. (Class Not Assignable)
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Monsky WL, Yoneda KY, MacMillan J, et al. Peritoneal and pleural ports for management of refractory ascites and pleural effusions: assessment of impact on patient quality of life and hospice/home nursing care. J Pall Med 2009;12:811-17. (Class D) Moro C, Brunelli C, Miccinesi G, et al. Edmonton symptom assessment scale: Italian validation in two palliative care settings. Support Care Cancer 2006;14:30-37. (Class D) Morrison RS, Meier DE. Palliative care. N Engl J Med 2004;350:2582-90. (Class R) Morrison RS, Penrod JD, Cassel B, et al. Cost savings associated with US hospital palliative care consultation programs. Arch Intern Med 2008;168:1783-90. (Class M) Moseley JR, Logan SJ, Tolle SW, Bentley JH. Developing a bereavement program in a university hospital setting. Oncol Nurs Forum 1988;15:151-55. (Class D) Mulligan K, Zackin R, Von Roenn JH, et al. Testosterone supplementation of megestrol therapy does not enhance lean tissue accrual in men with human immunodeficiency virus-associated weight loss: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:56370. (Class A) National Consensus Project. In Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care. Second Edition. 2009. (Class R) National Quality Forum, The. National framework and preferred practices for palliative and hospice care. 2006. (Class R) Nesbit MJ, Hill M, Peterson N. A comprehensive pediatric bereavement program: the patterns of your life. Crit Care Nurs Q 1997;20:48-62. (Class D) Ngo-Metzger Q, August KJ, Srinivasan M, et al. End-of-life care: guidelines for patient-centered communication. Am Fam Physician 2008;77:167-74. (Class R) Norris WM, Wenrich MD, Nielsen EL, et al. Communication about end-of-life care between languagediscordant patients and clinicians: insights from medical interpreters. J Palliat Med 2005;8:1016-24. (Class D) Pargament KI, Smit BW, Koenig HG, Perez L. Patterns of positive and negative religious coping with major life stressors. J Scientific Study of Religion 1998;37:710-24. (Class D) Pearson EC, Woosley RL. QT prolongation and torsades de pointes among methadone users: reports to the FDA spontaneous reporting system. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2005;14:747-53. (Class D) Periyakoil VJ. Fast fact and concept #043: is it grief or depression. 2nd edition. Available at: http:// Accessed April 8, 2008. (Class R) Phillip J, Smith WB, Craft P, Lickiss N. Concurrent validity of the modified Edmonton symptom assessment system with the Rotterdam symptom checklist and the brief pain inventory. Support Care Cancer 1998;6:539-41. (Class D) Post SG, Puchalski CM, Larson DB. Physicians and patient spirituality: professional boundaries, competency, and ethics. Ann Intern Med 2000;132:578-83. (Class X) Prendergast TJ. Advance care planning: pitfalls, progress, promise. Crit Care Med 2001;29:N34-N39. (Class R) Ptacek JT, Eberhardt TL. Breaking bad news: a review of the literature. JAMA 1996;276:496-502. (Class R) Puchalski C, Ferrell B, Virani R, et al. Improving the quality of spiritual care as a dimension of palliative care: the report of the consensus conference. J Palliative Med 2009;12:885-904. (Class R)
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Puchalski CM. Spirituality. 2nd ed. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology 2002:799-812. (Class R) Puchalski C, Romer AL. Taking a spiritual history allows clinicians to understand patients more fully. J Palliat Med 2000;3:129-37. (Class M) Ramkumar D, Satish SCR. Efficacy and safety of traditional medical therapies for chronic constipation: systematic review. Am J Gastroenterol 2005;100:936-71. (Class M) Reed PG. Spirituality and well-being in terminally ill hospitalized adults. Res Nurs Health 1987;10:335-44. (Class D) Remington R, Hultman T. Hypordermoclysis to treat dehydration: a review of the evidence. J Am Geriatr Soc 2007;55:2051-55. (Class M) Roberts JA, Brown D, Elkins T, Larson DB. Factors influencing views of patients with gynecologic cancer about end-of-life decisions. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;176:166-72. (Class D) Salacz M. Fast fact and concept #100: megestrol acetate for cancer anorexia cachexia. Available at: Accessed March 27, 2008. (Class R) Sasson M. Hypordermoclysis: an alternative infusion technique. Am Fam Phys 2001;64:1575-78. (Class R) Schneiderman LJ, Gilmer T. Teetzel HD, et al. Effect of ethics consultations on nonbeneficial life-sustaining treatments in the intensive care setting: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2003;290:1166-72. (Class A) Schwartz CE, Wheeler HB, Hammes B, et al. Early intervention in planning end-of-life care with ambulatory geriatric patients: results of a pilot trial. Arch Intern Med 2002;162:1611-18. (Class A) Searight HR, Gafford J. Cultural diversity at the end of life: issues and guidelines for family physicians. Am Fam Phys 2005;71:515-22. (Class R) Sheldon F. ABC of palliative care: bereavement. BMJ 1998;316:456-58. (Class Not Assignable) Sinclair CT. Communicating a prognosis in advanced cancer. J Support Oncol 2006;4:201-04. (Class R) Smith AK, Sudore RL, Prez-Stable EJ. Palliative care for Latino patients and their families: whenever we prayed, she wept. JAMA 2009;301:1047-57. (Class R) Smith TJ, Coyne P, Cassel B, et al. A high-volume specialist palliative care unit and team may reduce in-hospital end-of-life care costs. J Palliat Med 2003;6:699-705. (Class M) Solloway M, LaFrance S, Bakitas M, Gerken M. A chart review of seven hundred eighty-two deaths in hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice/home care. J Palliat Med 2005;8:789-96. (Class D) Speck P. Spiritual issues in palliative care. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, Dogle, Hanks and McDonald, editors. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Chapter 11. (Class R) Steinhauser KE, Christakis NA, Clipp EC, et al. Factors considered important at the end of life by patients, family, physicians, and other care providers. JAMA 2000;284:2476-82. (Class D) Steinhauser KE, Voils CI, Clipp EC, et al. "Are you at peace?" Arch Intern Med 2006;166:101-05. (Class D) Strickland JM, Huskey AG. Palliative care. Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 5th Edition. 2004:191-214. (Class R)
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Sulmasy DP. Spiritual issues in the care of dying patients: "... it's okay between me and God." JAMA 2006;296:1385-92. (Class X) SUPPORT Principal Investigators, The. A controlled trial to improve care for seriously ill hospitalized patients: the study to understand prognoses and preferences for outcomes and risks of treatments (SUPPORT). JAMA 1995;274:1591-98. (Class C) Teno JM, Fisher ES, Hamel MB, et al. Medical care inconsistent with patient's treatment goals: association with 1-year medicare resource use and survival. J Am Geriatr Soc 2002;54:496-500. (Class B) Theobald DE, Kirsh KL, Holtsclaw E, et al. An open-label, crossover trial of mirtazapine (15 and 30 mg) in cancer patients with pain and other distressing symptoms. J Pain Symptom Manage 2002;23:442-47. (Class C) Thomas J, Karver S, Cooney GA, et al. Methylnaltrexone for opioid-induced constipation in advanced illness. N Engl J Med 2008;358:2332-43. (Class B) Turner R. Fast fact and concept #082: medicare hospice benefit part I: eligibility and treatment plan. Available at: Accessed on July 24, 2006. (Class R) Turner R. Fast fact and concept #087: medicare hospice benefit part II: places of care and funding. Available at: Accessed on July 24, 2006. (Class R) U.S. Census Bureau-American Fact Finder; Profile for General Demographic Characteristics: 2000; Geographic area: Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Available at: http:// Accessed July 2006. (Class R) VandeCreek L, Burton L. Professional chaplaincy: its role and importance in health care. 2001. (Class R) Vandekieft GK. Breaking bad news. Am Fam Phys 2001;64:1975-78. (Class X) Volicer L. End-of-life care for people with dementia in residential care settings. Alzheimer's Association. 2005. (Class R) Warm E. Fast fact and concept #012: myths about advance directives. Available at: http://www.eperc. Accessed on July 24, 2006. (Class R) Weissman D. Fast fact and concept #019: taking a spiritual history. Available at: http://www.eperc. Accessed on July 24, 2006. (Class R) Werth Jr JL, Gordon JR, Johnson Jr RR. Psychosocial issues near the end of life. Aging Ment Health 2002;6:402-12. (Class R) Wilner LS, Arnold RM. Fast fact and concept #093: cannabinoids in the treatment of symptoms in cancer and AIDS. 2nd ed. Available at: Accessed March 27, 2008. (Class R) Wood GJ, Shega JW, Lynch B, Von Roenn JH. Management of intractable nausea and vomiting in patients at the end of life: "I was feeling nauseous all of the time...nothing was working." JAMA 2007;298:1196-1207. (Class R) Xing JH, Soffer EE. Adverse effects of laxatives. Dis Colon Rectum 2001;44:1201-09. (Class R) Zier LS, Burack JH, Micco G, et al. Surrogate decision makers' response to physicians' predictions of medical futility. CHEST 2009;136:110-17. (Class D)
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This section provides resources, strategies and measurement specifications for use in closing the gap between current clinical practice and the recommendations set forth in the guideline. The subdivisions of this section are: Priority Aims and Suggested Measures - Measurement Specifications Key Implementation Recommendations Knowledge Resources Resources Available
Palliative Care
b. Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease who have a completed Palliative Care Screening Tool documented in the medical record. 2. Improve the effectiveness and comfort level of the primary care provider in communicating the necessity and benefits of palliative care with those patients with a progressive, debilitating illness. (Annotation #3) Possible measures for accomplishing this aim: a. c. Percentage of providers who have had education and training regarding palliative care concepts. Percentage of patients with a score ranging from 85-190 points on the Quality of Communication Survey tool. (Refer to or http://depts. b. Percentage of providers who have training in the use of scripting for palliative care discussions.
3. Improve the assessment of the identified patient's palliative care needs utilizing the seven domains of palliative care. (Annotations #4, 5-11) Possible measures for accomplishing this aim: a. Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease who have a documented assessment that addresses the seven domains of care.
b. Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease who have a completed Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) assessment documented in the medical record. 4. Increase palliative care planning with patients who have been identified in the early stages of a progressive debilitating disease. (Annotation #4) Possible measures for accomplishing this aim: a. Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease who have a palliative care plan documented in the medical record.
b. Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease with documentation in the medical record of a referral to palliative care consultation, as available in the community. c. Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease with documented referral to home care/public health nursing consultation.
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Palliative Care
5. Improve the continual reassessment and adjustment of the patient's palliative care plan as the condition warrants, utilizing the seven domains of care. (Annotations #4, 5-11) Possible measures for accomplishing this aim: a. Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease who have a revised, documented care plan that addresses the seven domains of care.
b. Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease who have a revised Edmonton System Assessment System (ESAS) assessment in the medical record. 6. Increase the completion, documentation and ongoing utilization of advance directives for patients with a progressive, debilitating illness. (Annotations #4, 10) Possible measures for accomplishing this aim: a. Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease who have documentation in the medical record of a completed advance directive.
b. Percentage of adult patients with an identified proxy decision-maker documented in the medical record. c. Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease who have documentation in the medical record of a revised advance directive.
d. Percentage of adult patients who have a completed POLST form in the medical record. Return to Table of Contents
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Palliative Care
Percentage of adult patients with a progressive, debilitating disease who have a palliative care plan documented in the medical record.
# of adult patients with the specified progressive, debilitating disease who have a palliative care plan in chart Total # of adult patients with the specified progressive, debilitating disease
Numerator/Denominator Definitions
A completed palliative care plan addresses all seven domains of care: physical aspects, cultural aspects, psychological aspects, social aspects, spiritual/religious/existential aspects, ethical/ legal aspects, and care of the imminently dying patient. "Specified progressive, debilitating disease" needs to be predetermined by the medical group prior to data collection.
A random sampling of at least 10 adult patients with a specified progressive, debilitating disease seen each month. Medical records are reviewed to determine whether there is any evidence of a palliative care plan in place.
It is important to note that this measure is applicable to any and all progressive, debilitating disease. These include, but are not limited to: Pulmonary disease Cancer/neoplasm Liver disease Renal disease Neurological disorders: Stroke Parkinson's Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Multiple sclerosis
Palliative Care
ICSI has a wide variety of knowledge resources that are only available to ICSI members (these are indicated with an asterisk in far left-hand column of the Resources Available table). In addition to the resources listed in the table, ICSI members have access to a broad range of materials including tool kits on CQI processes and Rapid Cycling that can be helpful. To obtain copies of these or other Knowledge Resources, go to To access these materials on the Web site, you must be logged in as an ICSI member. The resources in the table on the next page that are not reserved for ICSI members are available to the public free-of-charge. Return to Table of Contents
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Palliative Care
Resources Available
* Author/Organization
Aging with Dignity
"5 Wishes" and "My Wishes." The documents address medical, personal, emotional, and spiritual needs that should be addressed when an adult or child is seriously ill and unable to speak for themselves.
Patients and Families
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine American Board of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (ABHPM)
A professional organization specializing Health Care in hospice and palliative care medicine. Providers An excellent resource for providers to share with patients and families. Health Care Providers; Patients and Families
Caring Connections
Health Care ABHPM promotes excellence in the Providers care of all patients with advanced, progressive illness through the development of standards for training and practice in palliative medicine. The Board is an independent, non-profit organization whose certificate is recognized as signifying a high level of physician competence in the discipline of palliative medicine. Caring Connections, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), is a national consumer and community engagement initiative to improve care at the end of life, supported by a grant from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) CAPC provides health care professionals with the tools and training necessary to start and sustain successful palliative care programs.
"Talking Points." These talking points have the messages you need to get the attention of administrators, clinicians, patients, families and potential donors. marketing-tools/talking-points
Center to Advance Tools for Palliative Care Programs Palliative Care (CAPC) A collection of tools assembled by CAPC to assist in designing, strengthening, maintaining and defending Palliative Care programs.
Palliative Care
EPERC End of Life/ Palliative Education Resource Center and the Medical College of Wisconsin Hospice Patients Alliance
Hard Choices for Loving People: CPR, Artificial Feeding, Comfort Care, and the Patient with a Life-Threatening Illness, Fourth Edition. Book: (ISBN 1-928560-30-2)
This Web site contains educational resource material for health care educators and providers. Materials include Fast Facts. Signs & Symptoms of Approaching Death The article describes the signs and symptoms of approaching death.
* ICSI Members
Summary Report: Palliative Care Patient Focus Group Report A summary of patient and caregiver focus groups. Toolkit: Palliative Care The toolkit includes: Palliative care screening tools Palliative performance status scale Palliative care overview handout Scripting for conversations between primary care providers and patients about Fairview Palliative Care Clinic Dictation template
* Available to ICSI members only. Return to Table of Contents Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement
Preparing for Approaching Death The article discusses the dying process. btlinks/death.cfm
Palliative Care
Gone from My Sight; The Dying Experience
Patients and Families
Health Care Clinical Practice Guidelines for Provider Quality Palliative Care This is a revision of the original 2004 Clinical Guidelines with input from four major palliative care organizations: the American Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, and the Center to Advance Palliative Care. It includes updated references for each of the eight domains, exemplars illustrating implementation of the Guidelines, and the relationship of the Guideline domains with the National Quality Forums Preferred Practices. NHPCO is the largest non-profit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. The organization is committed to improving end-of-life care and expanding access to hospice care with the goal of profoundly enhancing quality of life for people in America and their loved ones. This Web site provides information about end-of-life care, with resources, facts and figures, news briefs, patient advocacy, conferences and education.
Web site provides Measurement and Health Care Evaluation Tools for assessing: Provider Pain and Symptom Management (i.e., Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale [ESAS], Brief Pain Inventory), Functional Status (e.g., Karnofsky Performance Scale), Psychosocial Care, Caregiver Assessment, and Quality of Life.
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Palliative Care
Title/Description The Web site provides clinical information to health care professionals regarding palliative care. The assessment tools include including various tools such as the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS). The site also includes a link to the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fast Facts.
Health Care Provider is sponsored by the Center for Ethics in Health Care and Oregon Health & Science University
POLST (Physician Orders for LifeSustaining Treatment Paradigm) Paradigm assessment tool. POLST is designed to help health care professionals honor the end-oflife treatment desires of their patients. The form includes physician orders that follow patient wishes and treatment intentions, and enhances the appropriateness and quality of patient care. Put It In Writing The Web site provides information about advanced directives as well as provides educational resources to raise awareness regarding this issue. Resources include: Put It In Writing Brochure, Wallet ID, advertisements and links.
Respecting Choices
A program developed in LaCrosse, WI with trained facilitators to help patients, along with their health care agents, articulate preferences in advanced care planning.
SHM is the largest organization in the Health Care nation representing hospitalists and the Providers practice of hospital medicine. It promotes the highest quality care for hospitalized patients, as well as provides opportunities and support to hospitalists, through education, research and advocacy. SHM provides continual education and industry updates through its monthly publication, The Hospitalist, and through The Journal of Hospital Medicine. SHM also provides a forum for professional networking and education through its annual meeting.