ResearchPaper-privacy Regulation in Cloud
ResearchPaper-privacy Regulation in Cloud
ResearchPaper-privacy Regulation in Cloud
iii. By Daniel Fabbri et al. (2018): "The GDPR vii. By Eleonora L. Sanzaro and Pierluigi
and Its Potential Impact on U.S. Stefanini (2018), "Data Protection and
Healthcare Organizations" The General Privacy: The European Regulation, the
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Italian Implementation, and the Impact
healthcare organizations in the United on the Healthcare Sector": This study
States are discussed in this study, with investigates the effects of the GDPR on
an emphasis on the difficulties of the Italian healthcare industry,
compliance and the potential advantages emphasizing both the difficulties in
for patients. putting the rule into practice and the
possible advantages for patients.
iv. (2018) author Natasha Singer's "The
Cambridge Analytica Scandal, in 3 viii. By Jason Shao and Edward Santow, "The
Paragraphs" An overview of the Impact of Data Protection Regulation on
Cambridge Analytica controversy, which Artificial Intelligence" (2019): This study
exposed the ways in which personal examines how data protection laws
information can be used for Political affect the creation and use of artificial
gain, is given in this New York Times intelligence, emphasizing the need for a
article. thoughtful strategy that respects
individual privacy without limiting
v. Jens Grossklags and Alessandro innovation. Overall, these papers and
Acquisti's "Privacy by Design: A articles offer a variety of viewpoints on
Counterfactual Analysis of Google and privacy legislation, illustrating both the
Facebook Privacy Incidents" (2011): This advantages and difficulties of legal
essay examines the idea of "privacy by frameworks for safeguarding private
design," which emphasizes the value of data in the digital world.
incorporating privacy safeguards into
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