Osorio Etal QI 2017
Osorio Etal QI 2017
Osorio Etal QI 2017
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Article history: Current scientific evidence shows that humans colonized South America at least 15,000 years ago, but
Received 8 October 2016 there are still many unknown aspects of this process, including the major and minor migratory routes
Received in revised form involved, and the pattern of successive occupation of a diverse continental mosaic of ecosystems. In this
4 May 2017
context, the role of the Andean highlands (!3400 meters above sea level) has been neglected, because of
Accepted 11 July 2017
Available online 12 August 2017
the supposedly harsh conditions for humans including hypoxia and cold climate. Nevertheless, the
environmental and cultural resources available in the high Andes constitutes an important “megapatch”
that should be assessed in terms of human settlement patterns. We review the evidence for late Pleis-
Early peopling of south America
tocene/early Holocene hunter-gatherer occupation of one part of this megapatch, the northern Chilean
South central Andean Archaic Dry Puna, in its palaeoecological context. We focus on lithic technology, faunal remains, radiocarbon
Dry Puna dates, and other archaeological materials related to different social activities, which allow us to suggest
High Andes that groups of hunter-gatherers organized and adapted their way of life to highland ecosystems through
Late Pleistocene logistical mobility, and curatorial strategies for lithic tool kits that included projectile points and other
Megapatch formalized tools. The morphology and technological processes involved are recognized over vast terri-
tories along the high Andes. We identify this material expression as the high south central Andean
Archaic hunter-gatherer tradition, which also featured long distance mobile settlement systems and
communication processes over this broad and distinct megapatch. More speculatively, we outline the
hypothesis that these highland ecosystems constituted a suitable migratory route that may have been
key for the early peopling of the continent, and contrast it with the alternative hypothesis of the initially
secondary and seasonally intermittent exploitation of this habitat by hunter-gatherers dispersing along
the Pacific coastal corridor.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
1040-6182/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
42 D. Osorio et al. / Quaternary International 461 (2017) 41e53
Fig. 1. High Andes Central Peru and Dry Puna Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sites.
move to lower-elevation base camps during the winter. High- configurations, while the size of the foraging group and whether or
elevation land use during the late spring through early fall will be not it disperses into smaller units depends on resource density,
characterized by some residential mobility as foraging groups move abundance, and distribution.”
into the highlands to exploit newly-available resources. The degree Aldenderfer (1999/2000) also suggests that the archaeological
of residential mobility will depend on specific resource record points to a fairly rapid adaptive shift to permanent
44 D. Osorio et al. / Quaternary International 461 (2017) 41e53
occupation of Andean high altitude environments within 500 years are exacerbated south of 20" S, defining the transition between the
of initial exploration, with the coastal ecosystems subsequently no wetter-temperate Dry Puna (16" -20" S) and the cold-drier Salt Puna
longer included in these montane foragers' annual subsistence (20" -25" S) eco-regions (Troll, 1958; Santoro and Nún ~ ez, 1987).
circuits. An implication would then be that this also marked a shift Tussock grasses associated with cushion-plants and sparse shrubs
from exploitation of ecologically complementary zones by seasonal prevail in both eco-regions. Nevertheless, these differ considerably
mobility, to one involving more complex kinds of social alliance and in species composition and ecosystem properties. Grassland and
exchange, that enabled all groups to develop more fine-grained steppe bioproductivity as well as the extent of bofedales are greater
local adaptations. This change should have been reflected in a in the Dry Puna (Villagr! an et al., 1983; Arroyo et al., 1988; Nún ~ ez
more permanent occupation of the highlands, with the localisation and Santoro, 1988). Although edible fruits are lacking, the Dry
of residential camps near high-quality resource patches, to increase Puna has constituted a favourable productive environment for
the efficiency of the subsistence effort of these hunter gatherer- permanent human settlements at elevations >4000 masl. Today,
groups (Aldenderfer, 1998). existing high-elevation households are occupied year-round, with
In considering the macro-regional similarities in the technology reliance on agriculture activities as high as 4000 masl and camelid
among the early Andean hunter-gatherer sites, we therefore pro- pastoralism complemented by seasonal herd mobility to lower el-
pose that adaptation to the permanent occupation of the highlands evations in the late austral summer and fall (Nún ~ ez and Santoro,
can be most easily reconstructed by focusing on sociocultural tra- 1988).
ditions found within the highland region itself. The coast and the The western Andean slope underwent two protracted positive
lowlands remained interconnected but socioculturally distinct. We hydroclimate anomalies (Fig. 2) at 18.1e14.1 cal kyr BP and
propose that archaeological correlates of long-term adaptation to a 13.8e9.7 cal kyr BP as hydrological budgets increased over a vast
megapatch must include not just evidence for its permanent area of the south central Andes (16" -25" S) at the end of the last
occupation, but also evidence for a focus on particular resources glacial period. Together, these millennial-scale variations in the
coupled with the necessary technological strategies for resource regional hydrological cycle are part of the Central Andean Pluvial
acquisition and processing. We expect that such a strategy is likely Event (CAPE I and CAPE II, Latorre et al., 2006; Quade et al., 2008;
to lead to some degree of mapping of the demographic structure of Placzek et al., 2009; Gayo et al., 2012; further investigation
hunter-gatherer populations onto the mega-patch and its bound- should reveal the extent of any spatially lagged responses and/or
aries, such that there is also likely to be homogenization of cultural differential sensitivity of local circulation patterns to these dis-
traditions and social systems. In contrast, we do not expect that ruptions in the Andean climate system).
occupation of a megapatch should always correlate with a consis- Substantial evidence indicate that the CAPE stages profoundly
tent pattern of lithic raw material procurement, nor with a affected the potential for early hunter-gatherer settlement by
consistent preference for campsite location at specific kinds of increasing the availability of hydrological and biotic resources
landscape features (e.g. rock shelters vs. open air sites), because raw across the arid Andes (Moreno et al., 2009; Santoro et al., 2011;
material and natural shelter availability will also be affected by Gayo et al., 2012; Latorre et al., 2013). For instance, wetter condi-
physical and chemical variation in bedrock and surficial geology. tions led to a prominent lacustrine transgression on the Uyuni
basin (Placzek et al., 2006, 2013; Blard et al., 2011) and other minor
high-elevation basins (Geyh et al., 1999; Grosjean et al., 2001; Bao
2. Regional environmental characteristics, past and present et al., 2015) during the Tauca (18.1e14.1 cal kyr BP) and Coipasa
(12.8e11 cal kyr BP) lake highstands. Concomitant glacier advances,
The Andean orographic effect creates severe environmental implying a snowline depression of up to 1000 m, occurred on the
conditions for human activities across the steep relief that rises Bolivian Altiplano apparently brought about by a precipitation
abruptly from the Pacific coast to the Altiplano. Atmospheric intensification of at least 250 mm/yr and >4 " C cooling (Blard et al.,
pressure drops logarithmically with altitude (West, 2004) and 2009, 2013; Placzek et al., 2013). Similarly, positive rainfall anom-
temperature decreases at a predictable rate of 0.0065 " C/m alies enhanced groundwater and superficial discharge along An-
(Petersen and Pellicciotti, 2011). Conversely, the rain-shadow dean catchments (Rech et al., 2003; Nester et al., 2007; Quade et al.,
imposed by high Andean ridges to humidity from eastern South 2008; Gayo et al., 2012; Schittek, 2014; S! aez et al., 2016; Veit et al.,
America (Garreaud et al., 2003; Vuille and Keimig, 2004) creates a 2016), which in turn could have amplified the extension and bio-
strong gradient that ranges from semi-arid conditions >5000 masl productivity of fertile environments for human activities (i.e.
(~300 mm/yr), to arid conditions at 4000 masl (<100 mm/yr) and bofedales). Moreover, moister conditions promoted significant in-
finally to hyperarid conditions (<5 mm/yr) below 2500 masl creases in the availability of plant resources for livestock at lower
(Houston and Hartley, 2003). elevations as evinced by elevational displacements of hillslope
Prevailing cold-xeric conditions constrain the presence of any vegetation and reconstructed plant-cover for Andean grasslands
glaciers to the highest ridges (>5000 masl, Amman et al., 2001) and (Maldonado et al., 2005; Latorre et al., 2006; Quade et al., 2008;
hillslope vegetation grows at elevations above 2500 masl up to Placzek et al., 2009; Mujica et al., 2015).
5000 masl (Gajardo, 1994; Arroyo et al., 1988). Indeed, following the
elevation, rainfall, and temperature gradients, primary productivity
peaks at mid-elevations (3300e4000 masl), and declines as aridity 3. Archaeological evidence for early occupation of the Dry
(or adiabatic cooling) increases at lower (or higher) elevations Puna: the north Chilean case
(Villagr!an et al., 1983; Arroyo et al., 1988). Localized groundwater
and superficial discharges sustain dense and highly productive We now review the archaeological record of early human set-
Andean peat-bogs (bofedales) between 3400 and 5000 masl (Squeo tlements of the Andean highlands, focusing on the Dry Puna of
et al., 2006). These peat-accumulating wetlands have provided key northern Chile. We define the technological features of the lithic
ecosystem services by sourcing fresh-water, fuel supply, wild faunal assemblages, complemented with descriptions of other compo-
resources (i.e. birds and small rodents) and grazing habitats for nents found in the camps such as faunal remains and ochre pig-
domestic and wild herds (Squeo et al., 2006; Patty et al., 2010; ments. Our megapatch model predicts the development of a
Salvador et al., 2014). cultural tradition with consistent attributes within a fairly homo-
Aridity and extreme minimum temperatures at high elevations geneous resource zone.
D. Osorio et al. / Quaternary International 461 (2017) 41e53 45
Fig. 2. Chronological relationship between calibrated ages for each archeological site considered in this study and inferred paleoclimate conditions along the western Andean slope
in the interval 7e18 ka BP. Light blue bars represent Central Andean Pluvial Event (CAPE) phases, while orange bars denote negative hydroclimate conditions. Vertical dashed line
delineates the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Archeological dates were calibrated in Calib 7.0.4 by using the SHCAL 13 calibration curve.
Our case study includes the five earliest sites that have been fewer residential movements and invest more effort in logistical
found in the Dry Puna of northern Chile, located between 3100 and forays (Kelly, 1995).
4500 masl, in the Arica and Parinacota Region (18e19" S). These
sites are Las Cuevas, Hakenasa, Patapatane, Pampa El Muerto 15, 3.1. Faunal assemblages
and Ipilla 2 (Fig. 1, Table 1), We have analyzed material from the
earliest stratigraphic levels of these sites, which are dated to the The faunal assemblages were dominated by artiodactyls, espe-
Pleistocene-Holocene transition (ca. 11.5e9.0 cal kyr BP). The five cially camelids (guanaco and vicun ~ a), in all five sites (see Osorio
sites presented here can be split into three groups: the oldest sites et al., 2017). Also present were a few deer bones (probably Hippo-
located above 4000 m (Las Cuevas and Hakenasa) were occupied camelus antisensis) at Hakenasa. Other identified taxa include
during CAPE II, whereas the younger sites are located below medium-sized rodents such as vizcachas (Lagidium), wild guinea
4000 m (Patapatane, Ipilla 2) and postdate the CAPE II event (Fig. 2). pig (Cavia) and cholulos (Ctenomys, a small Andean mammal similar
The third group composed by Pampa El Muerto 15 falls in between to the North American gopher in its burrowing habit). Many bones
these upper and lower elevation sites and is intermediate in age are burnt or have breakage patterns consistent with human con-
(10.7 cal kyr BP). Previous studies on these and other Andean sites sumption (Supplementary Information, Fig. S1).
focused on lithic technology and faunal assemblages, which were Birds were also present, and although they were not identified
then used to discuss mobility strategies using classic models such to genus, most correspond to medium-sized ducks and coots. Exotic
as transhumance, cyclical mobility, and sedentism, or newer faunal remains are very scarce; for example, two shark teeth were
behaviorist approaches (Niemeyer and Schiappacasse, 1963; identified in Las Cuevas and Ipilla 2, and unidentified fish bones
Cardich, 1964; Lynch, 1971; Rick, 1980; Santoro and Nún ~ ez, 1987; from the Pacific Ocean and mussel shell (Choromitylus) fragments
Aldenderfer, 1998; Osorio et al., 2017). (three of which show evidence of edge retouch) were found in
The total study sample, obtained from the earliest levels of these Patapatane.
five sites, is composed by 3848 fragments of faunal remains and
4446 specimens of lithic artifacts (Table 2). For bone assemblages 3.2. The lithic assemblages (see also Osorio et al., 2011; Herrera
we used standard zooarchaeological techniques and classified the et al., 2015; Santoro et al., 2016; Osorio et al., 2016)
material to the highest taxonomic and anatomical resolution that
their condition permitted (Lyman, 1994; Reitz and Wing, 2008). A large variety of lithic raw materials were recorded and can be
Cultural and non-cultural modifications were also recorded. Lithic grouped into five general categories (siliceous rocks, obsidian,
technological analyses included both the de !bitage and the tools basalt, sandstone and other rocks) with a predominance of high
(defined by the presence of retouch or of used edges), with a main quality siliceous rocks. The siliceous rocks found in the two oldest
focus on identifying reduction sequences (Andrefsky, 2005, 2008; and highest sites, Las Cuevas (11.5 cal kyr BP) and Hakenasa
Aschero and Hocsman, 2004). The highest-level descriptive vari- (10.9e11.3 cal kyr BP) must have been transported from lower el-
ables recorded were raw material, type and size of de !bitage, pres- evations, which required journeys of at least 30 to 40 km. The
ence of cortex, and type of platform. We also classified sites by younger sites (Pampa El Muerto 15, 10.7 cal kyr BP; Ipilla 2,
function (residential or logistical, Binford, 1979, 1980; Nelson, 1991) 10e9.4 cal kyr BP, and to a lesser degree Patapatane, 9.4e9.0 cal kyr
and by technological strategy (Bamforth, 1986; Nelson, 1991; Shott, BP), are located close to seasonal watercourses where nodules of
1996), using the criteria of Binford (1979, 1980), Nelson (1991), and siliceous rocks adequate for knapping are readily available (Table 3).
Aldenderfer (1998). The presence of logistical sites would allow us Obsidian, which is abundant in Hakenasa and Las Cuevas, was
to define a collector mobility strategy, which differs (along a con- probably transported from the relatively close Charan ~ a and Par-
tinuum) from the forager mobility strategy. The main difference inacota sources, both of which are currently under study by our
between the two is that in a forager system, hunter-gatherers research group. Small nodules (<5 cm) mixed-in with surface
maintain high residential mobility (movement of the complete gravels and consistent with the size of artifacts are common near
group from one camp to another) with fewer logistical movements these sites, and occur throughout the Altiplano. In contrast,
(movement of specific task groups out from the camp that then obsidian is exotic at the three younger sites, where it is also infre-
come back), whereas in a collector system, hunter-gatherers make quent in the lithic assemblages.
46 D. Osorio et al. / Quaternary International 461 (2017) 41e53
Table 1
41 AMS radiocarbon dates for archeological sites discussed in the text. All radiocarbon dates were calibrated using CALIB 7.0.4 at 2-sigma with the Southern Hemisphere
Calibration curve (SHCAL13, Hogg et al., 2013).
Site Level Lab-Code C yr BP Age Lower cal Upper cal Material dated Reference
(cal yrs BP) range BP range BP
Hakenasa Level 13 Beta-187535 9580 ± 40 10,890 10,700 11,090 Charcoal LeFebvre 2004
Hakenasa Level 14 UCIAMS-145003 9655 ± 40 10,940 10,770 11,160 Camelid tooth Osorio et al. in press
Hakenasa Level 13 UCIAMS-77761 9830 ± 40 11,210 11,150 11,260 Charcoal Osorio et al., 2011
Hakenasa Level 13 UCIAMS-77762 9975 ± 40 11,330 11,240 11,600 Charcoal Osorio et al., 2011
Hakenasa Level 13 UGAMS-2953 9980 ± 40 11,340 11,240 11,600 Charcoal Osorio et al., 2011
Hakenasa Level 12 Beta-187534 9520 ± 70 10,760 10,560 11,090 Charcoal LeFebvre 2004
Hakenasa Level 11 Beta-187533 9260 ± 60 10,380 10,240 10,550 Charcoal LeFebvre 2004
Hakenasa Level 11 Beta-187532 9170 ± 70 10,310 10,190 10,500 Charcoal LeFebvre 2004
Hakenasa Level 10 Beta-187531 8789 ± 60 9740 9540 10,120 Charcoal LeFebvre 2004
Hakenasa Level 23 I-13287 8340 ± 300 9230 8460 10,120 Charcoal Santoro y Nún ~ ez 1987
Ipilla 2 15 UGAMS-4588 8510 ± 30 9490 9440 9530 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 N1E1 8 UCIAMS-77765 8600 ± 40 9530 9470 9600 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 N1E1 7 UCIAMS-77764 8635 ± 40 9550 9490 9660 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 N1E1 6 UCIAMS-84348 8675 ± 25 9580 9530 9670 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 N1E0 10 UCIAMS-77767 8690 ± 40 9600 9530 9700 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 N1E1 9 UCIAMS-77766 8695 ± 40 9600 9530 9730 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 N1E0 13 UCIAMS-77770 8695 ± 40 9600 9530 9730 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 Ipilla 2/S4E0/1 UCIAMS-165635 8700 ± 70 9640 9520 9890 Charcoal This study
Ipilla 2 S5E0/2B UCIAMS-165632 8725 ± 25 9620 9540 9700 Charcoal This study
Ipilla 2 N1E0 11 UCIAMS-77768 8730 ± 35 9630 9540 9760 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 S4E0/2A UCIAMS-165633 8780 ± 25 9700 9560 9890 Charcoal This study
Ipilla 2 Exposed profile CAMS-124594 8785 ± 30 9710 9560 9890 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 S4W1/2B-C UCIAMS-165636 8820 ± 25 9780 9630 10,110 Charcoal This study
Ipilla 2 S5E0/2B-C UCIAMS-165638 8820 ± 25 9780 9630 10,110 Charcoal This study
Ipilla 2 N1E0 12 UCIAMS-77769 8825 ± 40 9800 9560 10,120 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 Exposed profile CAMS-124595 8840 ± 30 9820 9660 10,130 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 S4E0/2E UCIAMS-165639 8845 ± 25 9830 9680 10,120 Charcoal This study
Ipilla 2 Exposed profile CAMS-124596 8845 ± 30 9830 9680 10,130 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Ipilla 2 S4W1/2C UCIAMS-165634 8890 ± 25 9960 9750 10,160 Charcoal This study
Ipilla 2 S4W1/2E UCIAMS-165637 8940 ± 30 10,030 9900 10,180 Charcoal This study
Las Cuevas 2 T2EIVC Beta-298938 10,040 ± 70 11,490 11,250 11,760 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Las Cuevas 2 E8/IVC UCIAMS-165646 10,070 ± 30 11,520 11,330 11,720 Charcoal Osorio et al. in press
Las Cuevas 2 Level 11 I-13128 8270 ± 250 9160 8460 9700 Charcoal Santoro and Chacama 1984
Las Cuevas 2 Level 13 I-12835 9540 ± 160 10,810 10,300 11,210 Charcoal Santoro and Chacama 1984
Las Cuevas 2 T2EIVA Beta-298937 9630 ± 70 10,940 10,710 11,170 Charcoal Osorio et al. in press
Pampa El Muerto 15 Level 9 Beta-335686 8190 ± 40 9090 9000 9250 Burned bone Osorio et al., 2016
Pampa El Muerto 15 Level 13 Beta-319884 9510 ± 50 10,720 10,570 11,070 Burned bone Osorio et al., 2016
Patapatane Level G Beta-238853 7010 ± 40 7800 7690 7930 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Patapatane Level 20 Beta-43019 7970 ± 110 8780 8460 9070 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2005
Patapatane Level J I-12837 8160 ± 340 9030 8210 9890 Charcoal Santoro and Chacama 1984
Patapatane Level J Beta-238852 8440 ± 80 9400 9140 9540 Charcoal Santoro et al., 2011
Table 2
Site description and frequencies of the studied materials.
Site Elevation (masl) Camp category Studied occupation level Excavated area (m2) Lithics Animal bones
Table 3 Soler, 2006). We also found bifacial trimming flakes with faceted
Provenience of the main raw materials categories identified in the studied sites. or “complex” platforms, lips, flake curvatures, and dorsal scars in
Sites Siliceous Obsidian Basalt different directions (Andrefsky, 2005) (Fig. 3). We also found some
Las Cuevas Extra-Local Probably Local Extra-local
evidence of probable heat treatment in some of the siliceous
Hakenasa Extra-Local Probably Local Extra-local de!bitage in Hakenasa, and we found small fragments of red
Pampa El Muerto 15 Probably Local Extra-local Extra- local pigment at Las Cuevas and Patapatane.
Together, these attributes and the absence of complete cores
suggest that the activities consisted primarily of shaping and
De!bitage dominates the lithic assemblages (~98%) and mostly reactivating instruments, and secondarily of bifacial reduction.
derives from late, and to a lesser extent, middle stages of reduction Only four fragments of exhausted cores were observed in Hakenasa.
of mainly bifacial and in less degree unifacial tools. Most of the The lithic de
!bitage from Patapatane and Ipilla 2 mainly corresponds
observed de !bitage (Table 4) is characterized by the absence of to retouching de !bitage and, to a lesser extent, to flakes and other
cortex (81e98%), small size (<20 mm), and a preponderance of fragments. Most of the lithic de !bitage does not include cortex
broken, reduced and flat platforms (Inizan et al., 1999; Duran and (Fig. 4) and is of small size (<20 mm). These features are also
D. Osorio et al. / Quaternary International 461 (2017) 41e53 47
Table 4
Percent of cortex present in the dorsal surface of the debitage products by site.
Fig. 3. Percentage of debitage products identified at the different Dry Puna sites of northern Chile.
indicative of the final stages of the reduction sequence. used for hunting animals as well as processing hides and meat. The
Most of the lithic tools were highly standardized and main- frequency of projectile points, scrapers, sidescrapers and knives,
tained, which is consistent with the high frequency of retouching suggest animal procurement and meat and hide (and to a lesser
flakes recorded (Fig. 4). Projectile points are the most frequently extent, plant) processing activities, which is consistent with the
observed instrument, but they are only present in three of the abundant faunal remains, especially camelids, found in association
studied sites (Patapatane, Hakenasa and Ipilla 2), and correspond to with the stone tool assemblages.
five morphological types: stemmed with shoulders (known as Similarly, at Las Cuevas we recognized a predominance of final
Patapatane); triangular with either straight, convex or concave stages of formalization, re-sharpening of worn edges and to a lesser
base; and tetragonal. Many of these projectile points have evidence extent, bifacial knapping. The instruments are scarce and suggest
of maintenance by re-sharpening of the edges, and some of them activities related to scraping and to tool maintenance. At Ipilla 2, the
show evidence of recycling (Osorio et al., 2011; Herrera et al., 2015). predominance of medium and mostly final stages of reduction,
At Patapatane and Hakenasa, projectile point preforms and abun- especially of bifacial artifacts, as well as knives and side scrapers,
dant de !bitage are also present, all indicative of final stage indicate diverse activities such as hunting, animal processing, and
manufacturing processes. probably leather scraping. There are also a few expediently utilized
Sidescrapers are the most abundant tool at Hakenasa: their flakes (with macroscopic wear traces), and a denticulate scraper
forms are simple or double convex and show high standardization possibly used in woodwork. At Pampa El Muerto 15, the site with
and maintenance. Scrapers (semidiscoidal and end scrapers) are the most ephemeral occupation, knapping activities, shown by
very common and highly maintained. In lower frequencies we instruments and de !bitage were rare, and were related to final
found hammers at Patapatane and Ipilla 2, and small core frag- stages of tool manufacture, and to cutting and processing meat and
ments in Hakenasa. Unstandardized or expedient tools are other soft materials such as plants.
extremely rare, and correspond to utilized flakes in Ipilla 2 and
retouched flakes in Pampa El Muerto 15. The latter site also includes 4. Discussion
one notched tool, possibly related to processing plants (Winchkler,
2006; Hocsman, 2009; Osorio et al., 2016). 4.1. Interpretation of site function
In terms of site function, some formal tools at Hakenasa show
macroscopic wear traces on their active edges and were possibly We interpret the analysed sites as temporary logistical camps
48 D. Osorio et al. / Quaternary International 461 (2017) 41e53
Fig. 4. Lithic tools from the studied sites. Stemmed projectile points with shoulders “Patapatane type”: (1, 2, 6), Patapatane, (3) Hakenasa (4, 5, 7) Ipilla. Tetragonal projectile points:
(8, 9) Hakenasa. Unstemmed triangular projectile points with convex base (10 Hakenasa), straight base (11 Hakenasa), and concave base (12 Patapatane). Hakenasa scrapers (13, 14,
15), Hakenasa sidescrapers (16, 17, 18, 19).
(Binford, 1980) as suggested by the quantity and characteristics of (Nelson, 1991). The specific strategy for facing these difficulties is to
the lithic assemblages, which were focussed on final stages of lithic invest more energy in the manufacturing of the artefacts, and the
reduction sequences for formalization or reactivation of worn transportation of a toolkit elaborated in advance.
edges, and by the absence of more elaborated features like hearths. Risk minimisation, a crucial element in the process of coloni-
The almost exclusive use of high quality raw materials, the small zation of new landscapes (Meltzer, 2003) has been especially
size of the tools, their standardized forms, and the changes in their emphasized by Aldenderfer (1998) for the early occupation of a
morphologies due to rejuvenation, are all attributes of a curatorial mountain environment. Due to the extreme conditions of the
strategy. The tools recorded in the five studied sites were trans- highland ecosystem (low temperatures and hypoxia), hunter-
ported by hunter-gatherers in their mobility circuits and were not gatherer decision-making would have been guided by the need to
initially elaborated in situ. The identification of bifacial trimming reduce effort in obtaining a sufficient caloric return (Aldenderfer,
flakes shows bifacial reduction, which is also an element of a 1998, 1999). In the scenario of an early first entry into highland
curated system, reflecting those tools' flexibility and trans- zones, curation and versatility of the tool kit would have been an
portability (Shott, 1986; Kelly, 1988). In this way, hunter-gatherers essential strategy for an effective settlement process.
anticipated, mitigated, and minimized risks of possible adverse The two earlier sites located >4000 m in the Dry Puna (Las
conditions, like the absence of good raw materials, or insufficient Cuevas and Hakenasa) are both interpreted as logistical camps. Las
time for manufacturing tools at moments where they needed them Cuevas has a briefer occupation with minimal processing of
D. Osorio et al. / Quaternary International 461 (2017) 41e53 49
formalized instruments, and could be related to the initial phase of (see Fig. 5). The similarities are identified mainly in the morphology
exploration of new areas. The absence of projectile points may of the stems, and the maintenance of shoulders or barbs even when
indicate that hunting activities were carried out elsewhere. Hake- the projectile points were reactivated. It seems possible to identify
nasa Cave, some 35 km away, has evidence of multiple activities a change in shape with use: probably the projectile point initially
(hunting, processing of animals, and final manufacturing of the had barbs, which would have changed to shoulders because of the
instruments). reactivation process (cf. Hoffman, 1985; Shott and Ballenger, 2007).
The second and later group of sites, Papatapane and Ipilla 2, Additionally, the overall geometry also changed, moving from
show striking similarities, including final stages of the lithic convex edges and more elongated blades, to straight edges and
reduction sequence. The difference with the earliest sites, however, shorter blades, producing a triangular morphology (Fig. 5: 11, 13,
is the presence of more diverse activities, especially in Patapatane 14).
(hunting, scraping, processing animals, among others). Such di- Stylistic similarities in projectile point form, when defined by a
versity could be due to either longer stays at the sites, or to frequent diagnostic morphology and technology of production that repre-
visits to the site over a short time period (the two earliest 14C dates sents more than archaeologists' essentializing of a midpoint on
from Patapane, Beta-238852 and I-12837 are statistically indistin- some continuum, may arise and persist by repeated and conser-
guishable by Ward & Wilson's test, p > 0.05, T ¼ 0.64, X2 ¼ 3.84). vative cultural transmission within social networks or groups.
The appearance of some exotic materials in Las Cuevas (shark These distinctive characteristics may arise and persist simply
teeth) and Patapatane (fish bones and shells) suggests the existence through cultural drift due to partial population isolation, or they
of inter-regional exchange with other groups. Such exotic elements may be maintained as active signals of social identity (Close, 1978;
can contribute to identifying interaction between different bands, Meltzer, 1981; Sackett, 1982; Wiessner, 1983; Wobst, 1999). The
or social differentiation within groups (Castillo and Sepúlveda, Patapatane type is therefore informative as a cultural tradition and
2017). Additionally, the presence of probable bone beads in Hake- potentially as a symbolic resource, which indicates the existence of
nasa and red pigments in Las Cuevas are key indicators of social wider networks of social relations between dispersed and highly
activities that went beyond hunting and procurement of raw ma- mobile groups involved in different kinds and scales of social
terials. Indeed, the absence of a specific theoretical framework for interaction and exchange (and as a minimum, the transfer of
early colonizing strategies that can predict the use of such “rare” knowledgeable people between local bands). If an active signalling
materials, reveals the over-simplification of explanations for early function is assigned to the Patapatane type, then this must have
hunter-gatherer societies which focus solely on economic and extended beyond the smaller-scale ‘intimate networks’ of local
technological aspects (Miotti, 2003). In more recent times, although bands where the presence of such symbolic or stylistic resources
only one piece of painted rock has been identified for the late was not necessary (Gamble, 1998). By implication, the use of a
Archaic Period in Patapatane, rock art of a naturalistic tradition can specific type of lithic projectile point was not only a simple tool for
be encountered, without major stylistic changes, from the end of hunting, but also a communication device spread over the central
middle Archaic (6.7 cal kyr BP) up to the Formative periods (ca. Peruvian and south central Andean highland megapatch. This sig-
1.3 cal kyr BP) in the region (Sepúlveda et al., 2017). This tradition is nalling of cultural identity would also formed part of the back-
shared by the highlands of the southern Peru and northernmost ground for other later communication practices shared across the
Chile (Sepúlveda et al., 2013), demonstrating a flow of information south central Andean highland megapatch, such as the rock art
between hunter-gatherer groups at a large spatial scale and the (already noted above), which show similarities in the represented
creation of territories with specific symbolic landmarks. Economic figures, in its formal and technical features and in the composition
intensification and social complexity created cultural landscape of the panels (Sepúlveda et al., 2013, 2017).
linked to a naturalistic rock art tradition, which is coincident with
specific territories in the Dry Puna megapatch. This traditional 5. Conclusions
symbolic practice stemmed from a long-term history of hunter-
gatherer adaptation inside this high Andean region. The evidence described and analysed here suggests that the
highland sites from northernmost Chile were camps occupied
within a logistic mobility system, and coupled with a curatorial tool
4.2. Wider cultural relationships and implications for the Dry Puna strategy. The associated residential camps have yet to be found, if
megapatch model indeed they existed at the same elevations in the high Andes.
However, we are inclined to suggest that our understanding of the
To further evaluate the earliest evidence for such large-scale diagnostic signatures of such camps during an initial occupational
interactions, we looked at the lithic record in wider comparative phase should also be re-evaluated and new models proposed,
perspective within the south central Andean highlands. We note especially for interpreting differences in lithic assemblages and
remarkable similarities among formal tool types present at Hake- implied activity patterns at camps that are not captured by the
nasa, Patapatane, and Ipilla 2 (all dated to 11.3e9.5 cal kyr BP), and simple dichotomy of residential and logistic. Indeed, it is possible
at sites located in the Peruvian highlands (~12.8e9.0 cal kyr BP). For that the evidence discussed in this paper, which spans a 2000-year
instance, the triangular unstemmed projectile points found in time range, reflects neither an initial exploration phase (Borrero,
Hakenasa and Patapatane (Fig. 5: 1, 19, 20) are also found in the 1989e90) engaged in by transient explorers (Beaton, 1991), nor
earliest levels at Pachamachay (Rick, 1980). However, the most intermittent hunting expeditions to a familiar but physically diffi-
common element shared between the sites from northernmost cult environment from base camps at lower elevations. Instead, it
Chile and the assemblages of other early Andean highland sites is could reflect a highland way of life that had developed over gen-
the stemmed point with shoulders known as a “Patapatane” pro- erations of permanent occupation within this large megapatch.
jectile point type (Fig. 5: 1, 19, 20; Santoro, 1989; Osorio et al., 2011). Resolving these competing interpretations will require further in-
Its morphology is similar to the point Type 1A, defined by Klink and formation on lithic raw material procurement (to establish at which
Aldenderfer (2005) at Asana and Caru (Ravines, 1967; Aldenderfer, elevation zone the raw materials had been procured), the identi-
1998). Similar point shapes occur at Telarmachay (Lavalle !e et al., fication of contemporaneous residential camps of the same cultural
1995), Pachamachay (Rick, 1980), Lauricocha (Cardich, 1958), and tradition, and further information on resource availability and
Guitarrero Complex 2 (Lynch, 1980) in the central Peruvian Andes seasonality during the earliest occupation phase in CAPE II. We
50 D. Osorio et al. / Quaternary International 461 (2017) 41e53
Fig. 5. Similar projectile points types from different sites of the Andean highlands. (1e3) Hakenasa (after Osorio et al., 2011: Fig. 7); (4e8) Asana (after Aldenderfer, 1998: Fig. 6.24);
(9e10) Caru (after Ravines, 1967: Fig. 26); (11) Telarmachay (after Lavallee !, 1994: Fig. 5); (12e13) Patapatane (after Santoro and Nún ~ ez, 1987: Fig. 5).
further note that there are as yet no dated occupations in the An- from north to south (after initial discovery by hunter-gatherers
dean highlands (or in all of the central Andes) that date to the CAPE dispersing inland as well as southwards along the Pacific coast). It
I event, despite abundant evidence for increased available mois- may also potentially have provided a habitat ‘bridge’ to the eastern
ture. One possibility is that temperatures may have been simply too side of the Andean mountains. Specific ecological conditions during
cold for human occupation, but this should be tested by seeking the Pleistocene-Holocene transition may have favoured human
new evidence. occupation of the area, and recent discoveries in the highlands of
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highlands as a migratory route, we have argued that the highlands processes of colonization at much earlier stages than was previ-
of southern Peru and northernmost Chile, which correspond to ously thought. However, resolving the chronology of initial occu-
geographical distribution of the Dry Puna, constitute a rather ho- pation of the South Central Andes and its different altitudinal
mogeneous “megapatch” that may have favoured rapid dispersal ecozones, for comparison with the chronology of settlement of the
D. Osorio et al. / Quaternary International 461 (2017) 41e53 51
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