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Keywords: Nursing practice in the 21st century is confronted by various demands such as the elevating numbers of elder
Simulation patients and critically ill patients, increasing healthcare expenses, increasing deficit in nursing staff and nurse
Nursing education educators and a shift in the age of the nursing workforce. To adapt to the rapidly varying and advancing
Challenges healthcare settings; nurse educators must regularly assess and review education curricula, teaching-learning
strategies and programs adopted to prepare new professional nurses.
Nursing practice nowadays and specifically in Lebanon is con- 2.1. Aligning education with the practice environment
fronted by various obstacles such as the age and increasingly ill segment
of the population of hospitalized patients, the burden of healthcare Nursing education has a significant impact on the knowledge and
expenses and the need to stay up to date with the medical knowledge competencies of nurses, all health care providers. Nurses with Bachelor
and technology advancements. These demands are aggravated by a of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees are enabled to meet various pa-
notable increasing deficit of nurses and an aged nursing labor force. In tients’ needs; function as leaders; and advance science that benefits
addition, novice designs of holistic healthcare services are being created patients and the capacity of health professionals to deliver safe, quality
to tackle a wide variety of demands in healthcare and influence the patient care (Institute of Medicine, 2011).
structure of the workforce and care delivery (Jamshidi, Mehrdad, & The Lebanese healthcare system is becoming progressively more
Jamshidi, 2012). complicated; prospective nurses will encounter a highly challenging
To tackle these obstacles, employers will pursue nurses whose healthcare practice environment. The 20th century has been marked
competencies are compatible with the practice settings demands, can with various health care system modifications; due to recognized fail-
function potently in inter-disciplinary teams across a wide range of ures in Healthcare System as the Lebanese health care system is varied
healthcare environments. They should also be able to offer conven- and unrestrained with disintegrate funding (El-Jardali et al., 2014).
tional nursing services in addition to other facilities such as case Utilization of healthcare information technology (IT) is predicted to
management and practice leadership, health advocacy and illness pre- persist in expanding considerably. Medical schools, institutions, prac-
vention (Fukada, 2018). titioners and students will all need to cultivate techniques for dealing
The nursing milieu must track the modifications in the healthcare with the abrupt amount of new information, concepts and skills
settings to guarantee the continuous production of high quality, secure (Jamshidi et al. 2012). It might assist with safer care when technology
and efficient patient services. To achieve this, nurses must be prepared is used, but it will also demand monitoring, synthesizing and managing
with the necessary competencies. Thus, policymakers and educators larger volumes of data for the patients allocated to their care. The
must primarily evaluate demands for the prospective workforce, based challenging role of the prospective nurses will demand that a Registered
on requirements of the work setting (Ahluwalia, Damberg, Silverman, Nurse acquire a widened knowledge base, command of skills and pro-
Motala & Shekelle, 2017). ficiencies that will enable the delivery of a highly complex patient care
in cooperation and collaboration with an inter-professional team
(Reinhard & Hassmiller, 2012).
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.A. Fawaz).
Received 5 February 2018; Received in revised form 5 October 2018; Accepted 12 October 2018
Available online 16 October 2018
2214-1391/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M.A. Fawaz et al. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 9 (2018) 105–110
Continuous curricular modifications are an essential phenomenon in Technology has significant influence on our lives, on practice,
nursing academia in order to level learning with the rapidly evolving education, management and research. In nursing education, outcome-
professional practice. Faculty members gain insight on the students’ oriented education is currently being highlighted rather than process-
feedback on their clinical placements by the end of each semester based learning, for instance through skill-based techniques; evidence-
through individual and group discussions using Interpretive Descriptive based techniques in education; providing students a rich learning
qualitative research methodology. Nursing programs aim to prepare journey unlike former models of formal lecturing; and incorporating
nurses who are able to deliver safe and high quality care and would be evolved learning technologies in many programs. All these styles share
able to adapt to the evolving environments of practice. Nursing peda- one major challenge: how we merge the art and science of caring to-
gogues endeavor to expose the students to various learning experiences gether with the easily accessible technology, so that caring persists to
to make sure that they receive their information through multiple be converged on humans.
channels and would have access to the best available evidence. This Educational technology is the employment of evolved models of
strategy takes a lot of time and energy from the nurse educators, and technology to ease the educational journey and for the former decade,
might face multiple challenges (Landeen et al., 2016). this has incorporated using web-based education in both live classes
and classes uploaded to the internet for later access by learners (Huston,
2013). It also involves electronic references, such as e-books, a multi-
2.3. Nursing as part of an integrated healthcare workforce tude of internet-hosted material, computer access and broadband in-
ternet services within class and IT rooms, smart-boards, video-con-
There is proof that inter-professional healthcare training methods ferencing and so on. Educators have a double-edged role: to include the
can be powerful in enhancing patient health results and decreasing appropriate employment of technologies in education and train nurses
healthcare expenses; Scientific research proclaims that inter-dis- to employ technology in clinical practice. Despite the changes taking
ciplinary cooperation results in various positive consequences, in both place in the nursing milieu, nurses still serve at the center of health care
acute and primary care settings (World Health Organization, 2010). system. Therefore, nurses must be properly trained to care for the
Powerful cooperation and team harmony yield higher patient content- human spirit, cultures and societies, educated in both the scientific and
ment, lesser hospital retention, reduced medical errors, enhanced pa- technical aspects of care and who provide holistic caring.
tient health results among individuals with chronic illnesses and a di-
minished mortality rate of hospitalized patients (World Health 2.6. Cultural diversity in nursing education
Organization, 2010).
Yet, there are various obstacles to instituting effective incorporated There is a need for enhancing the diversity within the nursing
teams, including a lack of shared perception of tasks and inter-profes- profession in light of the increasing influx of immigrants, minorities and
sional practice among providers. To function coherently as members of the expanding globalization, in order to satisfy the demands of our
these teams, students need to be prepared to deliver inter-disciplinary evolving community. Yet, various obstacles face the accomplishment of
care and to take part in inter-professional teams (Bridges, Davidson, diversity outcomes within the nursing educational programs. As
Soule Odegard, Maki, & Tomkowiak, 2011). Quintana and Lightfoot (2016) have proposed, diversity stimulates
Moreover, the healthcare system must be capable of expanding educators who are attempting to enhance student learning and
promptly beyond feasible capacity. Providing effective healthcare ser- achievement. Some nurse educators hold that diverse students demand
vices to populations demands a well-trained and collaborative health- excessive energy and time.
care workforce. Because nurses make up the density of the group of Dealing with diversity can also be depicted as an opportunity where
professionals within the healthcare workforce, they are essential to the working with the demands of diverse students can be an educational
efficient conveyance of all healthcare services. Meeting the necessities venture as well as a prospective advancement in the future of nursing.
for nurses during public health emergencies would be difficult today Knowing how to properly deal with diverse students is actually time
because of a wide gap of nurse shortages and would be increasingly and energy efficient and promotes the advancement of knowledge
burdensome in the future, when considerably greater shortages are through assessment and conforming course objectives and strategies to
expected. satisfy the variable acknowledged demands of the students. As student
needs are evaluated and addressed more effectively, less time will be
needed to clear up confusion and anger, less time will be spent in re-
2.4. Faculty development challenges mediation and less energy will be spent on frustration.
Thinking “out of the box” in order to accommodate the necessities
Quality education relies largely on well-trained and competent fa- of the diverse students is demanding, where there is no ideal thinking
culty members. Faculty development and faculty vacancies are de- methodology. Yet, the advancement lies in actually realizing that there
manding challenges in nursing education. Inadequate capacity in nur- is a cognitive barrier that we want to cross. When the necessities of
sing schools, increasing requirements to take part in non-academic some students are tackled creatively and innovatively, the academic
university activities and relatively low pay are a primary contributing climate is predicted to be enhanced. Nursing educators have to socialize
factor to the deficit of nurses and the lack of nursing faculty is a primary the students into the cultural context of the nursing practice system.
causative factor of the capacity restrains. Educators need practice to Addressing the advantages, disadvantages and benefits of dealing with
allow them to integrate theory into practice through synchronization of a diverse group of students, depicts a profound impact on the prospects
theoretical themes with the practice courses as well as evidence-based of nursing practice (Bednarz, Schim, & Doorenbos, 2010).
educational strategies more effectively and equip nursing students with
the competencies demanded in the 21st century’s healthcare environ- 2.7. Economic challenges
ment. Nursing schools demand faculty members who are experts in
nursing education and have the knowledge base to function in an ad- Tuition fees pose obstacles to prospective candidates where the
vanced practice role. Furthermore, deans of schools of nursing are de- economic depression in the US and regression in financial aid programs
manded to applaud these experts and act to cultivate systems that have changed the student’s study plans. In 2009, 15% of post-graduate
celebrate and reward expertise in nursing education (Bvumbwe, 2016). nursing academic programs have recognized financial status and costs
of the programs as barriers of enrolling in such programs (National
M.A. Fawaz et al. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 9 (2018) 105–110
League for Nursing, 2011). Moreover, program location can be a hin- higher. To accomplish this objective, policymakers should investigate
drance to nurses who are place bound by responsibilities to support unconventional tracks that enable students to be certified with a BSN.
family and provide income. Nursing programs are less available in rural
areas despite the increased and crucial necessity of such programs in 3.2. Implementation of bridging programs
such areas, where nurses have to be satisfied with longer shifts for less
pay (Fitzgerald, Kantrowitz-Gordon, Katz, & Hirsch, 2012). Further- The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) in
more, nurses who are employed in hospitals find it difficult to continue Lebanon developed a decree which enables universities to provide
their educational career and specialize in certain areas of nursing, as bridging programs for students who are certified with a Higher
employers usually have to pay replacement fees to in order for them to Technical (TS) Degree in nursing (with a GPA of 12/20 or above) to
attend their classes thus posing an added economic challenge. attain a university baccalaureate degree. In accordance, the Faculty of
Health Sciences- Nursing Department inaugurated, with the advisory of
3. Options for Addressing challenges the Order of Nurses in Lebanon and the Ministry of Education and
Higher Education in Lebanon, the “Nursing Bridging Program” to in-
The gap between education and the approach of practice for the terest those students which the Ministry's decree targets. This articulate
21st century has been rapidly widening. Education shall follow the program entails a curriculum with 54 credits which extends over three
scope of practice transformations and other alterations in the health- semesters at the least. Thus, bridging arrangements between BS pro-
care delivery system. Education favors the incremental adoption of grams and TS programs at 2-year institutions facilitate pursuing ba-
change whereas the practice setting is more agile and thus can swiftly chelor-level nursing education for such students. These arrangements
incorporate change. between the two and three year institutions distinguish which course
credits transfer across schools and contribute to an integrated education
3.1. BSN – quality and safety track to the BSN. The bridging program was starting based on Order of
Nurses in Lebanon (ONL) recommendations to maintain quality nursing
There are multiple various educational approaches a student may education, which allow students who hold Technique Superieur (TS)
undertake to become an RN. There is a disagreement over the required with a minimum average 12/20 to complete at least 50% of required
educational context demanded for novice practitioners contributing to university credit hours to upgrade his/her degree from TS to BS. The
the field. The decision concerning the proper recognition of RNs with complete bridging nationwide arrangement enables credits to be
prominent educational levels is a conflict that is yet to be solved. The transmittable among all institutions in the country. MEHE accords on
same degree, an RN, is granted to alumni of both Bachelor and technical improving the quality and safety in Lebanon healthcare, MEHE and
programs. ONL promote the aim of increasing the education of all registered
There are currently two approaches of nursing education accredited nurses to a BSN level or higher. To accomplish this objective, policy-
by both the Lebanese Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. makers should offer proper financing and promote partnerships among
The first is the academic track leading to a Bachelors of Nursing (BSN) institutions (EP-Nuffic, 2016).
degree (3 years training after 13 years of basic education) and the
second is the technical track leading to either the Technique Superior 3.3. Academic/practice partnerships
(TS; 3 years training after 13 years of basic education) or to the
Baccalaureate Technique (BT; 3 years training after 10 years of basic The creation of partnerships with a wide range of community or-
education). All three approaches are offered in English or French. ganizations and providers can instill shared interests and offer broader
According to the Order of Nurses in Lebanon, BSN and TS graduates are learning chances for nursing students. While faculty may consider that
both identified as professional registered nurses i.e. registered nurses an optimal clinical training experience is one where students are ad-
(RNs) whereas BT alumni are recognized as practitioner nurses. joined with instructors in a one-to-one ratio with patients inflowing at
A dispute has risen within the members of the profession and among preset appointment times, establishing partnerships with hospitals and
policymakers, pedagogues and employers regarding whether the care providers in various clinical settings and environments might be
Technical Nursing programs offers an RN with the requirements of valuable. The establishment of community relationships with a service-
substantial educational context for the advanced problem-solving de- learning framework can offer creative chances for students to interact
manded of nurses, or if the bachelor nursing program is a more favor- and take part in in health awareness, physical and mental health eva-
able approach into the practice environment. Research has proven that luations and intervention with people with no access healthcare ser-
bachelor education in nursing to have wider theoretical base than vices in a given setting. Thus, cooperation between educational in-
technical education in resulting in lower mortality rates of hospitalized stitutions of nursing and hospitals or clinical practice settings is a
patients in hospitals having more bachelor RNs than Technical RNs. method of resolving complex conflicts confronting educators and clin-
Kutney-Lee, Sloan and Aiken (2013) revealed that expansions in a icians. They believe that academic practice interchange can be an ef-
hospital’s rates of nurses certified with a bachelor degree in nursing ficient technique for decreasing workforce deficits and those policy-
were greatly related to decrease in percentages of surgical patient makers should promote such partnerships (Koy, 2016).
deaths and failure to thrive. Revelation of a notable mortality ad- One method with ability to help in the nursing faculty deficit and to
vantage related to enhanced nurse education in hospitals amplifies the create more clinical resources accessible for nursing education includes
significances of public policies to aid in the direction of a notable shift internal actions by academic institutions to establish and reinforce co-
toward the preparation of nurses with bachelor degrees in nursing. One operative partnerships. Academic institutions function coherently as
particular proposition that has been argued is to aim at all new public well as with hospitals and healthcare institutions to establish creative
financing of nursing pedagogy to graduating nurses with bachelor de- and enabling methods for making nurses and nurse educators ready and
grees, through multiple alterations such as granting bachelor degrees by to promote the extension of nursing academic programs. These pro-
community colleges (Aiken, 2011). grams are liable to be expensive, but if the advantages can be well
The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), in colla- identified, educational organizations, hospitals and healthcare institu-
boration with the Order of Nurses (ONL), agreed that a bachelor degree tions may be ready to venture upon their success (Robert Wood
in nursing is the academic license that optimally produces nurses apt for Johnson Foundation, 2010). Partnerships tackle complicated healthcare
the demands of the work environment. MEHE agrees on improving the concerns such as the deficit of nurses and nurse educators, the necessity
quality and safety in Lebanon healthcare, MEHE and ONL promote the to develop employee skills by strengthening the values and resources
aim of increasing the education of all registered nurses to a BSN level or provided by the partners and endeavors employed towards
M.A. Fawaz et al. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 9 (2018) 105–110
accomplishing shared advantageous aims and mutual responsibility. & Mcfooes, 2014). Simulation offers the student nurses a chance to
Advantages of partnerships involve shared space, clinical resources and exercise competencies until they master the skills and ability to provide
an enhanced research existence in the hospital (Horns et al., 2007). secure patient care.
Academic-practice partnerships offer the required leadership,
mentorship and reinforcement in a cooperative mechanism to execute 3.6. Simulation: The future of nursing education
and integrate the best new evidence into practice and promote an ele-
vated level of professional interaction by nurses. Academic-practice Nowadays, simulation is prevailing more than ever, promoted by
partnerships can be an efficient method to tackle workforce deficit as it trends such as the deficit in nursing educators and patient secrecy issues
prepares nurses directly to be employed in institutions that are involved at hospital-based practice settings. Simulation has also gone high-tech,
in mentioned partnerships thus it should be supported by policymakers enhancing its efficiency as a not only as a potent tool for novice nurses
(Gimbel, Kohler, Mitchell, & Emami, 2017). but for experience nurses as well who are interested in improving their
advanced competencies.
3.4. Internships Thus, simulation is a powerful educational strategy which can en-
hance patient outcomes and a culture of safety among nurses.
The transition from student to nurse is a strenuous one. Novice Numerous studies have showed that nurses participating in simulation
graduates are confronted by various obstacles when adjusting to the have displayed improvement in skills such as detecting a deteriorating
workforce. These involve an increasing number of patients with com- patient condition, classifying emergency patients more meticulously,
plicated cases and various comorbidities, unavailability of expert in- dealing with stroke patients, functioning cooperatively in obstetrics
structors and coaches, age variations within the workforce, perfor- settings and more.
mance anxiety and bullying. To aggravate the conflict, these problems The future of nursing education might reside in what is known as
often occur collectively. Novice nurses start out with immense pressure high-fidelity simulation: the employment of computerized mannequins
and with the lack of the proper reinforcement, the pressure of this that can display a wide range of patient situations. These high-fidelity
adaptation can sum up to an elevated turnover rate for new nurses simulation laboratories demonstrate an efficient outlet for nurses to
within their first 2 years of recruitment (Hofler and Thomas, 2016). practice the competencies required to take care of complicated, highly
Since it has been indicated a novice nurse needs a minimum of 1 year to critical cases; drill for emergency preparedness, or function collabora-
conquer the transfer into actual practice (Tradewell, 1996), many no- tively amongst a team of health care providers.
vice nurses leave their prime employers before they have had an op- With more revolution in nursing education comes an upper level of
portunity to become adapted to their unfamiliar environment. competence and knowledge in nursing practice. Nowadays, there is an
Internship programs enhance novice nurses’ intentions to stay and increasing demand for nursing educators who are able to induct
increase retention rates. For novice alumni to attain mastery, self-con- transformational leadership into the profession through a conception of
fidence and autonomy, institutions need a disciplined and well-planned simulation and other educational strategies.
method to developing mentors. The aptitude of novice nurses is en-
hanced after the execution of such a mentorship program (Daniel, 3.7. Inter-professional education (IPE)
Ramnarine, & Kathiravan, 2017).
The employment of nurse practicum programs helps nursing stu- Observers to nursing education systems around the world attain that
dents in adaptation for practice in the working setting before their nursing students are tutored by various health care professionals at
graduation from nursing programs. The aim of the program were to clinical settings. Therefore, Koh and Baker (2016) maintained that
transform novice professional nurses to skillful PNs, enhance the com- nursing education in the 21 century needs to sustain inter-professional
petency of novice nurses in fields such as efficient decision-making education to nursing students. There is an agreement that quality of
associate with critical thinking and functioning, innovate reinforcing care cannot be improved without integrating health care professionals
work setting, offer clinical leadership at the point of patient care, re- efforts and have all health care professional acknowledge and recognize
duce mistakes in caring for patients, reinforce the individual’s dedica- various roles of care professionals. IPE is an educational strategy that
tion to nursing as a career choice, create an individual evolvement plan sets practitioners or students of various health care or social care as-
associated with the nurse’s modern clinical role, integrate research- sociated disciplines in a single room to foster sharing competencies and
based evidence into practice and reduce nursing staff turnover rate. information among disciplines (Lewitt, Cross, Sheward, & Beirne,
Such programs facilitate the adaptation of professional nurses to pro- 2015). Thus, IPE is expected to fill the void that prevails among
fessional registered nurses, help them in offering competent and safe healthcare providers as it’s associated with communication and en-
care and enhance job satisfaction and retention. Program elements in- hancement of patient results. IPE has been identified by accreditation
clude designed clinical experience with a mentor, orientation for novice agencies and professional institutions as impartial to attaining secure,
nurses practicing in specialty areas and internships in academic health quality patient-oriented services. Furthermore, there is proof doc-
centers. umenting that interdisciplinary and inter-professional healthcare
training techniques could be efficient in enhancing patient outcomes
3.5. Develop and test innovative program Models/technology models and decreasing healthcare expenses as when various health care prac-
titioners of different disciplines cooperate in managing a patient’s case,
Information technology can promote the conveyance of course diagnosis can be more accurate thus leading to fewer misdiagnosed
materials, streamline course management, enhance availability by cases, fewer referrals and less visits to other health care facilities, and
students and faculty, diminish expenses and enhance educational re- consequently more prompt and more accurate treatment. In order to
sults (Huston, 2013). Information technologies have a broad spectrum promote cooperative performance and sturdy interdisciplinary health
of implementations in nursing programs, involving e-learning, simula- care teams, nursing education should incorporate IPE into con-
tions, blogs and online scholarly and research journals. Technologies temporary programs.
such as clinical simulation and e-learning can aid organizations invest Interdisciplinary education in healthcare and potential for nurses to
in assets and thereby broaden teaching abilities. practice among healthcare personnel from various professions provides
Simulation, the art and science of reinventing a clinical framework, students advantages from their mutual educational experiences; it also
has been an essential engaging approach in nursing edification because improves inter-professional engagement yielding in a clearer perception
it has the capability to be employed for assessment of cognitive, psy- and cooperation in the work environment (Fealy, 2005). Fealy high-
chomotor and efficient levels of learning (Regan & Onello, 2013; Ravert lights the potent employment of human and material assets in mutual
M.A. Fawaz et al. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 9 (2018) 105–110
learning settings. Approaches of interdisciplinary education involves establishing strong partnerships between educational facilities and
instructive experiences with mutual courses and modules, clinical clinical settings and implementing internship programs, simulation and
training including learning experiences in interdisciplinary care de- inter-professional approaches in nursing education, can be proposed
livery and project-based student experiences integrating these two that are ultimately beneficial for scholars, educators and the profession
factors (Fealy, 2005). of nursing education. These proposed improvements revolve around
The International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation valuing nursing practitioners, which in turn results in modifications in
Learning (INACSL) and The National League for Nursing (NLN), argued culture and attitude. Therefore, public health education regulations in
for simulation employment to train students for IP teamwork, compli- Lebanon should be put in place to facilitate nurses’ efficient activities,
cated clinical judgment and competencies to be more accomplishable of such as the formalization of occupational educational facilities based on
the simulation approach. Simulation-IPE is described as the employ- identifying nurses as the essence of improving the quality of health care
ment of health care simulation approaches with frameworks created to services in Lebanon.
enhance comprehension about other disciplines for comprehensive To tackle these demands, managers will require nursing practi-
model and transformative learning. Team members take part in distinct tioners who can provide health care services of high quality to clients of
knowledge base and specific skills, establish open communication and varying acuity in hospitals and community settings, as well as other
include mutual decision making during simulation exercises (Palagnas, health services such as case management, health promotion and disease
2012; Sanford, 2010). Simulation-IPE enables individuals to function prevention. In order to stay up to date with the vast variations in the
coherently as a team in a modulated setting that mimics the health care health care settings, nursing educators should regularly assess and audit
environment. It has displayed enhancements in the attainment of in- educational syllabuses, programs and strategies employed to prepare
formation, competencies, attitudes and behaviors of collaborative novice nurses. In addition, innovating and piloting new frameworks to
group work which is basis to foster secure, quality patient care (Decker, ease the access and progress to a Bachelor degree in nursing, as well as
2015). The objective of the simulation enhanced IPE is to improve strengthening and creating new relationships between educational fa-
quality and safety of services, perception and admiration for other cilities such as universities and colleges and clinical settings should be
professions, relationship, cooperation, transfer of information, cost ef- supported to establish articulation and bridging programs and tackle
fectiveness, problem-solving, future health system requirements and prospective labor market problems such as nursing deficits that might
communication among health care personnel and to enhance the value be avoided in such cases. Moreover, post-graduate educational pro-
of care in health environments. IPE is not a blending of or weakening of grams in nursing should be well financed, in order to facilitate the
roles (Hermann, Head, Black, & Singleton, 2016). functioning of nurses in faculty settings, as well as increasing the fi-
There are various standards for efficient IPE experiences include nancial support to nursing residency programs in order to support the
responsibility, making use of time in pre-planning with all stakeholders, entry to practice and promote nursing retention and reduce burnout
guaranteeing open communication, accountability, organization, col- and attrition and promote maintainable tactics to support retention of
laboration, confidence, autonomy and shared trust and admiration. A racially diverse body of nursing in education and practice. Furthermore,
prosperous IPE will assist the students in exhibiting, sharing and ex- developing a reliable feedback system between practitioner nurses and
ercising these principles with each other. By participating in simulation educational institutions is key to identify the deficits in nursing curri-
enhanced IPE health care, students become more engaged in their own cula and facilitate bridging the gap between theory and practice thus
edification and more holistic comprehension of their status in the providing higher quality of care as well as satisfying the diverse needs
healthcare team (IPECEP 2011). of the patients with enhanced safety measures. To add, inter-profes-
As nursing curriculums drift towards university environments, the sional educational models should be embraced and promoted and well
opportunity for mutual education augments. Policymakers should foster incorporated into the educational process of nursing students, as such
interdisciplinary and inter-professional education. This could be ac- models prepare prospective nurses with the major skills and knowledge
complished by innovating interdisciplinary and inter-professional edu- that are required in the 21st century health care system, enhance the
cational approaches and illustration projects that incorporate education use of technology and training of prospective healthcare providers on
of healthcare personnel to offer cooperative and client oriented ser- the use of medical technologies potently, foster cooperation and col-
vices. laboration among various disciplines of the complex health care system
which is patient centered, as well as help nursing practitioners in safe-
4. Conclusion guarding quality of care, patient safety and satisfaction in both hospital
and community based settings.
Nowadays, nursing education is facing various challenges locally
and globally, as well as it is exhibiting multiple facets of reformation. Conflict of interest statement
From aligning nursing education with the practice settings to in-
corporating nursing as an integral part of the health workforce, to None declared.
adequately preparing nursing educators and providing them with
proper development opportunities, to dealing with technological, eco- Appendix A. Supplementary data
nomical and ethnic challenges, nursing educators are entitled to re-
cognize and deal with the obstacles that come with the 21st century, in Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
order to maintain a high quality of nursing graduates, quality of care as doi.org/10.1016/j.ijans.2018.10.005.
well as safeguard patient safety and satisfaction.
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