Matt Slater Assembly Bill On Migrants
Matt Slater Assembly Bill On Migrants
Matt Slater Assembly Bill On Migrants
s15 Addabbo s34 Fernandez s28 Krueger s01 Palumbo s42 Skoufis
S. --------
s43 Ashby s60 Gallivan s24 Lanza s21 Parker s11 Stavisky
s36 Bailey s12 Gianaris s16 Liu s19 Persaud s45 Stec
s57 Borrello s59 Gonzalez s50 Mannion s13 Ramos s35 Stewart-
s46 Breslin s26 Gounardes s04 Martinez s05 Rhoads Cousins
s25 Brisport s53 Griffo s07 Martins s33 Rivera s44 Tedisco
IN SENATE--Introduced by Sen
s55 Brouk s40 Harckham s02 Mattera s39 Rolison s06 Thomas
s09 Canzoneri- s54 Helming s48 May s61 Ryan s49 Walczyk
Fitzpatrick s41 Hinchey s37 Mayer s18 Salazar s52 Webb
s17 Chu s47 Hoylman- s03 Murray s10 Sanders s38 Weber
--read twice and ordered printed,
s30 Cleare Sigal s20 Myrie s23 Scarcella- s08 Weik
and when printed to be committed
s14 Comrie s31 Jackson s51 Oberacker Spanton
to the Committee on
s56 Cooney s27 Kavanagh s58 O'Mara s32 Sepulveda
s22 Felder s63 Kennedy s62 Ortt s29 Serrano
-------- A.
-------- IN ASSEMBLY__________________________________________________
Assembly introducer's signature
The Members of the Assembly whose names are circled below wish to join me in the
IN ASSEMBLY--Introduced by M. of A. multi-sponsorship of this proposal:
a078 Alvarez a140 Conrad a150 Goodell a017 Mikulin a016 Sillitti
a031 Anderson a032 Cook a116 Gray a122 Miller a052 Simon
a121 Angelino a039 Cruz a100 Gunther a051 Mitaynes a075 Simone
with M. of A. as co-sponsors a037 Ardila a043 Cunningham a139 Hawley a145 Morinello a114 Simpson
a035 Aubry a021 Curran a083 Heastie a144 Norris a094 Slater
a120 Barclay a018 Darling a028 Hevesi a045 Novakhov a005 Smith
a106 Barrett a053 Davila a128 Hunter a069 O'Donnell a118 Smullen
a105 Beephan a072 De Los Santos a029 Hyndman a091 Otis a022 Solages
--read once and referred to the a107 Bendett a003 DeStefano a079 Jackson a132 Palmesano a110 Steck
Committee on a082 Benedetto a070 Dickens a104 Jacobson a088 Paulin a010 Stern
a042 Bichotte a054 Dilan a011 Jean-Pierre a141 Peoples- a127 Stirpe
Hermelyn a081 Dinowitz a134 Jensen Stokes a102 Tague
*EXECLA* a117 Blankenbush a147 DiPietro a115 Jones a023 Pheffer a064 Tannousis
(Requires residents of the state, a015 Blumencranz a009 Durso a077 Joyner Amato a086 Tapia
who are foreign refugees, to regis- a073 Bores a099 Eachus a125 Kelles a063 Pirozzolo a071 Taylor
ter with the office of temporary and a098 Brabenec a048 Eichenstein a040 Kim a089 Pretlow a001 Thiele
disability assistance) a026 Braunstein a074 Epstein a013 Lavine a019 Ra a033 Vanel
a138 Bronson a109 Fahy a065 Lee a030 Raga a055 Walker
a046 Brook-Krasny a061 Fall a126 Lemondes a038 Rajkumar a143 Wallace
a020 Brown, E. a008 Fitzpatrick a095 Levenberg a006 Ramos a112 Walsh
Exec. foreign refugees register
a012 Brown, K. a004 Flood a060 Lucas a062 Reilly a041 Weinstein
a093 Burdick a057 Forrest a135 Lunsford a087 Reyes a024 Weprin
a085 Burgos a124 Friend a123 Lupardo a149 Rivera a059 Williams
a142 Burke a050 Gallagher a129 Magnarelli a027 Rosenthal, D. a113 Woerner
to amend the executive law, in
a119 Buttenschon a131 Gallahan a101 Maher a067 Rosenthal, L. a080 Zaccaro
relation to directing the division
a133 Byrnes a007 Gandolfo a036 Mamdani a025 Rozic a096 Zebrowski
of homeland security and emergency
a044 Carroll a068 Gibbs a130 Manktelow a111 Santabarbara a056 Zinerman
services to develop a plan to ensure
a058 Chandler- a002 Giglio, J.A. a108 McDonald a090 Sayegh
that refugee resettlement agencies
Waterman a148 Giglio, J.M. a014 McDonough a076 Seawright
monitor certain refugees; and
a049 Chang a066 Glick a097 McGowan a084 Septimo
directing the office for new Ameri-
a136 Clark a034 Gonzalez- a146 McMahon a092 Shimsky
cans to conduct a background check
a047 Colton Rojas a137 Meeks a103 Shrestha
on refugees; to amend the social
services law, in relation to requir-
1) Single House Bill (introduced and printed separately in either or
ing aliens admitted to the United both houses). Uni-Bill (introduced simultaneously in both houses and printed
States as refugees to register with as one bill. Senate and Assembly introducer sign the same copy of the bill).
2) Circle names of co-sponsors and return to introduction clerk with 2
signed copies of bill and: in Assembly 2 copies of memorandum in support, in
Senate 4 copies of memorandum in support (single house); or 4 signed copies
of bill and 6 copies of memorandum in support (uni-bill).
LBDC 01/10/23
05/10/23 2 11317-01-3
3 ______________________________________________________________________
(w) develop and implement a plan to ensure that all refugee resettle-
4 ________________________________________________________________________
ment agencies comply with the requirements of section one thousand four
5 _______________________________________________________
hundred thirteen of the not-for-profit corporation law.
7 executive law, as added by chapter 206 of the laws of 2014, are amended
11 communities; [and]
13 produce a report to the governor, the speaker of the assembly, and the
15 office, including but not limited to, summarizing calls received through
20 ______________________________________________________________________
(o) Screen and perform a background screening of every immigrant who
21 ________________________________________________________________________
registers pursuant to subdivision nine of section twenty of the social
22 ________________________________________________________________________
services law, to ensure that the immigrant does not present a security
23 ________________________________________________________________________
risk to the state or the United States. The office shall provide the
24 ________________________________________________________________________
results of each such screening to the department of law, the division of
25 ________________________________________________________________________
state police, the New York city police department, the office of the
26 ________________________________________________________________________
county sheriff for each county in the state, all municipal police
27 ________________________________________________________________________
departments and the division of homeland security and emergency
28 _________
05/10/23 4 11317-01-3
2 social services law, paragraph (i) as added by chapter 304 of the laws
4 56 of the laws of 2022, are amended and a new paragraph (k) is added to
5 read as follows:
7 ments with the federal social security administration and public agen-
9 program or programs under title I, II, IV-A, IV-D, X, XIV, XVI, or XIX
10 of the social security act under which the department will provide such
15 data obtained from the wage reporting system operated by the state
18 _________________________________________________________
forty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-eight;
23 her family served in the United States military, and an option to answer
26 assistance shall ensure that contact information for the state depart-
1 ______________________________________________________________________
(k) to collect and maintain reports submitted by refugee resettlement
2 ________________________________________________________________________
agencies pursuant to section fourteen hundred thirteen of the not-for-
3 _______________________
profit corporation law.
6 ______________________________________________________________________
9. (a) The bureau of refugee and immigrant assistance of the office of
7 ________________________________________________________________________
temporary and disability assistance shall provide to each alien who
8 ________________________________________________________________________
resides in the state, and who was admitted to the United States of Amer-
9 ________________________________________________________________________
ica as a refugee pursuant to section two hundred seven of the United
10 ________________________________________________________________________
States Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. § 1157) or who was
11 ________________________________________________________________________
seeking asylum pursuant to section two hundred eight of such act (8
12 ________________________________________________________________________
U.S.C. § 1158), that he or she is required, within thirty days of enter-
13 __________________
ing the state, to:
14 ______________________________________________________________________
(i) register as a refugee with the office of temporary and disability
15 _______________
assistance; and
16 ______________________________________________________________________
(ii) be interviewed by and provide his or her fingerprints to an offi-
17 ________________________________________________________________________
cer or employee of such office designated by the commissioner of tempo-
18 _______________________________
rary and disability assistance.
19 ______________________________________________________________________
(b) The commissioner of temporary and disability assistance shall
20 ________________________________________________________________________
maintain all refugee registration data and information in an electronic
21 ________________________________________________________________________
database. Not less than on a monthly basis, the office of temporary and
22 ________________________________________________________________________
disability assistance shall forward a copy of the registration record of
23 ________________________________________________________________________
each refugee who registered during the preceding month, to the office of
24 ________________________________________________________________________
children and family services, the department of health, the office for
25 ________________________________________________________________________
new Americans, the department of law, the division of state police, and
26 _________________________________________________________
the division of homeland security and emergency services.
27 ______________________________________________________________________
(c) Annually, on or before February first, the commissioner of tempo-
28 ________________________________________________________________________
rary and disability assistance shall submit a report on the registration
05/10/23 6 11317-01-3
1 ________________________________________________________________________
program established by this subdivision to the governor, the temporary
2 ________________________________________________________________________
president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly. Such report
3 ________________________________________________________________________
shall include the number of refugees who registered during the previous
4 ____________________________________________
calendar year and their countries of origin.
5 ______________________________________________________________________
(d) For the purposes of this subdivision, the terms "alien" and "refu-
6 ________________________________________________________________________
gee" shall have the same meaning as is ascribed to such terms by section
7 ________________________________________________________________________
one hundred one of the United States Immigration and Nationality Act (8
8 _____________
U.S.C. 1101).
11 ______________________________________
§ 1413. Refugee resettlement agencies.
12 ______________________________________________________________________
(a) Definition. "Refugee resettlement agency" means a voluntary agen-
13 ________________________________________________________________________
cy, as defined pursuant to section 1411 of the United States Immigration
14 ________________________________________________________________________
and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. § 1521), organization, or affiliate of
15 ________________________________________________________________________
such agency or organization that receives federal funding for refugee
16 ________________________________________________________________________
reception and placement resettlement services or other federal grants
17 ____________________________________________________________
intended for the support of refugee resettlement activities.
18 ______________________________________________________________________
(b) Reporting requirement. Each refugee resettlement agency shall
19 ________________________________________________________________________
report, on a quarterly basis, to the bureau of refugee and immigrant
20 ________________________________________________________________
assistance of the office of temporary and disability assistance:
21 ______________________________________________________________________
(1) the total number of refugees resettled by the agency and the total
22 _____________________________________________________
of such refugees in each of the following age groups:
23 ________________________________
(A) under eighteen years of age,
24 _____________________________________________________
(B) between eighteen and sixty-four years of age, and
25 _____________________________________
(C) sixty-five years of age or older;
26 ______________________________________________________________________
(2) the public assistance benefits the refugees have applied for or
27 ______________________
have been granted; and
28 ____________________________________________
(3) the countries of origin of the refugees.
05/10/23 7 11317-01-3
1 ______________________________________________________________________
(c) Monitoring requirement. Each refugee resettlement agency shall
2 ________________________________________________________________________
monitor refugees who have registered with the office of temporary and
3 ________________________________________________________________________
disability assistance pursuant to subdivision nine of section twenty of
4 ________________________________________________________________________
the social services law for a period of one year or until such time as a
5 ________________________________________________________________________
refugee is granted permanent resident status by the United States Citi-
6 ______________________________________________________________
zenship and Immigration Services, whichever shall occur first.