CMT Basic
CMT Basic
CMT Basic
The rebound hammer test, also Some of these alternatives include the
known as the Schmidt hammer test, following:
is a nondestructive test performed on • self-consolidating concrete
hardened concrete to determine the • flowable fill
hardness of the surface. The larger the •shotcrete
rebound, the harder is the concrete •lightweight concrete
surface and, therefore, the greater is • heavyweight concrete
the strength. •high-strength concrete
•shrinkage-compensating concrete
7.5.5 Penetration Resistance Test
•polymers and concrete fiber-
The penetration resistance test, reinforced concrete
also known as the Windsor Probe •roller-compacted concrete
test, is standardized by ASTM C803. •high-performance concrete
The instrument is a gunlike device that •pervious concrete
shoots probes into the concrete
7.6.1 Self-Consolidating Concrete
surface in order to determine its
strength. The amount of penetration Self-consolidating concrete (SCC),
of the probe in the concrete is also known as self-compacting
inversely related to the strength of concrete is a highly flowable,
concrete. nonsegregating concrete that can
spread into place, fill the formwork,
7.5.6 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
and encapsulate the reinforcement,
without any mechanical consolidation
The ultrasonic pulse velocity test (NRMCA).
(ASTM C597) measures the velocity
Two important properties specific to
of an ultrasonic wave passing through
SCC in its plastic state are its
the concrete In this test, the path
flowability and stability. The high
length between transducers is divided
flowability of SCC is achieved by
by the travel time to determine the
using high-range waterreducing
average velocity of wave propagation.
admixtures without adding extra
7.5.7 Maturity Test mixing water. The stability, or
resistance to segregation, is that is consolidated by the impact
attained by increasing the amount of force and can be placed on vertical or
fines and/or by using admixtures that horizontal surfaces without sagging.
modify the viscosity of the mixture.
Supplementary cementitious
Fines could be either cementitious
materials, such as fly ash and silica
materials or mineral fines.
fume, can be used in shotcrete to
7.6.2 Flowable Fill improve workability, chemical
resistance, and durability.
Flowable fill is a self-leveling and
self-compacting, cementitious material 7.6.4 Lightweight Concrete
with an unconfined compressive
The use of lightweight concrete in a
strength of 8.3 MPa (1200 psi) or less.
structure is usually predicated on the
Flowable fill is primarily used as a
overall cost of the structure; the
backfill material in lieu of compacted
concrete may cost more, but the
granular fill.
reduced dead weight can reduce
One of the unique properties of structural and foundation costs.
flowable fill that makes it
7.6.5 Heavyweight Concrete
advantageous compared with
compacted granular fill is its Biological shielding used for nuclear
flowability. High flowability and self- power plants, medical units, and
leveling characteristics allow flowable atomic research and test facilities
fill to eliminate voids and access requires massive walls to contain
spaces that prove to be difficult or radiation. Concrete is an excellent
impossible with compacted granular shielding material. For biological
fill. shields, the mass of the concrete can
be increased with the use of
Flowable fill has several advantages
heavyweight aggregates.
over compacted granular backfill.
Flowable fill does not require 7.6.6 High-Strength Concrete
compaction, which is a main concern
with granular backfill. Flowable fill can Concrete made with normal-weight
also reach inaccessible locations, such aggregate and having compressive
as places around pipes, which are hard strengths greater than 40 MPa (6000
to reach with granular backfill. psi) is considered to be high-strength
Flowable fill also has a greater bearing concrete. Producing a concrete with
capacity than compacted granular fill more than 40 MPa compressive
and no noticeable settlement. It can strength requires care in the
even be placed in standing water. proportioning of the components and
These advantages result in reduced in- in quality control during construction.
place costs for labor and equipment,
In particular, the porosity of the
as well as time saving during
cement paste and the transition zone
between the cement paste and the
Flowable fill is typically used as backfill aggregate are the controlling factors
for utility trenches, retaining walls, for developing high strength. High-
pipe bedding, and building excavation. strength concrete has excellent
durability due to its tight pore
7.6.3 Shotcrete structure.
Shotcrete is mortar or small- 7.6.7 Shrinkage-Compensating
aggregate concrete that is sprayed at Concrete
high velocity onto a surface Shotcrete,
also known as “gunite” or “sprayed Normal concrete shrinks at early ages,
concrete,” is a relatively dry mixture especially if it is not properly cured.
The addition of alumina powders to 7.6.10 Roller-Compacted Concrete
the cement can cause the concrete to
Based on the unique requirements for
expand at early ages.
mass concrete used for dam
Shrinkage-compensating cement is construction, roller-compacted
marketed as Type K cement. concrete (RCC) was developed. This
Expansive properties can be used to material uses a relatively low cement
advantage by restraining the concrete, factor, relaxed gradation
either by reinforcing or by other requirements, and a water content
means, at early ages. As the selected for construction
restrained concrete tries to expand, considerations rather than strength.
compressive stresses are developed.
7.6.11 High-Performance
These compressive stresses reduce
the tensile stresses developed by
drying shrinkage, and the chance of The American Concrete Institute (ACI)
the concrete cracking due to drying defines HPC as concrete that meets
shrinkage is reduced. special performance and uniformity
requirements, which cannot always be
7.6.8 Polymers and Concrete
obtained using conventional
Polymers can be used in several ingredients normal mixing procedures,
ways in the production of concrete. and typical curing practices.
The polymer can be used as the sole
7.6.12 Pervious Concrete
binding agent to produce polymer
concrete. Polymers can be mixed with Concrete is generally designed to have
the plastic concrete to produce limited amount of air voids in order to
polymer–portland cement concrete. increase its strength and durability,
Polymers can be applied to hardened which is required in most concrete
concrete to produce polymer- structures. However, in response to
impregnated concrete. sustainability considerations,
pervious concrete has been
Polymer concrete is a mixture of
developed that is specifically designed
aggregates and a polymer binder.
to allow water to pass through it.
7.6.9 Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
The pervious concrete may be used
The brittle nature of concrete is due to as the surface layer for light-traffic
the rapid propagation of microcracking pavement designed to capture and
under applied stress. However, with store rainfall and runoff, which is then
fiber-reinforced concrete, failure allowed to percolate into the subgrade
takes place due to fiber pull-out or soil.
debonding. Unlike plain concrete,
fiber-reinforced concrete can sustain P
load after initial cracking. This A
effectively improves the toughness of
the material.