Overview of DOS Attacks On Wireless Sensor Networks and Experimental Results For Simulation of Interference Attacks
Overview of DOS Attacks On Wireless Sensor Networks and Experimental Results For Simulation of Interference Attacks
Overview of DOS Attacks On Wireless Sensor Networks and Experimental Results For Simulation of Interference Attacks
Wireless sensor networks are now used in various fields. The information transmitted in the wireless sensor networks is very sensitive,
so the security issue is very important. DOS (denial of service) attacks are a fundamental threat to the functioning of wireless sensor
networks. This paper describes some of the most common DOS attacks and potential methods of protection against them. The case
study shows one of the most frequent attacks on wireless sensor networks – the interference attack. In the introduction of this paper
authors assume that the attack interference can cause significant obstruction of wireless sensor networks. This assumption has been
proved in the case study through simulation scenario and simulation results.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Intrusion detection, Wireless communication, Communication system security,
Radiofrequency interference.
Las redes de sensores inalámbricos se utilizan ahora en varios campos. La información transmitida en las redes de sensores
inalámbricos es muy delicada, por lo que el tema de la seguridad es muy importante. Los ataques de DOS (Denegación de servicio)
son una amenaza fundamental para el funcionamiento de las redes de sensores inalámbricos. Este documento describe algunos de
los ataques DOS más comunes y los posibles métodos de protección contra ellos. El estudio de caso muestra uno de los ataques más
frecuentes a las redes de sensores inalámbricos: el ataque de interferencia. En la introducción de este artículo, los autores suponen
que la interferencia de ataque puede causar una obstrucción significativa de las redes de sensores inalámbricos. Esta suposición se
ha demostrado en el estudio de caso a través de escenarios de simulación y los resultados de estas simulaciones.
Palabras clave: Redes de sensores inalámbricos, detección de intrusión, comunicación inalámbrica, seguridad del sistema de
comunicación, interferencia de radiofrecuencia.
Received: June 6th 2017
Accepted: November 20th 2017
• Communication subsystem, which is in charge of WSN performance under some attacks is described in
sending and receiving data Rupayan et al. (2016). This paper shows how does the
interference reduces throuput of WSN.
• Power supply subsystem, which is in charge of securing
autonomy of sensor node.
Apart from the components listed above, sensor nodes can Communication in wireless sensor networks
have additional components such as a GPS module which
is used for determining the location of the sensor node. Sensor nodes are scattered on the sensor array. All sensor
Sensor nodes can also have actuators with which they nodes send data to sink. In order for sensor nodes to send
influence the observed process. In case additional modules the data properly to the sink and vice versa, it is necessary
which require a vast amount of energy are used, it is very to obey the rules of communication – protocols. Figure 1
difficult to sustain the energetic stability of a sensor node. shows protocol stack which is used with WSN.
Sensor nodes have limited resources, such as the battery
power supply, weak processing ability and similarly. It is
possible to prolong battery lifetime in scarce environments
of energy by using several different energy efficiency
techniques. There are approaches based on power saving
techniques such as data compression (Distribution Com
pressive), improvements to routing algorithms and the
method of hibernating of the sensor node (Oliveira, 2015).
Many papers describe the taxonomies of DOS attacks. Most Data link layer is responsible for multiplexing data stream,
of those papers show attacks clasified by protocol stack detecting data frames, medium access and error detection
layers (Raymond et al., 2008; Wood 2002). Some of papers (Dargie, 2010).
show attacks classified on pasive and active (Shahzad et
al., 2017). Physical layer is responsible for choosing frequency,
generating frequency carrier, signal detection, modulation
Radio interference attack is described in Hamieh et al. of data. Most commonly frequencies from ISM (industrial,
(2009), Nancy et al. (2014) and Hamza et al. (2016). scientific, and medical) range are used. Generating
frequency carrier and signal detection depend on hardware • Decrease in network performance;
limitations, and the goal is to be simple, save energy,
• Parts of the network are not responding;
and achieve the lowest price of the final product. Most
commonly binary and M-ary modulation schemes are used. • Increase of spam messages;
Binary modulation schemes are cheap because of their
• Delay or loss of packets and their confirmations.
simple implementation, and thus they are characterized by
better power efficiency (Pomalaza, 2004). In Table I the most common DOS attacks are shown,
classified according to protocol stack layers.
Apart from layers which are consistent with TCP/IP model,
there are also planes, like the plane for power control, the Table 1. Dos attacks
plane for movement control and the plane for task control.
Layer Attacks
Planes overlook power consumption, movement and
distribution of tasks between sensors. They enable reduction Jamming
Physical layer Interference
of total power consumption and help with coordination in Node tampering and destruction
the data collection process.
Link layer Exhaustion
Data connection layer and physical layer are defined with Unfairness
Source: Authors
Considering that radio media is used to transfer data
within WSN, the very process of sending is subject to
various safety risks and threats. Sensor nodes have limited DOS attacks depending on their level of destructiveness
resources. Therefore, it is often not possible to protect them can be classified in following groups (Buch et al., 2010):
with sophisticated safety protocols and techniques. Safety
protocols and mechanisms within WSNs are developed in • Attacks which waste resources, such as memory,
such a way that they secure the network on a satisfactory processing time, bandwidth and similar
level using as little resources as possible. In contrast to • Attacks which delete or change rooting information
sensor nodes, attacker can use equipment which has
much larger resources and capabilities, such as stronger • Attacks which interrupt information about network
antennas for signal emission, constant power supply, strong status, such as interrupting TCP session
processor and memory capacity. This is part of the reason • Attacks which interfere the communication between
why number of attacks on WSNs is increasing. legitimate nodes
One of the most common attacks on WSNs, and that goes DOS attacks at physical layer
through all layers of protocol stack, is DOS attack. The
main aim of this attack is to disable proper functioning of Jamming is one of the most common DOS attacks on WSNs.
the network. Attacker or attackers, using various types of Attacks are defined as constant interference, random,
attacks, prevent the legitimate network nodes from using deceptive and reactive functions. In case of constant
the network resources. If the network is being attacked jamming, data is emitted by the attacker in regular time
by multiple attackers, that situation is called a distributed intervals. Flooding attack happens when the attacker acts
attack. This kind of attack can cause significantly more like a legitimate node within the network and continuously
problems in network functioning than attacks on a single sends data. Also when the attacker notices data transfer
node. Attacker can be an outside node, which is not a part within the network he then emits jam signal. Instead of
of WSN, or it can be one of the legitimate nodes that’s been continuously sending out a radio signal, a random jammer
compromised by the attacker. Some of the indicators of alternates between sleeping and jamming. Specifically,
DOS attack are (Buch et al., 2010): after jamming for a while, it turns off its radio and enters
a “sleeping” mode. It will resume jamming after sleeping time as legitimate nodes in order to intercept the arrival of
for some time (Xu et al., 2006). Another kind of jammer is the packet from the legitimate node to the receiver.
a deceptive jammer. It sends a constant stream of bytes into
the network to make it look like legitimate traffic (Raymond Counter measures: To overcome this problem ECC (error
et al., 2008). An alternative approach to jamming wireless correction code) must be used. Most codes correct lesser
communication is to employ a reactive strategy. A reactive collisions, but they require additional processor capacity
jammer stays quiet when the channel is idle, but starts and communication resources. The main problem is that
transmitting a radio signal as soon as it senses activity on the attacker is capable of generating more errors than can
the channel (Xu at al., 2006). be corrected (Raymond et al., 2008). In the paper (Dbibih
et al., 2016) a new algorithm for limiting access to medium
Counter measures: Spread spectrum technique helps in CAMAC, is shown. The function of this algorithm is to
avoiding these kinds of attacks (Raymond et al., 2008). Aside prioritize every message in order to minimize the number
from spread spectrum technique, nodes must have their of collisions.
own strategy to confront jamming attacks. Such as putting
node into sleep mode during the duration of jam signal, Exhaustion occurs in the case of constant collisions, which
in order to preserve power efficiency, also periodically leads to a complete congestion of the channel. Usually the
waking up nodes in order to check if the jamming signal is attacker sends large number of RTS (requests to send).
still active (Ghildiyal et al., 2014). In the paper (Nancy et
al., 2014), the new approach for detection and protection Counter measures: One of the solutions to this is for MAC
from jamming attacks, is described. This approach uses two (Medium Access Control) to reject enormous number of
modules which determine the level of interference in WSN. requests from a specific node (Amara et al., 2013). Other
First module protects the network from internal nodes solution for this kind of attack is to use time multiplexing, i.
that are marked as nodes which previously emitted large e. to set a time limit for the access medium and in that way
amounts of jamming signal. Second module detects new to reject attacker’s excessive number of requests (Ghildiyal
potential attacker nodes. Results shown in the paper reveal et al., 2014).
that this approach offers high level of attacker detection.
Unfairness occurs with illegal use of connection layer
Interference occurs when the attacker generates large mechanism that obstructs regular activities. Unfairness
amounts of network traffic in the form of radio waves, occurs with collision or constant access to the channel.
periodically or constantly in order to interfere with network
functioning. Counter measures: In order to minimize unfairness it is
necessary to use small rams by all sensor nodes. When
Counter measures: Symmetrical key algorithm with delayed small rams are used all nodes deny access to the channel
revelation of keys during the pause is used in order to solve for short periods of time (Saxena, 2007).
this problem (Raymond et al., 2008). In the work presented
by Danyang et al. (2013), the use the mechanism with DOS attacks at network layer
adaptive filtering on bases of predetermined threshold of
interference in order to gain more efficient frequency range Sybil attack occurs when the malicious node presents
is suggested. This mechanism contributes to a decrease of multiple identities to other nodes in the network. A node
interference and to more efficient use of resources within can appear in multiple locations or multiple times in a
WSN. single network. It can be very complicated for the attacker to
convey this type of attack in the network in which every pair
Node destruction occurs when attacker gains physical of neighboring nodes uses a unique key for initialization or
access to the node and disables its functioning or gains frequency hopping in expanded range. With Sybil attacks
access to its memory with the aim to change the information when routing protocols are attacked, the malicious node
which secures proper functioning. Defective node causes takes identity of multiple nodes which leads to conveying
interference in communication. multiple routs through it.
Counter measures: The way of protection from physical Counter measures: Defense against Sybil attacks is achieved
access to the node is setting up a physical package to through identity check and through use of ID based key
protect it or placing the node on hardly accessible location and location based key (Shahzad et al., 2017). In the paper
(Raymond et al., 2008). (Yong et al., 2006), the way to detect Sybil attack using
inquiries is described. This is achieved through sending
DOS attacks at data link layer inquiries to the nodes in the cluster by the master node in
the cluster.
Collision occurs when two nodes try to send packets at
the same time on the same frequency. Loss of packet or Selective forwarding is an attack which occurs when the
sum control error appears in the transmitter that sends malicious node rejects some of the received packets, and
messages. The malicious node tries to send data at the same forwards others. The attacker can reject packets according
to certain criteria. Therefore it can forward all the packets bidirectional verification scheme. The attacker can be
received from a certain node and reject all the packets identified by checking the average signal strength of the
from another node. Specific case of this type of attack is nodes within network, therefore the node with greater
rejection of all packets, but in this case the neighboring signal strength then the surrounding nodes is the potential
nodes easily detect the malicious node, and start using attacker (Maleh et al., 2016).
alternative routes.
Wormhole attack occurs when the attacker tunnels data
Counter measures: Solution to this kind of attack is using traffic between one part of the network and the other,
multiple routes (Hossain et al., 2015). In the paper (Mathur using direct slow speed connection. For this attack usually
et al., 2015), modified protocol for safe routing is described. two malicious nodes are used, one of which is near the
This protocol has the ability to detect attacks on routing, sink. One node is presented to other surrounding nodes as
such as selective forwarding. the best node for forwarding data to sink. The forwarding
usually seems executable in one jump, using a tunnel
Sinkhole is an attack which occurs when the malicious node between the two malicious nodes.
is positioned in such way that all data traffic of a certain
area is routed through it, and its role is to reject all received Counter measures: Possible minimization of this kind
packets. The malicious node is identified by surrounding of attack can be achieved through geographic routing
nodes as the most efficient node to send data through. The protocol; same as for Sinkhole attack (Hossain et al., 2015).
node achieves this by reducing the number of jumps to the In the paper (Goyal et al., 2015) defenses against wormhole
sink using a strong transmitter. The longer malicious node attacks are sorted into following categories: location and
operates within the network, the more rapidly the number temporal based defense approach (it is based on time
of nodes that send data through it increases. A sinkhole synchronization and distribution of secret keys), defense
attack can be achieved using an artifical beneficial route. approach based on connection and surrounding nodes (it is
In this type of attack the intruder has greater computational based on jump count and listing of neighboring nodes), and
and communication power than other nodes and manages approach based on topology (it is based on adding extra
to create a high quality single hop connection with the base elements that deal with network monitoring).
station. It then emits its high quality routing message to its
neighbors. After this, all the neighbors divert their traffic DOS attacks at transport layer
to the base station to pass through the intruder and the
sinkhole attack is launched (Chaudhry et al., 2013). Flooding occurs when the attacker sends large number of
requests for establishing connection, therefore depleting
Counter measures: One of the solutions for this type of resources of legitimate nodes. Namely, transport layer
attacks is the use of geographic routing protocol (Yong et protocols are sustaining end to end connection, so sending
al., 2006). In the paper (Wazid et al., 2013), algorithm a request for establishing the connection is required every
which detects and prevents this type of attack is described. time we want to establish the connection.
Hello flooding occurs when attacker sends a broadcast Counter measures: This kind of attack is solved by limiting
hello message using equipment which has strong emission the number of connections that a single node can establish,
power. The message is received by a large number of but in this case it is possible for a legitimate node to fail to
nodes that detect surrounding nodes as the attacker, even connect (Saxena, 2007). Solution offered in Amara et al.
though the real attacker is usually distanced from the node (2013) requires that the node which needs to establish the
and actually is out of their range. Legitimate nodes send connection with another node must first solve a puzzle. For
messages towards the attacker, and in case the attacker the attacker this requires additional resources, and prevents
receives these messages he rejects or abuses them in other the establishment of a large number of connections in short
ways. In case messages are not delivered to the attacker period of time.
node, their content is lost. Namely, large number of
protocols requires broadcast sending of ‘hello’ message by Desynchronization refers to disconnection of established
every single node (Singh et al., 2010). Every node presents connection. The malicious node requires constant sending
the message to his neighbors, so they can communicate of requests for establishing connection from one or both
with it. For this type of attack, the attacker usually uses a nodes between which the connection is established. This
laptop of a much stronger configuration then the sensor way the established connection desynchronizes, and
nodes. besides that, additional power is wasted on responding to
the malicious node.
Counter measures: Solution to this kind of attack is the use
of authentication by the third node (Yong et al., 2006) or Counter measures: Solution for this kind of attack is to
geographic routing protocol (Raymond et al., 2008). In the authenticate all packets being exchanged between sensor
paper (Maheswari et al., 2016) new safety routing scheme nodes, including all fields of packet header (Benbrahim,
RAAED is presented. This scheme is based on enhanced 2011).
DOS attacks at application layer In the paper (Mopari et al., 2008) DDOS attacks are
classified into volume based attacks, protocol based attacks
Sensor overload occurs when the attacker tries to overload and application layer based attacks. In the following table
the node by stimulating sensors, which causes forwarding detailed classification of DDOS attacks is shown.
of large amount of data traffic towards the sink. This attack
overloads the bandwidth and wastes node’s power. Table 2. DDOS attacks
Counter measures: The solution is to choose a good In Mopari et al. (2008) a mechanism which is focused on
authentication method or anti replay protection (Isha et al., detection and rejection of false packets is shown. Packet
2013). authenticity is checked by the estimated number of jumps
required for packet to reach its destination. Table of jump
Distributed DOS attacks numbers is created with purpose of finding and memorizing
the number of packet hops. This table is used for discovering
Distributed DOS attacks – DDOS (distributed denial of false packets which are discarded in filtering phase.
service) represents special group of attacks during which
multiple nodes in cooperation attack the WSN. In this DAT (Liu et al., 2011) is model of defense which analyzes
situation the attacked node is being flooded by hundreds the behavior of nodes in order to determent whether the
or even thousands of different nodes (Wesam et al., 2014). node is real or false.
DDOS attack consists of four elements (Sonar et al., 2014): Depending on the activities conducted by the user, system
evaluates whether the node is valid, and it eventually takes
• Real attacker steps towards disconnecting it from network.
• Compromised nodes which are running a special
In Choi et al. 2010) integrated infrastructure for defense
program (handler), and have the ability to control
from DDOS attacks is presented. Firstly, attack is divided
multiple agents
into three phases, than requirements for defense are shown
• Agent nodes, which execute special program that is for each phase. When all requirements are met, integrated
responsible for generating streams of data towards infrastructure is created IDDI.
victim (the attacked node). These nodes are usually
outside of victim’s network Sahu et al. (2014) present the system for network data
filtering whose aim is to prevent DDOS. Network filter
• Victim
tracks data traffic from nodes, and if it detects that a node
The flow of DDOS attack is shown in Figure 2: emits large quantity of data in short time intervals, it
determines that the node is the attacker and discards its
packets that are being sent to sink.
Case study towards sink, and in this process the number of received
packets by the sink is tracked.
In the practical part of this paper, the authors describe
one way of provoking a DOS attack. As it was mentioned After testing different sub scenarios different results were
previously, DOS attacks aim to disable proper network acquired depending on the distance of the attacker node.
functioning. This is one of very common attacks on WSN. In the following table summary results of testing are shown.
The authors describe and implement a scenario of this type Table 3. Testing results
of attack in the following text by adding an attacker node
to WSN. The attacker emits large quantity of data traffic With attacker
with the aim to disable other nodes in the network from attacker Distance Distance Distance
from sink from sink from sink
successfully sending their data to sink. Simulator Omnet++ 10 m 20 m 30 m
(https://omnetpp.org) and Castalia module (https://forge. Number of
187 25 73 124
received packets
nicta.com.au) for simulation of WSNs are used to simulate
Number of non
this scenario. received packets
0 162 114 63
WSN which is used for the simulation consists of 5 legitimate Source: Authors
sensor nodes, of which one represents sink. The sink is
represented by node 0, while remaining 4 nodes try to send As it is seen in the test results, interference increases when
data to the sink. If there is no attacker, the sink receives attacker node gets closer to the sink. Number of packets that
data from 4 legitimate nodes. If there is an atacker in the are being received significantly drops when attacker node
WSN area, the sink doesn’t receive all the packets sent from approaches the sink. When attacker is at 10 m, 20 m and
legitimate nodes. The authors want to find out how many 30 m distance from the sink, it receives 13,36 % packets,
packets the sink would receive in case the attacker moves 39,04 % packets and 661,31 % packets respectively. In Figure
to a different distance from the sink. For this purpose the 4 diagram of simulated scenario is shown. Number of sent
authors used throughput test aplication, where all legitimate packets and received packets by the sink depending on the
nodes send packets to the sink. This application shows all distance of attacker node from the sink is shown on diagram.
received packets from nodes. The throughput test application
is described in detail in Boulis (2011).
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