5133 14585 1 PB
5133 14585 1 PB
5133 14585 1 PB
Abstract Keywords
Merger; brand; first to file
The research with the title First To File principle in the resolution
of GOTO brand disputes aims to find out how the dispute
resolution against trademarks should use the First To File
principle. This article uses normative legal research with a legal
and conceptual approach. Trademark registration in Indonesia
adheres to a constitutive system, as stated in Article 13 of Law
Number 20 of 2016 concerning Marks and Geographical
Indications where the applicant whose application is submitted
first and registered first, then that party is entitled to the protection
of the mark. However, in practice there are not a few disputes that
arise due to the similarity of naming the brand. However, in
practice, there are many disputes that arise due to similarities in
naming brands or similarities in essence. Therefore, it is necessary
to have legal certainty for rights holders who have registered their
trademarks first.
I. Introduction
Various aspects of life such as transportation and trade are increasingly easy to use,
of course, with the development of information technology. In the era of digitalization as it
is today, various digital platforms are familiar to the public and even embedded in daily
life, various applications used by the public such as Gojek and Tokopedia in terms of
traveling, ordering food, or buying products needed at home can be done only by just hold
your hand through both applications. The development of the business chart is also
increasing. So that every company that participates in the business sector must continue to
race to accelerate its business fields that have the potential to generate advantages in the
destination market. Even at this moment, In this case, Gojek and Tokopedia are following
the very strong current of globalization by carrying out a strategy to deal with very tight
business competition. On May 17, 2021 ago, Gojek and Tokopedia joined forces to make
new breakthroughs. However, the collaboration between the two companies resulted in a
new entity called GoTo. In the sense that the two largest startups in Indonesia, namely
Gojek and Tokopedia, merged two companies and gave birth to a new company called
GoTo, this is known as a merger.
Merger based on Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies
is a legal act carried out by one or more companies to merge with another existing
company which results in the assets and liabilities of the merging company being
transferred by law to the company that accepts the merger and furthermore, the legal entity
status of the merging Company ends by law. Of course, the impact resulting from the
merger of the two companies brings positive and negative things, from a positive point of
view, the convenience offered by the two digital platforms will be further enhanced in the
future. However, the bad thing is that the result of the merger of the two largest companies
in Indonesia makes it difficult for other business people who want to compete in this
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v5i2.5133
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal)
Volume 5, No 2, May 2022, Page: 12930-12938
e-ISSN: 2615-3076 (Online), p-ISSN: 2615-1715 (Print)
email: [email protected]
business competition. Due to the merger of these two large companies, it gave birth to a
company that is quite competitive in the global market trading sector.
This intense business competition makes competitors who participate in it compete to
market their products and attract attention, of course, one of the things that needs to be
done to market products such as goods and/or services is to give a name or what is known
as a brand. From these brands, companies can trade their products with a branding or
characteristic that describes the company's goods and/or services. So that a company can
be distinguished from another based on its brand.. The nature of the registration of a
registered mark, which means that only a registered mark will have legal protection, as
opposed to a trademark that is not protected by law. The concept of obtaining a mark in the
constituent registration system is "first to register", meaning that whoever registers first
gets accepted regardless of whether the registrant is actually using the mark for business
purposes. It is also to protect against counterfeiting, cheating, or copying someone else's
As a result of the merger, Gojek and Tokopedia used a brand called GoTo where this
brand was used for a new company resulting from the merger of Gojek and Tokopedia,
then there were problems after the brand was used. The marks used by Gojek and
Tokopedia are alleged to have been used and registered by PT. Published Financial
Technology with registration Number IDM00085218 class 42 dated March 10, 2020. Then
PT. Terbit Financial sued Gojek and Tokopedia for violating trademark rights. The two
companies were reported under Article 100 paragraph 2 and/or Article 102 of Law No. 20
of 2016 concerning Marks and Geographical Indications.
Brand disputes that arise due to the use of a brand called GoTo. PT. Terbit Financial
Technology uses the GoTo brand and gets its rights as a registered mark until the
expiration date on 10-03-2030, as for the letters used by PT. Terbit Financial Technology
uses capital letters and uses a dark green color, then there is a red arrow to the right on the
last o, while the GoTo brand used by Gojek and Tokopedia uses all lowercase letters in
bright green according to the colors of the two companies. .
Law Number 20 of 2016 MIG chapter XV regulates Dispute Resolution. This
includes provisions for cases of trademark infringement, procedures for a commercial court
lawsuit, cassation, procedures for implementing decisions, and alternative dispute
resolutions. In the Supreme Court Regulation, mediation is not required for the settlement
of trademark disputes, however in the MIG Law, alternative settlements are still regulated.
In Indonesia, brand issues are solved in one of two ways; either non-litigation or by
bringing the case to the Commercial Court.
Therefore, the author sees an imbalance in the application of the First To File
principle in Indonesia. There are still many brand disputes that occur regarding the
similarity in essence. In Article 21 Paragraph (1) of the MIG Law, what is meant by
equality is basically the similarity caused by the presence of a dominant element between
one brand and another, giving rise to the impression of similarity, in the form of form,
placement method, method of writing or a combination of elements, as well as the
similarity of speech sounds contained in the brand. Therefore, the author feels that it is
very necessary to have legal certainty over the trademarks that have been registered
beforehand so that trademark disputes over equality basically do not occur again and for
previous trademark holders to get protection for the trademarks used.
II. Research Method
3.1 How the use of the First to File principle and the similarity principle are the
reasons for the acceptance of the trademark registration
The mechanism for registering a mark and securing its rights is regulated in Law
Number 20 of 2016 concerning Marks and Geographical Indications. Trademark law
follows a constitutive system or the First To File principle, where exclusive rights to
trademarks are granted by the state through a registration process. In other words, in the
constitutive system, registration is required before using a mark. And vice versa if there is
a mark that does not go through the registration process, it will not get legal protection for
the mark used."Rights to Marks are exclusive rights granted by the state to owners of
registered Marks for a certain period of time by using the Mark themselves or giving
permission to other parties to use them" according to Article 1 point 5. The owner of a
registered mark is the only one who has the right to the mark, and other parties who wish
to use the mark must respect that right. The right to the mark is guaranteed if the mark has
been registered, according to Article 3. As a result of the constitutive system which is also
known as the First To File principle, the party who first registers the mark gets trademark
protection and legal certainty over the registered mark. In other words, registering a
trademark gives the right to use it.
The First To File principle in the constitutive system, which states that a registered
mark has met all the requirements and is also the first to register, because not all
trademarks can be registered. The registered owner also has exclusive rights, and in the
event of a dispute it will be easier for the registered mark owner to show valid evidence
than trademark ownership in the form of a certificate issued by the Directorate General of
Intellectual Property Rights (DJKI), the certificate itself proving as the first owner of the
brand. So that the owner of a mark that is not or has not been registered will have difficulty
showing that he is the first owner because he cannot show authentic evidence to the Court.
Furthermore, trademark protection will be limited to registered trademarks, including
domestic and international marks. The legal protection is in the form of preventive
and repressive measures. Preventive protection is provided through trademark registration,
while repressive protection is provided through civil or criminal lawsuits in the event of a
trademark dispute.
The sub-directorate of trademark inspection of the Directorate General of Intellectual
Property (DJKI) is an Indonesian entity authorized to review trademark registrations.
Examination of registered trademarks must be carried out carefully in carrying out the
examination, such as the first thing that must be done to find information relevant to
registered marks. In addition, the Sub-Directorate of Mark inspection must pay attention to
the registration requirements set forth in the laws and regulations on trademark
registration. The regulation on trademark registration is contained in Law Number 20 of
2016 concerning Marks and Geographical Indications and Regulation of the Minister of
Law and Human Rights Number 67 of 2016 concerning Marks.
The idea of good faith is very important and serves as a guide for registrants in terms
of trademark registration. This requires acting in good faith and honesty when registering a
trademark without violating the rights of others to use the mark. And for parties who wish
to register their trademarks with bad and bad intentions, this cannot be done to register the
trademark. If there is a mark which has already applied for registration and is identical with
the mark in question in theory or in general or in whole with the mark in question, the
application for the mark must be rejected. The latest trademark law, namely Law Number
20 of 2016 concerning Marks and Geographical Indications, regulates bad things in this
case trademark registration. Article 21 paragraph (3) reads: "An application is rejected if it
is submitted by an applicant with bad intentions".
Basically why the brand is so important, among others, aims to be a differentiator for
consumers who want to buy products from each other. This is to avoid consumer confusion
when choosing the product they want to buy, if there is a similarity in product name it will
be a problem for consumers who are accustomed to buying a product in one brand but it
turns out that the brand is also used by other products, resulting in ambiguity and can
happen. public deception regarding a brand that people are familiar with but there are
individuals who deliberately use a brand with the same name.
Therefore, in addition to registered trademarks having exclusive rights for applicants
who register for the first time (First to File principle), registered trademarks also get
protection against other trademarks that have similarities with the registered trademark
owner. This is regulated in Article 21 paragraph (1) of the Law on Marks and Geographical
Indications, which defines “similarity in essence” as the presence of a dominant element
between two Marks so as to give the impression of an impression of similarity such as
form, placement method, method of writing, or a combination between elements, as well as
the similarity of speech sounds contained in the Mark. Furthermore, the article explains
that if a registered mark is in principle or in its entirety the same as a well-known mark
belonging to another party on similar goods and/or services, the following factors must be
taken into account; public knowledge about the mark in the relevant field, reputation is
obtained through vigorous and massive promotion, investment in several countries in the
world, and proof of trademark registration in several countries. However, if these factors
are deemed insufficient, the Commercial Court may request an impartial institution to
conduct a survey of the mark in order to determine whether the mark is well known or not.
According to the permanent jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 279 PK/Pdt/1992, a mark can be judged to be the same in principle or in its
entirety as another mark if there are:
• Equation of form (similarity of form);
• Equation of composition (similarity of composition);
• Equation of combination (similarity of combination);
• Equation of elements (similarity of elements);
• Sound similarity (sound simlarity);
• Speech similarity (phonetic similarity); or
• Similarity in appearance.
The existence of an element of similarity as described above can cause similarities to
previously registered brands, so that it can be confusing and misleading for consumers. In
addition, losses are also obtained for the party who owns the registered trademark in the
event of a trademark infringement and can also be an advantage for those who take
advantage of other people's trademarks, but this method is very unusual and very
detrimental to the victim.
According to article 76 paragraph (1) of the Law on Marks and Geographical
Indications, if there are similarities with registered marks or well-known marks as referred
to in Article 20 and Article 21 of the MIG Law, the mark can file a case for cancellation.
Although well-known marks do not go through the registration process first, well-
known brands still get protection, despite the fact that Indonesia follows the First to File
principle, well-known marks will still be protected as long as it can be proven that other
companies are trying to register their marks properly.
So in the discussion above regarding the First to File principle and the similarity
principle, the author argues that in Indonesia the First To File principle applies to
registering a trademark in which the previously registered trademark will get exclusive
rights and also protection in the event of a trademark dispute where the registered mark
will be easier to obtain. prove that the mark is more entitled by showing authentic proof of
registration. However, this is contradictory because well-known marks also receive
protection even without prior registration. And to determine the equation in essence is also
not easy,
The purpose of the inspection at the time of trademark registration as well as
regulations related to the elements of equality are basically to prevent disputes over
trademarks. So every mark that wants to be registered must go through an administrative
inspection process at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (DJKI), and
applicants who want to register their mark can check on the official DJKI account to find
information regarding the mark that they want to register has been registered by another
party or not. Equality in principle elements will also be used in substantive judgments to
prevent applicants from registering their trademarks in bad faith.
However, the author continues to observe many brand conflicts with similar essence
to well-known businesses, one of which is the author's title this time. As a result, the
application of the element of equality in principle, as regulated in Law Number 20 of 2016
concerning Marks and Geographical Indications and Regulation of the Minister of Law and
Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2021 concerning Registration of
Marks, has not been fully implemented in practice.
3.2 How should the trademark dispute resolution between PT. Publishing Financial
Technology with Gojek and Tokopedia?
In 2021 ago, PT. Karya Anak Bangsa (Gojek) and Tokopedia announced that the two
largest startup companies in Indonesia officially merged and gave birth to a new subsidiary
called "GoTo". Merger and takeover of daitur in Article 109 point 1 of Law Number 11 of
2020 concerning Job Creation, which amends article 1 of Law Number 40 of 2007
concerning Limited Liability Companies. Merger is an act where one or more companies
merge with another company, which results in the transfer of assets and liabilities of the
merging company due to the laws and regulations of the receiving company, and the legal
entity status of the merging company then ends by law. The name GoTo itself comes from
the acronym Gojek and Tokopedia, as well as the expression gotong royong which
represents the spirit that unites the two.
But now the name "GoTo" belonging to Gojek and Tokopedia is being disputed in
court, Gojek and Tokopedia are being sued by PT. Published Financial Technology worth
Rp 2.08 Trillion and also rejected the application for registration of the “GOTO” mark or
all its variations submitted by the defendant. The dispute arose due to the use of the
“GOTO”, “goto”, “goto financial” brands which are essentially the same as the plaintiff's
“GOTO” brand. The plaintiff's “GOTO” mark has been registered and has a protection
period of up to 2030 with registration number IDM000858218 class 42. The plaintiff's
brand uses all capital letters in dark green and has an arrow to the right in red. Meanwhile,
Gojek and Tokopedia registered several brands with the same elements, including
"GOTO", "goto", and "goto financial". for the first registered mark "GOTO" uses capital
letters in its entirety in black, then "goto" uses lowercase letters in whole with a bright
green color like the color on the Gojek logo,
Starting as a result of investors who did not intend to invest in PT. Published
Financial worth Rp 150 billion, due to news related to the merger of Gojek and Tokopedia
and using the name "GoTo". It turned out that the plaintiff had already sent a subpoena
previously, essentially to stop the use of the mark. But in the end there was no answer from
the summons and PT. Terbit Financial lost its investors. In the end, this matter was brought
to court and sued to the Central Jakarta Commercial Court.
In Indonesia, we follow the First to File system, where previously registered
trademarks have exclusive rights and receive trademark protection. Then the Law on
Trademarks and Geographical Indications regulates the similarities in essence, which the
author has explained in the first problem formulation. A mark based on Article 1 number 1
of Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Marks and Geographical Indications is a sign that
can be displayed graphically in the form of images, logos, names, words, letters, numbers,
color composition, in 2D (dimensional) and/or 3D forms. (dimension), sound, hologram, or
a combination of 2 or more of these elements to distinguish goods and/or services
produced by persons or legal entities in goods and/or services trading activities.
Article 21 of the MIG Law explains that the reason for an application for registration
of a mark will be rejected if it has similarities in principle or in its entirety, with:
a) A registered mark belonging to another party or previously requested by another party
for similar goods and/or services;
b) Well-known marks belonging to other parties for similar goods and/or services;
c) Well-known marks belonging to other parties for goods and/or services of a different
kind that meet certain requirements; or
d) Geographical indication registered.
This article stipulates that if a trademark that is submitted has similarities with a
previously registered mark, it will be rejected, considering that the owner of the registered
mark has exclusive rights. Pre-existing rights are the cause of rejection of registration or
deletion of marks. Why is it called “relative reasons”, because the validity of a brand
which is essentially the same or as a whole with a pre-existing brand, with a well-known
brand, or Geographical Indications still has to be tested first. This article shows that if the
application for a mark is rejected, the previous holder of the right to the mark will receive
legal clarity and protection.
Based on the case study that the author took, the "GoTo" brand dispute has
similarities in essence and one of the brand class applications submitted by Gojek and
Tokopedia is in the same brand class, namely class 42 classification for research,
technology, design services related to; industrial research and analysis services; design and
development of computer hardware and software.
A trademark right can be infringed if a mark is used without the prior consent of the
owner of the right to the mark or without a license being granted to the infringer of the
trademark rights. The absence of a license means that the holder of the registered mark has
not issued a license for the infringement of the mark. Infringement of a trademark arises as
a result of individuals who are not the owners of a trademark using the trademark in such a
way that it creates confusion among the public about it. A license agreement is the
emergence of an agreement that is given by the owner of the previous right to a mark to
another party who wants to be licensed for a certain period of time and with certain
restrictions, not the transfer of rights to a mark. In addition, a license agreement is also
needed so that other parties get permission to use a registered mark and their actions do not
violate the trademark rules. Mark infringement is considered a criminal act and the party is
suspected of having bad intentions by riding, imitating, and plagiarizing the fame of a
brand for its business interests which can result in losses for the party who owns the
registered mark, this condition also creates unfair business competition and misleads
Then the protection of well-known marks, even though they have not been
registered, still gets protection, but it must be explored further regarding whether the mark
is categorized as a well-known mark or not. Regarding well-known marks, it is regulated in
the 2016 Trademark Law, in which well-known marks are also used as a benchmark for
trademark registration, so that the party applying for the mark may not have similarities in
principle or in general with well-known marks for similar or dissimilar goods and/or
services. The Trademark Law also stipulates the criteria for well-known marks, namely
requiring that public awareness of well-known marks and their reputation be widely
encouraged, with money invested in many countries, proof of registration in several
countries, and if this is still lacking, an independent survey will be conducted which
impartially by the relevant institutions. However, this provision is considered to be less
specific because it does not explain further regarding how to measure public awareness of
well-known brands, how to determine the reputation of well-known brands, and how much
evidence is required for registration in several countries. This section is considered to be
lacking in detail so that when a dispute occurs, the adjudicating court needs to review
concretely regarding the popularity or not of a trademark.
Several decisions of the Supreme Court in the case of the IKEA brand dispute also
mention the criteria for well-known brands including; Supreme Court decision number 274
PK/Pdt/2003 trademark has been registered and has stores in several countries that can be
found, long term of brand, quality brand reputation; The Supreme Court's decision number
1468 K/Pdt/1991 has exposed brands even to transnational boundaries, brands have been
registered in several countries in the world so that they have been exposed beyond their
national borders.
So the author believes that GoTo owned by Gojek and Tokopedia has not been
categorized as a well-known brand, because the brand was just inaugurated and registered
last year and is still in the process of being a new subsidiary under the umbrella of Gojek
and Tokopedia, even though the public is no stranger to Gojek and Tokopedia but they are
know the brand individually not with their subsidiaries. Then also this case is still ongoing
in court and whether later the application for the trademark will be rejected or vice versa
the plaintiff's application by PT. Rejected publication
If according to the regulations in Indonesia, the First to File system applies, which
means PT. Terbit Financial as the first owner of the use of the GoTo brand and is entitled
to the rights to the brand and protection. Which is the protection against equality in essence
in the use of the GoTo brand and if the brand is compared between those of PT. Terbit
Financial with Gojek and Tokopedia have similarities in the sound of GO-TO, so even if
there are differences in the style of the letters used, it will still be read as GO-TO. Then in
the registered classes, one of them is in the same class, namely class 42.
IV. Conclusion
Based on this, it can be concluded that based on Law no. 20 of 2020 concerning
Marks and Geographical Indications, the trademark registration system in Indonesia
adheres to a constitutive First To File principal, whereby the first trademark registrant gets
protection and exclusive rights to the mark. And also for registered marks, it will be easier
to collect authentic evidence in the event of a trademark dispute. Naming in a brand can be
a dispute if there is a resemblance, in the Trademark Law the principle of similarity is
known, namely equality in essence. This is because if there are similarities between one
brand and another, it will cause confusion for consumers, and also for registered brands
first, of course, they will experience losses due to the brand being used by other people. It
should be for those who want to create a brand to pay more attention to whether someone
already uses it or not. And if you want to use the mark, you are expected to get permission
in advance for the holder of the right to the mark.
In this case, a brand violation was found, namely the similarities in principle to the
GoTo brand from both parties. And if you look at the Law it is clearly written that
Indonesia adheres to the First to File principal, then the original registrant of the mark
should be given legal certainty and protection of trademark rights. Although there are
categories of well-known brands that can also get protection, it still has to be proven in
several categories that state whether the brand is famous or not. An application for
registration of a mark can also be rejected if the mark to be registered is essentially the
same as the previous registered mark, especially if the mark does not get permission to be
used by the holder of the right to the first mark.
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