Food Science and Biotechnology Volume 22 Issue 1 2013

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Food Sci. Biotechnol.

22(1): 153-159 (2013)

DOI 10.1007/s10068-013-0021-0


Cooking, Textural, Sensorial, and Antioxidant Properties of

Common and Tartary Buckwheat Noodles
Yu Jie Ma, Xu Dan Guo, Hang Liu, Bian Na Xu, and Min Wang

Received: 24 June 2012 / Revised: 2 September 2012 / Accepted: 3 September 2012 / Published Online: 28 February 2013
© KoSFoST and Springer 2013

Abstract Noodles made from flour of 3 common and 2 buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) are used for food
tartary buckwheat cultivars were investigated into cooking, preparation around the world.
textural, sensorial, antioxidant properties, and polyphenol Buckwheat was demonstrated to be abundant in various
composition. Common buckwheat noodles possessed greater nutraceuticals, like unsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, and
tensility, lower adhesiveness, and better sensory properties. K (1). Also, the edible part of buckwheat seed contains
Buckwheat noodles were found to be good sources of high-quality proteins rich in lysine and arginine, so buckwheat
dietary polyphenols and tartary buckwheat noodles contained can complement well other vegetable and cereal proteins
a higher level of total phenolics (182.65-221.27 mg GA (2). Moreover, a number of studies showed that the
eq./100 g d.w.) and flavonoids (183.33-218.69 mg rutin buckwheat seed was an excellent source of bioactive
eq./100 g d.w.) than their counterparts (p<0.05). Tartary compounds, among which polyphenols are major dietary
buckwheat noodles also showed higher antioxidant capacity antioxidants with the function of preventing oxidative
measured by reducing power, DPPH radical scavenging, damage and consequently reducing the risk of cancer,
and ABTS•+ scavenging assay. HPLC analysis identified cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases which
and quantified 12 polyphenol compounds and revealed that are associated to oxidative stress (3). Furthermore, differences
rutin and quercetin were the dominant phenolic compounds. in the contents of these nutritional components were found
Among them, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic acid, to be existed between 2 species. Vitamin B content was
rutin, and quercetin were higher in tartary buckwheat higher in tartary buckwheat than in common buckwheat
noodles, while common buckwheat noodles had greater (1). Tartary buckwheat flour also contained a higher level
contents of chlorogenic acid. Overall, buckwheat noodles of ash and avonoids, while common buckwheat flour
are good alternative food with high nutritional quality. contained more resistant starch (4).
Traditionally, buckwheat is used as a basic food ingredient
Keywords: buckwheat noodle, cooking quality, sensory in porridges and soups in many European countries (5).
evaluation, antioxidant capacity, phenolic compound Buckwheat noodles, or soba noodles, are consumed widely
in China, Korea, Japan, and Italy (2,5). The behaviors of
buckwheat flour in food processing are similar to those of
Introduction common cereal flour but without gluten in it (2). Also due
to the remarkable nutrient prole and antioxidants content,
Buckwheat, which is belonging to the Fagopyrum genera recently, buckwheat has also been investigated as a composite
of the Polygonaceae family, is known as a medical and our in the development of high-quality gluten-free food for
edible dual-purpose plant. Two species of buckwheat, patients with celiac disease which is an autoimmune
common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and tartary enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten-containing
product (6).
Yu Jie Ma, Xu Dan Guo, Hang Liu, Bian Na Xu, Min Wang () Recently, some reports investigated the quality of
College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A & F University, buckwheat products. Compared to wheat crackers, buckwheat
Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
Tel: +86-130-3293-8796; Fax: +86-029-8709-2275 crackers were found to possess significantly higher amount
E-mail: [email protected] of total phenolics and stronger DPPH radical scavenging
154 Ma et al.

activity without lowering sensory scores, which indicated mL boiling distilled water. The noodles were cooked for
the potential of buckwheat to be employed in gluten-free around 3 min until disappearance of the core of strands.
crackers with health-promoting function (7). Polyphenol The water used to cook and rinse the cooked noodle was
composition of bread containing 50% buckwheat flour was collected and volume was completed to 250 mL. An
investigated and protocatechuic acid, quercetin, and quercetin aliquot of 20 mL was added in an aluminium vessel and
glycosides were found by Alvarez-Jubete et al. (8). Also, evaporated to dryness in an air oven at 105oC. The residue
the properties of noodle made from milled flours of 4 was weighed and the cooking loss was expressed as the
common buckwheat varieties blended with wheat our at percentage of the raw noodle (10,11).
60:40 ratios have been evaluated, and it was found that The water uptake was determined according to the
different cultivars affected the raw noodle color and texture method described by Yadav et al. (12). The noodles were
significantly (9). However, to our knowledge, no research cooked and rinsed by 10oC distilled water and quickly
has been reported on antioxidant properties of buckwheat drained for 20 s. The result was calculated as [(weight of
noodle in the literature. cooked noodle−weight of raw noodle)/weight of raw
Most of researches on buckwheat food products only noodle]×100.
used common buckwheat as material. The objective of this
study was to compare the quality of noodles made from Texture analysis The texture quality of cooked noodles
common buckwheat and tartary buckwheat in terms of was measured by using a TA-XTPLUS/50 Texture Analyser
cooking, textural, sensorial, and antioxidant properties. (Stable Micro Systems, Godalming, UK). A strand of fresh
cooked noodles was used to test the tensility with the A/
KIE probe at a test speed of 3.3 mm/s. While the
Materials and Methods adhesiveness was tested by placing 5 strands of noodles on
the platform and the HDP/PFS probe was used at the speed
Raw materials Three varieties of common buckwheat, of 0.5 mm/s, applied force of 1.0 kg with constant time of
‘Yuqiao 4#’, ‘Wensha’, and ‘Dingbian red flower’, and 2 2.0 s.
varieties of tartary buckwheat, ‘Xinong 9940’ and ‘Xinong
9909’ were grown in Shaanxi Province, China in 2010. Sensory evaluation The freshly cooked noodles were
The buckwheat flour was obtained by grinding the grains cooled and cut into 10 cm strands before sensory analysis.
by a FW100-High Speed Universal Grinder (Chuding The evaluation was carried out by 7 semi trained panelists
Corp., Shanghai, China) and then passing a 60 mesh sieve. (4 females and 3 males, 22-26 years old) on a 9-point
The moisture of the flour was 17%. hedonic scale (9=very desirable; 5=neither desirable nor
undesirable; 1=very undesirable) as recently used by Choo
Chemicals DPPH, ABTS, Trolox, Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and Aziz (13) and Yadav et al. (12). The members of panel
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, were asked to rinse the mouth with purified drinking water
USA). Phenolic standards (gallic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic between each sample. Seven characteristics were included:
acid, chlorogenic acid, syringic acid, p-coumaric acid, color, taste, odor, hardness, slipperiness, chewiness, and
ferulic acid, ellagic acid, cinnamic acid, protocatechuic overall acceptability.
acid, catechin, rutin, and quercetin) were obtained from
YiFang S & T Corp. (Tianjin, China). HPLC-grade methanol Sample extraction A 7.0 g of milled fresh cooked noodles
was from Tedia Company Inc. (Fairfield, OH, USA). All were added with 50 mL of methanol/water (80/20, v/v) and
other reagents used were of analytical grade. homogenized for 3 min at 4,000 rpm/min using a ESB-300
high-speed homogenizer (Yile Corp., Shanghai, China).
Noodle preparation To make the dough, each buckwheat Then the mixture was shaken for 1 h before centrifugation
flour was blended well with salt solution (2%) at a ratio of at 1,610×g for 10 min (KDC-40 centrifuge; USTC Chuangxin
5:3. Then the dough was allowed to rest at room temperature Co., Ltd, Hefei, China). The supernatant was separated and
for 10 min before a noodle machine with a diameter of the residue was re-extracted twice. After the supernatants
2 mm (Jinniu Corp., Jinhua, China) was used to produce were combined, the extractions were vacuum-evaporated
extruded noodles. The fresh noodles were cooked in to dryness at 45oC by RE-52AA rotary evaporators
boiling water until disappearance of core by squeezing (Yarong Corp., Shanghai, China) and redissolved with
between 2 glass slides and rapidly cooled by immersing in methanol to a volume of 10 mL. The extracts were stored
10oC water. at 20oC in the dark until use in the measurement of the
content of total phenolics and total flavonoids and
Cooking quality To determine the cooking loss, a 10 g antioxidant capacities.
sample of fresh noodles was placed in a beaker with 200
Property Investigation of Buckwheat Noodle 155

Determination of antioxidant properties The total containing 3.0 mL of ABTS•+ with an absorbance of 0.7 at
phenolic content of methanolic noodle extracts was evaluated 734 nm and 200 µL of extracts was measured for absorbance
by a method of Folin-Ciocalteu assay (14) with slight after 1 min of reaction time at the same wavelength. Trolox
modifications. The diluted extract or standard (125 µL) was used to prepare the standard curve and the results were
was mixed with 500 µL distilled water and then added with expressed as mmol Trolox eq./100 g d.w.
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (125 µL). The mixture was allowed
to stand at room temperature for 6 min before 7% aqueous Analysis of the polyphenol composition by HPLC A
sodium carbonate (1.25 mL) and distilled water (1 mL) stronger extraction procedure was performed to prepare
were added. After incubating for 90 min in the dark, the noodle extracts for HPLC analysis of phenolic acid and
absorbance was measured spectrophotometrically at 760 flavonoid composition by applying ultrasonication for 30
nm using a UV1240 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu Corp., min instead of shaking to the mixture used for antioxidant
Kyoto, Japan). Gallic acid was used as a standard and the activity assays.
results were expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalents The HPLC analysis was performed on a Waters HPLC
(GA eq./100 g d.w.). system with a binary pump and a 2487 UV-Vis detector.
The content of total flavonoids was determined according (Waters Corp., Milford, MA, USA) Separations were
to the method described by Guo et al. (14). A 150 µL of conducted by using a Diamonsil C18 column (4.6×150
diluted extract reacted with 200 µL of 5% sodium nitrite mm, 5 µm). The mobile phase consisted of solvent A
for 6 min. Two-hundred µL of 10% aluminum nitrate was (methanol) and solvent B (ultrapure water, pH 2.6). The
then added to react for another 6 min. After that, 2 mL of solvent gradient prole was set as follows: 15% A at 0 min,
4% NaOH solution and 2.45 mL distilled water were added 25% A at 15-25 min, 75% A at 65 min, 15% A at 70 min.
to the mixture. The absorbance was measured at 510 nm The phenolic composition was detected at 280 nm. Column
after 15 min. Rutin was used as standard and the results temperature was set at 30oC, flow rate was fixed at 0.8 mL/
were expressed as mg rutin eq./100 g d.w. min and the injection was 5 µL.
Measurement of reducing power of noodle extract was
based on the method of Liu et al. (15). One mL of appropriate Statistical analysis Data were expressed as mean±
dilution of the sample extracts was mixed with 2 mL of 0.2 standard deviation (SD) for at least 3 replicates for each
mol phosphate buffer (pH 6.6) and 2 mL of 1% potassium sample. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and least significant
ferricyanide and then incubated in water bath at 50oC for difference tests were conducted to identify difference among
20 min. After rapid cooling, 2 mL of 10% trichloroacetic means using SPSS 18.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
acid was added to stop the reaction. Then, 2 mL of the USA). Means were compared using the Tukey’s test at the
reaction mixture was mixed with 2 mL of distilled water 0.05 level of probability.
and 0.4 mL of 0.1% ferric chloride followed by reaction
for 30 min in the dark. The absorbance of mixture was
tested using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 700 nm. Vitamin Results and Discussion
C was used as standard and the results were reported as mg
vitamin C eq./100 g d.w. Cooking properties of buckwheat noodles Cooking
The DPPH assay was performed according to Nićiforović loss indicates the extent of damage to noodles and their
et al. (16) with some modifications. A 136.94 µmol of DPPH ability of structural maintenance during the cooking procedure
radical solution was prepared in methanol. One mL of (12). The cooking loss of noodles made from different
diluted extracts was mixed vigorously with 1 mL of DPPH buckwheat cultivars ranged from 3.65 to 6.22% with the
radical solution and allowed to stand for 30 min in the dark highest cooking loss occurring for ‘Yuqioa 4#’ as reported
at ambient temperature. The absorbance of the resultant in Table 1. Two tartary buckwheat noodles showed no
solution was measured at 517 nm with a spectrophotometer. significant difference in cooking loss (p>0.05). Although
The Trolox standards were used and the DPPH radical the rather low content of prolamin and glutelin in buckwheat
scavenging activity of the sample was expressed as mmol flour makes it unable to form protein network structure, the
Trolox equivalents antioxidant capacity in 100 g d.w. of cooking loss values were considered to be acceptable
sample (mmol Trolox eq./100 g d.w.). compared to 7.82% of spaghetti and 5.43% of noodles only
ABTS•+ scavenging capacity was made following the made from wheat flour (10,11). It could be due to short
method proposed by Zhou et al. (17). ABTS•+ was prepared cooking time of approximately 3 min, and the addition of
by oxidizing 5 mmol aqueous solution of ABTS with salt.
manganese dioxide (1.5 g) at ambient temperature for 30 Water uptake was another parameter of cooking quality
min in the dark and then removing the existing manganese tested and the result is shown in Table 1. It reflects the
dioxide by filtration. Next, the ABTS•+ reaction solution degree of noodle hydration, and its high value is undesirable
156 Ma et al.

Table 1. Cooking quality and textural characteristics of buckwheat noodles of different cultivars
Yuqiao 4# Wensha Dingbian red flower Xinong 9940 Xinong 9909
a1) b d c
Cooking loss (%) 06.22±0.01 05.14±0.12 03.65±0.19 004.26±0.14 004.59±0.14bc
Water uptake (%) 47.26±0.57b 45.45±1.40b 48.89±1.60b 048.78±1.66b 065.48±0.49a
Adhesiveness (g force) 29.10±0.57d 27.21±0.50d 33.99±0.64c 100.57±1.49b 176.27±0.60a
Tensility (g force) 25.57±0.33a 25.09±2.22a 22.79±0.85a 013.18±2.26b 016.54±0.75b
Values in the same row followed by different letters are signicantly different at p<0.05.

(12,18). The water uptake of noodle made from flour of (10,19). The slipperiness is defined as the extent to which
‘Xinong 9909’ (65.48%) was remarkably higher than those the product slides across the tongue (12). Noodle with high
of the other 4 cultivars made noodles that were without quality should have appropriate hardness and slipperiness.
significant differences (p>0.05). The differences in water ‘Yuqiao 4#’ noodle had the best hardness and slipperiness,
uptake capacity among buckwheat noodles of 5 cultivars scoring more than 6.0 (slightly desirable). A negative
can be related to the different contents of amylopectin and correlation (r= −0.891, p<0.05) was found between the
amylose in buckwheat flour (18). slipperiness score and adhesiveness in textural analysis,
thus, the low score of tartary buckwheat noodle in
Textural characteristics of buckwheat noodles Textural slipperiness was attributed to its high adhesiveness.
property is one of the major attributes influencing the Chewiness is defined as the amount of work to chew the
overall quality of noodle products. The results of texture sample until ready to swallow (19). The common buckwheat
analysis are presented in Table 1. There was a significant noodle scored higher in chewiness than tartary buckwheat
difference between 2 buckwheat species in terms of noodle as other characteristics evaluated.
tensility. The common buckwheat noodle possessed greater The result of overall acceptability revealed that common
tensility than its counterpart, which meant that more force buckwheat noodles were more acceptable than tartary
was needed to break strands of common buckwheat noodles noodles with the best found at ‘Yuqiao 4#’ noodle,
than tartary buckwheat samples. As for the adhesiveness, followed by ‘Wensha’ and ‘Dingbian red flower’, which
the effect of cultivars was found to be significant (p<0.05). were comparable. Tartary buckwheat noodles were poor in
‘Xinong 9909’ noodle had the greatest adhesiveness, overall acceptability with scores below 5.
followed by ‘Xinong 9940’, which suggested the genotype
had a strong effect on the quality of buckwheat noodle Antioxidant properties of buckwheat noodles The
since all the buckwheat seeds used in the study were results of total phenolic content and antioxidant activities
planted in the same area. The textural characteristics of are given in Table 3. Total phenolic content of buckwheat
noodle prepared from 100% buckwheat our are almost noodles varied from 182.65 to 1,362.74 mg GA eq./100 g
solely affected by the gelling properties of buckwheat d.w. and differed dramatically between 2 species and the
starch (9). tartary buckwheat noodle contained 4-7 times higher amount
of polyphenol than common buckwheat. Also, the phenolic
Sensory analysis of buckwheat noodles The results of contents of tartary buckwheat noodles were comparable to
sensory quality of buckwheat noodle of 5 cultivars is some vegetables reported, such as pepper (1,344.8 mg GA
shown in Table 2. eq./100 g d.w.), green beans (405.2 mg GA eq./100 g d.w.,
Color is considered as the first impression of product on boiled), broccoli (1,204.3 mg GA eq./100 g d.w.), and
customers, and common buckwheat noodles got higher spinach (1,274.8 mg GA eq./100 g d.w.) (20).
scores. The result indicated that compared to the faint The high content of dietary antioxidants, such as phenolic
yellow of tartary buckwheat noodles, common buckwheat compounds, was considered to be a critical factor of protective
noodles which were light grey were more acceptable to effect of Mediterranean diet (21). The estimated maximum
panelists. The bitterish taste of tartary buckwheat noodle intake of polyphenols in the Spanish Mediterranean diet
resulted in its relatively low score, especially ‘Xinong was 3,016 mg GA eq./person/day (22). Thus, consumption
9940’ which scored only 4.0 which was considered as of 100 g (in dry weight, about 310-390 g in fresh weight)
slightly undesirable. Similarly, the odor of noodle samples cooked noodle made from 100% common and tartary
also varied from 4.0 (slightly undesirable) to 6.0 (slightly buckwheat flour could contribute to about 6-7 and 32-45%
desirable). of mean intake, respectively. The high content of
Hardness which is defined as the amount of force required antioxidants of noodle made from 100% buckwheat flour is
to bite through the noodle strands, was measured by greatly desirable in gluten-free products as a need for their
compressing the strand against the palate with the tongue improvement in the nutritional quality have been highlighted.
Property Investigation of Buckwheat Noodle 157

Table 2. Sensory evaluation of buckwheat noodles of different cultivars

Yuqiao 4# Wensha Dingbian red flower Xinong 9940 Xinong 9909
a1) b ab c
Color 6.86±0.90 5.71±0.49 6.14±0.69 4.71±0.49 4.71±0.49c
Taste 6.00±0.82a 5.86±0.90a 6.00±0.82a 4.00±0.58b 4.71±0.49b
Odor 5.57±0.79ab 6.00±0.82a 5.86±1.07a 4.43±0.79b 4.28±0.95b
Hardness 6.28±0.49a 5.14±1.07ab 5.43±0.98ab 5.00±0.82ab 4.43±0.37b
Slipperiness 6.43±0.79a 5.86±0.90abc 6.28±0.76ab 5.00±1.00bc 4.86±0.90c
Chewiness 6.00±0.82a 5.71±0.49a 5.86±0.69a 5.00±0.58ab 4.28±0.95b
Overall acceptability 6.71±0.49a 5.57±0.53bc 5.71±0.76b 4.71±0.49cd 4.57±0.79d
Values in the same row followed by different letters are signicantly different at p<0.05.

Table 3. Total phenolics, total avonoids content, and antioxidant activity of buckwheat noodles of different cultivars
Dingbian red
Yuqiao 4# Wensha Xinong 9940 Xinong 9909
Total phenolics (mg GA eq./100 g d.w.) 221.27±5.91c1) 182.65±4.16d 189.85±1.72d 969.91±15.50b 1,362.74±11.52a
Total avonoids (mg rutin eq./100 g d.w.) 218.69±0.40c 186.86±2.62d 183.33±3.56d 502.50±2.44b 0,600.76±4.19a
Reducing power (mg vitamin C eq./100 g d.w.) 114.33±1.90c 096.17±1.65d 110.94±0.62c 425.19±5.30b 0,576.17±7.54a
DPPH• scavenging activity (mmol Trolox eq./100 g d.w.)001.09±0.04c 000.90±0.05c 000.87±0.02c 007.01±0.48b 000,8.73±0.59a
ABTS•+ scavenging capacity (mmol Trolox eq./100 g d.w.) 0v3.41±0.08c 003.35±0.05c 004.56±0.31c 031.40±1.87b 00,40.85±1.85a
Values in the same row followed by different letters are signicantly different at p<0.05.

There is a negative correlation (r= −0.819, p<0.05) between ‘Xinong 9940’ (p<0.05). The reducing power of ‘Wensha’
the taste score in sensory evaluation and total phenolic noodle extract was found to be the lowest, however, no
content, which was similarly found by Tahir and Farooq significant variation was found in DPPH· scavenging and
(23) who reported that buckwheat groat containing low ABTS•+ scavenging capacity among the 3 common
content of phenolics corresponded to better palatability buckwheat cultivars, and the similarity between the results
compared to others with greater amount possessing astringent obtained in latter 2 assays can be demonstrated by Floegel
taste. et al. (24) who found a strong positive correlation (r=
Flavonoids are the main phenolic compounds in 0.949, p<0.001) between DPPH assay and ABTS assay
buckwheat. The content of total flavonoids among 5 after analyzing 50 antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and
varieties of buckwheat noodles showed the same trend as beverages. This may be because both the 2 methods are
the total phenolic content (Table 3). Noodle made from based on the same principle of an electron transfer and
‘Xinong 9909’ flour had the highest total flavonoids reduction of a colored oxidant (24).
content (600.76 mg rutin eq./100 g d.w.), followed by
‘Xinong 9940’ (502.50 mg rutin eq./100 g d.w.) (p<0.05). Phenolic acid and flavonoid composition of buckwheat
The amount of flavonoid containing in ‘Yuqiao 4#’ (218.69 noodles The polyphenol composition of noodle extracts
mg rutin eq./100 g d.w.) was the greatest among 3 common of different buckwheat cultivars is summarized in Table 4.
buckwheat samples, but still 2-3 times less than the tartary Polyphenol composition analysis by HPLC method
buckwheat noodles. The discrepancy in total flavonoids provided more in depth information when compared with
content between noodles of 2 buckwheat species in the spectrophotometric methods (such as total phenolics by
present study is in agreement with the report of buckwheat Folin-Ciocalteu assay), since the exact type and quantity of
seeds that the content of total flavonoids in tartary polyphenols were detected and identified (8). Both
buckwheat seeds is about 4 times more than that in polyphenol compounds and contents of buckwheat noodle
common buckwheat ones (2). Also, the concentrations of were significantly affected by buckwheat cultivars. In this
total flavonoids in buckwheat noodles were higher than the study, protocatechuic acid, ellagic acid, rutin, and quercetin
result reported by Qin et al. (4) who found the flavonoid were present in noodles of all buckwheat cultivars tested.
contents of ‘Yuqiao 4#’ and ‘Wensha’ flour (after sieved by Gallic acid, syringic acid, p-coumaric acid, and cinnamic
a 60 mesh sieve) were 151 and 135 mg rutin eq./100 g acid were not found in tartary buckwheat noodles.
d.w., respectively. Cinnamic acid was found only in ‘Dingbian red flower’
The antioxidant capacity measured by reducing power, noodle with a rather low content. Several phenolic
DPPH· scavenging and ABTS•+ scavenging assay was the compounds in individual buckwheat noodles were not
highest in extract of ‘Xinong 9909’ noodle, followed by detected due to their low contents.
158 Ma et al.

Table 4. Content of phenolic compounds in buckwheat noodles of different cultivars

Dingbian red
Yuqiao 4# Wensha Xinong 9940 Xinong 9909
Gallic acid (µg/100 g d.w.) 040.7±1.1a1) 27.9±0.1b ND ND ND
p-Hydroxybenzoic acid (µg/100 g d.w.) 28.4±0.4d ND 43.8±1.2c 533.1±5.6b0 715.1±2.4a0
Chlorogenic acid (µg/100 g d.w.) 1,285.8±36.8a0, 439.4±5.8b0 410.8±4.3b0 ND 230.9±2.0c0
Syringic acid (µg/100 g d.w.) 348.6±3.4a0 ND 280.4±4.1b0 ND ND
p-Coumaric acid (µg/100 g d.w.) 06.6±0.2b 15.6±0.6b 135.4±10.6a ND ND
Ferulic acid (µg/100 g d.w.) 127.4±8.0a0 104.3±8.5ab. 74.3±5.5b ND 108.3±7.2a0
Ellagic acid (µg/100 g d.w.) 266.8±19.5a 238.2±10.9a 253.4±12.4a 130.06±10.9b0 255.1±11.1a
Cinnamic acid (µg/100 g d.w.) ND ND .2.6±0.6 ND ND
Protocatechuic acid (µg/100 g d.w.) 236.1±11.6d 107.6±6.4e0 389.2±16.3c 3,006.1±65.6a0, 975.0±20.3b
Catechin (µg/100 g d.w.) 635.8±11.8b 503.7±17.2c 1,172.2±40.1a0, ND 269.9±15.6d
Rutin (mg/100 g d.w.) 03.1±0.0c 02.1±0.1c 01.2±0.1c 48.2±1.6a 37.1±1.0b
Quercetin (mg/100 g d.w.) 05.3±0.7c 05.7±0.5c 02.1±0.1c 392.0±14.5b 455.5±16.5a
Values in the same row followed by different letters are signicantly different at p<0.05; ND, not detected

In terms of phenolic acids, noodle extracts of tartary in an increase in quercetin content. This may be due to the
buckwheat were higher in the contents of p-hydroxybenzoic hydrolyzation of rutin to quercetin during the food preparation
acid and protocatechuic acid, while common buckwheat process since rutin is a glycoside of quercetin.
noodles had greater contents of chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic Rutin has therapeutical effects on hypertension and
acid was reported to be capable to inhibited the formation hemorrhagic disease caused by capillary degeneration, and
of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds and also prevent the reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis (28). Quercetin was also
formation of dinitrogen trioxide by scavenging nitrogen demonstrated to have certain benecial influences on human
dioxide generated in the human oral cavity, thereby playing health, such as anti-mutagenic, anti-proliferative, anti-
an important role in cancer prevention (25). In the present inflammatory, and cardioprotective effects (30). Additionally,
study, ‘Yuqiao 4#’ noodle was found to contain the highest the quercetin was more efficiently and rapidly absorbed
amount of chlorogenic acid (1,285. 8 µg/100 g d.w.). than rutin mainly due to sugar moiety of the latter (30,31).
Flavonoids are the most abundant polyphenols in human As a result, although the content of rutin decreased, the
diet (26), among which rutin and quercetin are the major excellent potential of buckwheat noodles in disease
compounds with healthy functions in buckwheat (27). prevention and health promotion do not diminished.
Tartary buckwheat noodles had much higher amount of Catechin, which is more well-absorbed than quercetin
rutin and quercetin, which was in accord with the results of and rutin (31), and found to have therapeutic potential like
total flavonoids determination. The rutin content varied cancer inhibition (32), was higher in common buckwheat
from 1.2 to 3.1 mg/100 g d.w. in common buckwheat noodle noodles in comparison to tartary buckwheat noodles.
samples and 48.2 and 37.1 mg/100 g d.w. in ‘Xinong 9940’ In conclusion, according to the results, the quality of
and ‘Xinong 9909’ noodle, respectively. While the quercetin noodles prepared from buckwheat flour was affected by
ranged from 2.1 to 5.1 mg/100 g d.w. among common cultivars, and showed to be significantly different between
buckwheat noodles and 392.0 and 455.5 mg/100 g d.w. in common buckwheat and tartary buckwheat. Our results
the noodles of 2 tartary buckwheat cultivars. The higher also suggested that both common and tartary buckwheat
amount of quercetin than rutin in the present study was noodles can be served as good alternative food in gluten-
discrepant with the former report of buckwheat flour where free diet with high nutritional quality. Additionally, tartary
the content of rutin was often found to be higher than that buckwheat noodle which possesses great potential of
of quercetin (4,28). The similar result was reported by preventing chronic diseases related to oxidative stress
Zhang et al. (29) who found a dramatic decrease in rutin should be supplemented with other food ingredients to
content from 686.9 (tartary buckwheat flour) to 11.2 mg/ improve its sensory property.
100 g d.w. (tartary buckwheat noodle), compared with the
increase in quercetin content from flour (not detected) to Acknowledgments This research was supported by the
noodle (235.4 mg/100 g d.w.). The same change also existed Special funds for China Agriculture Research System
in the buckwheat dough and steamed bread in their study. (CARS-08-D-2) and National Key Technology R&D
Alvarez-Jubete et al. (8) also reported a significant decrease Program (2012BAD34B05), People’s Republic of China.
of quercetin glycosides content with breadmaking, resulting
Property Investigation of Buckwheat Noodle 159

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