International Case Studies v8

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Foreword 3 The ICOMOS Education and Training Guidelines determines that the object
of conservation is to prolong the life of the built cultural heritage and to clarify
Case Study 1 Katherine Watts – Haiti 8 its artistic and historic pedigree without loss of authenticity or meaning. They
also state conservation is an aesthetic, technical and craft activity, based on
Case Study 2 Alan Chandler – Chile 12 humanistic and scientific studies, and methodical research that respects
cultural context.
Case Study 3 Janie Price – Antarctica 16
This welcome volume of 12 international case studies readily shows how
Case Study 4 Deniz Beck – St Helena 20 all the ICOMOS requirements can be effectively honoured. Collectively,
they cover conservation philosophy, significance, value, technology, setting,
Case Study 5 Gordon Clarke – Ethiopia, Morocco & Tanzania 24 specialisms, and historic developments. Their breadth and diversity reveal
how seeking all available information and working with others can aid
Case Study 6 James Kelly – Ireland 28 apposite judgement and decision-making within their cultural prerequisites.
Case Study 7 Janet Jury – Germany 32 As an inspiration to others, the cases reveal informed professionals who,
guided by relevant charters and philosophies, oversee, record, and archive
Case Study 8 Alan Davies– Russia 36 multidisciplinary endeavours. This, in addition to offering guidance on
management and maintenance involved in achieving the long-term well-
Case Study 9 Malcolm McGregor – Pakistan 40 being of a seemingly disparate and diverse well-illustrated set of exemplars.
Case Study 10 Catriona O’Connor – Myanmar 44 Yet a commonality runs through the adopted approaches, equally
demonstrating the applicability of having the international ICOMOS
Case Study 11 Anna Joynt – Cuba 48 Guidelines to work from. Such a baseline also underpins the importance
and relevance of the RIBA Conservation Accreditation Register to enable all
Case Study 12 Geoff Rich – Jordan 52 architects upskill their conservation expertise.

Ingval Maxwell OBE DADun FRIBA FRIAS FSAScot

Chair, Council on Training in Architectural Conservation (COTAC) and the
Edinburgh Group; Moderator, RIBA Conservation Accreditation Moderating
Panel; Member RIBA Conservation Group.

Front cover image © xxxxxx

As a former conservation architect I warmly welcome this collection of and criteria for specific regional, cultural and technical requirements. They
case studies showcasing the many ways in which accredited conservation also recognise the importance of collaboration, good communication and
architects can support and add value to projects across the globe. coordinated action for good practice. An excellent example of the continuous
relevance of the Guidelines for international practice today, is their use as
Looking after people’s heritage is a privilege, requiring knowledge,
criteria for RIBA accreditation in conservation.
understanding and judgement. These are the skills that accredited
professionals offer to their clients, and why they can be trusted to carry out
conservation projects with sensitivity and respect. Accredited professionals Dr Cristina Gonzalez-Longo RIBA SCA RIAS FHEA FRSA.
being a deep appreciation of the complex relationships between materials, Director: MSc in Architectural Design for the Conservation of Built Heritage,
culture, history and context to their work as well as an understanding of the University of Strathclyde. President of ICOMOS International Scientific
range of philosophical approaches that can be taken, from preservation Committee in Education and Training (CIF). RIBA Assessment Panel member
through conservation to restoration. They are able to guide clients on their
unique journeys, helping to identify the most appropriate approach for
each project, and bringing a ‘toolbox’ of skills, expertise and experience that
can be deployed to ensure the proper care and conservation of our fragile This elegantly presented document shows how the RIBA Conservation
cultural heritage. Accreditation facilitates architects to apply their trade and knowledge to a
wide range of buildings, using the ICOMOS guidelines as a foundation in
Every project offers different challenges but choosing an accredited respect of the diverse cultural context.
architect is the one way that a client can be certain that their project is in
a safe pair of hands. As a RIBA Specialist Conservation Architect, I have been particularly
inspired by the ability of the architects showcased to fully appreciate how
relevant is the cultural, historical and social importance of the buildings at
Sara Crofts BArch(Hons) MSc IHBC FRSA the centre of their work to the local environment.
Chief Executive of Icon (the Institute of Conservation) and a council
member of Europa Nostra. She was previously an active trustee of the The broad spectrum of projects exemplified in this document is itself
Friends of the Georgian Society of Jamaica, working to preserve Jamaica’s testament to the global outreach of the RIBA Conservation accreditation
vulnerable 18th century heritage. and comprehensively illustrates the relevance and versatility of its
I was also impressed by the progressive nature of the RIBA conservation
architects approach to conservation. Moreover, how their work has
The General Assembly of the International Council on Monuments and Sites
influenced clients, the end users and most notably authorities of distant
(ICOMOS), adopted in 1993 the Guidelines to promote the establishment
countries, where the science of conservation is not as advanced and
of standards for education and training in the conservation of historic
established as our own.
buildings and areas, towns, archaeological sites and cultural landscapes. Sir
Bernard Feilden, who famously said: “become a good architect first, and then
become a good conservation architect”, drafted the text. He was by then Valeria Passetti FRIBA SCA IHBC
ending his twenty-years’ lecturing at the International Centre for the Study ICOMOS-UK Trustee, RIBA Vice President Membership,
of Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) in Rome, RIBA Board Trustee and Council Member 2017-2021.
where he also served four years as director. The Guidelines encapsulate
the extraordinary environment and expertise of an international group of
architects and other professionals reflecting on and practising conservation
for decades. The starting point was conservation as “a cultural, artistic,
technical and craft activity based on humanistic and scientific studies and
systematic research.“ The Guidelines were conceived as a reference for
institutions to develop training programs to define appropriate standards

4 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 5



5 12

10 11

6 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 7

In collaboration with ISPAN – Haiti’s heritage brickwork and stone flooring, which will be
guardians – and the Iron Market’s Director widely applicable to the rebuilding of Haiti. It
Jeune Augustin, JMP led a design team that was fortunate that there was already a local
carried out detailed damage assessment, artisanal tradition of metalworking, and 3mm
made the remaining structural elements safe, sheet metal reclaimed from oil drums was
assessed what could be salvaged, and then hand-worked to produce decorative elements
set out a comprehensive repair and rebuilding for the new North Market. Laser cutters
strategy. Key issues included structural were purchased and Arts et Artisan, the
dismantling, paint analysis and research into contracted artists and metalworkers for the
original 19th century materials such as the reconstruction, trained local metalworkers to
stone flooring, the roof tiles, and the clock – use the tools on 1/4 inch steel, which enabled
all of which originated in France. The project them to enhance their artworks, and gain a
involved roof and gutter replacements, façade valuable new skill that they can use on future
repair, and the reinstatement of the market’s reconstruction projects.
brick perimeter walls and floor slabs.
The rebuilding of the Iron Market was the first
fully completed restoration of a destroyed
landmark building of great symbolic and
social value after the 2010 earthquake. A key
element in our resurrection strategy was the
use of local builders and artisans to complete
the building. The renewal scheme involved
hundreds of artisans, artists, and general
site workers in tasks such as conservation
of the ironwork, decorative metalwork, stone
dressing, and bricklaying. Many workers
learned a new range of skills: conservation
techniques, including the salvaging of original

Above: the official

CASE STUDY 1 | HAITI 1 inauguration of the
restored Market in

Iron Market,
January 2011

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Katherine Watts RIBA SCA
Location: Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Scope: Conservation strategy, repair and design proposals, site inspections and advice
Timeline: 2010-2011
Team: Katherine Watts, John McAslan, Pauline Nee

Built in 1891, the Iron Market was one of The project required a multi-disciplinary team Top: early 20th-century
Haiti’s most important civic landmarks. including many local artisans and was an photographs of the
Market, erected in 1891
Severely damaged by a 2008 fire and the extreme test of design, research, materials
2010 earthquake, the Market structure was sourcing and logistics. Key historic details were Below: the restored
conserved and rebuilt by John McAslan + conserved, where possible, and new elements building is once again at
Partners. It was reopened by President Bill were engineered to meet current seismic the heart of social and
economic activity in Port-
Clinton in 2011, exactly one year after the requirements. The restored Iron Market is now au-Prince and is acting
earthquake. a symbol of Haiti’s endurance and the long as a catalyst for future
process of the country’s physical recovery. regeneration

8 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 9

Above: the remaining Left: local skills were used
historic structure was during the restoration
repaired, with newbuild process
elements echoing the
spirit of the original
Right: all materials that
could be salvaged were
carefully retained and
incorporated into the
restoration works

10 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 11

appropriateness of repair with the social Chilean conservation knowledge is creditable
appropriateness of use. What it does not and and archaeologically based, focussed on
could not do is to clarify ‘cultural context’ to analysis and repair, but struggles with craft
which conservation must be subservient. deficits and a framework for discussing or
That context shifts radically across the managing heritage in relation to economically
globe, so any approach to context must driven development.
be explicit in its’ understanding in order to
evaluate the parameters of a conservation- Awareness of these issues became articulated
based approach. through the Bicentennial competitions, where
new directions for the heritage debate were
In 2012, the Chilean Government and its openly sought in order to establish new
Heritage agencies selected this project baselines for heritage management and
for an open international competitions as awareness. Following the public exhibition
a centrepiece for the Bicentenary of the of the project panels incorporating the
Chilean Republic, requiring the restoration and conservation strategy at the XVII Architecture
conversion of a partly ruined urban Palacio Biennale our winning project was were
or ‘grand house’ as the headquarters of the displayed at the Centro Patrimonial Recoleta
Chilean Council of National Monuments, Dominica, headquarters of the Council of
a gallery, museum, archive, library and Monuments which would be relocated into the
public courtyard. Palacio Pereira upon completion of the work.
The Palacio is recognised as one of the first
truly Chilean houses in a city dominated in
the nineteenth century by European copyism,
and is a scheduled national monument. Its
unique cruciform top-lit arcade established
CASE STUDY 2 | CHILE 2 a true break form the formal organisation
of the European émigré architects working

Palacio Pereira,
in the 1900’s to establish an identity for an
increasingly wealthy Chilean bourgeoise. The
importance of the house was emphasised

Santiago de Chile
by the fact that the Government, right of
centre and ‘free-market’ in its ideology took
the unprecedented step of intervening as its
owner was deliberately vandalising the fabric
in an attempt to weaken it for the earthquakes
Alan Chandler AA Dip. RIBA SCA FHEA
to remove its stability and allow wholesale
Location: Santiago de Chile
redevelopment of the downtown site.
Scope: Conservation strategy, repair advice, site inspections.
Timeline: 2012-2020 The Palacio Pereira competition required the
Team: Cecila Puga, Paula Velasco, Alberto Moletto, Alan Chandler, Fernando Pérez, and engineer development of a detailed design for the new
Pedro Bartolomé. element of the site left open by the collapse
of a large section of the building during
Work on the strategic and tactical stages ‘The object of conservation is to prolong the seismic activity and vandalism by its former
of the Palacio project, followed by detailed life of cultural heritage and, if possible, to owner. The competition set out a hierarchy of
site investigation and specification led to clarify the artistic and historical messages interventions that were considered acceptable,
opportunities to open a detailed debate therein without the loss of authenticity identified some areas of recent construction
at the highest level around social and and meaning. Conservation is a cultural, that were felt expendable, and a detailed set of
philosophical approaches to conservation artistic, technical and craft activity based new requirements.
that is still in a developmental stage in Chile. on humanistic and scientific studies and My role was to establish a clear strategic
Conservation can bring a wider social and systematic research. Conservation must vision for the ‘restoration’ that demonstrated a
political dimension to ‘cultural value’, but respect the cultural context.’ 1 knowledge of the frameworks for conservation
who determines the nature of that value and internationally, and showed how these
how can buildings, monuments and spaces The wider cultural value ICOMOS claimed
for conservation in 1993 is critical as it 1 ICOMOS Guidelines for Education principles could be utilised for the specific
become part of the fabric of development that and Training in the Conservation of
context of the building and the aspirations of Competition image by
defines modern neoliberal societies? balances the technical task of the material Monuments, Ensembles and Sites
Puga, Moletto, Velasco
the Government and Council of Monuments.

12 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 13

The presumption of the competition brief was reinforcement, or be retained as a façade
the complete restoration of the exterior. Our with a structural concrete frame within. The
strategy understood the persistence of this thickness of the walls and their efficiency
building, surrounded by a constantly changing in resisting seismic action (up until the
setting, and a cultural anchor that should vandalism) established their efficiency even
display its resilience rather than appear as a though they do not comply with current
perfect facsimile of itself. This understanding codes. The Engineer and I prepared a strong
of setting was critical in the way the strategy argument for this strategy questioning the
set the tenor of the design development. relevance of the structural codes in this case,
and this was accepted.
Following the winning of the project, I
Cleaned test section developed a summary strategy document Archaeology and exhibition are only a part Completed interior with
showing through-colour Morris’s ‘Brother Rabbit’
and a series of presentations to members of the evaluation of durability, contemporary
plasters – the completed
cleaning and repair. of the government, from the Dibam (Historic safety legislation, widely differing
Monuments Council), as well as library staff, environmental requirements and the issue
administration staff and politicians, for whom of a severe seismic environment in one of
conservation was a relatively unknown area. South Americas most polluted inner cities. The
I was careful to identify the sources of our conservation strategy responded fully to the
conservation strategy, relating our work to idea that heritage is not a fixed timeframe but
extant charters and recent case studies such a continuity of human interaction, and cited
as the Neues Museum. Morris’s unique proposition that culture, craft
(work) and historic built fabric are intimately
The media attention that our project received connected and self supporting.
A short extract below establishes a clear The project developed by the team was allowed for a discussion on the cultural
concern that the condition of the building deliberate in the way new technology and relevance of heritage beyond the closed doors The most powerful design intervention was,
‘as found’ is part of the documentation contemporary structural design codes were of government. The opportunity to identify the for me Cecilia Puga’s idea to not replicate
of Chile’s turbulent recent history. This brought together with the existing brick social value of conservation to a wide public missing ornate plaster ceilings, but to utilise
history is conflicting: a Chilean monument structure, visible in much or the historic building. audience is essential. Heritage is not simply a a contemporary attitude to pattern to bring
with original vestiges of European décor, The positioning and organisation of the new matter for governments, they are merely the the ‘splendour’ that the original Government
the semi-industrialised plasterwork and concrete structure was developed to express vehicle for the proper custodianship of what brief required. I assisted in obtaining copyright
mouldings requiring high levels of craft to the continuity of the original courtyard plan must be social property. If people identify with, to use a pattern by William Morris ‘ Brother
repair, the socially and politically damaging of the house and to acknowledge the value of use and give value to historic buildings and Rabbit’ to both define intricacy, but also as a
Pinochet era preserved the house while the bare materiality as an expression for the new spaces, their relevance is assured. If people do recognition that Morris defined our conceptual
post-Pinochet economic boom delivered and the old architecture. Many of the spaces not understand that value, historic buildings and practical approach to the building. Completed interior with
crippling damage to the building, inflicted by of the Palacio had lost all or most of their are simply a collection of more or less well exposed brickwork and
speculative developers. Such ironies leave plasterwork, these spaces were consolidated preserved mausoleums for academic scholars. Ultimately conservation practice is designing roof ‘As Found’
marks, therefore the removal of such marks as found, providing a set of intermediary for contemporary needs, in a contemporary Finished plaster repair
retaining original detail
through ‘restoration’ (which is the normal spaces between the relatively intact Specification for the Restoration of the manner in partnership with craft and the culture and reinstating only
approach in Chile) was directly addressed in neoclassical façade and main rooms and the Palacio Pereira of people the building is meant to serve. ‘regulating lines’
the strategy, using Morris as a demonstration new office space to the rear of the plan –
of how material, detail and craft authenticity using the ‘as found’ condition of the rooms as Working with Pedro Bartolome, a senior
must be expressed, and must be linked to the starting point for their use and identity. structural engineer experienced in masonry
social concerns. performance in highly seismic regions, we
My work at the competition stage was to discussed the priorities for the work, the
The Conservation framework established articulate the relation between the new process of design elaboration for a complex,
for the competition entry made a series of structure and the old, and to establish multi programme institution taking a year
philosophical assertions that gave priority to intelligent servicing strategy to minimise to define, yet the immediate threat to the
Morris’s proposition that the historic building disruption to the existing building by exploiting building from earthquakes remained high.
is a human document, and the protection and voids created through dereliction to provide A series of recommendations to secure the
celebration of the traces of its use is equivalent cabling, air conditioning and water/waste connections between cross walls and the
to the protection and celebration of the people services risers and runs. Even lighting façade (deliberately broken by the previous
who contribute to its ongoing usefulness. Morris strategies were discussed as the competition owner), be reinstated in compatible masonry
once said “give me love and work, nothing design was being prepared, ensuring that with matching lime based mortar (determined
else”. These simple and essential aspects of lighting from lamps or via suspended beams by sample analysis). This approach was new
humanity sidestep the academic detachment carrying lighting track avoided chasing plaster to the authorities, for whom a building of
that often informs the conservation work or brick left exposed within the historic section 2 Except from the authors this scale would normally require concrete
undertaken on our heritage.2 of the building. Competition strategy

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United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust with “chippie store”, an emergency store, radio
(UKAHT) is responsible for the conservation masts, Stevenson’s screens, water tanks and
of six former British bases on the Antarctic some have a boat shed. The landing site can
peninsula, that represent the birthplace of be 1km from the Base across rough terrain
British science in Antarctica. The charity’s and only accessible in summer. Sea ice can
mission is “to help current and future make the sites inaccessible and the duration
generations discover, understand, value of stay unpredictable.
and protect” the bases, on behalf of British
Antarctic Survey, for the Foreign Office. The bases were built in phases from 1944 to
1975, adapted and sometimes moved from
In 2016 the client approached Kennedy one site to another, so piecing together their
O’Callaghan Architects because they had history was like a complex jigsaw.
conserved the wartime huts at Bletchley Park
with a light touch conservation approach. The The plan is to assess each site, amass
brief was to provide conservation advice on survey data, carry out condition surveys,
the management of the sites in the short-term emergency repairs, develop policies, and plan
and long-term. Most of the sites have been the implementation stage to ensure the sites,
derelict since the 1970s, but Port Lockroy artefacts, stories and historic environment will
is managed as a tourist attraction, museum be preserved for future generations.
and post office and some huts continue to Base Y (Horseshoe Island) was the pilot
be occupied from time to time as emergency project in 2016, where a team of four
shelters and have been maintained, albeit in an undertook measured and condition surveys,
ad-hoc manner. Many of the outbuildings had photogrammetry and emergency repairs.
fallen into an advanced state of decay. Some The six weeks on site required a 3-month
of the sites had been visited rarely and their expedition. The following year a team of six
condition was unknown. visited Base E (Stonington), a larger and more
The sites generally consist of a “base hut” in complex site. Next were Base A (Port Lockroy)
which the scientists “over-wintered”, a “gen and Damoy. The 2020-21 expeditions were
shed” (for coal-fired generators), a dog shed cancelled due to Covid. Over the coming years
and pup pens (for breeding working dogs), a surveys will be undertaken at the remaining
balloon shed (for meteorology), a workshop sites and the implementation plan will begin.


Conservation in Antarctica
Janie Price BSc Hons, Dipl Arch, Dip Cons, AABC, RIBA SCA, Kennedy O’Callaghan Architects
Location: 6 sites on the Antarctic peninsula. So far: Horseshoe (Base Y), Stonington (Base E and
U.S. Base), Port Lockroy (Base A), Damoy
Scope: Conservation management plans, gazetteers, technical research, briefing the site team
for emergency repairs, condition surveys, room data sheets, recording. Enabling site inspection
reports by lay visitors. Developing policies and strategies for long-term conservation.
Timeline: Each austral summer, a team of conservation practitioners is “sent south” to survey and
repair a Base, under the guidance of the architects, from the comfort of their London office.
Team: Kennedy O’Callaghan Architects, Heritage project manager, client logistics team, artefact
conservators, BRE researchers, paint consultants, heritage BIM consultant, British Antarctic
Survey3-d imagers and archivists

16 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 17

meticulous recording and investigation on responsible private-sector travel to the
site, so that appropriate materials can be Antarctic. Site samples were scoped by BRE
obtained, and future works can be planned in materials scientists and paint consultants. The
the UK. Antarctic environmental protocols are site teams include international conservation
embraced. The conservation strategy is based multi-skilled practitioners, many of whom have
on ICOMOS and UNESCO guidance, the Burra extensive experience in Antarctica.
charter and the Australian “Significance 2.0”
guidance for artefact conservation. Progress
The archivist has catalogued the data from
Preparation site surveys and emergency four
Technical research, materials analysis and sites so far. A conservation implementation
site trials will determine what materials plan has been drafted for Base Y,including a
and working methods are appropriate. The Visitor Experience Proposal. Field seasons will
architects prepared drawings, schedules and resume in 2023.
templates using the Uniclass system to ensure
a common approach to documenting each Conclusion
site, with any gaps in knowledge identified in it is a pleasure to be part of a committed team
red, for the site team to annotate. Documents who is passionate about conserving the historic
are iterative and updated each season. bases in Antarctica. With adequate planning, it
Suppliers have assisted research and donated is possible to work remotely, with the aid of a
Site Surveys materials for trials of roofing felt, bitumen and point cloud model and a great team.
Research Each site has a unique climate and landscape. paint to test suitability for application in the
cold climate. Intangible significance
British Antarctic Survey’s archive has annual The working season is short due to logistical
reports since the 1930s, photographs, restrictions imposed by snow, sea ice, melt By serendipity I learnt that “ME” on the back of
negatives, film, objects, drawings and oral water and wildlife. The site team for Base Y Conservation Management Plans a photo of Base Y in 1956, was Malcolm Evans,
history records, but much was uncatalogued provided panoramas and photogrammetry The CMPs and gazetteers incorporate archival a family friend from Australia. We exchanged
and some of the information was censored which was processed by British Antarctic images, together with the architects’ significance emails and his diaries have now been
by the foreign office. The Bolton and Paul Survey’s Mapping and Geographic Information and chronology diagrams. Significance was transcribed and his artefacts will be returned
archive in Norwich held information about the Centre, which the architect developed into assessed in accordance with Historic England’s to Horseshoe, to facilitate interpretation, as
prefabricated huts. ICOMOS articles provided a Sketch-up model. Base A and E have 2008 ‘Conservation Principles Policies and was his dying wish.
contact details for research on Antarctic had laser and drone surveys and the point Guidance for the Sustainable management of
mould, climate and materials analysis. The cloud data is being developed for audience the Historic Environment’.
New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust lends engagement, with grant funding.
experience from their conservation of Scott’s The Conservation Review Panel
hut and other sites in the Ross Sea. project-will-bring-antarctic-heritage-to-life/ In 2019 a Conservation Panel was established
as a professional advisory group to provide
Significance Causes of decay expert advice in support of the Antarctic
The bases have rich historical, cultural and The remoteness, dereliction, lack of Peninsula Heritage Conservation Programme.
intangible significance. They were strategically maintenance and extreme weather have led They review strategy, programme, policy,
important nationalistic symbols as well as to damage by wind, snow ingress, ice build-up methodology and documentation on a macro
scientific bases. and ice abrasion. Visitors have caused damage and micro level. The panel includes the
and condensation. Ice build-up from artefacts heritage project manager-cum-carpenter,
Construction stored under the huts has led to mould. Huts conservation architect, artefact conservator,
The huts were prefabricated, assembled by the have been propped where they have failed. One logistics expert, a representative from Historic
scientists and adapted in phases from 1944- hut on the American base is entirely filled with England and trustees.
1994. Most huts are constructed on concrete ice. The 2-storey hut at Base E has a catwalk
footings with a timber frame clad in timber, Team
at first floor level, which traps snow and poor
with tarred felt roofs held down with guy wires detailing led to saturation of the facades, water The team includes project manager, artefact
supported on cairns. Facades were painted or ingress and collapsed asbestos flues. conservators, heritage BIM consultant,
creosoted. Base E has a 2-storey steel frame asbestos consultant, British Antarctic
with plywood cladding. The sites relied on all Strategy Survey’s geomatic imaging team, ecologists
the outbuildings functioning independently Each site is being surveyed and appraised and archivists, members of New Zealand
and the buildings were separated to reduce so that appropriate conservation can Antarctic Heritage Trust, Scott Polar Research
risk of fire. be implemented over the coming years. Institute, and IAATO, a member organization
Emergency repairs are carried out with that advocates safe and environmentally

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Project background
As part of their new strategic vision for the being appointed Project Architect Deniz Beck
island, the government of Saint Helena set up visited the island in August of 2012.
a working group tasked with developing their
tourism sector in 2013 in preparation of the St Helena intended to define itself as a
opening of the Island’s first commercial airport destination for high-quality eco-tourism that
three years later. Identifying historic areas and aimed to accommodate limited numbers of
buildings in and around the capital Jamestown big spending visitors. The proposed schemes
as existing or potential visitor attractions, utilised existing historic buildings and spaces
Enterprise St Helena (ESH) subsequently to compliment this concept, and after
invited UK-based architects to devise a series conducting option appraisals on behalf of our
of development proposals. PLC Architects client the following projects were selected as
were commissioned to prepare the necessary likely to attract investment to the Island.
concepts and development visions, and after


St Helena Island projects

Deniz Beck RIBA CA
Location: Jamestown and Mundens, St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean
Scope: Masterplan, Adaptive reuse, feasibility studies
Timeline: March – September 2012
Team: Deniz Beck, Sam Brooks, Peter Keenan

Brief history
Saint Helena was first discovered by the
Portuguese in 1502. Claiming to be Britain’s
second oldest colony, after Bermuda, this is
one of the most remote settlements in the
world and was for several centuries of vital
strategic importance to ships sailing to Europe
from Asia and South Africa. Since the early
19th century, the British occasionally used the
island as a place of exile, most notably for
Napoleon Bonaparte, and over 5,000 Boer

20 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 21

St Helena Museum extension and public square
The existing museum building was in need of A new educational centre was proposed for
modernisation, with most of their collection the existing museum building and adjacent
held in storage and no space for educational disused store, and included a new landscaping
facilities. Our proposal was to combine a scheme for the exterior to better integrate
collection of associated buildings with a the new facilitites with the main square. The
modern extension into a tourism hub that extension would extend over the existing
could share and celebrate the Island’s rich adjacent building to allow direct access
history with a new generation of Islanders to nearby sea views, and would house a
and visitors. The design process included dedicated restaurant serving the new centre.
an extensive programme of stakeholder
consultation as the island’s residents (known
as ‘Saints’) are understandably proud of their
heritage and very protective of how their story
would be told.

Mundens – fortifications Since being employed as a searchlight station

during World War 2 the structure stood
Adaptive reuse of former houses in Main Street, Jamestown derelict, but due to its strategic location on
In 1974, the British government commissioned area, and the proximity of these buildings to the headland adjacent to and overlooking
Hugh Crallan to draw up an illustrated list the main square and seafront suggested the Jamestown, Mundens was identified as having
of scheduled buildings of historical and potential for a hotel conversion. Our scheme potential as a new luxury hotel and resort
architectural interest in St Helena, to assist utilised a contemporary language employing that could exploit both its unique placement
in advising the Governor about suitable natural finishes and locally-sourced materials, and role in the island’s cultural history. This
preservation legislation. The built form of and aimed aim to provide high-quality potential was somewhat impaired by the
lower Jamestown from this period was largely accommodation for tourists keen to experience local geography that separated Jamestown
intact in 2012, and the adaptive reuse of key a piece of the island’s architectural heritage. from the smaller settlement at Rupert’s Bay.
buildings offered an opportunity to redress Our solution involved an innovative approach
poor alterations and unsuitable modern to new transport links between these two
features, such as the casement windows that population centres, anchored around Mundens
replaced many former sliding sash units. and incorporating its unique views and period
These collections of houses constituted fine St Helena was settled by the East India features as the principal attraction for visitors
examples of local Georgian architecture, and Company in 1659, and although the tiny Fort to the island.
following the end of their use by the local of St. John was initially deemed sufficient to
government as offices, they presented the defend its settlements, following the Dutch
opportunity to contribute in new ways to the invasion of 1673 it was decided that additional
local economy. batteries should be built across the island.
At first comprising just two guns, Mundens
Historical use consisted of shops at ground Battery was greatly expanded under the
level with residential space above for the instruction of Governor Roberts in 1708
shop owner and large storage space with and works were completed shortly after in
poor-quality accommodation for the workers December 1710.
at the rear. This layout afforded only a single
attractive aspect, typical for properties in this

22 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 23

As conservators, we are mostly dealing with Figure 2 – Afar Mat Tents,
buildings that are already hundreds of years rolled up on a camel and
erected in the Danakil
old, their designers long buried. Our work is Desert. Gordon Clarke,
to hold back the ravages wrought by beetles, 2019
fungi and human agencies. However, most
nomadic architectures, without constant
attention, have lifespans of less than a year.
The bushman huts of the Hadzabe, for
example (figure 1), are intended for occupation
for only six to eight weeks, and while a palm-
mat tent in the Afar region (figure 2), might
last a few years while occupied and moving,
if fixed to one spot, subjected to a desert
storm or monsoon, it would disintegrate in a
matter of days. For these buildings, moving
is conserving, as at one camp a new mat will
be woven, and at the next, it will be used to
replace a tattered remnant.
Even among the most mobile of African
architectures, the black tents of the Sahara
(figure 3), the loom is never far away. The tent
is slowly replaced from the crown outwards,
the newest strips forming the roof, while the
older cloth is slowly cast towards the sides in a
constant cycle of renewal.
The first thing that becomes apparent when
Figure 1 – Hadzabe exploring these buildings is that the age of
Gordon Clarke 2012
the architecture and the age of the building
are completely different. This is rare, for most lives within the DNA of the bird that builds

Conserving African
buildings are an expression of the architectural it, so these architectures live within a gestalt
ideas of their time, frozen relics cast out by an knowledge system of a community, handed
Figure 3 – The best cloth
ever-changing architectural continuum, be that down, often between mother and child, learned

Nomadic Architecture
forms the roof where
vernacular or Classical or oriental. However, from a very early age (figure 4). This anchors tensions are greatest.
these nomadic architectures are alive, not the language of architecture as deeply into the Berber Tent, Morocco.
metaphorically, but truly alive. Just as a nest human soul as any verbal language. Gordon Clarke, 2016

Gordon Clarke RIBA CA

Location: Ethiopia, Morocco & Tanzania
Scope: Cataloguing and recording, conservation strategy
Timeline: 2011 – 2020
Team: Gordon Clarke, Nadia Clarke

Africa contains a unique cultural environment, evolving stream? How do we preserve

one which has hardly been recorded, yet which a design pattern that is created to pass
is disappearing rapidly. Held within a multitude repeatedly between substance and memory,
of seemingly similar and unimportant held at one moment in tribal consciousness,
buildings there are traditions of design and and then built afresh at each site? And how
adaptation which may go back to the dawn do we sustain the complexities of mobile
of architecture itself. But neither the people, buildings, alternately tied to the backs of
nor their houses are ever static. How can we camels, then expanded out into space,
conserve these ephemeral architectures, the adapting uniquely to the wind and the sun and
productions of transitory nomadic peoples the new ground on which they stand?
whose designs are part of a constantly

24 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 25

L ike language, living architectures change Figure 4 – Children learn clear need to train local people to record their After 15 years, I only just started to scratch
and adapt. Marriages between tribes lead to to build at the same time own architectures, but recording is a highly the surface of these challenges, and with the
that they are learning
the exchange of ideas, religious conversion language. Mursi, Ethiopia. skilled task, and the etic eye will often pick up skills of a conservation trained architect I have
can completely change the way a space is Gordon Clarke 2013 details which appear insignificant to a local. put most of my focus on simply recording
used, and increasingly the introduction of and disseminating the studies I have made.
industrial materials has had very profound However, by far the greatest challenges exist in To my great surprise over 65 million people
effects on the details of construction. Among creating support environments. Threats come from all over the world have now watched
the Dassenetch, for example, corrugated steel from many different directions: governments videos of these buildings being constructed,
sheets from a recent infrastructure project and corporations who want the lands that they and this, if nothing else, serves to demonstrate
have been beaten to form new covers for very occupy, missionaries introducing concepts the immense value of the heritage that is
traditional structures (figure 5). While there of shame and poverty, the community youth before us. Warmth is the start of all creative
may, of course, be moments when the design seeing the lights and economic benefits of city processes, and in years to come we hope to
is at rest for years or even centuries, any new life. Unlike a solid heritage, to preserve a living create from this a body of conservation that
Figure 5 – Traditional tradition requires a full participation of the
external agency will lead to an inevitable and Modern – no living will serve the people of Africa for generations.
reaction within the architecture. architecture stands still local people, and for this they need to see that
for long there is a tangible benefit to their families and
Conservation in this context moves from communities.
an arena of repair technique into a realm of
cultural identity. Even placed in a museum,
these structures quickly die. They become
fixed expressions of a single moment in the
flowing cycle of migration and completely Figure 6 – The intimate
divorced from the landscapes into which they connections between
are bound (figure 6). building, village and
landscape are a vital
The artefact is not the architecture it is the component of ‘wild’
knowledge, and just as wildlife conservation
has moved focus from species to habitats, so
these living architectures can only really exist
within a cultural habitat. What we are therefore
aiming to conserve is not a building, it is a
tradition (figure 7).
At its simplest, conservation of these
structures is a three-fold process.
Awareness – There is still a lot of work to do
to bring these architectures to the attention
of specialists, locals, and governments, each
of whom need to grasp both the importance
None of these are easy. To raise awareness Figure 7 – The skills
of the traditions and also the threats to are as important as the
preservation. requires that the community has been building – Dorze Woven
accessed and their structures assessed, Bamboo House, Ethiopia
Recording – While not true conservation, which given that many are located areas of
recording a detailed snapshot of the considerable unrest such as Libya, Nigeria
buildings, the production techniques, and the and Somalia, presents risks, especially to
cultural environments, is an essential part the European researcher. To persuade local
of preserving the knowledge and skills for people that their traditions are of value is also
possible future reconstruction. challenging among communities suffering
from draught and malnutrition.
Support – The core of any conservation
model is to find ways, unique to each culture, Recording is complicated by the constant
that the traditions can be maintained as living shifting of the type. Even the most detailed
knowledge. measured drawings will never capture the
total gestalt of the building as contained in the
knowledge base of the community. There is a

26 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 27

case of Reads not only it’s built fabric but its We were also fortunate in having a committed
internal cabinetry, fixtures and fittings as well client whose input into recording and research
as a substantial volume of trade goods of the and particularly into the conservation of Reads
mid 18th to late 19th century survive. archival material was invaluable.
Brief History: Process:
Parliament Street, designed and laid out to the The structural stabilisation of the shop-front
design of the Wide Streets Commissioners and brick facade over included dismantling,
architect: George Semple, in 1761, was opened conservation and repair of shop-front and
up by the Wide Street Commissioners in 1762 fittings, window sashes over, brick repair, and
to provide a suitably grand approach from re-pointing in lime to match original Wide
Essex Bridge to Dublin Castle. Almost all Streets Commissioners intentions, the removal
the houses lining the street have undergone of decayed cill timbers, at base of shop-front,
considerable change over the past 250-plus the structural tying in of brick facade to ensure
years, but this building retains its original the cellular integrity of the structure was
appearance both inside and out. retained, and the repair and strengthening of
shop-front bressumer beam.
No. 4 a terraced two-bay five-storey house Historic research was carried out by Kelly
over shop, is the most intact surviving building and Cogan Architects, Simon Moore Cutlery
on the street and it’s built fabric and decorative
detail survive throughout, along with it’s
shop fittings fixtures and contents including
its unique 18th century counter tops and
display cabinets.
Appointment and Brief:
Kelly and Cogan Architects were appointed
to act as conservation architects and design

Reads Cutlers, Conservation

team leaders for the conservation, restoration
and refurbishment of the premises in 2012.
Prior to our client’s purchase of the building,

and Refurbishment Works it had fallen into severe dilapidation and had
experienced serious structural destabilisation
due to a combination of neglect and ill-
considered interventions of the1770s which
James Kelly RIAI RIBA SCA had removed critical elements of structural
Location: 4 Parliament Street and 3 Crane Lane, Dublin 2, Ireland support internally in order to aggrandise the
Scope: Conservation strategy, and conservation, restoration and refurbishment works as Project retail unit at ground level and to provide a
Architect under RIBA Work Stages 0 through to 7 Guild or Meeting Room at first floor.
Timeline: 2012 - 2018 Strategy:
Team: James Kelly and Katrin Korter Our initial strategy was twofold:
1. To address essential weatherproofing and
The conservation and restoration of Reads Parliament Street but also in the hitherto stabilisation of the structure.
Cutlers, a modest mid 18th century mercantile unrecognised much earlier 17th / 18th century 2. To research and investigate both the history
premises at 4 Parliament Street in central premises fronting onto Crane Lane and and construction of the building to enable
Dublin and a protected structure, was completed absorbed into the mid 18th century alterations. a thorough conservation process to be
in 2018 and is one of the most significant initiated.
restoration projects in Ireland in recent years. Established originally on nearby Blind Quay
in 1670, Reads moved to 4 Parliament Street Dublin City Council’s Conservation and
Read’s is Dublin’s only intact 18th century in 1762 and traded there until it’s final closing Planning Officers were of considerable
retail premises and is a unique survivor, not in 1988. help in facilitating a flexible approach which
only in the almost perfectly intact 1760s enabled much of the critical emergency
shop and domestic interiors of the Wide Very little commercial material culture in Ireland works to be expedited and the building to be
Streets Commissioners building fronting onto survives from the 18th century. However, in the weatherproofed and made safe.

28 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 29

A full record of the research has been lodged works aimed at a ‘minimal intervention’ based Further investigation revealed that the
with Dublin City Council’s Conservation process of structural intervention to stabilise brickwork, while in reasonable condition
Department, the Gilbert Library and the Irish the building, and a schedule of brick repair required extensive stabilisation laterally into
Architectural Archive. and re-pointing to weather it combined with the fabric of the party walls. This was achieved
a series of repair based interventions to this using a combination of corner Heli Ties
The Planning Process:
windows and shop-front. and Bow Ties in the depths of the floors.
An enabling programme of exploratory
opening up works, was carried out in early A schedule and programme of repairs was It was found that much of the destabilisation
2016 under Section 5 Approval from Dublin agreed for the restoration of fittings and of the internal fabric resulted from intervention
City Council. fixtures which focussed upon minimal repair works of the 1770s and 1780s which had
and restoration of all original fabric. removed two intermediate levels of chimney
This process identified a significant number stack and a spine wall at ground and first floor.
of issues involving the front façade and Following opening up works, Nolan Group Stabilisation was achieved by the tying in of
spine wall structures which were significantly were appointed to the works and commenced the front wall to the floors and party walls and
imperilled due to historic alterations and roofing repair and related weatherproofing by the structural reinforcement of the existing
Planning Permission for necessary works to works in early September 2016. timber floor beams supporting the second
the Front Façade, Window Joinery and Shop- floor and upwards, dating from the 1770’s
front was granted on 08th July 2016 Those works were extended by agreement to
include a range of other internal completion interventions but originally inadequately sized.
An initial minimal intervention strategy works including plumbing and heating, works These works necessitated the insertion of a
focussing upon roof weatherproofing was to upper floors and plastering etc. new ancillary steel frame while retaining as
agreed with Nicola Matthews Conservation much of the original fabric as possible.
Officer of Dublin City Council and Paraic Window repairs were carried out by PJ Murphy
Fallon, Senior Planner Dublin City Council. and general historic joinery repairs to staircase, This work was carried out as emergency
shop-front, skirtings and architraves, was structural stabilisation works by Agreement
Primary Issues: carried out by conservation joinery specialist with Conservation and Planning Officers
Historian and Peter Walsh Archivist and The primary issues identified as causing Mr Paul Lawrence. following the preparation of a relevant
comprised a full survey, history of the building, structural failure to the building were as Conservation Impact Assessment.
follows: All joinery repairs and works were based
its role and that of the Read family in the upon the principle of retaining original fabric
cultural life of the City. • Poor quality intervention works carried out in The works proceeded to completion in late
and the isolated repair (following dismantling, 2017 with final completion of minor internal
the 1770s which resulted in the removal of cleaning down and assessment) of individual
It included research into the role of the Read a chimney breast at ground and first floors items in 2018.
family in the cutlery trade in Ireland, the range elements by consolidation and grafting in of
(leaving the stack through three floors above new matching timber where required. In November 2017 this project was the
of goods produced by the family, a history of in place).
the shop and a record of goods produced as Winner of the British Georgian Group’s
• The removal of the spine wall of the original Following erection of scaffolding, dismantling ‘Diaphoros’ Award.
well as compilation of a genealogy of the Read of the shop-front and provision of full access,
1760’s shop and dwelling at ground and first
Family in Ireland and primary auditing and it became clear that while the bressumer
floor in the 1770s’.
archival categorisation of the surviving Trade beam over the shop-front was in better than
Goods on the premises including all surviving • Poor original building practises in the front
façade, which was found to be free-standing expected condition but that the wall above
trade goods, account books, trade cards, tools had moved considerably and, as a result of
and equipment. without restraint to the main structure, and
lacking adequate floor joist tie ins to the poor original construction the front portion of
While carrying out this work a very large front walling. brick, which it transpired, consisted of snapped
quantity of Read’s 18th and 19th century trade headers rather than full depth brick, had
• Significant subsidence due to adjacent delaminated.
goods were found on site. Approximately building works and poor-quality historic
11,500 items were found from cutlery to maintenance of the built fabric. It also became clear that the front wall was
swords, but the largest quantity of ‘found’ not tied into the main structure of the building
• General dilapidation decay and neglect.
material was medical instruments. and that the fourth-floor wall and parapet level
• Excessive wear and tear in daily use
This unique collection of antique medical particularly with regard to cabinetry and above was in a state of imminent collapse and
instruments is now on loan to the the Royal fittings and fixtures which had remained required dismantling and reconstruction.
College of Physicians of Ireland. in constant daily use from 1762 right up Exposure of the original brick behind the
to 1988. late 18th century surviving shop fascia, did
The quantity of material generated in this
exercise was significantly greater than Resolution: however identify the original 1760s brick
originally anticipated and the process was A solution was arrived at in agreement with pointing which became the model (under
both filmed and recorded in written (logbook) the Planning and Conservation Officers which agreement with the Conservation Officer) for
and photographic format. identified a series of relevant necessary the re-pointing of the front façade.

30 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 31

were abandoned by their owners as the the UK, despite his having studied the care of
Russians moved through eastern Germany historic buildings at Weimar University. Herr
in 1945-6. Herrmann (as he always was and will be to
• The once bustling Hanseatic Trading League me even some 30-years hence) re-learnt an
port remained in operation as a modern approach to the care of historic buildings at
shipping construction and docks destination Purcell. Together, we set out to introduce a
at the northern edge of the city. philosophy of retention and an acceptance of
the imperfect to our host city.
• The depopulation of the medieval walled
city merchants’ houses, and later Baroque On arriving in former DDR in the winter of
additions due to the communist regime 1990, I initially marveled at how much of the
favouring system built suburban workers flats. historic fabric remained in Stralsund. Taking
• The benign neglect that left reunified opportunities to travel to Warsaw and Dresden,
Germany with one of the least altered I began to identify a technical solutions
‘authentic’ medieval city centres in Europe, approach to demolish and rebuild that
where one man’s view of the cobbled streets prevailed and had been developed in response
as charming was seen as backward by those to the magnitude of the appalling postwar task
who strove to modernize. of providing homes, places of business and
• The city and its transport links to varied recreation in the centre of once great towns
islands like Rugen and Hiddensee, where and cities.
DDR workers and party officials had
Construction teams, led largely by Polish
previously enjoyed summer vacation
surveyors and engineers, were considered
destinations in limited numbers. No such
masters of heritage restoration in the eastern
mechanism would temper market forces as
block, employing very high standards of
western Germans explored this new area of
craftsmanship. There were many such experts
their unified land.
in Stralsund when I arrived. Restoration of
The studio lead, Jasper Herrmann, had left the east elevation of the town hall (Rathaus)
the DDR some years before. The British was partly finished and an interpretive
conservation philosophy of favouring repair of reconstruction of the 12th century façade had
The Rathaus am Alten a heritage asset over ’rebuild-it-better-than- removed virtually all trace of its renaissance
CASE STUDY 7 | GERMANY 7 Markt is Stralsund’s best- new’ had been unfamiliar to him on arriving in and later evolution.
known landmark and

Eastern Block Conservation

Purcell’s first commission

in Stralsund, NE Germany
Janet Jury RIBA SCA
Location: Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, N.E Germany
Scope: Conservation strategy, education and training, repair and design proposals, site
inspections and advice
Timeline: 1990-1993
Team: Janet Jury, Jasper Herrmann, David Bissonnet, Martin Ashley

In 1990, as a German-speaking Part 2 located on the unspoilt Baltic coast in

architectural assistant, I joined a returning northeast Germany. Stralsund’s potential
Stralsunder to establish a small satellite problems and opportunities sprung from The medieval walled
city (top left) is flanked
office of Purcell at the invitation of the City of the same roots, threatening the remarkable by the Baltic, islands, a
Stralsund’s council. They were seeking help collection of buildings with rapid revitalization: commercial port and
in dealing with the quantity of dilapidated • The growing and some heated discussion modern housing located
buildings in this remarkable Hanse Stadt, away from the heart of
about lapsed ownership of properties that the city.

32 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 33

A glass roof and glazed elevation. However, practical difficulties of bullet holes from WW2 is lost to today’s
infill was added to the political constraints, lack of funds and a dearth visitors where very few such imperfections
17th Century open
courtyard and gallery of materials did not disappear immediately remain. Instead, story boards describe what
and the columns and after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Detailed was once there. A review of the status of
decoration over-painted specifications that would have been compiled conservation training in Germany and its
in the 1980’s. in the UK were of little use as workable place in international conservation yields
solutions if materials were unobtainable and nothing like SPAB as a resource for building
we were sensitive to the former East German owners or professionals. Weimar University,
peoples dislike of being made to feel that they through its Chair for Heritage Conservation
were falling short of ‘western’ expectations. At and Architectural History (Professur
the time, new methods and procedures were Denkmalpflege und Baugeschichte) continues
being introduced with impressive speed from to offer architectural history and heritage-
western Germany. Our aim was to equip our focused academic options to its main-stream
eastern German construction team colleagues architecture students. However, as I noted
with a means by which they could take their 30 years ago, the technical schools like
own time and make informed decisions about Hochschule RheinMain (akin to the old UK
whether what was on offer was appropriate. Polytechnic) are still where one would go for a
deeper conservation focused education. The
The lead players in the care of Stralsund’s Architectural Heritage Conservation Bachelor
heritage assets became regular visitors to of Science is described on the Hochschule
these first projects, where philosophies were RheinMain website as ‘This new degree
discussed, and practical demonstrations program, unique in Germany’, suggesting
Even worse, badly spalled but salvageable We stressed that all of this would only take undertaken. In addition, we engaged with the that deep conservation understanding akin On the ground floor
12th century columns in the undercroft of the place in the UK after undertaking thorough local technical college in Wismar to offer to the broad accessible education offered by of the restored facade
placements for students and I oversaw their (right), pre-reunification
Rathaus (the Ratskeller, in part a Kneiper or research to understand the evolution of a part bodies like SPAB to professionals, owners and work had replaced
pub) were being removed and put in a skip. or the whole building, and documentation of its continuing professional development. Historic enthusiasts alike still has a little way to go in carved baroque or earlier
Newly carved stone columns replaced them, current condition, tasks that fell to me. buildings work at that time seemed very much Germany. In a European context, France, Italy mullion-and-transom
the retained vaults were refinished using the field of the Bauingenieur (although direct and the Netherlands are well represented by windows with speculative
Purcell’s first commission enabled us to translation indicates Civil Engineer, loosely a reconstructions. The
cement render on expanded metal lath and organisations responsible for the conservation, facade on the left retains
the brick ribs indented or completely replaced demonstrate how the alternative approach surveyor role in this instance) rather than an restoration and repair of historic buildings and its building biography,
with industrially produced modern brick. As could be applied. Working with David Odgers Architekt or Architektin. places, but notably Germany isn’t represented. and was repairable.
these areas were under the jurisdiction of of Nimbus Conservation Group, I was involved
in a programme of works to conserve a badly Throughout the 1990’s, the Stralsund office
the city council, the works were halted whilst team and Purcell UK exchanged staff for
Purcell presented alternative philosophies for damaged 12th century limestone column
in situ using a combination of indenting, short placements (of which I was the first to
our first commission, the Rathaus. do so) and some attended the SPAB biannual
lime watering and lime based plastic stone
Owners, statutory authorities, contractors, techniques. This benchmark project convinced residential course. In response to widening
and practitioners were invited to Purcell’s very the client to commission conservation of the the opportunities beyond Purcell staff, Purcell
prominent workspace on the ground floor of remaining columns using the same techniques instigated a historic building conservation
the Rathaus where we offered short informal but involving local ‘apprentices’, and to review course that was run by SPAB at Weimar
presentations over Kaffee und Kuchen the proposed ongoing repair of the east University. It included speakers not only from
to introduce the principles of established the UK but also eastern and western German
advisory bodies such as ICOMOS, English contributors. It was never Purcell’s intention
Heritage, Historic Scotland and SPAB via to dictate that British philosophy was fully
short talks and informal discussions about the developed, unchanging and the only way. The
past works and future needs of the Rathaus introduction of the Weimar initiative, guided by
Pre-reunification column
building. Key senior Purcell staff made short and vault repairs in the the Weimar alumni Herr Herrmann, brings to
visits to present conservation in action via Ratskeller used hard mind the Italian phrase ‘Give a man a fish and
case studies from the UK, promoting:
new brick and cement you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish
rendering (rear of the and you feed him for his lifetime’.
• repair rather than replacement, image). The repairs
under Purcell’s direction
• retaining accretions to document the conserved brick ribs and
Having an opportunity to reflect some
buildings story, lime-washed the vaults 30-years later, my more recent visits have
• making repairs and alterations honest, ‘of are in the foreground. The confirmed that the evolutionary story
1890’s brick casing to the gleaned from walking through east Berlin in
their time’, supportive of the aesthetic integrity column was repointed
of the building and, preferably reversible. and limewashed too.
the 1990s, passing facades peppered with

34 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 35

designed in 1861 and built between 1865 and created a polluted atmosphere at odds with
1877. The GUM building and the cast iron roofs the high-end retailers who were beginning
over the arcades are separately scheduled as to be drawn to the Moscow landmark. Cast
historic structures. iron balustrades on the upper stories were
low, loose and unsafe. Some of the entrances,
GUM comprises four galleries of retail space including those facing Red Square had been
separated by three long, covered arcades closed, for operational reasons.
of approximately 250 metres. These are
intersected by three secondary arcades. Each Causes of decay and decline
of the arcades is covered by a magnificent The reasons for the building’s decline were
lofty glazed cast iron roof, which is domed at both intrinsic and extrinsic. The decline in
the main central intersection. the condition of the building reflected wider
political and economic factors, which resulted
The building represented a high point in the
in the decline of the USSR. As a result, it
Russian national style of architecture and in
suffered from significant backlog maintenance
technological engineering. The use of vaulted
issues. Intrinsic problems with the building
reinforced concrete in the construction was
related to its architecture – which provided a
key to achieving the sense of space and light,
which is evident in the building.
GUM runs along the east side of Red Square,
opposite the 15th century wall of the Kremlin
and Lenin’s Tomb, whilst the 16th century
St Basil’s Cathedral closes the south side of
the square. The north end is closed by the
State Historical Museum built, like GUM, in a
period of demolition and remodelling in the
late 19th century, which created the square
as it is seen today. Red Square has been a
UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990,
recognising its unique history and architecture,
and its national and international profile and
CASE STUDY 8 | RUSSIA 8 significance.

Trade Rows of GUM,

Understanding the heritage asset
The project involved collaboration with
knowledgeable Moscow-based experts,

Moscow, Russia
including architects, engineers and academics
who had researched the building’s history
and construction. Several visits provided the
opportunity to meet with a range of local
experts and to carry out inspections of the
Alan Davies RIBA CA
building to understand its architecture and to
Location: Red Square, Moscow
assess its condition.
Scope: Concept/ Scheme Design (Handed over to Moscow-based architects for delivery)
Team: BDP Manchester Studio – architecture and engineering. From the ground, the building appears robustly
built. Closer inspection revealed that many
elements were in poor condition. An inspection
The Building Building History of the roof (carried out on a memorable
bitterly cold Moscow day) revealed that
The Trade Rows of GUM building is situated in The Trade Rows of GUM building was
it was in poor condition, with a history of
Red Square, Moscow. It is one of the country’s completed in 1896 to designs by the Russian
makeshift short-term repairs. The basement
most prominent buildings, familiar to people architect Alexander Pomerantsev and engineer
level was damaged and full of diesel fumes
throughout Russia and the world as part of Vladimir Shukhov. The design was influenced
from delivery vehicles. This polluted air was
the backdrop to many Russian state events in by other 19th century retail galleries, notably
vented into the shopping arcades, which
Red Square. the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan,

36 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 37

This fragmentation of the project shows some
of the challenges of working from a distance
on a heritage building. However, the initial
concept was faithfully executed, demonstrating
the importance of a clear and feasible
conservation strategy, and of working with
knowledgeable and committed local experts.
The images taken on completion of the project
shows a thriving specialty retail centre, as does
GUMs current day website.

large number of small retail spaces arranged give access from ground to the two primary
over four storeys. Ventilation was poor. upper level galleries. A number of additional
Access to upper floors was limited. Whilst bridges were proposed to provide an improved
the building’s location and architecture could circulation pattern. These changes, together
appeal to smaller high-value retailers, the with alterations to the basement increased the
environment within the building was poor effective usable retail space.
due to a combination of old and inadequate
engineering installations and diesel fumes. These proposals – together with strategies
for incorporating new engineering services
Conservation and design strategies to provide a comfortable year-round
Some on the client team wished to see environment, invisibly within the voids and
significant alterations to the building to provide structure of the building; and repair proposals
greater retail footprints, They proposed a for the building fabric; were accepted as
conventional ‘dumbbell’ shopping centre both preserving the character of the historic
layout, which would have entailed significant building and also ensuring its future viability.
demolition to create large footprint anchor
stores at each end. We proposed an alternative
‘constructive conservation’ approach, which To progress such a conservation approach
conserved all elements of the building whilst to concept stage required close collaboration
making calculated, informed interventions to with a Moscow-based client (the Moscow
make it viable for the future. This approach office of an international contractor), a
was informed by respect for the original Russian-speaking architect colleague in
architecture of the building, its form and Manchester, and the expertise of Moscow
structure. It involved minimal loss of fabric and architects and engineers who assisted in
limited interventions. obtaining the necessary consents.

The main interventions proposed were to After the concept design was approved,
improve access to previously underutilised the project stopped for economic reasons.
upper floors. New lifts were incorporated When it re-started, working in Russia had
within the masonry fabric of the galleries. become more challenging. The scheme was
Escalators were installed in the arcades to progressed and realised by a state-owned
design organisation, Mosproject.

38 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 39

Malcolm McGregor of PRS Architects was Palpable risks of destruction, damage or
commissioned by the World Bank in June 2020 deliberate removal/dispersal of the museum
to consider the various risks and opportunities or its collection due to varied political
inherent in the museum following limited considerations such as occurred in the Swat
investment over the last decades. Valley or to numerous Buddhist artefacts
(Bamiyan statues) in neighbouring Afghanistan.
It became quickly apparent that this project
offered an incredible potential to help change Various items of work were identified and
attitudes and to develop a renewed sense working closely in a virtual manner starting
of pride for an entire region or even nation in June 2020 some conservation work was
following years of decline in the wake of 9/11. able to commence, taking advantage of the
A revitalised Peshawar Museum that was museums closure during the pandemic. This
originally built as the ‘Queen Victoria Memorial included essential conservation work to the four
Hall’ could help Pakistan, in the 21st Century, Cenotaphs at roof top level which were severely
evolve its post-colonial position or narrative. deteriorated as well as externally all the
internal walls restored following damage from
The original architect was Sir Samuel Swinton the previous application of modern emulsion
Jacob who designed the building in the paints. Work also involved the removal of
Indo-Saracenic style that reflected the British unsightly modern suspended ceilings.
aspiration for an “Imperial style” of their own
on an intentionally grand scale, promoting Malcolm has also been able to illustrate
a notion of an unassailable and invincible the considerable opportunities that The
British Empire. Directorate of Archaeology & Museums of
the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
The building with its main exhibition hall is and the Peshawar Museum with the support
of considerable significance however the of the World Bank have to respond to the
museum’s collection, of in excess of 14,000 many identified risks. The overriding aim of
objects, is recognised internationally as one
of the largest and most important collections
the project is to better preserve and conserve
this world class collection within the following
of Buddhist Gandharan artefacts in the world.

Peshawar Museum, Pakistan,

The majority of the sculptures and artefacts
were excavated from the major Gandharan
sites of Shah-Ji-Ki-Dheri Peshawar, Sahri
Bahlol, Takht-i-Bahi, Jamal Garhi and many
others including some from the SWAT Valley
and Taxila.
Malcolm McGregor RIBA SCA
Location: Peshawar, KP Province, Northern Pakistan The quality of many of the Gandharan
Scope: Conservation Strategy for the building and collection; Site visit; Advisor on ongoing sculptures within the collection are exquisite
restoration work; Exhibition design and Reinterpretation strategy development and on a par with some of the best
Timeline: 2020-2022 contemporary Greek or Roman examples.
Team: Malcolm McGregor, Gonca Ozer, Dr Christian Luczanits & Benedetta Tiana Growing interest throughout the world with
examples in New York, London & Berlin have
placed great value on Gandharan Artifacts .
The Peshawar Museum was opened in 1907 Peshawar as a city dates back to at least The Gandharan Buddhist religious artefacts
commissioned by the Governor General of the 539 BCE making it possibly one off the oldest and sites in Pakistan record various
North-West Frontier Province of British India cities in Pakistan. As the centre of the ancient important and highly significant changes
or the British Raj (1858-1947). The project was Gandhara region, Peshawar became its capitol, and developments that are still recognised
conceived in 1901 as a Durbar Hall to celebrate during the Kushan Empire circa AD 30 – 375 throughout China, Japan and South East
and commemorate the late Queen Victoria. and remained an important trading centre Asia today. There are also numerous heritage
It was also designed as a Museum to contain on the Silk Road. Today it is the capital of the assets that illustrate linkages that are being
extensive Buddhist Artefacts excavated region of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa or KP Province researched across the globe regarding the
within the province. At the time there were of modern-day Pakistan with a population development and interaction between ancient
substantial funds raised from the people of of over 2 Million but only 35 miles from the Indian, Persia, Greece, Mauryan to Kushan
the province and support secured from the border with Afganistan. Empires that all exerted their control and
Viceroy or Government of British India. influence on an international scale.

40 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 41

A. Research and understanding this significant heritage is better conserved into the main hall. The space is a wonderful
Allow a deeper understanding about the and understood to promote tourism and example of a ‘Durbar’ or celebratory hall
collection by reviewing and reconsidering increase skills and pride within Pakistan. for large social gatherings held near to the
each object in terms of its quality, condition, Governor’s Residence as well as a museum.
A detailed Conservation Plan that sets out It is a place of splendour built to impress the
provenance, original use, significance etc over 30 policies for review and adoption by
to allow the development of an improved local inhabitants.
the Directorate of Archaeology & Museums of
interpretation the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and The following three-dimensional diagrams
B. Interpretation and outreach the Peshawar Museum, Pakistan to assist in have been developed to show the general
developing a coherent Management Plan to layout of the ground floor of the museum.
Consider a comprehensive redisplay of this
help conserve the Museum and its Collection. The main central hall has some of the most
significant Gandharan cultural collection in
As part of this a detailed digital survey was impressive statues fixed to the structure.
a way that breaks away from the now dated
commissioned to record the external and Around the perimeter in an anti-clockwise
western orientated format that still derives
internal condition of the building. From this arrangement from the left-hand side as one
from the original 1910 layout describing
Malcolm’s team were able to develop a 3D enters the hall the numerous stone friezes
the life of the Buddha to a more thematic
model to develop a deeper understanding of are laid out chronologically explaining the life
approach that can allow visitors to understand
the opportunities that are available. story of the Buddha including: Pre-birth, Birth,
the high quality and cosmopolitan nature of
Conversion, Performance of miracles, First
this ancient civilisation. This could achieve the The following images show the main central sermons, The taming of the elephant & Death
following outcomes or benefits: hall which is a spectacular space. This space
• Develop a wider audience of people locally, would have been well lit with high level The two side wings contain on the right or
regionally, nationally and internationally clearstory windows bringing light directly west side the Buddha Gallery containing
will be reached and able to understand the smaller statues and artefacts whilst on the left
incredible international connections that or east side is the Bodhisattva Gallery which
Gandharan Civilisation had as well as what contains a model of the Takt-I-Bahi monastery
its legacy is today complex as well as of model explaining the
• Allow an increased sense of pride to be layout of a traditional Stupa
developed within the people of Peshawar, The diagram below gives one an overall
KP Province and Pakistan as a whole by impression of the current layout of the first
illustrating the astonishing achievements of floor of the museum which is dominated by
Gandharan culture on an international scale the void space around the main hall with
as well as by increased international tourism circulation balconies or galleries that look
and contact with other nationalities. down into the space.
• Ensure the full potential of collection is
released to help change people’s attitudes
and improve people’s behaviour
• Increase local, regional and national revenue
achieved through tourism
• Develop an enhanced understanding of
tolerance by illustrating how previous
Pakistan civilisations have lived in a
multi faith context achieving great wealth
influence and culture
• Improve an understanding of diversity
by showing the origins of current Urdu or
Indo-aryan and even Chinese to Ancient
Gandhari text
• As well as develop local and regional skills
in tourism, conservation and craft
All the work carried out so far has been in
accordance with ICOMOS guidance and aimed
at supporting and informing the management
of any proposed changes to the museum and
its collection. The overarching aim is to ensure

42 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 43

Article 25 [] is a Buddhist shrines. They were designed in an
humanitarian architecture charity. Our work is ornate traditional Burmese-Buddhist style
focused on improving access to healthcare, with various Indo-European and Sino-Thai
education and housing for communities influences visible. It is understood that the
around the world. In recent years our work head monk at the time had travelled to
in Myanmar included conservation projects Mandalay in the mid-19th century where
undertaken with the objective of supporting he was exposed to similar designs at the
local communities to manage and conserve royal court and thus employed artisans from
their built heritage. Myanmar (formerly Burma) Mandalay to execute the vision for Kaw Hnat.
has a wealth of vernacular and colonial-era The patron U Nar Auk had earned his wealth
built heritage much of which has experienced though a successful shipping company which
neglect in recent decades due to a loss of local for a time challenged the hegemony of the
expertise and traditional skills and political and Scottish-owned Irrawaddy Flotilla company in
economic instability following independence late 19th century lower Burma, then a province
from Great Britain in 1948. At Kaw Hnat of British India. As a result of this association
village in Mon State we worked with the local the ornate structures and their founder
Management Committee and a Yangon-based have become a symbol of Mon and national
engineering firm to carry out a feasibility study resistance to the colonial regime.
for conservation and development works to
a group of three late 19th century Buddhist Our work at Kaw Hnat comprised of strategic
worship halls. These richly decorated timber advice to the Committee for management
and masonry structures are situated within a and conservation of the site as a whole and
wider monastic complex of pagodas (stupas), specific technical support relating to the
temples and residential buildings, located on protection and repair of the three structures
the edge of the village. including their exquisite high-value decorative
finishes. We worked with the committee and
The three buildings at the heart of our building custodians to create a preventative
study were commissioned by a local Mon maintenance checklist and a schedule of
businessman U Nar Auk between 1888 and urgent repairs which could be prioritised
1895 as a monastic Ordination Hall and two before the upcoming rainy season. Working






View from the south 3
CASE STUDY 10 | MYANMAR 10 looking towards the Hna-
Kyeik-Shit-Su Shrine and

U Nar Auk Pagoda Complex,

Dipinkara Shrine

To U Nar Out Village
Lion Statue
Religiosa Tree
Frangipani Tree
Tree Pavement
Banana Tree
Coconut Tree Ground work
19 Path
0 10m 20m 40m 100m

Caitriona O’Connor RIBA 1. The Theingyi Oridination Hall

Flower Tree U Nar Auk Pagoda Feasibility Study

2. The Hna-Kyeik-Shit-Su Shrine E Electric Post External furniture
Location: Kaw Hnat Village, Mon State, Myanmar

3. The Dinpinkara Shrine Light Building
7. The Mahacede Pagoda
Scope: Feasibility Study, Conservation Guidelines and advice on urgent repairs 12. U Nar Auk Statue


092 E-00-0001 1:500 KH

16. U Mon Zayat Concrete Drain

Timeline: January – June 2019


- 26.04.2019 CO


17. U Kun Zayat Asphalt Road Do not scale from this drawing.

19. The Old Pagoda Fence G Generator House

All dimensions are in millimetres.

Team: Caitriona O’Connor, Khin Kyi Htet, Kim Kyi May.

All dimensions to be confirmed on site.
This drawing, and information within, is the copyright of Article 25 - registered charity no. 1112621.
Existing Siteplan Article 25 should be notified immediately of any discrepancies.

44 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 45

with a local structural engineer we identified View of west elevation
the main issues which were affecting the of Dipinkara Shrine with
Theingi Ordination Hall
integrity of the superstructures and set visible in the background
out a plan for addressing these issues and
identified appropriate materials with which
to do so. The decorative finishes adorning
the interiors included carved timber relief
panels, painted timber friezes depicting the
lives of Buddha, gold leaf wall murals and
glass and gold filigree mosaics inlaid with
precious stones. Due to a lack of funds the
repair of these finishes is currently impossible
for the Committee so our advice related to
stabilisation of the remaining finishes and
mitigation of further water ingress. Poor
rainwater drainage around the base of the
buildings resulting in rising dampness was
identified as a key issue to be addressed.
We also contacted academics in Mandalay
University where there is a growing interest Image of unsuitable
concrete render repairs
in the reinvigoration traditional crafts, to bring on the south gable wall of
this group of buildings to their attention and Dipinkara Shrine
with a view to potentially directing further
resources to their conservation.
While there is still much to do to protect
these buildings, the main aim of our work
was to support the local Committee to
increase their management and conservation
capacity and acknowledge the significance
of these buildings within the cannon out
south-east Asian Buddhist architecture. By
raising awareness around basic maintenance
principles and management of original
materials and water-ingress we hope that
these structures can be protected until such
a time as extensive conservation works can
be undertaken. Myanmar’s magnificent and
vastly rich heritage has experienced a variety Junction on the north
of threats over the past 150 years and the facade of the Hna-Kyeik-
Shit-Su Shrine showing
country is once again suffering at the hands of the loss of external
a brutal military regime. Our thoughts are with finishes on the relief
our colleagues and friends in Yangon, Mon columns
State and beyond, that their resilience and
energy can persevere.

View of ceiling decorations in the inner chamber of Dipinkara Shrine

46 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 47

My work in Cuba has gradually shifted in Havana they explicitly set themselves
my thinking about the whole purpose of the “Challenge of Utopia”. The regeneration
conservation. Seeing conservation in such a model in Old Havana pioneered by Leal uses
different context somehow showed me how the city’s wealth of built heritage to promote
conservation of buildings was more than an foreign cultural tourism, investing the money
absorbing intellectual and technical exercise – generated right back into the city – into further
but that it responds to a deep human need. conservation both tangible and intangible.
Versions of the Old Havana regeneration
Conservation in Cuba takes place in a very model have been taken on in Cuba’s other
different context to ours in Britain. The historic cities which include several UNESCO
ICOMOS international conservation principles World Heritage Sites.
may be the same, but the problems and the
resources are so very different. The scale of In 2006, the conservation of historic buildings
the Cuban task is staggering, but so is the in Cuba was being carried out solely by the
vision. The results may raise eyebrows in Cuban State, sometimes in joint ventures with
some conservation circles, but there is much foreign enterprises. Following Raul Castro’s
to admire and much we can learn from. reforms in 2011, increasing numbers of private
enterprises have adapted buildings for bed-
The Cuban approach to conservation is and-breakfasts, small hotels and restaurants.
holistic and explicitly people-orientated. But despite the efforts, the joint ventures, and
Whatever one’s view on a one-party socialist the reforms, the vast majority of Cuba’s city
state, there is much to be said for the buildings remain in a state of jaw-dropping
ambitious Cuban process which integrates disrepair.
conservation, local communities, social
systems, history and culture into planning and For many western tourists, this crumbling
architecture. disrepair is what draws them to Cuba. The
extreme shabby-chic is shocking, even thrilling,
Cuba, Conservation and Utopia evidence of past wealth and glamour lost to
The Cubans take on the conservation of Cuba’s dramatic Revolution. That people still
whole cities, tackling the full range of urban live (and that there is so much life) in these
complexities. They have been engaging ruinous cities is part of the spectacle – or
in earnest in the holistic, heritage-based poverty-porn as some have described it.
regeneration of Old Havana since the 1990s, But the situation is hard, desperate really, for
led by the late great Eusebio Leal Spengler, the Cubans who live in these buildings. The
Havana’s charismatic City Historian. The aim conservation of Havana and other historic
of their heritage-based regeneration is high; cities is not about preserving their exciting,

Location: Havana and other cities, Cuba
Scope: Research, recording an Old Havana tenement and the craft of hydraulic tile-making
Timeline: January 2006 and April-September 2009, ongoing
Team: Anna Joynt with Anibal Del Prado (Havana City Historian’s Office) and Felicia Chateloin
(Havana University)

I am a conservation architect with a long- one to survey vernacular alterations to an Old

standing interest in Cuba and conservation Havana tenement, and the other to document
of its buildings and cities. My 2006 the craft of decorative hydraulic tile-making
post-graduate thesis for the Architectural in Cuba – were funded by the Zibby Garnett
Association Buildings Conservation Course Trust and the British Academy. I am an
was on the heritage-based regeneration of Old Associate Director at Allies and Morrison.
Havana. Subsequent research trips to Cuba –

48 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 49

romantic, shabby chic for the tourist market, infrastructural, intangible aspects as well as were refurbishing buildings. The tiles weren’t the Faculty of Architecture at the University
but responding to an urgent social need. the economic. There are examples of excellent particularly antique, they were so commonly of Havana. The research was funded by the
repair and traditional crafts, particularly in found, and they were considered too difficult to British Academy. The purpose of the report
The Burra Charter conservation is about the museums and public buildings, and these repair. Architects and specifiers were unaware was to chart the history and development of
retaining the cultural significance of a place, places are really used by people. of the (very limited) sources of replacement hydraulic mortar tiles in Cuba and the current
and the Cubans have got this very right. They tiles in Cuba. So, rather than repair small areas, state of the craft – and to communicate the
know very well what they have with their Rediscovering a lost craft whole historic floors were taken up and re- value of the tiles. The aim was to encourage
heritage, particularly their older heritage, and In buildings throughout Cuba, one sees these floored in cheap imported ceramics. A whole the resuscitation of the industry in Cuba, to
are very aware of its cultural significance. They decorative floors made of hydraulic cement layer of history and character of buildings was create employment and revive craft skills as
also know that cultural significance for Cuba tiles. Beautiful and robust, dating from the being lost. well as to benefit the restoration of World
lives in its people not its property. Their long- late 19th and early 20th centuries, these tiles Heritage cities in Cuba.
term holistic approach for the regeneration are intrinsic to the character and appeal of so My report ‘Cuban Mortar Tiles’ was written
is impressive, integrating conservation many Cuban buildings. But, certainly fifteen working alongside two Cuban institutions
with the social, educational, environmental, years ago, they were not valued by those who – the City Historian’s Office of Havana and

50 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 51

The approach, led by Turquoise Mountain, village remained occupied until 1976, when the
seeks to offer exemplary heritage led Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
regeneration, embracing both tangible and (MOTA) purchased properties from the
intangible ‘heritage’, and maximising the landowners and began transforming the whole
opportunities for engagement. In the longer site into a visitor attraction. The landowners
term it is hoped it will lead to sustainable and local community were able to retain
development – both economically and surrounding farmland but were resettled nearby
environmentally – delivered through inter- in what is now the modern town of Umm Qais.
cultural collaborations.
Whilst people are of course more important Following the success of regeneration projects
than heritage, the first question is always in Amman, Turquoise Mountain were invited
how can we best manage heritage to serve by MOTA to submit proposals for how best to
the needs of communities both today and in improve the visitor experience at Umm Qais,
future? Our approach includes developing including suitable suggestions for conservation Western Theatre
careful conservation policies as a way to and adaptive reuse across the entire site. © Geoff Rich, FCBStudios
manage change. The site at Umm Qais is In 2020, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Western Theatre
rich with opportunities to create a sensational (FCBStudios) were subsequently appointed © Turquoise Mountain
visitor experience of the site, including through
the reuse of the Roman amphitheatre, the
reinstatement of the historic village houses,
and the care of historic ruins such as the
Roman Baths.
As such, the project aims to develop
responses to protect and support the
significant built heritage, sustainably increase
tourism and radically transform the lives and
livelihoods of the local and wider community
through the employment and education
benefits that the revitalised Umm Qais
Archaeological Site will offer.
Aerial view of Umm Qais
CASE STUDY 12 | JORDAN 12 © APAAME Historical Context
Umm Qais Archaeological Site is located

Umm Qais Archaeological 120 km north of Amman, on a broad plateau,

surrounded by rolling valleys and olive groves,
with panoramic views over the Yarmouk River

Site, Jordan and the Golan Heights to the North, Lake

Tiberias (Sea of Galilee) to the North-West,
and the Jordan-Valley to the West. In this
strategic location, the site is notable for its
Geoff Rich RIBA SCA AABC; Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios for Turquoise Mountain (Jordan) sequential layers of historical development,
Location: Umm Qais, Jordan from Greco-Roman, to Byzantine, Ottoman
Scope: Masterplan, Design studies, Conservation Guidelines and design oversight and modern military structures.
Timeline: Summer 2020 – ongoing
Team: Geoff Rich, Tim Greensmith, Tom Lewis Once the city of Gadara, it was one of ten
Greco-Roman cities in the region, known as
the Decapolis. Today, the site still boasts two
Introduction amphitheatres, Roman baths, colonnades
and a mausoleum amongst its numerous
Umm Qais Archaeological site in northern Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios’ is collaborating archaeological features and artefacts.
Jordan is a place with fascinating layers with Turquoise Mountain – an NGO
of history and meaning, and a fusion of specialising in heritage-led regeneration – on Nestled in-between is the historic village of
influences from different cultures including the site wide visitor strategies, conservation works Umm Qais, which predominantly dates to the
Jordanian, Palestinian and Syrian communities and design proposals. late-Ottoman period, likely built and rebuilt from
of today. remnants of the ancient ruins it inhabits. The

52 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 53

Left to right:
bids for funding from the J.M. Kaplan Fund proposals for the adaptation of the Treaty
Heraklides – Mosaic and to gain support from the Department Court in the Ottoman village. This will include
© Geoff Rich, FCBStudios¬
of Antiquities. an exhibition, accommodation, business
Western Theatre doorway incubation space and craft workshops for the
(before) The project provided employment and on the local community; and is an exciting next step.
© Turquoise Mountain
job training and enhanced the presentation of
Western Theatre doorway the ancient theatre for local and international It will take many years to realise the potential
© Turquoise Mountain visitors. The feedback from government and respond to the needs of the Umm
Al Rousan Courtyard
and community stakeholders has been Qais Archaeological Site and its people, but
(before) overwhelmingly positive and the stage is Turquoise Mountain plan to work here in the
© Geoff Rich, FCBStudios already being used for informal performances. long-term and their plans reflect a wider,
Heraklides participatory vision.
© Geoff Rich, FCBStudios Next Stages
As well as developing the masterplan for the FCBStudios and Turquoise Mountain have
site, the accomplishments in the Western previously collaborated on the Tourist Burma
Theatre have led to an invitation to submit Building in Yangon.

Left to right:
Western Theatre;
© FCBStudios

Archaeological shelter
© FCBStudios

Al Rousan Courtyard
© FCBStudios

by Turquoise Mountain for our experience in Theatre, archaeological shelters to the

conservation and contemporary design work Roman baths and visitor accommodation
in sensitive, historic contexts. in the Al Rousan Courtyard of the Ottoman
village. These key interventions would better
FCBStudios are supportive of a ‘conservation protect vulnerable elements of the site and
in place’ approach, only taking away modern have started to inform the vision for a future
accumulations which are detrimental to the masterplan and visitor offer.
setting and promoting the repair or creative re-
use of existing structures where appropriate. Delivered Projects
As such, we recognise the huge opportunity Despite the constraints of a global pandemic,
to develop an exemplar of conservation, skills Turquoise Mountain’s team in Jordan, with
training and creative re-use in the design and minimal input from FCBStudios, has been
delivery of proposals for Umm Qais. As part able to successfully design and deliver
of this, we feel it is important that the project its first project on site. Focussing on the
is a participatory process, working alongside Western Theatre, which dates from the
Turquoise Mountain, other members of the 2nd-Century AD, they have worked with
team, and future stakeholders in a spirit of master woodworkers and their apprentices
openness and collaborative working. We are to design and install a new stage, as well as
keen to contribute to the process in ways balustrades, safety barriers and screens – all
where we can add most value including using traditional jointing techniques – to better
through design work, and as advisors and protect visitors and preserve the vulnerable
critical friends as the project progresses. structure from further damage.
To date, FCBStudios have assisted with the At an early stage, FCBStudios produced
development of potential catalyst projects, conceptual designs for the reimagined
producing design ideas for the Western amphitheatre, with images used in successful

54 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies 55

56 Royal Institute of British Architects | International Case Studies
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