Lintech Ball Screw Technical 2020-07 PDF
Lintech Ball Screw Technical 2020-07 PDF
Lintech Ball Screw Technical 2020-07 PDF
Design Consideration
RS Series PS Series GS Series
* Rolled Ball Screw * Precision Rolled Ball Screw * Precision Ground Ball Screw
* Tapped Ball Nut * Ground Ball Nut * Ground Ball Nut
* English Leads * English & Metric Leads * English & Metric Leads
* English Diameters * English & Metric Diameters * English & Metric Diameters
* Pre-loaded & Non-preloaded Nuts * Pre-loaded & Non-preloaded Nuts * Pre-loaded Nuts Only
* Simple, Fixed and Rigid Housings * Simple, Fixed and Rigid Housings * Simple, Fixed and Rigid Housings
* Available Sizes * Available Sizes * Available Sizes
0.500 inch dia., 0.200 inch lead 0.625 inch dia., 0.200 inch lead 0.625 inch dia., 0.200 inch lead
0.500 inch dia., 0.500 inch lead 0.750 inch dia., 0.200 inch lead 0.750 inch dia., 0.200 inch lead
0.625 inch dia., 0.200 inch lead 16 mm diameter, 5 mm lead 16 mm diameter, 5 mm lead
0.625 inch dia., 1.000 inch lead 16 mm diameter, 10 mm lead 16 mm diameter, 16 mm lead
0.750 inch dia., 0.200 inch lead 16 mm diameter, 16 mm lead 20 mm diameter, 5 mm lead
0.750 inch dia., 0.500 inch lead 20 mm diameter, 5 mm lead 20 mm diameter, 20 mm lead
1.000 inch dia., 0.250 inch lead 20 mm diameter, 20 mm lead
1.000 inch dia., 0.500 inch lead
1.000 inch dia., 1.000 inch lead
1.500 inch dia., 0.250 inch lead
1.500 inch dia., 0.500 inch lead
1.500 inch dia., 1.000 inch lead
1.500 inch dia., 2.000 inch lead
RS Series
+/- 0.0002 < 0.008 < 0.003 67 Yes Good Loudest Lowest
0.500 - 0.750 inch (0,0050) (0,203) (0,075) (1702)
RS Series
+/- 0.0002 < 0.009 < 0.009 137 Yes Good Loudest Medium
1.000 inch (0,0050) (0,229) (0,229) (3480)
RS Series
+/- 0.0002 < 0.013 < 0.009 134 No Good Loudest Medium
1.500 inch (0,0050) (0,330) (0,229) (3404)
PS Series
+/- 0.0002 < 0.003 < 0.002 73 No Very Good Quiet Low
0.625 inch & 16 mm (0,0050) (0,075) (0,050) (1854)
PS Series
+/- 0.0002 < 0.003 < 0.002 112 No Very Good Quiet Low
0.750 inch & 20 mm (0,0050) (0,075) (0,050) (2845)
No option
GS Series
+/- 0.0001 for < 0.0005 40 No The Best Quietest High
0.625 inch & 16 mm (0,0025) Non-preloaded (0,012) (1016)
No option
GS Series
+/- 0.0001 for < 0.0005 59 No The Best Quietest High
0.750 inch & 20 mm (0,0025) Non-preloaded (0,012) (1499)
Design Considerations Product Comparisons
Ball screws are the lead screw of choice for high duty A ground ball screw will offer better open loop (no
cycle, high speed, and long life applications. The ball screw encoder feedback) position accuracy versus a rolled or
nut uses one or more circuits of recirculating steel balls precision rolled ball screw. Some of the screws are available
which roll between the nut and ball screw threads (grooves), with preloaded nuts. The preloaded nut assembly offers high
providing an efficient low friction system. Using a higher lead bidirectional repeatability by eliminating backlash.
ball screw (a 0.500 inch lead instead of a 0.200 inch lead) The Turcite nut option is only available on the RS series
will offer greater carriage speed for applications requiring and it operates similar to an acme screw. The Turcite nut
rapid traverse or fast, short incremental moves. Low wear grooves ride in the matching ball screw grooves, much like
and long life are key features of a ball screw system. the ordinary nut and bolt system. This produces a higher
Ball screws from LINTECH are available in three dif- friction system than a ball nut, since there are no rolling ele-
ferent versions. The rolled ball screw system (RS series) uti- ments between the Turcite nut and the ball screw threads.
lizes a tapped nut with a standard accuracy rolled ball screw For applications requiring low speeds, low audible noise,
thread. The precision ball screw system (PS series) utilizes very good smoothness, and have a low duty cycle, the
a ground nut with a higher accuracy rolled ball screw thread. Turcite nut works fine. Also, in vertical applications with light
The ground ball screw system (GS series) utilizes a ground loads, the Turcite nut may prevent the back driving of the
nut with a high accuracy ground ball screw thread. attached load.
Audible noise least audible most audible less audible less audible Turcite: no rolling elements provide for quiet operation.
noise noise noise than the noise than the Ball: recirculating balls in nut assembly transmit audible noise during
RS series PS series motion; due to more accurate machining procedures - precision &
ground ball screws are quieter than rolled ball screws.
Back Driving may prevent can easily back can easily can easily Turcite: good for light load, vertical applications.
Loads back driving drive a load back drive a back drive a Ball: recirculating balls in nut assembly produce a low friction system;
load load vertical applications may require a brake to hold the load when no power
is applied to the motor.
Backlash will increase constant constant constant Turcite: no preloaded nut assembly available.
non-preloaded nut with wear Ball: preloaded nut assembly eliminates backlash.
Duty Cycle low to medium high high high Turcite: low duty cycle due to high sliding friction.
(< 50 %) (100 %) (100 %) (100 %) Ball: high duty cycle due to recirculating balls in nut assembly - high ef-
ficiency & low friction system.
Life shorter due longest longest longest Turcite: mechanical wear related to duty cycle, load & speed.
to higher Ball: minimal wear if operated in proper environment, within load
friction specifications, and periodically lubricated.
Relative - Cost least least slightly more most Turcite: inexpensive nut.
expensive expensive than expensive Ball: due to more accurate manufacturing procedures precision rolled &
ball nut RS series ground ball screws are more expensive.
Screw Efficiency medium high (90 %) high (90 %) high (90 %) Turcite: low efficiency due to higher sliding friction.
(60 %) Ball: high efficiency due to recirculating balls in nut assembly - low
friction system.
Smoothness smoothest least smooth medium smoothest Turcite: very smooth at very low speeds.
smoothness Ball: smoothness is constant through a wide speed range; due to more
accurate manufacturing procedures precision rolled & ground ball screws
are smoother than rolled ball screws.
Speeds low high high high Turcite: high friction can causes excess heat & wear at high speeds.
Ball: recirculating balls in nut provide for a high speed system due to
low friction & high efficiency.
Design Considerations Product Comparisons
Simple Support Housing Fixed (LT) Support Housing
Design Considerations How to Select an Assembly
Overview Step 3 - Determine the Effect of the Load
LINTECH's ball screw assemblies can be used in a wide Will the ball screw assembly be mounted in a horizontal
variety of Motion Control applications. Proper selection of or vertical plane? We need to determine the load as seen by
an assembly will yield a system that meets the performance the "ball screw nut" and as seen by the "support housings".
requirements with trouble free long term operation. The fol- In a horizontal application, the screw and support housing
lowing steps should be used as a guide to aid in the selection only see the load times the coefficient of friction for the linear
process. bearing structure. Coefficient of friction for various linear
bearing surfaces differ, however for recirculating ball bearing
Step 1 - Initial system requirements style a 0.01 value can be used. In a vertical application, the
Step 2 - Determine the desired travel life ball screw nut and the support housing see the entire load
Step 3 - Determine the effect of the load as an axial force. Whenever possible, it is best to set-up the
Step 4 - Determine the maximum safe speed ball screw assembly in "Tension Loading" versus "Compres-
Step 5 - Determine the safe compression load sion Loading" for vertical applications. This can be done by
Step 6 - Check the Support Configuration mounting the "Fixed" or "Rigid" motor mount housing above
Step 7 - Applying safety factors the screw.
Step 8 - Review other issues
Example #1 Continued:
Vertical Application
Step 1 - Initial System Requirements Operating Load Load
Several important items should be identified initially. They (as seen by lead screw) = Weight
are: plane of operation, total load weight, system maximum
= 200 lbs for 29 inches
speed, desired travel length, and system repeatability. An- 300 lbs for 3 inches
swers to these items are required as we move onto the next
steps. We decide to be on the safe side. So we anticipate the
Example #1: entire 300 pounds is seen by the nut all the time and we want
a safety margin of 2 times. Therefore we look for a screw that
Plane of Operation = Vertical can handle 600 pounds for 34.6 million inches of travel (from
Load Weight = 200 lbs plus (+) step 2).
* 100 pound force required to drill through a material
the last 3 inches of a 32 inch downward move
System Speed = 5 inches / second
Travel Length = 32 inches Example #1 Continued (from page 10):
* 29 inches of travel is required for part loading
From the graph we determine the RS075020 suites our
System Repeatability = 0.001 inches (bidirectional)
needs as it has a life of 40 million inches of travel with a load
of 600 pounds.
5 days 50 weeks
X X 6 years = 34,600,000
1 week 1 yr inches of travel
Design Considerations How to Select an Assembly
Step 4 - Determine the Maximum Safe Speed Step 5 - Determine the Safe Compression Load
This is a mechanical limitation defined as the top speed A compression load tends to compress or buckle a ball
which, if exceeded, has the potential to cause excessive vibra- screw shaft. If a sufficiently heavy load is applied to a nut with
tion, and damage to the screw, or support bearings. Screw a long ball screw in a horitontal application, the ball screw
charts are provided for all screws in RPM of the screw. To could buckle. In a vertical application, if a Fixed or Rigid mo-
convert to inches/second, multiply by the desired screw lead. tor driven housing is mounted below the ball screw, the ball
screw weight & load weight could buckle the screw. Therefore,
in a vertical application, installing the motor driven support
Example #1 Continued:
housing above the ball screw puts the ball screw assembly in
Maximum linear speed = 5 inches / second a tension mode.
Selected screw = RS075020 Example #1 Continued:
5 inches rev 60 sec In this vertical application, the ball screw assembly will
X X = 1500 RPM
sec .200 inch min have the motor driven Rigid support housing mounted above
the screw. This puts the ball screw assembly in a Tension
mode. Therefore, we do not need to be concerned about a
Example #1 Continued (from pages 38-45): safe Compression load.
From the maximum speed graph we determine a Fixed- Example #1 Continued (from page 13):
Simple (Simple-Simple) support configuration would give us
Acceleration Torque = 250 oz-in
1640 screw RPM with 40 inches between support housings.
Constant Speed Torque = 230 oz-in
Because we want a safety margin (in case our linear speed
Deceleration Torque = 175 oz-in
requirement goes up) we select a Rigid-Simple configuration
which will give us 2410 screw RPM with 40 inches between
support housings. Using the worst case scenario:
2 e ( T Total ) lb
CT = lbs
d (16 oz)
2 .90 ( 250 ) lb
CT = lbs
.200 (16 oz)
CT = 442 lbs
Design Considerations How to Select an Assembly
Step 7 - Applying Safety Factors Dynamic Loads
The steel balls of a ball screw nut, or the materials of a These loads exert a force upon the screw & nut while
Turcite nut, are always subject to repeated stresses in a ball the screw is in motion. If the rated load of a particular ball
screw application. A key element in the selection process is screw assembly is exceeded, there is a resultant reduction in
to determine an adequate safety margin for load/life of a ball the overall travel life. Safety factors are important for these
screw and support housings. ratings as well. They can help to account for vibration, impact,
backdriving, and starting/stopping loads which can reduce the
overall life.
Static Loads As a ball screw driven system moves, there are usually
resultant vibrations & impact loads as a by-product. The rate
These loads can exert an extreme force upon the screw &
at which the ball screw nut begins to move a load, can have
nut in a non-moving state. If a static load rating of a particular
a large impact on the life of a ball screw assembly. The nut
ball screw assembly is exceeded, a localized permanent de-
sees this start/stop rate as a shock load each time. These
flection between the recircutating steel balls of a ball nut and
and other variable loads cannot be calculated precisely. Thus,
the screw, could cause the system to not operate smoothly,
a safety factor should be applied to account for these loads
or fail outright. To ensure proper life, external forces should
which could fatigue the system into premature failure. A safety
never come close to the static rating. Repeated forces at or
margin also helps to compensate for changing loads, changing
near the maximum rating can fatigue the elements causing
speeds, changing acceleration rates, and lack of lubrication.
premature failure.
Operation Loading Type Min. Safety Medium 10.0 - 20.0 0.50 - 0.99 3.0 - 4.0
Conditions Factor
Design Considerations How to Select an Assembly
Step 8 - Review Other Issues Motor Control System
The motor control system selected can have a profound
Audible Noise effect on the life of a ball screw assembly. Servo motor sys-
As the steel balls of a ball nut circulate through the nut, tems and their peak torque availability can produce high thrust
audible noise is created. The level of this audible noise is de- loads to a ball screw assembly. Having too high an accelera-
termined by the ball screw type, nut design, screw lead, screw tion rate, or slamming a nut against a support housing, can
rotational speed, coupling style, and motor type used to rotate cause large thrust forces. These forces can cause a coupling
the screw. Generally speaking, a GS series operates quieter to break, a nut to be damaged, a ball screw to be bent, or a
than a PS series, and a PS series operates quieter than a RS support housing to be damaged. Care should be taken in se-
series. Because there are no rolling elements in a Turcite nut, lecting the correct motor control system to operate a particular
this nut option can operate very quietly. ball screw assembly.
Couplings Mounting
The coupling selected can have a major influence on the The ball screw assembly life, and operation, is highly
overall performance of a ball screw assembly. Couplings have dependent upon how it is mounted. A ball screw assembly
a price versus performance relationship. Generally speaking, should only see straight axial loads (thrust loads), and never
the C type coupling works fine for stepper driven applications should experience side loads or moment loads. In order to
with speeds below 3 inches per second & acceleration rates obtain optimum results, the ball screw assembly should be
below .5 g's. The H type coupling works fine for all stepper used with a linear bearing system. The linear bearing system
driven applications, and also works with servo driven applica- therefore supports all the system load forces directly and not
tions with speeds below 20 inches per second and accelera- the ball screw assembly. The ball screw assembly must also
tion rates below 1 g. The G type coupling will work fine in all be mounted parallel to the linear rails.
applications. Also, for vertical applications, a H type or G type
coupling should be used to minimize windup.
Operational Environment
The environment that a ball screw assembly is used in
can greatly influence its life. Bellows, chrome plating, or other
Duty Cycle special requirements may be needed for high temperature,
high humidity/moisture, vacuum rated, clean room, cutting,
Duty cycle consists of distance of movement, speed, ac-
machining (chip/particulates), cutting fluids or chemical com-
celeration rate, and dwell time between moves. In high duty
pound applications.
cycle applications, the use of a ball nut is typically a better
choice than a Turcite nut. Frequency of lubrication can also
become a factor in the overall life of a ball screw assembly in
a high duty cycle application. Regularly scheduled lubrication, Repeatability versus Accuracy
or an automatic lubrication system, should be considered. Repeatability is defined as the ability of a ball screw
assembly to go back to a set and known position, over and
over again. Accuracy is defined as the ability of a ball screw
assembly to move from one location to another and the actual
Maintenance/Service Issues exact distance to get there. Repeatability is noncumulative,
Regular lubrication of a ball screw for most applications is while accuracy is cumulative.
always required. If regular lubrication is impossible, then using
a larger safety margin for selecting a ball screw assembly, or
the use of an automatic lubrication system, is recommended.
The support housings are sealed and require no lubrication or
other maintenance.
LINTECH ® Ball Screw Assemblies Application Guide
Y axis X axis
Phone ( ) Fax ( )
Load W=
Design Considerations Screw Travel Life
Screw Travel Life
The life of a ball screw is determined by the load applied 3
to the nut, and the number of inches (mm) traveled by the nut. R
L = x B
The load weight "as seen by the ball screw" depends upon F
screw orientation. Any side, or moment, loads that the screw
L = normal travel life (millions of inches or Km).
sees, will reduce life. These forces should be eliminated by
using a linear bearing system. R = rated dynamic load capacity of nut at 1 million
inches of travel or 25 Km.
F = user applied axial load.
Horizontal Application
B = either 1 (for millions of inches) or 25 (for Km).
Applied Axial Load Load
(as seen by lead screw) = Weight X
Vertical Application
Applied Axial Load Load
(as seen by lead screw) = Weight
Kgf Lbs Note: See the individual ball screw sections for exact Screw Travel Life information
18144 40000
9072 20000
4536 10000 RS150200
3629 8000 RS075050,
2722 6000
1814 4000 RS100100
Rated load - as seen by screw
454 1000
GS & PS075020,
363 800 GS & PS20M05M
272 600
181 400 Turcite Nut GS & PS062020,
RS075 & RS100 GS & PS16M05M,
GS & PS16M16M
45 100
36 80
27 60
18 40
Travel Life
Design Considerations Maximum Speed
Maximum Speed (Critical Speed) Available Configurations
The maximum rotational speed of a ball screw assembly
(RPM's) depends on the diameter of the screw, the length of Simple Simple
the screw, and the support housing configuration. This is the
SF = 1.00
point at which the rotational speed of the ball screw sets up
excessive vibration within the assembly. The maximum speed D
should never be exceeded since it could cause immediate, or
premature failure of a ball screw assembly. Fixed Simple
SF = 1.00
Rigid Simple
MS = SF x 3,808,000 x SF = 1.47
Note: See the individual ball screw sections for exact Maximum Speed information
1.500 inch diameter
20 mm diameter
0.500 inch diameter
Design Considerations Maximum Compression Load
Maximum Compression Load Available Configurations
The load acting upon a nut that would tend to compress
or buckle the ball screw shaft. Also referred to as column Simple Simple
loading, this rating is effected by the load, support type, screw
CF = 1.00
diameter, and length between the load point and support
housing. Normally, a screw shaft also experiences a tension X
load (a force which attempts to stretch the screw). The maxi-
mum tension load of a ball screw assembly is the load rating Fixed Simple
of the nut. For vertical applications, it is better to configure the
ball screw assembly so that the screw is in tension, and not in CF = 1.00
compression. X
Rigid Simple
CF = 2.00
MC = CF x 11,240,000 x
Rigid Rigid
CF = 4.00
MC = Maximum Compression Load. X
CF = Screw support factor (rigidity of support housing).
d = Root diameter.
X = Distance between bearing support and load
Kgf Lbs Note: See the individual ball screw sections for exact Maximum Compression Load information
45359 100000
36287 80000
1.500 inch diameter
27215 60000
907 2000
454 1000
363 800
272 600
181 400
91 200
45 100
Simple - Simple 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
(508) (1016) (1524) (2032) (2540) (3048) (3556)
Maximum "X" distance between bearing Support and Load - inches (mm)
Specifications subject to change without notice
Design Considerations Motor Sizing
T Total = T Acc + T Breakaway + T Friction + T Gravity SF (oz-in) J Load = load inertia (oz-in2 )
J Motor = See Motor Data (not included in this catalog) (oz-in2 ) R = radius of lead screw (in)
3) The safety factor (SF) should be between 1.4 to 1.6 for step motor systems and between W Load = weight of load (lbs)
1.1 to 1.2 for servo motor systems.
W Other = weight of nut or weight of
Thrust Force Equation mounting hardware (lbs)
= 3.1416
2 e ( T Total ) lb
CT = (lbs)
d (16 oz)
Design Considerations Part Number Description
xS 062 020 - x - Sx - Nx - Wx - Fx - Mxx - Cxxx - Exx - Bxx -
Design Considerations Definitions
Backlash Diameter
Preloaded and non-preloaded ball screw nut assem- (Screw diameter or major diameter) The nominal outer
blies are available for use in the RS and PS series. The GS diameter of the ball screw thread. Measured in inches for Eng-
series is only available with a preloaded nut. A preloaded lish model screws, and millimeters for Metric model screws.
nut ensures there will be no ball screw movement, without (Root diameter or minor diameter) The diameter of
nut movement, when the ball screw direction of rotation is the screw measured at the bottom of the ball threads on the
changed. A non-preloaded nut will have some backlash, ball screw. Measured in inches for English model screws, and mil-
screw movement before nut movement, when the ball screw limeters for Metric model screws.
direction of rotation is changed in horizontal applications. In
vertical applications (with no reversing load), a non-preloaded
nut will not exhibit any backlash, as gravity is always produc-
ing a force in the downward direction against the ball screw Dynamic Load
nut. Using a preloaded nut always eliminates backlash,
The maximum load weight, as seen by the ball nut, which
therefore the unidirectional & bidirectional repeatability
will give the rated life of the ball nut. The rated life of a ball
values will always be the same.
screw assembly is measured in inches of travel under a speci-
fied load. Ball nut life is dependent upon preloaded force, load
weight and load orientation.
Face Mounting
Allows mounting of a support housing to a wall, end plate,
frame, or gusset and does not require a base surface.
The ability of the ball nut to rotate the ball screw when
The property of a material which has the ability to abrade
an external force is applied to the nut. Typically happens in
or indent one another. Ball screws are hardened to resist
vertical applications where the applied load is great enough to
permanent indentation. Typically a Rockwell "C" measure-
overcome the ball nut's frictional forces.
ment is used to obtain a numerical value based on a metals
resistance to permanent indentation. The higher the value, the
greater the materials resistance to indentation.
Ball Diameter
The nominal outer diameter of the steel balls which
circulate through the ball nut as it travels on the ball screw
threads. These balls carry the load applied to the ball screw
through the ball nut. For a ball screw, the linear travel of the ball screw nut as-
sembly, for every one full (360 degree) rotation of the screw.
Not the same as pitch. Lead is the inverse of pitch (i.e. 0.200
inch lead = 5 pitch).
Base Mounting
Allows mounting of a support housing to a base plate.
Lead Error
The error in lead length per foot, or 300 mm, as com-
Breakaway Torque
pared to the basic lead specified. Lead error is cumulative,
The torque required to start linear nut motion. It consists and is based upon the manufacturing processes of the indi-
of the bearing support configuration, bearing support end seal vidual ball screw types.
friction, preload force of the support housing (if any), and the
preload force of the ball screw nut assembly.
Design Considerations Definitions
Lubrication Maximum Compression Load
Ball screw assemblies require a small amount of grease The load acting upon a nut that would tend to compress
or oil for proper, long term operation. Lubrication will decrease or buckle the ball screw shaft. Also referred to as column
system wear and the potential for oxidation of the ball screw loading. This rating is effected by the load, support type,
surface. For most applications, a medium to heavy oil, light screw diameter, and length between the load point and sup-
grease, or silicone based lubricant is recommended. The port housing.
many built-in pockets within the ball screw nut allow the ad-
hesive properties of these lubricants to be stored for extended
periods of time.
For high speed applications, a light grease is recom-
mended, while the ball screw should NEVER be operated dry
for any length of time. For some low speed and lightly loaded
applications, a ball screw assembly can typically be operated
without lubrication, but for the most part, this is not recom- Number of Circuits
mended. Use of WD-40, or other cleaning solvents, should The circuit or "return tube" on a ball nut provides for dis-
strictly be avoided, as they can cause damage to the ball tributing the load carrying balls onto the screw thread as they
screw nut. recirculate through the ball nut. The return tubes can be either
All ball screw assemblies are shipped with grease applied external or internal.
to the ball screw & ball nut. It is recommended that lubricant
be applied to the ball screw and linear rails prior to operation.
Also, periodic re-lubrication helps assure that the rated life of Non-preloaded Nut
the ball screw assembly is attained. A single ball nut, or Turcite nut, that produces backlash
All support housings do NOT require lubrication. The when the screw is rotated back and forth.
housings or bearings are internally lubricated for life, and
sealed to prevent outside contamination from getting in.
Preloaded Nut
A single, or double, ball nut that eliminates backlash when
Maximum Acceleration Rate the screw is rotated back and forth. The preloading can be
This rating is the maximum acceleration that a ball nut accomplished internally, or externally. The internal method
or support housing can handle on a regular basis. It is also uses oversized load carrying balls in the nut and also requires
limited by the maximum thrust force a particular nut or support that the nut be "matched" to an individual screw. The external
housing can sustain. For example, if the maximum accelera- method loads two single nuts against each other with a lock-
tion for a ball screw assembly is 772 inches/sec2, but a specif- ing spanner nut and belville spring.
ic load accelerated at 100 inches/sec2 produces the maximum
thrust force for the ball screw or support housing - then the
maximum acceleration rate for that load is 100 inches/sec2. (F
= MA).
Maximum Speed
The maximum rotational speed of a ball screw assembly
(RPM's) depends on the diameter of the screw, the length of
the screw, and the support housing configuration. This is the
point at which the rotational speed of the ball screw sets up
excessive vibration within the assembly. The maximum speed
should never be exceeded since it could cause immediate, or
premature failure of a ball screw assembly.
Design Considerations Definitions
Repeatability Repeatability - continued
How accurate a ball screw's nut can (via either unidirec-
tional or bidirectional moves) return to a known, previously Vertical Applications (No reverse load)
traveled location for a given load weight, load speed, and Bidirectional = Unidirectional
load acceleration. The ball screw nut type (preloaded or non- Repeatability Repeatability
preloaded) directly affects this value. Other factors besides the
ball screw assembly, that contribute to the overall repeatability
are the linear bearing system, mounting surface, and overall
alignment of the bearings, rails, and screw assembly. Reverse Load
For horizontal applications, the bidirectional repeatability An upward force acting
value is determined by adding the backlash in the lead screw on a nut; such as when
inserting a part (moving in
nut assembly to the unidirectional repeatability value. For
Reverse Load
Design Considerations Definitions
Static Load Tension Loading
The maximum permissible load weight, or external force, The load acting upon a nut that would tend to stretch the
which can be applied to the nut of the ball screw assembly, ball screw shaft. The maximum tension load of a ball screw
with the ball screw at rest. assembly is the load rating of the nut. For vertical applica-
tions, it is better to configure the ball screw assembly so that
the screw is in tension and not in compression.
Support Housings
Simple - A single bearing used to support the end of a
ball screw.
Vertical Applications
Compression Tension
Fixed - Two (2) back to back bearings used to eliminate
end play when supporting the end of a ball screw.
Travel Length
Support Housing Thrust Load Capacity The total possible travel of the nut for a given ball screw
The maximum permissible axial force which can be ap- configuration. The ball screw assembly thread length minus
plied to the end bearing support housing. The axial force is the nut length will determine the possible nut travel length.
generated by the movement of the ball screw. The support
housing life is dependent upon the number of screw revolu-
tions and axial force applied. Thread Length
The total length of the screw thread between the two
support housings for a given configuration. The ball screw as-
sembly thread length minus the nut length will determine the
possible nut travel length.
Turcite Nut
This polymer material has characteristics similar to Teflon.
There are no recirculating balls within the nut assembly. It is
resistant to corrosion, but has higher friction than a ball nut,
thus creating more heat and wear.