ppr-MA Sociology
ppr-MA Sociology
ppr-MA Sociology
(MA Sociology)
Paper Code Course Title Term- Assignment Total
MASOC-405 Classical Sociological Thinkers (Part II) 70 30 100
MASOC-406 Methodology of Social Research (Part II) 70 30 100
MASOC-407 Perspectives on Indian Society (Part II) 70 30 100
MASOC-408 Rural Sociology (Part II) 70 30 100
Paper Code Course Title Marks
End Term Assignment Total
MASOC 501 Modern Classical Thinkers 70 30 100
MASOC 502 Sociology of Northeast India 70 30 100
MASOC 503 Urban Sociology 70 30 100
MASOC 504 Sociology of Development 70 30 100
Paper Code Course Title Marks
End Term Assignment Total
MASOC-505 Modern Sociological Thinkers 70 30 100
MASOC 506 Sociology of Northeast India 70 30 100
MASOC 507 Urban Sociology 70 30 100
MASOC 508 Sociology of Development 70 30 100
Suggested Reading:
Durkheim, E. 1964a.Division of Labour in Society. New York: Free Press.
Durkheim, E. 1964b. The Rules of Sociological Method. New York: Free Press.
Durkheim, E. 1966.Suicide. New York: Free Press.
Marx, K. 1982. German Ideology. London: Lawrence and Wishart.
Marx, K. 1867. Capital. Vol. 1.Harmondsworth: Penguin. (PP:1-55)
Marx, K. 1961. Economic and Philosophical Manuscript. Moscow: Foreign Languages
Publishing House.
Weber, M. 1978. Economy and Society. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Weber, M. 1958 The Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism. New York: Charles
Berger, Peter L. An Invitation to Sociology,
Haralambos, M. 1998. Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. New Delhi: Oxford University
lnkeles, Alex. 1987. What is sociology? New Delhi: Prentice-Hall.
MASOC- 402
Suggested Reading:
Ambedkar, B.R., 1916, Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development,
Jullundur, Patrika Publications
Cohn, Bernard S, 1996, Colonialism and its Forms of Knowledge: The British in India,
Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Desai, A.R., 1948, Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Mumbai, Popular Prakashan
Desai, A.R., 175, State and Society in India, Mumbai, Popular Prakashan
Dhanagane, D.N. 1993-Themes and Perspectives in Indian Sociology, Jaipur, Rawat.
Dube, S.C. 1967 - The Indian Village, London: Routledge, 1955.
Dube, S.C.1973 - Social Sciences in Changing Society, Lucknow University Press.
Dumont Lonis, 1970-Homo Hierarchies: the Caste System & its Implication, New Delhi.
Ghurye , G.S., 2008, Caste and Race in India, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai
Hardiman, David, 1989-The coming ofthe Devi:Adivasi Assertion in Western India, OUP.
Hardiman, David, 1996- Feeding the Bania: Peasants and Usurers in Western India, Oxford
University Press.
Karve, Irawati, 1961- Hindu Society: An Interpretation, Puna: Deccan College.
Kosambi, D.d. The culture and Civilization of Ancient India in Historical Perspective, New
Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 1982.
Lannoy, Richard 1971- the Speaking Tree, A Study _ of Indian culture & society, London,
Marriott, Mckim, 1990 -Indian Though Hindu Categories, sage, Delhi.
Oommen, T.K. and P.N. Mukherjee, (eds.), 1986- Indian Sociology: Reflection and
Introspection, Popular Prakashan , Bombay.
Mukherjee. D.P. 1958, Diversities, Peoples Publishing House, Delhi.
Mukherjee, Ramkrishna, 1974, The Rise and Fall of the East India Company: A Sociological
Appraisal, London, Monthly Review Press
Oommen, T.K. and P.N. Mukherjee, (eds.), 1986 -Indian sociology: Reflection and
Introspection, Popular Prakashan, Bombay.
P.N. Prabhu- Hindu Social Organisation-Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1963.
RanjitGuha, Subaltern Studies, Vol. I, OUP, New Delhi, 1991.
Singer, Milton and Bernard S Cohn (eds.), 1968- Structure and Change in Indian
Society, Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company.
Singer, Milton, 1972 - When a great tradition modernizes, Delhi, Vileas. ,
Singh, K.S. 1992 - The people of India: An Introduction Seagul Books, Calcutta.
Singh, V, 1973. Modernization of Indian tradition, Delhi, Thomson Press.
Singh, Y. 1986- Indian sociology: social Conditioning and Emerging concern, Delhi,
Srinivas, M.N. 2002. Collected Essays, Oxford University Press
Srinlvas, M.N. 1960 -India's' Villages, Asia Publishing House" Bombay
MASOC- 403
Suggested Readings
Goode, J. William and K. Hatt, Paul, 1987: Methods in Social Research, New York,
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Hughes, John 1987: The Philosophy of Social Research, London, Longman.
Kuhn. T.S, 1970: The Structures of Scientific Revolutions, London: The University of
Chicago Press.
Madge, John 1970: The Prigins of Scientific Sociology, London, Tavistock.
Mukherjee, P.N. (eds.O 2000: Methodology in Social Research: Dilemmas and perspectives,
New Delhi: Sage (Introduction)
Non Lin: Foundations of Social Research, McGraw hill Book Co. New York, 1976.
P.V. Young, 1988: Scientific Social Survey and Research, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.
Popper, K. 1999: The Logic of Scientific Discovery, London: Routledge
Ronald Fletcher: making of Sociology
Suggested Readings
Arora, RC, integrated rural development, S. Chand, New Delhi, 1986
Behra, M C, Globalizing Rural development, Sage, New Delhi, 2006
Desai A R, Rural Sociology in India, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1977
Dube, SC, India's changing villages, Allied, Bombay, 1967
Gupta, S K, Tribal development, Indus, New Delhi, 2002
Srinivas, M.N.The remembered Village, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1997
Singh, V, Essays on modernization in Indian, Manohar, New Delhi, 1978
Oomen, T K Social transformation in rural India, Vikas, Delhi, 1989
Andre Betille 1974: Six Essays in Comparative Sociology, OUP, New Delhi (Relevant
AshishNandy 1999: Ambiguous Journey to the City, New Delhi: "OUP
Berch, Berberogue, Ed. 1992: Class, State and Development in India (Chapter 1,2,3 and 4)
Behera, M,C (ed), 2009: Making Gandhi relevant: rural development in the context of
Globalization, commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi
Dhanagare, D N 1988: Peasant Movements in India, OUP, New Delhi
Mencher, J.P, 1983: Social Anthropology of Peasantry Part III, OUP, New Delhi
Radhakrishnan, P. 1989: Peasant Struggles: Land reforms and Social Change in Malabar 1836
Behera, M,C (ed), 2005: Globalization and Rural Development-Understanding New
development paradigm, commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi.
Suggested Reading:
Durkheim, E. 1964a.Division of Labour in Society. New York: Free Press.
Durkheim, E. 1964b. The Rules of Sociological Method. New York: Free Press.
Durkheim, E. 1966.Suicide. New York: Free Press.
Marx, K. 1982. German Ideology. London: Lawrence and Wishart.
Marx, K. 1867. Capital. Vol. 1.Harmondsworth: Penguin. (PP:1-55)
Marx, K. 1961. Economic and Philosophical Manuscript. Moscow: Foreign Languages
Publishing House.
Weber, M. 1978. Economy and Society. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Weber, M. 1958 The Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism. New York: Charles
Berger, Peter L. An Invitation to Sociology,
Haralambos, M. 1998. Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. New Delhi: Oxford University
lnkeles, Alex. 1987. What is sociology? New Delhi: Prentice-Hall.
MASOC- 406
Suggested Readings
Goode, J. William and K. Hatt, Paul, 1987: Methods in Social Research, New York,
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Hughes, John 1987: The Philosophy of Social Research, London, Longman.
Kuhn. T.S, 1970: The Structures of Scientific Revolutions, London: The University of
Chicago Press.
Madge, John 1970: The Prigins of Scientific Sociology, London, Tavistock.
Mukherjee, P.N. (eds.O 2000: Methodology in Social Research: Dilemmas and perspectives,
New Delhi: Sage (Introduction)
Non Lin: Foundations of Social Research, McGraw hill Book Co. New York, 1976.
P.V. Young, 1988: Scientific Social Survey and Research, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.
Popper, K. 1999: The Logic of Scientific Discovery, London: Routledge
Ronald Fletcher: making of Sociology
MASOC- 407
Suggested Reading:
Ambedkar, B.R., 1916, Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development,
Jullundur, Patrika Publications
Cohn, Bernard S, 1996, Colonialism and its Forms of Knowledge: The British in India,
Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Desai, A.R., 1948, Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Mumbai, Popular Prakashan
Desai, A.R., 175, State and Society in India, Mumbai, Popular Prakashan
Dhanagane, D.N. 1993-Themes and Perspectives in Indian Sociology, Jaipur, Rawat.
Dube, S.C. 1967 - The Indian Village, London: Routledge, 1955.
Dube, S.C.1973 - Social Sciences in Changing Society, Lucknow University Press.
Dumont Lonis, 1970-Homo Hierarchies: the Caste System & its Implication, New Delhi.
Ghurye , G.S., 2008, Caste and Race in India, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai
Hardiman, David, 1989-The coming ofthe Devi:Adivasi Assertion in Western India, OUP.
Hardiman, David, 1996- Feeding the Bania: Peasants and Usurers in Western India, Oxford
University Press.
Karve, Irawati, 1961- Hindu Society: An Interpretation, Puna: Deccan College.
Kosambi, D.d. The culture and Civilization of Ancient India in Historical Perspective, New
Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 1982.
Lannoy, Richard 1971- the Speaking Tree, A Study _ of Indian culture & society, London,
Marriott, Mckim, 1990 -Indian Though Hindu Categories, sage, Delhi.
Oommen, T.K. and P.N. Mukherjee, (eds.), 1986- Indian Sociology: Reflection and
Introspection, Popular Prakashan , Bombay.
Mukherjee. D.P. 1958, Diversities, Peoples Publishing House, Delhi.
Mukherjee, Ramkrishna, 1974, The Rise and Fall of the East India Company: A Sociological
Appraisal, London, Monthly Review Press
Oommen, T.K. and P.N. Mukherjee, (eds.), 1986 -Indian sociology: Reflection and
Introspection, Popular Prakashan, Bombay.
P.N. Prabhu- Hindu Social Organisation-Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1963.
RanjitGuha, Subaltern Studies, Vol. I, OUP, New Delhi, 1991.
Singer, Milton and Bernard S Cohn (eds.), 1968- Structure and Change in Indian
Society, Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company.
Singer, Milton, 1972 - When a great tradition modernizes, Delhi, Vileas. ,
Singh, K.S. 1992 - The people of India: An Introduction Seagul Books, Calcutta.
Singh, V, 1973. Modernization of Indian tradition, Delhi, Thomson Press.
Singh, Y. 1986- Indian sociology: social Conditioning and Emerging concern, Delhi,
Srinivas, M.N. 2002. Collected Essays, Oxford University Press
Srinlvas, M.N. 1960 -India's' Villages, Asia Publishing House" Bombay
Suggested Readings
Arora, RC, integrated rural development, S. Chand, New Delhi, 1986
Behra, M C, Globalizing Rural development, Sage, New Delhi, 2006
Desai A R, Rural Sociology in India, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1977
Dube, SC, India's changing villages, Allied, Bombay, 1967
Gupta, S K, Tribal development, Indus, New Delhi, 2002
Srinivas, M.N.The remembered Village, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1997
Singh, V, Essays on modernization in Indian, Manohar, New Delhi, 1978
Oomen, T K Social transformation in rural India, Vikas, Delhi, 1989
Andre Betille 1974: Six Essays in Comparative Sociology, OUP, New Delhi (Relevant
AshishNandy 1999: Ambiguous Journey to the City, New Delhi: "OUP
Berch, Berberogue, Ed. 1992: Class, State and Development in India (Chapter 1,2,3 and 4)
Behera, M,C (ed), 2009: Making Gandhi relevant: rural development in the context of
Globalization, commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi
Dhanagare, D N 1988: Peasant Movements in India, OUP, New Delhi
Mencher, J.P, 1983: Social Anthropology of Peasantry Part III, OUP, New Delhi
Radhakrishnan, P. 1989: Peasant Struggles: Land reforms and Social Change in Malabar 1836
Behera, M,C (ed), 2005: Globalization and Rural Development-Understanding New
development paradigm, commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi.
Allan, Kenneth (2007): The Social Lens: An Invitation to Social and Sociological
Theory. California: Sage Publications.
Collins, Randall (1975): Conflict Sociology: Toward an Explanatory Science. New
York: Academic Press.
Collins, Randall (1994): Four Sociological Traditions: Selected Readings. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Coser, Lewis (1956): The Functions of Social Conflict. New York: The Free Press.
Coser, Lewis (1957): “Social Conflict and the Theory of Social Change”. The British
Journal of Sociology, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 197-207.
Dahrendorf, Ralf (1958): “Toward a Theory of Social Conflict”.The Journal of
Conflict Resolution, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 170-183.
Dahrendorf, Ralf (1959): Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. California:
Stanford University Press.
Dahrendorf, Ralf (1968): Essays in the Theory of Society. California: Stanford
University Press.
Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels (1845): The German Ideology. New York:
International Publishers.
Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels (1848): The Communist Manifesto. New York:
Signet Classic.
Ritzer, George (2011): Sociological Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill (8th Edition).
Simmel, Gerog (1950): The Sociology of Georg Simmel, translated and edited by K.
Wolff. New York: Free Press.
Weber, Max (1926): From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. New York: Oxford
University Press.
• Allen BC (1902) Assam. In: Census of India 1901, vol VI, pt II, table I, p. 1.
• Bailey FM (1914) Explorations of the Tsangpo or Upper Brahmaputra. Geogr J
• Bana’s ‘Harsha Charita’ tr. By Cowell & Thomas, pp 211–223 quoted from
Choudhury PC (1987- 3rd edn) History of civilization of people of Assam to the XIIth
century AD. Spectrum Publications, Guwahati, p. 164
• Dubey, S.M. (ed.) (1978) North East India: a sociological study, New Delhi,
• Deb, B.J. (ed.) (1995) Regional development in north east India, New Delhi, reliance
publishing house.
• Bhattacharjee, J.B. (ed.), (1989)Sequences of Development in North East India, New
Delhi, Omsons publications.
• Baruah S.L (1985) :a comprehensive history of Assam, Delhi, Munsuram Monoharlal
• Borpujari H.K. (1970) :the problem of the hill tribes northeast frontier
• 1822-42 Guwahati, lawyer’s bookstall.
• ------------------ (1978) :the problem of the hill tribes northeast frontier 1843 – 72
Guwahati, united publishers.
Bhattacharjee J.b (1989) Sequences of development in Northeast India, Delhi,
Omsons publications
• Borodoloi B.N. et.al (1987) Tribes of Assam part I, Part II and part III, Guwahati,
Tribal research institute.
• Dalfon E.T. (1973 RP) Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal, Calcutta, Indian Studies,
past and present.
• Hutton J.H.(1969 RP.) Angami Nagas, Bombay Oxford University Press.
• Kabui, Gangumei (1981) Anal: A Trans border Tribe of Manipur.Delhi. Mittal
• Kar. R.K. (1993) “SocialOrganization vis-à-vis the Familial Unit among the Tribes of
northeast India: The Nocte case” in Kalyan Kumar Chakraborty The Indian Family,
Bhopal, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya.
• Mill, J.P (1926) The Ao Nagas, London, Macmillan & Co. Singh, Usha K. (1991)
Arunachal Pradesh, A study of the legal system of Adi tribe, New Delhi, Har-Anand
• Thanga, L.B. (1978) The Mizos – A study in racial personality, Guwahati, United
• Vidyarthi L.P. (1986) Art and Culture of North East India, New Delhi, publications
Division, Govt. of India.
Data, B.B (ed). 1987. Land Relation in Northeast India. New Delhi. People
Publishing House.
Majumdar, D.N (ed). 1990. Shifting Cultivation in Northeast India. Omson
Data Ray, B and Baishya P (ed). 1986. Sociological Constraint to Industrial
development in North-East India. New Delhi. Concept Publishing Co.
Bose, Ashish. 1976. Urbanization in India 1947-1976. New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company, Ltd.
• Clinard, Marshall. 1957. Sociology of Deviant Behaviour. New York Holt, Rinehart
• Gore, M.S. ,1968.Urbanization And Family Change. Bombay, Popular Prakashan.
• Mc Veigh, F.J. and Schostak, Arthur B., 1978.Modern Social Problems.New York,
Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
• Tonnies, F., “ Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft”’ in Talcott Parsons et al. (eds),
Theories of Society, Vol. 1, The Press of Glencoe, New York, 1887,1957 and 1961.
• Wirth, Louis, “Urbanism as A way of life”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol.44,
Gavrov, Sergey (2004). Modernization of the Empire. Social and cultural aspects of
modernization processes in Russia. ISBN 978-5-354-00915-2.
Gavrov, Sergey (2005). The phenomenon of modernization. Filozofia Bliższa życiu:
Wyższa Szkoła Finansów I Zarządzania in Warsaw. ISBN 978-83-88953-76-7.
(MASOC 506)
• Census paper series II, 2001
• Basis Statistics of north east region, 2002, shillong, N.E.C.Secretariat monorama year
book, 2008, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Kochi, Malaya monorama.
• Das bhakta, 1986, a glimpse of schedule castes and their socio- economic development in
Assam, New Delhi, Omsons publications.
• Census paper series II, 2001
• Basis Statistics of north east region, 2002, shillong, N.E.C.Secretariat monorama year
book, 2008, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Kochi, Malaya monorama.
• Das bhakta, 1986, a glimpse of schedule castes and their socio- economic development in
Assam, New Delhi, Omsons publications.
• Bhattacharjee J.b (1989) Sequences of development in Northeast India, Delhi, Omsons
• Borodoloi B.N. et.al (1987) Tribes of Assam part I, Part II and part III, Guwahati, Tribal
research institute.
• Dalfon E.T. (1973 RP) Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal, Calcutta, Indian Studies, past
and present.
• Hutton J.H.(1969 RP.) Angami Nagas, Bombay Oxford University Press.
• Kabui, Gangumei (1981) Anal: A Trans border Tribe of Manipur.Delhi. Mittal
• Kar. R.K. (1993) “SocialOrganization vis-à-vis the Familial Unit among the Tribes of
northeast India: The Nocte case” in Kalyan Kumar Chakraborty The Indian Family,
Bhopal, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya.
• Mill, J.P (1926) The Ao Nagas, London, Macmillan & Co. Singh, Usha K. (1991)
Arunachal Pradesh, A study of the legal system of Adi tribe, New Delhi, Har-Anand
• Thanga, L.B. (1978) The Mizos – A study in racial personality, Guwahati, United
• Vidyarthi L.P. (1986) Art and Culture of North East India, New Delhi, publications
Division, Govt. of India.
Data, B.B (ed). 1987. Land Relation in Northeast India. New Delhi. People Publishing
Majumdar, D.N (ed). 1990. Shifting Cultivation in Northeast India. Omson Publishing.
Data Ray, B and Baishya P (ed). 1986. Sociological Constraint to Industrial development
in North-East India. New Delhi. Concept Publishing Co.
(MASOC 507)
(MASOC 508)
Generally, applications for admission to the programme are invited through advertisement in the
newspapers, notice board and university website. The applications are scrutinized and applicants
are admitted on the basis of merit. The merit list is prepared on the basis of percentage of marks
in the graduation examination results.
All the learners are provided with study materials and are provided instructions by
conducting counseling. The learners are also given home assignments which are evaluated by the
subject experts. For the final examination question papers are set by subject experts and
accordingly evaluated.
The cost estimate to run the course of MA Sociology by the Institute of Distance
Education, for one batch of Distance students for the duration of 2 years is as follows:
The proposed discipline being Social Sciences, the laboratory facilities are not required.
Library Resources:
b) Provisions: