Building Design Competition
Building Design Competition
Building Design Competition
The building design competition is organized by the School of Civil ELIGIBILITY:
Engineering, Lovely Professional University. This competition aims The competition is open to all the final year/pre-final year
at enkindling the thoughts and skills of the students to come up Civil Engineering students. In this competition, individual
efficient design by utilizing the IT tools such as AutoCAD and participants / a group of maximum two students only can
STAAD Pro for safe and cost-effective design by incorporating the participate.
Indian Standard codes. THE SELECTION:
Owing to the keen interest generated among the students, school of A selection committee consisting of renowned academics
Civil Engineering pursuing the task of arranging an interesting and and professional engineers are interested the task of
challenging competition this year for the students of 3rd and 4th year preliminary screening of the received entries. In this initial
of B.Tech/B.E Civil Engineering studying in colleges/universities all round, the best entries will be selected based on the overall
over India with view to recognize to appreciate and finally reward merit of the proposal, in accordance with criteria
the talents of would/be Civil/Structural Engineers for the excellence formulated by the community. The shortlisted entries will
in structural design. be invited to present important aspect of the design before
THE BRIEF: the final selection committee during the final round on a
The brief about the competition is available in this brochure. online platform on date 15th April,2023 the top three
THE PRIZE: proposal will receive the prizes.
1st Prize: Rs. 3000/- + certificate IMPORTANT DATES AND REGISTRATION FEE
2nd Prize: Rs. 2000/- + certificate *Registration Fee per team: Rs 200/- on early bird
3rd Prize: Rs. 1000/- + certificate registration before 27th March 2023
*Sponsored Awards from TechnoStruct for the Winners *Registration Fee per team: Rs 300/- after 27th March 2023
*Participation certificate for all registered participants Registration closes: 2nd April 2023
Date of Design problem allotment: 3rd April 2023 COMPETITION CONVENERS
Last date of submission: 9th April 2023 Dr. Ankur Behl
Associate Professor and Associate Dean
Date of presentation for selected design: 15th April 2023
School of Mechanical Engineering, LPU
Assistant Professor, HOD
SUBMISSION: Structural Engineering
School of Civil Engineering, LPU
The participants are advised to send their entries/applications
containing the following: COMPETITION COORDINATOR
1. Drawing(s) showing the plan view highlighting the structural Mr. Sahil Jaggi
Assistant Professor
arrangement of the proposed structure. Structural Engineering
(Recommended Submission both in PDF and AutoCAD). School of Civil Engineering, LPU