Salayo Etal2003 Mangrove Community Structure Survey
Salayo Etal2003 Mangrove Community Structure Survey
Salayo Etal2003 Mangrove Community Structure Survey
Mangrove community
structure survey
Nerissa D. Salayo, Jorge H. Primavera, and Jon P. Altamirano
SEAFDEC/AQD, Iloilo, Philippines
<[email protected]>
Carles is one of the major sources of marine and aquacultured fish in Iloilo
province, producing 80,300 mt in 2002. The municipality is located in the north-
east tip of Panay Island (see map). The territorial waters of Carles take a large
portion of the Visayan Sea and its coast has 1,539 hectares of fishponds.
The importance of mangroves in capture fisheries, aquaculture and the
lives of coastal residents manifests in the activities of the Northern Iloilo Man-
grove Rehabilitation Program mainly funded by the Japan Bank for Interna- Map of Carles, Panay Island
tional Cooperation (JBIC). This program is managed by the Sub-Project Site
Management Office (SUSIMO) of the Department of Environment and Natu-
ral Resources (DENR) with the active participation of its beneficiary, the
MACABATA-ARM Inc. (which stands for Manlot, Cabilao, Bancal, Tarong The 13 sample sites for the MCSS shown on the
Association for the Rehabilitation of Mangroves Inc.), a people's organization
map on this page altogether listed 18 mangrove
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 2001 with
species dominated by Avicennia marina, locally
366 members. As per DENR-JBIC project agreement, the mangrove rehabili-
called 'miapi'. Other major species are
tation project covers 53 1 hectares that is now replanted with Rhizophora
Sonneratia alba, Ceriops decandra, and
Bruguiera cylindrica (table at right).
With this on-going rehabilitation and involvement of the local people, base- Rhizophora mucronata (photos at right), the spe-
line information on the characteristics of the mangrove community and the cies being planted to rehabilitate mangroves in
people living in the coast need to be established - one of them is an assessment Carles, was only moderately found during the
of the mangrove community structure of the project site. This information is survey, as were A. rumphiana and Camptostemon
useful for further studies, including valuation of resources, and the estimation philippinensis.
of the costs and benefits from rehabilitation and conservation of mangroves. Species locally known as dungon, bantigi, nilad/
These studies comprise the SEAFDEC/AQD-JIRCAS socio-economics project
sagasa, piagaw and tawalis were least found dur-
on sustainable aquaculture systems.
ing the survey.
The seven mangrove-fringed coastal barangays of Carles were chosen as A site in Brgy Cabilao Grande recorded the high-
study site. On April 2003, the authors of this article conducted a mangrove com- est species diversity with impressive 14 species
munity structure survey (MCSS) in 13 selected sites in five mainland barangays sighted, including Aegiceras floridum, Osbornia
and two island barangays in Carles (see map). The MCSS aims to qualitatively octodonta, and Pemphis acidula that are rarely
describe the species composition, community structure and plant biomass of found in Panay.
mangrove forest.
Below is a photo-essay of field activities involved in MCSS following the
methods of English et al. (1994).
Recording of data on
slate boards, which
would be analyzed
Identification and counting of using established
Identification and counting of trees. Identification and counting of saplings. seedings. MCSS parameters.
Measuring the tree girth at 1.3 m height