Rheumatology Quiz.7
Rheumatology Quiz.7
Rheumatology Quiz.7
PG Forum
Volume 5, Number 2; pp. 89–90
Rheumatology quiz
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V Dhir1, V Arya2
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1. Which of the following is true for ILD in systemic 5. Which of the following is false for Takayasu arteritis?
sclerosis? (a) systemic features, new onset claudication, raised
(a) autopsy and HRCT show 70% of lungs have ILD ESR are all features of disease activity
(b) FVC < 80% is found in 80% (b) hypertension is usually due to renal artery stenosis
(c) majority of involved lungs show rapid progression (c) light headedness signifies carotid involvement
(d) reduction in DLCO is a sensitive measure of early (d) systemic symptoms occur in about half the patient
ILD population
2. Which of the following is seen in anemia of chronic 6. Which of the following is false for Paget’s disease?
disease? (a) polyostotic is more common than single site
(a) Hepcidin is increased involvement
(b) Soluble transferrin receptor is increased (b) axial skeleton is the commonest site
(c) Reticulocyte index can help to differentiate it from (c) pelvic involvement is symmetric and can resemble
iron deficiency anemia fluorosis
(d) Serum ferritin is reduced (d) osteoporosis circumscripta is characteristic
3. Which of the following is true for GI involvement in 7. Which of the following is not true for AA amyloidosis?
systemic sclerosis? (a) commonest associated rheumatic disease is RA
(a) severity of cutaneous and GI manifestations correlate (b) biopsy of subcutaneous tissue, duodenum or labial
(b) small intestine is the commonest involvement salivary gland has high sensitivity (> 90%)
(c) oesophagus shows decreased lower oesophageal (c) Congo red stain is not decolourized by KMnO4
sphincter pressure (d) serum amyloid P nuclear scan is useful for assess-
(d) about two third of patients have constipation, diar- ing disease extent
rhea and/or fecal incontinence
8. Which of the following statement is true regarding IFN
4. Which of the following is true for lymphoma in autoim- gamma release assays for the diagnosis of tuberculosis?
mune diseases? (a) the first generation Quantiferon TB test used
(a) EBV-related diffuse large cell lymphoma is com- ESAT-6
monest in RA (b) the second generation Quantiferon TB test (Gold)
(b) risk factors in Sjogren’s syndrome include low used ESAT-6 and CFP-10
complement levels and RF positivity (c) these assays can differentiate M. tuberculosis vs.
(c) incidence of lymphomas is not increased in SLE M. bovis
(d) DMARD treatment is significantly associated with (d) none of the non-tubercular mycobacteria give a
lymphoma in RA positive result with this test (unlike Mantoux test)
Department of Medicine, PGIMER and Dr R.M.L. Hospital, New Delhi and 2Department of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi 110 029, India.
Correspondence: Dr. V Arya, email: [email protected]
90 Indian Journal of Rheumatology 2010 June; Vol. 5, No. 2 Dhir and Arya
9. Which of the following is true of renal failure with 10. Which of the following is not true of diffuse alveolar
arthritis? haemorrhage?
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(a) in case of infective arthritis—it may be polyarticu- (a) infiltrates are usually bilateral and symmetric
lar and fever may not be present (b) usually perihilar and basal infiltrates
(b) ESR and CRP are elevated (c) air bronchograms are common
(c) basic calcium phosphate deposition presents as (d) CT in Wegener’s granulomatosis may show nodules
chronic polyarthritis and ground glassing
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The patient had oncogenic osteomalacia due to malig- computerized tomogram of the paranasal sinuses and 3-
nant haemangiopericytoma. Oncogenic osteomalacia is pri- dimensional treatment planning system with wedge and
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marily described in adults, but can also occur in children and appropriate shielding to the contralateral lens with cobalt
adolescents. It is characterized by proximal muscle weak- 60 machine. At follow-up after 3 months, the patient
ness, bone pains and fractures. The characteristic laboratory showed good symptomatic relief in pain and CT scan of
parameters are hypophosphataemia, hyperphosphaturia and PNS showed good regression of the lesion.
inappropriately normal/low plasma 1,25(OH)2D3 concen-
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