Spinal Cord Injury 1
Spinal Cord Injury 1
Spinal Cord Injury 1
Author manuscript
J Head Trauma Rehabil. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 March 01.
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1Divisionof Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, OH
2Division of Sports Medicine, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
3Divisionof Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, OH
Objective—To describe the methodology and report primary outcomes of an exploratory
randomized clinical trial (RCT) of aerobic training for management of prolonged symptoms after
mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in adolescents.
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Participants—Thirty adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 years who sustained a mTBI
and had between four and 16 weeks of persistent symptoms.
Main Measures—The primary outcome was post injury symptom improvement assessed by the
adolescent’s self-reported Post Concussion Symptom Inventory (PCSI) repeated for at least six
weeks of the intervention. Parent-reported PCSI and adherence are also described.
interaction with self-reported PCSI ratings, indicating a greater rate of improvement in the sub-
symptom exacerbation aerobic training compared to the full-body stretching group (F-value =
4.11, p-value = .044). Adherence to the home exercise programs was lower in the sub-symptom
Correspondence: Brad G. Kurowski, MD, MS, 3333 Burnet Avenue, MLC 4009, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039, fax: 513-636-7360, phone: 513-636-7480, [email protected].
Trial Registration: NCT02035579
The authors have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH or other
supporting agencies.
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exacerbation aerobic training compared to the full-body stretching group (mean (SD) times per
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week = 4.42 (1.95) versus 5.85 (1.37), p < .0001) over the duration of the study.
mild traumatic brain injury; concussion; adolescents; aerobic training; exercise; intervention
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Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) is among the most common causes of acquired
morbidity and mortality in children.1–3 There are an estimated 3.8 million sports/recreation-
related mTBIs occurring each year in the United States.4 Approximately, 75–85% of these
injuries are mild TBIs (mTBI) or concussions.1 Although most individuals recover within
two to four weeks after mTBI, an estimated 10–33% of individuals have persistent
symptoms beyond one to three months after injury.5–8 Because of the high incidence of
mTBI and the unrecognized potential long-term consequences, mTBIs are recognized as a
serious public health problem.8–10 There is a critical need to develop evidence-based
interventions for children and adolescents after mTBI, especially for individuals with
persistent symptoms.
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Exercise is purported to improve cognition through improved cerebral blood flow, oxygen
extraction, brain metabolism and neuroplasticity.26–37 These same positive biologic effects
of exercise are thought to be beneficial and aid in recovery after TBI.38,39 However, studies
have revealed conflicting results with regard to the benefits and potential detrimental effects
of exercise after mTBI. In animal models of mTBI, exercise correlates with growth factor
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upregulation and improved performance on memory tasks.40 The timing of exercise after
injury is also important.41,42 Exercise more than 14 days after injury is beneficial, while
exercise introduced within six days after injury was detrimental in animal models.42 These
findings highlight the potential for exercise to be beneficial for recovery after mTBI;
however, the optimal intensity and timing for introduction of exercise following injury is still
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Based on the potential risk for repeat injury and the potential risk of physical or cognitive
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activities worsening symptoms and slowing recovery, physical and cognitive rest are
commonly recommended after mTBI.44–46 On the contrary, prolonged rest may be
detrimental to recovery47 and the introduction of activity at an optimal time after injury may
accelerate recovery.39 Recent research suggests that recommendations of five versus one to
two days of rest is associated with longer persistence of symptoms.48 Furthermore, aerobic
exercise performed at an intensity and duration that does not exacerbate symptoms (i.e., sub-
symptom exacerbation exercise) is potentially beneficial for adults with prolonged
symptoms after mTBI.49 In a descriptive study of children and adolescent athletes (mean age
14.25 years, range 8–17 years) with symptoms for at least four weeks post injury,
completion of a progressive rehabilitation program was associated with the return of all 16
participants to a normal lifestyle and full sports participation.50
The goal of this study was to describe the methodology and report primary outcomes of an
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A randomized clinical trial was performed to determine the potential benefits of a six week,
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Participants were recruited from the community, brain/head injury clinics, and emergency
departments across the greater Cincinnati, OH area between September, 1 2013 and
February, 1 2015. Adolescents between ages 12 and 17 years who sustained a mTBI and had
between four and 16 weeks of persistent symptoms were eligible for the study. Mild TBI
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physical activity may be related to other causes besides mTBI.55 Exclusion criteria included
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children and/or families who did not speak and/or read English, evidence of more severe
brain injury defined as post-resuscitation Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score below 13, or
evidence of more severe injury on clinically performed neuroimaging (e.g., subdural
hematoma, epidural hematoma, and contusion), pre-existing neurologic impairment (e.g.,
stroke, cerebral spinal fluid shunt, brain tumor), cognitive disorders (seizure disorder,
cognitive impairment), significant psychological problems or developmental delay, genetic
disorders, metabolic disorders, hematologic disorders, cancer, pre-injury diagnosis of
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that requires two or more medications for
control or recent (within past month) changes of medications, history of cardiovascular
problem that would preclude participation in an aerobic training protocol, and evidence of
neck pain as cervicogenic symptoms may be more consistent with a whiplash injury and/or
confound the development of persistent mTBI symptoms. Participants actively on beta-
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baseline assessment; four were excluded at the baseline assessment and 30 participants were
randomized (Figure 1, CONSORT flow diagram).
rate of perceived exertion (RPE) intensity level 11 (fairly light pace) with resistance fixed at
level two for five minutes. Borg RPE ratings are valid and reliable in adolescents and may be
used for development of exercise programs.57,58 At five minute intervals, participants were
asked to increase their Borg intensity by one level until they either started to experience an
increase in symptoms or until a maximum of 30 minutes (max intensity of 16). A Borg
intensity range of 11–16 was chosen because it is correlated with aerobic training
intensity.59 To limit heterogeneity and inclusion of children with potential other etiologies of
their symptoms55,60, children unable to complete at least two minutes of cycling before
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symptoms were excluded from further participation. Week 1 visit: Participants still meeting
eligibility criteria after completion of the baseline visit moved to the pre-intervention/
randomization or run-in period. The run-in period allowed an opportunity to monitor for
change, specifically improvement, in symptoms that may occur as part of natural recovery.
At the initial intervention visit (week 1, figure 2), participants were reassessed for eligibility
and then randomized to the sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic training or full-body
stretching intervention. Participants randomized to the sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic
training group repeated the aerobic cycling test performed at the baseline assessment. Based
on the cycling duration that was completed prior to symptom exacerbation, an individually
tailored, sub-symptom exacerbation home exercise training program was developed.
Individuals in the cycling group were given the same portable exercise bike used for study
assessments to use at home. The bike was returned after study completion. Participants were
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asked to complete the cycling program five to six days per week at home at 80% of the
duration that exacerbated symptoms during the interval and assessment visits. When
participants in the cycling group returned for the weekly interval visits, the cycling test was
repeated and the sub-symptom exacerbation home program was adjusted accordingly for the
next week. Participants randomized to the stretching group were instructed on a full-body
stretching program to be completed five to six days per week at home. The stretching
program targeted the upper and lower extremity, as well as trunk-musculature. Each
stretching program was rotated on a two week basis. The stretching group reviewed the full-
body stretching program at weekly interval visits and every other week received a new group
of stretches. All participants were asked to complete at least six weeks (week 7 in figure 2)
of their respective training program. Participants in either group who returned to baseline at
rest and were able to perform their exercise program without exacerbation of symptoms
were considered to have recovered and moved to the post intervention or run-out period.
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This period was a time when participants completed their standard daily activities and
allowed monitoring for change or maintenance of symptoms post intervention. Participants
in either group who had not returned to their preinjury symptom level continued in their
program for up to two additional weeks (week 8 and 9) before moving to the run-out period.
The week seven visit was considered the primary outcome visit assessment. Additional visits
were completed to determine if longer duration of the study would improve symptoms for
individuals that did not return to baseline at week seven.
Outcome Measures
The Post-Concussion Symptom Inventory (PCSI) was used to assess self- and parent/
guardian-rated symptoms.61,62 Self-ratings were considered as the primary outcome. The
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PCSI was used to obtain symptom ratings pre-injury, pre-intervention (week 0 and 1, figure
2), at interval visits (weeks 2 – 9, figure 2), and after the run-out period at the final
assessment (figure 2). The adolescent version of the PCSI is a seven point Likert scale (0–6)
rating 21 items on post-concussive symptoms in physical, cognitive, emotional, and sleep
domains. Total scores range from 0 to 126 on the PCSI. The parent version of the PCSI uses
the same seven point Likert scale to rate 20 items in physical, cognitive, emotional, and
sleep domains. Total scores range from 0–120 on the parent version of the PCSI.
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Participants were provided with a log to record whether they completed the prescribed home
exercise program and the number of times per week they completed the exercise program.
Participants were also asked to report the number of days per week that they participated in
activity outside of the prescribed exercise program. Both logs were reviewed weekly at the
interval visits.
Sample Size
Based on previous work in adults with persistent symptoms after mTBI,49,60 a large Cohen’s
d effect size of 2.24 – 2.50 for an exercise intervention to reduce symptoms was reported.
Using G*power 3.1.363 and assuming an effect size of 1.25 (approximately half of effect
size reported in adults), alpha of 0.05, power of 0.9, and drop-out rate of 10%, we
determined a priori that we would require 15 participants per group to provide an adequate
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sample size to begin to assess the potential benefits of the intervention and inform larger
more confirmatory studies.
Descriptive statistics were used to summarize data. T-tests and Chi-square comparisons were
used to compare demographic and other covariates or potential confounders when
appropriate. Repeated measures Analysis of Variance, via mixed models was used to
compare trajectory of recovery between the sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic training and
full-body stretching groups. In the mixed models, the primary dependent variable of interest
was the self-reported PCSI. A group by time since randomization (week 1) interaction
variable was used as the primary variable of interest to compare recovery trajectory between
groups. A p-value of .05 was used to define significance. Consistent with intention to treat
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principles, mixed models allows for use of all available data from participants. Data
available from all 30 participants that were randomized were included in the mixed models
analysis. Participants’ data were included in the models until they discontinued or became
ineligible for the study. The primary analyses focused on the PCSI assessed repeatedly
through week seven. As a secondary analysis to better understand if extension of the
program may be beneficial for individuals who did not fully recover after six weeks of
intervention, descriptive analyses were performed on the data from individuals who
completed seven and eight weeks (week 8 or 9) of their intervention. Additionally, post-hoc
mixed model analyses were done that included data from visits one through nine and the
final assessment after the run-out period to understand if effects were maintained after
completion of the study.
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There were no differences between participants in the sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic
training and full-body stretching groups in regards to age, sex, race, primary caregiver
education, household income, prior history of concussion, and time since injury (Table 1).
Participants in the full-body stretching group were more likely to have a non-sports related
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organized sport (Table 1). The sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic training and full-body
stretching groups did not differ in self- and primary caregiver PCSI ratings preinjury, at
initial screening visit (week 0), or after the run-in period (week 1) (see Table 1).
After randomization at week one, repeated measures mixed model analysis of self-PCSI
ratings from week one through seven demonstrated a significant group by time interaction,
indicating a greater rate of improvement in the sub-symptom aerobic training compared to
the full-body stretching group (F-value = 4.11, p-value = .044, see figure 3). Based on
repeated measures mixed model analysis, the effect size for the trend across time between
groups is equivalent to a Cohen’s d effect size of ~.81 as measured by the F-value.64,65 The
effect size at week seven between groups is equivalent to a Cohen’s d effect size of ~.
51.64,65 Effect sizes of .5 to .8 are considered medium to large in magnitude and in this study
correlate to approximately an eight to ten point greater improvement on the PCSI in the
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aerobic training compared to the full-body stretching group. Qualitative review of figure
three indicates that the magnitude of difference between groups is largest after
approximately four weeks (visit 5) of the intervention. The magnitude of the difference
decreases after visit five. There was a non-significant group by time interaction for the
primary caregiver PCSI ratings (F-value = .17, p-value = .68, see figure 4).
After six weeks of the intervention, six of the possible 12 participants in the sub-symptom
exacerbation aerobic training group (three participants dropped out or became ineligible)
and 13 of a possible 14 in the full-body stretching group (one participant was lost to follow-
up) continued in their respective program because they had not returned to baseline at rest
and/or symptoms were still exacerbated by their training program. Individuals in the aerobic
group that returned to baseline at week seven were similar to individuals that did not return
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to baseline with respect to age, sex, race, time since injury, and PCSI ratings preinjury, at
initial screening visit (week 0), and after the run-in period (week 1). At week eight, the mean
(SD) self- and parent-PCSI ratings for the sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic training group
(n=6) were 6.00 (8.22) and 17.33 (23.01), respectively, and full-body stretching group
(n=13) were 16.31 (24.15) and 9.15 (12.57), respectively. At week 9=nine, two and nine
participants remained in the sub-symptom exacerbation and full-body stretching groups,
respectively. The mean (SD) self- and parent-PCSI ratings for the sub-symptom
exacerbation aerobic training group (n=2) were 13.50 (19.09) and 3.50 (4.95), respectively,
and full-body stretching group (n=9) were 18.11 (26.16) and 9.22 (11.51), respectively.
At the final assessment, the mean (SD) self- and parent-ratings for the sub-symptom
exacerbation aerobic training group (n=12) were 4.17 (7.36) and 9.50 (19.11), respectively,
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and full-body stretching group (n=14) were 15.93 (20.18) and 10.79 (13.33), respectively.
Post-hoc repeated measures, mixed model analysis of self-PCSI ratings that included data
from visits one through nine and the final assessment demonstrated a significant group by
time interaction, indicating an improved rate of recovery for the sub-symptom exacerbation
aerobic training compared to the full-body stretching group (F-value = 4.45, p-value = .036).
There was not a significant group by time interaction for the primary caregiver PCSI ratings
(F-value = .45, p-value = .50).
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Reported number of days per week that home exercise programs were completed was lower
in the sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic training compared to the full-body stretching
group (mean (SD) times per week = 4.42 (1.95) versus 5.85 (1.37), p < .0001) over the
duration of the study. Days per week that participants reported physical activities in addition
to their study related program was similar between groups (mean (SD) time per week = 1.72
(2.04) versus 1.92 (2.28), p = .5).
Adverse events
One participant in the sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic training group had a repeat head
injury and associated neck injury between visits four and five that was unrelated to study
procedures, thus she/he was ineligible after visit four due to the new injury and neck pain.
Another participant broke his/her foot after a fall unrelated to study procedures between
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visits seven and eight of the sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic training intervention and
dropped out of the study as she/he was unable to continue participation in the protocol. One
participant in the full-body stretching group dropped out of the study due to worsening of
symptoms after visit six to enroll in a formal therapy program.
Our exploratory, randomized clinical trial demonstrates the benefits of sub-symptom
exacerbation aerobic training in adolescents with an average of approximately two months
of persistent symptoms after mTBI. Findings indicate sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic
training program is potentially beneficial compared to a full-body stretching program.
Additionally, both groups demonstrated improvement from baseline, indicating that even
minimal activity may potentially be beneficial. The stretching comparison provided good
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control of visit procedures, contact with study staff, and practice or homework between
visits, but may not represent true natural recovery. Because the comparison group in this
study received an active intervention, albeit minimal activity, the magnitude of the effect of
aerobic training from this study is likely a more conservative estimate than if compared to a
truly non-active intervention. Furthermore, by engaging in more regular aerobic activity,
cycling may be minimizing further effects of inactivity, and in theory, individuals in this
group would be more fit and thus have greater benefit compared to the stretching group.66 A
priori, six weeks was selected as the primary outcome time point; however, the largest
benefits appear to occur after approximately four weeks of the intervention, indicating that
four weeks may be adequate to assess benefits of the intervention. Continuation of the
intervention program longer resulted in continued improvement, but not at the same rate or
magnitude as the initial four weeks. This study also demonstrates the feasibility for
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adolescents to perform this program at home with intermittent visits. Larger, confirmatory
active intervention trials are needed in the future.
Findings are consistent with other recent studies demonstrating that introduction of activity
after concussion is potentially beneficial.48,67–69 Pilot studies in adults have demonstrated
the potential benefit of sub-symptom threshold aerobic training.49,55 Additionally, non-
randomized clinical trials have demonstrated potential benefits for active progressive
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demonstrated benefit for individuals with primarily neck and vestibular symptoms after
mTBI.70–72 Taken together, the findings from this study and other recent research indicate
that active rehabilitation programs should be considered for management of mTBI. Likely,
however, because symptom presentation is not uniform, programs targeted to each individual
and their presenting symptoms need to be considered. Multidimensional (aerobic, cervical,
vestibular-ocular, postural control) therapy programs that are targeted to each individual will
need to be evaluated in the future.
There appeared to be large improvement in symptom scores during the run-in period and
over the duration of the study in both groups. This may be related to either a placebo effect,
natural recovery, or both. It is also possible that the cycling test given to all participants at
week 0, to see if aerobic activity exacerbated symptoms, provided a psychological benefit or
inadvertent “permission” to partake in more physical activities. Improvement seen in the
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Because prior research has shown dysregulation of cerebral blood flow and metabolism are
likely key mechanism of persistent symptoms after mTBI16–23,76, it is plausible that aerobic
activity may act through a mechanism that improves cerebral blood flow and reduces
metabolism dysregulation to improve persistent symptoms after mTBI.39,77,78 A better
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understanding of the mechanism of action of active interventions for mTBI would allow for
better targeting of interventions and allow more precise implementation of active therapy
After the initial screening of participants, 136 participants met full eligibility criteria and
approximately 22% enrolled in the study. Most commonly, families were not interested in
participation or reported that the time commitment was too much. Individuals who refused
participation did not always provide a clear reason, but 13% of this group reported sufficient
recovery as to not justify the need for participation in a study. There may be other
participants or families who did not specify a reason for nonparticipation with similar
reasons for non-participation. Consideration of recovery trajectory prior to enrollment in
future studies will be important. Having a more restrictive symptom threshold (i.e., higher
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symptom burden) as criteria for enrollment may identify individuals more likely to enroll
and potentially more likely to benefit. After enrollment, only two participants were lost to
follow-up or dropped, indicating that the program was feasible to complete for most families
enrolled. The other two participants that did not complete the study had adverse events
unrelated to study procedures. Qualitative feedback collected from families at the end of the
study indicated that overall, they liked participating in the study; however, some reported
that less frequent in-person visits and a program that was tailored to their symptoms would
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improve the program. Recruitment and dropout rates from this pilot study will inform
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To develop a better evidence base for management of mTBI, there is a critical need to
perform rigorous, controlled, clinical investigations in the mTBI population.79 Experience
with this trial, demonstrates some of the challenges with performing trials in this population.
With increasing time since injury, individuals typically continue to improve; therefore,
controlled studies may have difficulty detecting a difference in trajectory of recovery
between groups, especially due to variability in symptom reporting. Also, the longer the time
since injury, the more likely other factors may confound recovery. Future studies evaluating
the safety and tolerability of introducing active programs earlier are needed. Determining if
earlier introduction is at least safe (i.e., does not worsen trajectory of recovery), may limit
deconditioning that occurs with prolonged rest from activities. Recent studies suggest that
recommendations for prolonged rest may not improve recovery and that abstaining from
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physical activity may not be associated with improved symptom recovery.48,80,81 Due to the
wide variety of treatments that are utilized in clinical care, true control groups may be
difficult to enroll; therefore, alternatives to RCT designs may need to be considered.
Additionally, multimodal interventions need to be considered that may cross treatment
domains, for example, combined medical, behavioral, cognitive, and active interventions
should be considered or detailed information on management strategies used outside of
controlled trials needs to be collected. Furthermore, multicenter trials are needed to improve
generalizability and to account for potential differences based on geographic location.
This was an exploratory randomized study, so the sample size limits the generalizability of
findings to definitively inform clinical care, but demonstrates potential feasibility and
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benefits of this program for this population. This study targeted individuals with at least four
weeks of persistent symptoms that were exacerbated by moderate aerobic activity.
Therefore, individuals in better condition before injury may not have qualified for the study.
Due to the relatively high non-participation rate, generalizability is limited. There may also
be a bias towards increased benefits among participants compared to those who refused
participation. Additionally, individuals with significant cervicogenic and neck symptoms or
complaints were excluded, thus limiting the generalizability of this intervention to
individuals without this constellation of symptoms after injury. Individuals with primarily
vestibular or oculomotor symptoms may be less likely to benefit from this intervention as
focused vestibular therapy was not delivered as part of this intervention. There were a higher
proportion of individuals with non-sports related injuries in the stretching group compared to
the control that may have introduced a bias as previous work suggests athletes may have a
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faster response to aerobic interventions;49 however, an equal number in each group reported
typical participation in organized sports prior to injury. There were also three participants
that did not complete the sub-symptom exacerbation aerobic training protocol compared to
one in the full-body stretching group. Information on characteristics of non-participants is
not available, so direct comparisons between participants and non-participants are not
possible. Conclusions regarding characteristics associated with responders and non-
responders are outside the scope of this initial report of the methodology and the primary
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outcome. The current study is undersized for sub-group analyses and the implication of
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analyses, regardless of findings, would be unclear. Larger studies are needed to better
understand if there are individual, injury-related, and other contributory factors that predict
response or non-response to active interventions. Due to the nature of the intervention,
double blinding was not feasible and may have biased outcome reporting. There may have
been unknown variation in clinical care provided to individuals that may have biased the
study. Additionally, although participants reported equal amounts of activity outside of study
procedures in both groups, we are unable to characterize the exact nature and intensity of
these activities. Adherence was assessed by self-report logs at weekly visits, which may be
associated with reporting bias. There were also a limited number of participants who were
non-white and from lower socioeconomic status groups that limits generalizability.
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Findings from this exploratory randomized clinical trial suggests sub-symptom exacerbation
aerobic training is potentially beneficial for adolescents with persistent symptoms after
mTBI. Findings will inform future larger multicenter, replication studies to verify findings
and improve the generalizability of the results. Studies that evaluate multimodal active rehab
interventions are needed to more robustly inform clinical practice. Overall, findings from
this study and other recent research indicate that active rehabilitation programs are
potentially beneficial for adolescents with persistent symptoms after mTBI. Future work
should focus on determining the optimal type, timing, and intensity of active rehabilitation
programs and characteristics of individuals most likely to benefit from these interventions.
Larger randomized comparison or other controlled studies are warranted.
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Funding for this study was supported in part by the Cincinnati Children’s Research Foundation Trustees Grant
program, Ohio Department of Public Safety, National Institute for Child Health and Human Development
K23HD074683-01A1, and Grant 8 UL1 TR000077 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
(NCATS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
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Figure 1.
Consort flow chart
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Figure 2.
Intervention overview
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Figure 3.
Trajectory of self-reported post-concussion symptom inventory (PCSI) ratings
Means and standard deviations (represented by error bars) are reported for each weekly visit.
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Figure 4.
Trajectory of parent-reported post-concussion symptom inventory (PCSI) ratings
Means and standard deviations (represented by error bars) are reported for each weekly visit.
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Table 1
Time since injury, mean (stdv) in days 52.30 (19.93) 55.95 (22.16) .64
Pre-injury Self-PCSI ratings, mean (stdv) 8.33 (8.36) 8.20 (10.10) .97
Pre-injury Parent-PCSI ratings, mean (stdv) 7.07 (6.71) 3.6 (1.17) .30
Initial Baseline self-PCSI, mean (stdv) 37.40 (25.01) 40.27 (27.25) .75
Initial Baseline parent-PCSI, mean (stdv) 38.93 (15.13) 46.93 (25.22) .30
indicates value is based on n=14 for this variable as primary giver was unavailable or declined to complete questions or data was missing.
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