All Comes in The Post

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IT ALL COMES IN THE POST. Words and Music by B.H.JANSSE as Moderato con espress. t+ alt e_dim. p ©y. Theres one man in our dai- Ty life we al-ways like to meet, | Thei 2. An - oth-er readsiIer on- Ty son has died a sol-dier'sdeath!” A \ + yO | just one thing we — al-ways like to see; sweetheart— that his love re- turns fo - day! —= or? SS. Post-man is the friend of all, the man we like fo £1 eh-ter Is far = iy = ents ok dy = tng man Last b i a tg ——___h8 8 of. ' _ tj Ce 3 Anglian cemrgn secured may be... “his mes - sage it a life - time swept a - t= ter whi A of sav - ings sad or, bright, Jet - ter that he hands you tells a sto - TY a Ife, he- ro is re-Wward'- ed for the deed that s ——- Joy or sorrow, hap-pl-ness or palng..... Oneheart ts al-most broken ax cashier tells the sto-ry of his fall, The lawyer writes the husbands You are i ES = thg gd = a Tee tate acl ster, but in’ vain, it amr Shes walted for a 1 A brother writes} You will i In post. 3 CHORUS. SS Riches, por = er = ty, or shame, Tidings that you hate, or love the most,. Letters that will break « heart, = —_— — Sr eee —= rit, = | tempo, £ = = ie oe 2 © Y—1—_ Oth-ers that —— ral. dim. am" AM comes tn post 8

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