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First and foremost, praise and appreciate God for his continual

blessings and safeguards in terms of financial, physical, and mental health

during our study effort to complete the research. We would like to offer our

heartfelt appreciation for our research. Christian Caritativo, the instructor and

coordinator, and Ms. Marry Whil A. Montederamos, LPT at Tagum City College

of Science and Technology Foundation Inc., our research adviser, for enabling

us to conduct research and for offering vital advice during this research

project. Working and studying under their supervision was a wonderful honor.

We'd also like to express our gratitude for their companionship, sensitivity,

and amazing personalities.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the study

participants for their participation and support. Their earnestness in

responding provided us with a greater knowledge of how to examine the

data. We, the researchers, are profoundly thankful to our guardians and

parents for their care, sacrifices, effort, and concerns in teaching and

preparing us for the future, as well as spiritually sustaining us throughout our

lives. Special appreciation goes to the researchers who contributed their time

and effort to the success of this research endeavor.

To God be the glory.

The Researchers

The authors would like to sincerely dedicate this study to the family

members who provided ongoing support and motivation during the study, as

well as the supplies needed to carry it out. The authors of this article also

acknowledge the teachers who assisted the researchers in completing the


Additionally, the researchers would want to devote their study to

ambitious students who want to become teachers. This research can

considerably add to and act as a guideline for their teaching techniques and

approaches. This report also acknowledges the school that gave the

researchers the chance to design, practice, and cooperate on this study.

We appreciate and thank the Almighty God for providing us with the

power, knowledge, wisdom, protection, and resolve to remain optimistic

during this overall research.

The Researchers

Drafting is the process of creating technical drawings and plans. This

study intends to investigate the experiences of drafting technology students

facing difficulties in manual drawing and using AutoCAD software application.

The study used a phenomenological methodology and conducts interviews

with participants in in-depth interviews and focused group discussions to

collect information regarding drafting technology students' experiences,

including surveys and interviews.

The findings demonstrated that there are various reasons on what are

the experiences of drafting technology students, including difficulties in

AutoCAD Software Application, enhancement of skills, and advantages of

using AutoCAD Software application. With the use of software applications

like AutoCAD, technical drafting has become more efficient than ever before.

These applications allow designers to create complex designs in a fraction of

the time it would take to draw them by hand.

Overall, technology has transformed the field of technical drafting,

making it faster, more accurate, and more collaborative. By adapting to new

technologies, drafters can improve their efficiency, accuracy, and productivity,

making technical drafting an essential part of any design process.

Keywords: Drafting, AutoCAD, Experience, Skills, Students


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